Giving BM authorized access to health insurance
Anyone heard of this? She is requesting access for skids who we carry and I'm wondering if this is standard. We're on a family plan and obviously don't want her to have all our family info. She has cards and a copy of the coverage docs.
Additionally it seems like she can just call and give them my husbands ssn and dob and obtain access regardless? This is crazy. Any ideas on how to maintain privacy here?
Can I do this for skids too
Can I do this for skids too or is DH required to give her access?
It should not matter if BM
It should not matter if BM makes co-pays or not. Co-pays are made directly to the provider, not the insurance company. Not a reason in the world this BM needs access to the actual insurance data. BM has a card and a coverage booklet, that is all she needs.
At times, depending on coverage she might have to obtain a pre-referral/ authorization prior to seeing a different dr, specialist or having certain procedures, but as it's not BM's insurance coverage, Dad can handle that part. Most drs put the referral through themselves with a few clicks of a mouse now anyway.
My own insurance (through my husband's workplace) is not viewable to my own husband without my consent. I can go online, log in my id and password and view any services I've recently had in addition to if the company has paid claims, but DH can't see mine unless I've authorized him to do so. I can't see his either without his consent...if I logged in as him using his Id and password I could. for my daughter, she is viewable under my husband's log-in/password, but if I logged in under mine to view it DH would have had to given company his authorization to view daughter's data.
I'd nip this BM from making these phone calls and being able to speak to insurance company by merely giving DH's name, birth and ss#. Dh needs to request that they password protect and ask the lady calling for the password prior to releasing info. As it's BM calling who doesn't have password she would be declined and they would tell her that DH himself would need to phone them or check his online access.
Mom would get her 'list' like
Mom would get her 'list' like anybody else could and not need a sign-in and password. Unless the insurance company is living in the dark ages (or her normal dr office is) dr's office can click into the system under provider and see exactly which drs are acceptable with company usually as a network or preferred points of service. I can bring-up my own insurance provider site with no log-in or id, and clearly see as a visitor on the site which drs are what or if. I suppose if one chooses to use a dr the insurance company does not 'associate' with, one takes on the risk of the reasonable and customary bit regardless and even no coverage.
A drs office has the ability as a provider to click using the patients id numbers from insurance card along with the plan code and see exactly what a company will pay per service. Seriously, HRNYC, are you doctoring back in 1985?
I don't understand what
I don't understand what information she can get from calling up the insurance company? She can't change anything, right? So what information would she get that she does not already have with carrying the cards and knowing her ex's SSN? Is she IMPERSONATING you, the current wife? because then she would have to know your SSN and such information already in which case that is illegal, right?
But what else can she do? I guess I just don't catch the problem...
No, BM should not have any
:? :jawdrop: No, BM should not have any access to your insurance information other than an insurance card for your Skid.
We had an infuriating incident when SS was about 15. He was on SpermLand visitation and got a rusty fish hook in his leg on a SpermClan camping trip. SpermGrandMa called a dozen times wanting us to say that he had a recent tetanus shot so she would not have to take him to a Doctor. He had never had one. She eventually drive him several hours to a hospital where he had a tetanus shot. She put me down as the responsible party with the hospital since I am the primary holder of the insurance which is provided by my employer.
We battled with the hospital for years over that co-pay. She was the adult who took him in so SpermGrandMa should have been liable for the copay.
That was a fun battle let me tell ya.
Honestly? Both parents should
Honestly? Both parents should have access to relevant information for their kids. But not for each other or stepparent/sibs.
I would not think BM would
I would not think BM would need anything but the insurance card - our BM has only requested additional information once which DH then provided.
Though we are still providing her with explanation of benefits from when DH and I got together and she is still trying to use his old insurance not only for her eldest son (reason DH kept them both on a little after the divorce) but also herself! - hopefully now that his company got bought and insurance has switched some doctors will realize they are putting in new info for SS but not BM or her eldest child - mind you she also herself, SS, and her eldest on state coverage - we have tried reporting it as we don't want to get in trouble knowing she is scamming state insurance depending on what SS is going to the doctor she doesn't have to do the copay a whopping $25 instead she can by cigarettes and the latest iPhone.
Unless you give the insurance
Unless you give the insurance company written consent to let her access info, anything beyond that is in violation of HIPPA. Even if she calls with your husband's info, if there is no consent on his part, she is breaking the law.
BM is not allowed access to
BM is not allowed access to the insurance plan we have. She has tried but has been denied access. She tried to have a card sent to her house and change my name to her name. She also tried to get the EOBs sent to her address. The insurance company called DH.
DH was livid. Called BM and told her that what she was doing was illegal and that he has added security to the account. Told her that this is HIS insurance and the skids are on it. She has access to find providers as anyone does. This is hot button for DH. His insurance, his (and my) information, she is not going to scam DH anymore. BM acted innocent, but DH told her if she tried again, he'll file fraud charges on her. The insurance company has voice recordings of all her calls and was willing to provide them to DH.
BM has the skids on Medicaid even though DH carries the skids on insurance. She is scamming all the time.
As long as she has informed
As long as she has informed Medicaid the skids have insurance and she meets the income guidlines then she has the right to put them on Medicaid. Medicaid requires the insurance company be billed first and then Medicaid will pay the co-pay. Why complain? This way you don't have to worry about paying the co-pay.
BM has the skids on Medicaid
BM has the skids on Medicaid even though DH carries the skids on insurance. She is scamming all the time.
I thought Medicaid was for people who did not have access to insurance! People are becoming WAY to dependent on the government!! Makes me sick.
This is what my BM did - DH
This is what my BM did - DH contacted them to let them know SS still has insurance - and about the bills we had still been getting for BM - they did not seemed concerned even with her total at over $20K as she has been trying to get on disability --luckily DH had already filed that they had divorced to insurance before she decided she needed to get to rack of the bills thinking she would sick us with them...
I don't see what information
I don't see what information the BM is saying she needs. What more does she need than an insurance card for the skid?
This is exactly why I have not put SD on my insurance..
GOSH I have so been here. Why
GOSH I have so been here. Why does she want it/ think she needs is?! The ONLY thing I can figure out is that Bm is trying, on our side, to get out of paying. She has medicaid and doesnt really understand how insurance works. One time she threw a fit over the co-pay for an emergency walk in being $50. (we split all costs, so we pay then bill her). She flipped out saying that that is "not the normal costs of a copay" Called the walk in, impersonated me... they talked to her and of course it is $50. (you can even flip the card over and see how much each copay is). Huge fiasco over this $25.00 she was supposed to pay, demanding that we give her all this information. She has a card, she has the doctors info, what else does she need? In the end she still never paid it. ugh. the things people get worked up over blows my mind.
We're in Canada so its
We're in Canada so its different, but skid used to be on my plan for pharmaceuticals, vision, dental etc..
BM had zero info. If she wanted us to pay for anything, then DH took SD to pharmacy, dentist, etc.. BM had ZERO info re: insurance
My concern was fraud as I wouldn't put it past her to try to double dip.