At My Wits End
Background Info: The father (my bf) works 48 hour shifts and the mother lives in Florida. We're not married (yet) so I'm the responsible adult when the father is working. The father is 40, the son is 16, and I'm 28.
I'm really trying to make things work but it's getting harder and harder. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of and things are being done on purpose just to get at me. The son is 16 and his mother gave him a car for his 15th birthday. I don't live with my bf but I take care of the house and pets while he's working and try to keep tabs on his son. The son has a new girlfriend (also 16) and he's been staying late at her house. The father was working last Friday and the son was supposed to be home by midnight because he's 16 and there's a driving curfew. I told his father that I would stay at the house and wait for his son to come home so he could get some sleep because they had a busy night the night before. He told his son to be home at midnight and that I was there waiting on him. I texted the son at 12:30 and asked when he was coming home and he said he didn't know. I texted him back and told him that his father had told me midnight and replied back that his father didn't give him a time to be home. He told me he wouldn't be too much longer. I waited another hour and text him again (now 1:30am). He said he would be leaving in 15 minutes. Another hour went by and he finally came home at 2:30am. He came in and went to bed, no hi or sorry or anything. When his father asked me what time he had gotten home and I told him 2:30 he was furious. The son said he didn't think it was a big deal and that I was annoying him when he was trying to spend time with his girlfriend.
Then, last night, the son came home angry as usual and throwing/slamming things around. His father asked him what was wrong and he was mad because he couldn't park the way he wanted to because the neighbor was blocking the driveway. He also said he was mad at me because he never gets any alone time at the house when his dad is gone but then complains that he doesn't want to be all alone in the house. When I come over to do things around the house and take out the trash and let the dogs out (which the son doesn't do anything around the house, not even feed and water the dogs), he complains that I'm there and smothering him. So, when I stay away to give him his space, he's gone the entire time and doesn't come home until late.
I feel like I just can't win. His mother lives in Florida and she gives him everything he asks for and lets him do whatever he wants. He has tons of bills (private school tuition, football, car payments, orthodontist payments, gas money, food money ...), doesn't have a job, doesn't have any responsibilities and his mother isn't helping to financially support him. She buys him a new paid of custom Nikes every 3 months but claims she doesn't have the money to pay half his tuition or help with any of his other payments. I work full time and go to school full time and I make $240 a week. The kid has no problem asking me for money when I don't really have any and he's going through $80 a week in food, $50 a week in gas, and then he wants more money to take his girlfriend out on the weekends. I feel like telling him to get a job. At his age, I had to share a car with my brother and mom, I had 2 part time jobs and school.
I feel like he takes full advantage of me when his father isn't around and he makes everything hard on me on purpose. The father and I have been together for over 5 years and we don't really have a normal relationship. We try to do things as a couple but no matter when we plan something, the son always has something to do or really wants to spend time with his dad without me around because they don't get to talk or get their guy time. I've offered to give them their space and when the father plans something with the son to spend time with him, the son just blows it off and makes other plans but doesn't tell his dad until it's after the fact.
The son has a smart mouth, no manners, is rude, selfish, lazy, and thinks he should get whatever he wants. He'll ask his dad for something (usually something that's expensive) and his dad will say not now because he can't afford it with everything that he's paying for and the son tells him that he'll just call his mom and her and her boyfriend will buy it for him because he's a better dad anyways (mom's bf). I know it hurts his dad's feelings because his dad has given him all the important things in life that he needs, not everything he wants. I get so mad when the son takes advantage of the father and walks all over him and degrades him just because he won't buy him a new xbox for $400 when the son already has 2 but they aren't special edition.
I'm just completely lost on my boundaries of discipline and it's not like the son would listen to me anyways. I was raised differently and my parents would've beat me silly if I was acting this way at 16. Anyone with any advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
Well duh - you ARE being
Well duh - you ARE being taken advantage of.
No - she is ALLOWING herself
No - she is ALLOWING herself to be taken advantage of.
They had a conversation that
They had a conversation that turned into a yelling match (son yelling at dad) because he can't have his way. The dad came back with "you're damn right you can't have everything your way because you're 16." I know the son doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself and my mother says that it's either a jealousy issue or just hormones/stress/becoming a teenager. I have never lashed out at the son (have bitten my tongue A LOT) and I have been patient with everything because I know it's difficult for all parties involved.
I came into the picture when the son was 11 and was nice. He still had an attitude problem but it was no where near what it is now. His mom (the one in FL) got pregnant (on purpose) and quit her job because she didn't think she had to work. Dad (my bf) was working 3 jobs to try to support his family. When the son was 3, she left her son at her parents house when the dad was working overnight, took everything he worked for, packed up, and moved to Florida leaving her son here, a dog that she bought him, and an empty house. She took EVERYTHING, pots, pans, dishes, furniture, everything that was hers and everything that wasn't, except for her kid. So, he's been supporting him all his life but he's super attached to his mother because she lets him come to Florida and run free, no rules, no limited, nothing.
As for being taken advantage of by both: I know 100% the son does. The dad is from the east coast and has been a firefighter/medic since he was 19 and he has no family here to rely on except for me and all of the mother's side moved to Florida. He's told me he knows that the kid is not my responsibility and that it shouldn't even be my issue to deal with, which I totally agree. But, in defense of him, he leaves his house and lives at the firehouse for 48 hours and he can't just let his teenage son run wild but he can't leave if there's an issue either. The night he pulled the 2:30 thing (last friday), the dad was on his second day of the shift, 95 degree heat both days, an in town working house fire, an out of town commercial fire, and 27 ems calls from afternoon throughout the night. He was cranky and tired and I knew the last thing he needed at 2:30 in the morning was "hey, your son won't come home." As for giving a 16 year old a car ... are you out of your mind?? But, that was his mother's doing because she tries to buy his love and he hadn't been to Florida to visit in 8 months and the son told her that since she moved away and started a new family that he didn't feel like he was a part of her life so she gives him a car and all is well. When I first met the son's mother, she just said hi and that was it, but I now know where the son's attitude comes from.
I feel like such a horrible person but everything is just driving me crazy. I feel like I don't have any control over it no matter what the kid is told to do. I told my bf that and he said that's he's sorry and he knows that it has to be hard on me to deal with kids and ex-wives and all his family drama (they create it themselves) and schedules that don't match ... He said he wants to make sure this is what I want before we make a commitment to get married or if I want to get out of the relationship.
I was shopping at walmart the
I was shopping at walmart the other day with bs15. He and I were looking at t-shirts for school. This man walks by and then a bit later a young boy pushing a cart walks right in front of us and we actually had to step back QUICKLY or we'd have gotten hit. The man turns out to be the father says to the boy, "hey you could have walked this way and not made those people move, at least said excuse me", and the boy says, "I wanted to make them move, in fact I wanted to hurt them, stupid freaks shopping at walmart anyhow". I was shocked and then you know what popped into my head? I am VERY GLAD I am not THAT kid's smom. Your bf's son just made that pop into my head for some reason. A kid who has nothing better to do then to screw with you and his dad, he probably gets a real charge from being this way and getting away with it.
I'd never go over there to their house when he is there and for sure date when he is not around and turn off the damn cell phones when on a date. I had to tell DH that a lot when we first met and also at bedtimes b/c ssons were always texting him. I turn my phone off at work and at night. AND on dates!
When I look back, I came into
When I look back, I came into the picture when the son was 11 and all he wanted to do was sit and play stupid video games all the time. His father would ask him if he wanted to go out and do something besides sit around and he always said no. Now, the son complains that I'm always there and that he never gets any time with his dad. The son only wants the attention when it's convenient for him on his time, which is usually about the time I'm getting off work or coming back from school. They have hours to do whatever (sometimes the whole weekend) and the son makes other plans with his friends and when it's my turn to spend time with my bf, that's when the son wants to spend time with his dad. It never fails, every single time. We usually only get one-on-one adult date time when his son goes to Florida to see his mom.
As for cell phones, I don't really use mine but my bf receives his fire/ems calls via a messaging system and is always on call so he can't turn his off, but if we go out and do something, he usually just ignores it.
So when the father is home, the son is home and when the father is gone, the son either wants to be home alone or is gone the whole time and then complains that he doesn't get any alone time to himself.
What? Get out! Find a man
What? Get out! Find a man without are 28, forget it! Let this old man deal with his own kid.
PS - and please, don't tell me they are all taken and have kids...sadly, I used to think the same freaking thing...about to be sick to my stomach to find old friends I lost touch with who are amazing men and were single/no kids still at 33...heck, one is 45 and was smart enough to never have kids with his wife...So, they are out there...Get out.
I know you may not want to
I know you may not want to hear it...but get out now while you can! This isn't going to get any better. You are too young to have to be an instant mom figure to this 16 year old brat. Yes, that is what he is, a brat! My son is 18, a legal adult, and doesn't get away with that crap. Why? Because he still lives in this house and has to follow the rules of this house! His girlfriend lives 20 miles away in the next town, and he still has to be home by midnight when he goes over there, and he doesn't have a driving curfew. We tell him, "Nothing good happens after midnight, especially if you are only 18!"
What is dad going to do if the kid gets caught by the cops past curfew and gets a ticket or his license taken away? All it takes is LOOKING suspicious in some areas to get pulled over.
You don't have to be the
You don't have to be the babysitter. A 16-year-old boy can watch himself well enough. Don't do everything for him. Do only what you want to do.
I sadly agree with everyone
I sadly agree with everyone else. I posted my story on this forum a while back. I was about to marry my now husband who is 13 years older than me. I was about your age too and had 2 difficult Stepsons (13 and 9 at the time.) Both were difficult, but the older was just too much. Well, everyone here told me not to marry this man and I still didn't listen. I thought that love could make everything better, right? Fast forward 2 yrs. and a half and my SS, now 15, is worse than ever!! It sounds just like yours. It has been a long road with DH. He "sees" the troubled child that SS15 has become, but he is still too soft. It never gets better. I am still waiting for SS15 to be 18 and out of the house. If he is not out, I leave. I have made my decision. He might still be out of the house and cause trouble, but as long as I don't know about it or see it, I will do fine. I became very indifferent to my SS15's problems by now.
Sadly, I learnt that the more you try to help, the more you are abused. You have to stand out for yourself because nobody will do it for you and it won't be easy. Start by talking with your boyfriend, but if he keeps the same attittude and nothing gets done, you will have to be ready to face frustration, sadness, disappointment and even fights (I really hope not.)
If there's any consolation here, you are not alone.
BTW SS11 and I get along better. He is a sweet boy and I'm going to work to develop a good relationship with him, so not all Skids turn worse.
The kid just sounds like a
The kid just sounds like a brat.
There are plenty of other guys at your age - don't settle for this nightmare lifestyle, trust!!!!!!