Any step dads feel used after the honeymoon??
Any other men who married women with children... do you ever feel like you were actually just hired to be a 'bill payer'?
Did all of the fun relationship stuff stop soon after the wedding?
Do you get left out of all of the 'children decisions' but are still expected to support what is done with them?
In other words.. just pay the bills, provide a house cars and food, and otherwise just dont give your opinion and shut up.. certainly dont complain or object to anything.
LOL! This doesn't apply to
LOL! This doesn't apply to just the men. I am the bill payer and provider. I was getting left out of all SS decisions but forced to smile and be happy about it all. I was the chauffeur and the cook/maid, had to do 100% of things for my kids and SS and got 0 help. BUT when it came to the golden child Skid different rules apply, different meals to be made, different everything because... well just because my husband was a royal ass. I was made out to be evil stepmother.
It took me leaving, signing a lease, lining up movers, the whole 9 to get him to open his eyes and appreciate everything that I do without any thanks at all. Hopefully it won't take that much for you- it was an expensive lesson that I made him pay for in order for me to come back.
I think to a extent every
I think to a extent every step-parent deals with someone like this whether it deals with money, or cleaning or other task in the relationship.
I know DH makes more money then I do - he pays rent and insurance on both cars, I pay all other bills pretty much unless electricity is outrageous and then he will pitch one of my friends say I am hopeless because DH does spoil me sometimes with like recently he got me new Oakley's mind you I hadn't had any new ones since before we were together, and brought home a sweet treat from where I used to live when he flew through, but then again I buy his shirts and pants...I feel like my issue isn't financial.
In my situation I feel like laundry has been inherited to be my job - even though both him and SS change at least one during the day leaving two outfits to be washed, and he will tell me to calm down and sit down, but I promise you this morning he was flipping out all his socks were in the drier because he told me not to worry about folding last night, making lunch has become my job, random picking up even if they pass the trash is still sometimes my job, I feel like he does a lot but sometimes we just feel so run down...
So I think every step-parent loses some sense of shared responsibility and fun after the "honeymoon"
I'm a woman but I feel the
I'm a woman but I feel the same way. As soon as I signed the paperwork for my SD18 to receive my employee discount (75%) for the University I work for she immediately stopped talking to me and told all who would listen how horrible I am. I feel very used.
I can but my DH has pretty
I can but my DH has pretty much begged me not to, as he feels it will really create issues. We currently do not pay CS for SS15 because we have SD18 and he thinks ex might come after us for CS for SS if I take away discount. Just wish I never mentioned it to her as a possibility years ago. I feel like i'm being blackmailed.
This is a funny question for
This is a funny question for me because while I don't think that (hired to be the "bill payer"), my DW thinks that I think that sometimes. While I am the higher wage earner in the family and foot most of the bills, I do it willingly because I love my family.
Yes there are times when money is tight, but my DW and I contantly talk about our financial situations and what we can and cannot afford.
As for the "fun" stuff stopping after the wedding, well - it hasn't really stopped but it has slowed down, largely due to the obligations we have taken on with our careers and our growing family. This is why I insist that once in a while, DW and I have a "date night" or a weekend getaway.
Ah well, we're lucky because
Ah well, we're lucky because my folks live close and are MORE than willing to look after my two bios and SS is usually with his Dad on the weekends.
Unfortunately, DW has a slight discomforting infection "down there" at the moment
Oh goodness, it's not just
Oh goodness, it's not just the describe my situation perfectly. I feel like DH just wanted a paycheck and childcare, not a wife and best friend.
good stuff
good stuff
I was feeling that way until
I was feeling that way until I decided to disengage my self, my money and my time from skids. My husband has had to do their laundry, buy/prepare meals, pay their phones and buy their clothes for the past 3 weeks. He got so stressed out that he made them do their own laundry and cleaning up after themselves.
I felt a bit guilty at first but I got over it.