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please help! !!! I feel like my marrige is about to break because of my stepkids!!

TheyCallMeJo's picture

Sorry for the mispelling im using my phone ...

So we have a 14SD and 17SS Living at home .. we also have two little one together .. 3and 11 moths ..

My stepkids have no respect for me or consideration for what I do ... they dont help out with the little ones and when ever they decide to be around my 3year old its always to make him yell and scream .. which then causes my little one to be yelled at or punished ...

Step kids only have two chores .. their room and their bathrooms (one each) yet its a constant pain in the butt to have them do ..

The problem is that I cant say anything to them ... my husband says that its all my fault ... I did stop trying to interact with them a while ago ... I was tired of the eye rolling attitude and body language. .. and because I hardly interact with them my husband thinks this is all my fault .. about six moths ago I was ready to call the cops on my SS ... I thought he was going to punch me ... I told the hubby and he says he talked to him but I never got an im sorry or anything ... and we have had manny other insisdents where the hubby "talks" to him ...

Husband says that its my fault we are separated into two families. . That he feela like he has to choose between his wife or kids ...

At this point I just dont to argue with him ... I am beyond tiered. . We are always aruging about his kids ... I would love some imput please!!! Thank you !

LadyG's picture

Tell him that you also pay the bills in the house and if the Skids don't like what you have to say, they can leave. And tell them to take their kiss *ss father with them..

you deserve so much better and so do YOUR children...

TheyCallMeJo's picture

Thank you for your advise .. I do appreciate it ... only thing is they are their siblings. .. well half siblings if we want to specific ...

TheyCallMeJo's picture

Ok I see .. and it makes sence .. but maybe i said it wrong ... when I say help take care .. I mean watch them for a few while I make dinner or when I need to do something thats for everyone ... I dont really ask them to babysit unless its an emergency. ..

twoviewpoints's picture

I didn't ask the older kids to help with the younger ones even while I was cooking dinner. Yes, dinner is for everyone, but my older kids had things like homework and/or were doing sports/activities pre-dinner time. Maybe it's just me (IDK) but I felt it was wrong to expect the older kids to help with the younger during routine home time. I'd have had to figure it out for myself if the older kids weren't home or if the younger kids were the only kids in the household, so why not just because I happened to have what could be built-in helpers sitting in the next room.

Now it was different if we were loading up to head off on vacation. When it came to non-routine events like that, yes, I had no problem asking one of then to chase down younger kid and get kid in car seat, or run up and pack a small toy bag to entertain the kiddies in the car. But while I'm cooking dinner vs heading out to travel all week are different scenarios.

I know everybody does and feels about things differently, but raising my kids in my home was DH/mine job, not the older kids. Many people are anti playpen, but I'd put an 11 month old in a playpen before I'd expect a 17yr to have to watch/help with baby before dinner. Where the 17yr old would be coming into it is they would be setting table before we were sitting down to eat or doing dishwasher after we ate.

Bojangles's picture

I had the opposite problem with my stepchildren. Their mother was only too happy for the older ones to parent the younger ones, they existed in a hierarchy in which each child could boss around the children younger than them. OSD would tell off the others in no uncertain terms, lecturing them on everything from table manners to behaviour with each other, even if there was a parent in the room at the time. At the bottom end of the food chain SS would get told what to do by just about everybody. I think post divorce that hierarchy escalated because their mother didn't cope and drank heavily, and DH was too conflict averse to challenge it. I hated it. I grew up in a small family where parents made and enforced the rules.

After I had my own children I really tried to counter that approach, as a result I was very careful not to rely on them for childcare. We even had a round table discussion with the 2 youngest to explain that in our home children should not tell children what to do. It was hard to counteract the mindset they had grown up with at their mother's. In fact a huge rift occured with SS when he was 13 resulted from an argument in which he was bossing my 5 year old about and I got annoyed and told him to stop it. He point blank refused to accept that he could not tell her what to do. He clearly felt that his time had come and that after years of being bossed about by all and sundry it was his birthright to tell the new littlest ones what to do.

twoviewpoints's picture

Definitely agree that helping with the little ones is not the older children's 'job'. Doesn't matter if the older kids are bio or skids. They didn't have the kiddos not their place to tend to them (with the exception of making sure the little ones don't head dive off the stairs, drink floor cleanser and that type of safety thing).

There is an age gap in my children (deliberately so, I never wanted kids close together and to chase after one baby/toddler at a time). There's a 12yr gap between my last two with DS26 and DD13 (I also have DD32, DS36 and SS 40ish). And yes, I remember well when DS36 use to make DS26 scream. DS36 would tease DS26. At the time they were like 3 and 13. Oh, it was great fun. Let's make little brother squeal, or let's see if we can get him to do something that'll get him in trouble.

Pfft. That lasted just long enough for me to catch on to the game. I watched older son with great attention every time younger son started in. If I caught older son provoking and/or egging the behavior on, it was older son in trouble, not younger son. Once older son figured out this wasn't such a good idea and not near as much fun as the plan was to be, older son knocked it off. It was repeated between DS26 and DD13 and I reacted the same way.

Rolling eyes and body language? That's not a skid thing, that's a kid thing. Specifically a teenage kid thing. Flash forward another ten years. Do you really honestly believe your little cute bio-babies aren't going to ever roll an eye a time or two or slump over in disgust little jr has to clean the bathroom?

The real issue from your post that I saw was the lack of support and a united front between DH and you. And what's up with 'its all your fault'? In what little you gave as examples, there was nothing 'your fault', but then if you neglected to give a clearer 'history' of the issues and what prompted them, it's hard to say. Blended homes and raising skids is not an easy thing to do. There's not a SM here that will tell you otherwise. But a 'talk' after a raised fist to punch you (unless it included 'I will send you to juvy after I knock you on your a$$ if you ever so much as think of such an action again blah blah blah) was a generic worthless effort on your DH's part to parent. Kids need guidance and expectations, especially teens and your DH has to willingly parent his children. Not dump the task on you and then look all deer-eyed when skid hates your guts and refuses to respect you and/or pay attention to you as an adult figure in the home.

Bojangles's picture

It's one of the great unfairnesses of the situation that once a stepparent disengages, usually after a build up of provocation and lack of support from their partner over child issues, pretty soon the disengagement can end up being blamed for the stand off. You end up damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Generally speaking the parent is looking for anything to blame other than their children's behaviour or their own parenting, because addressing either of those will cause them stress and anxiety. When parents are frightened of alientating their children and/or eaten up with guilt for breaking up their family, it makes them very averse to tackling things with their children head on, or taking a hard line over anything. Meanwhile the children themselves generally have the memories of goldfish when it comes to the good stuff you do and the memory of an elephant when it comes to the less popular stuff. Stepchildren rarely seem to look back and analyse events and their own behaviour, especially if it has been tacitly endorsed by their parent. It's also much easier for them to believe that you are mean and unfair and always having a go at them than change their attitude.

My own DH could not understand the concept of disengagement at all, let alone why I felt the need to do it. It can be misunderstood as an offensive rather than a defensive strategy. It's hard for a parent to understand why their partner no longer wants to be a carer for their children, particularly if they harboured secret visions of a replacement nucleur family in which their partner is as loving and tolerant of their children as they are, thus replacing the ex and alleviating them of the guilt. The loss of that vision can leave them lashing out at their partner, who they blame for ruining the whole plan. They don't think 'if only I could parent more consistently' or 'if only the children would be nicer to stepparent' they think 'why can't stepparent be more easy going/let it go/be nicer to the children'. By default their fear of alienating their children seems to take precedence over their fear of alienating or losing their partner. The more you complain and criticise the more the parent shuts down, pretty soon their default reaction to anything you say about their child is defensiveness about their child and irritation with you. It's hard to reset things at that point.

Over the course of 10 years the times when I have made significant progress in terms of achieving more support and understanding from DH re his children have unfortunately been when I have reached the point that I was ready to end the relationship. The shock of realising that he was on the verge of losing me and our children seems to have been the only thing that has pressed the override button on his guilty parenting and brought him to the realisation that he should worry a little less about losing them and a little more about losing us. A period of counselling also helped a lot.

Your husband is currently blaming you for the problems in your stepfamily. He's probably entrenched in that mindset and it will take something significant for him to reconsider and take some responsibility himself. You could suggest counselling in the hope that outside input will change his view, or if you feel strongly enough you could tell him that you are very unhappy and need to consider your position and take the children away for a week. That will give him a good period of time to consider who is to blame and who is making the choices in this situation.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Reading your post for my situation, too. I think you hit the nail right on the head! I don't know how many times DH has said, "You're the only real mother ______ has!" referring to the fact that his ex is bipolar, and often times can't even take care of herself, let alone the well-being of a child. I'm expected to teach her how to dress, how to wear her hair, how to wear her make-up, talk to her about guys, etc. Problem is, she makes it perfectly clear she doesn't want any of this! The way DH and BM have raised this child, they have her believing that she is the center of the universe, and everyone should bow to great part because that is what her parents always have done, and something in the 13 years I've been in SD14's life that I've never done. Yes, this child has lived her whole life with me in pretty much, and she only gets chummy with me when she wants something (like most recently, I decided to color my own hair because my friend who usually does it for free didn't have the time...did all the research on product and technique, because I've never done this now, SD14 is being all chummy as the school year approaches and I now know how to color hair...she is still pushing to not have to cut her ends off that she just HAD to dye purple and they are now pale pink).

I'm always hearing from DH, "Is she your daughter, or isn't she?" in arguments when I finally get tired of the attitude and lack of respect for me or my home and bring up my issues to DH. See, I'm not supposed to point out anything that SD14 does wrong, or anything that she may be doing that is destructive (such as my strong suspicions that she is going through cycles of fasting and purging). Yes, I'm expected by DH to fill in the role his ex does not fill, but only when it is being the child's best friend...not when it comes to the hard stuff that is required when you are a parent. If I do try to parent in any way, SD14 starts texting BM that I'm being a b***h, so then I have BM calling or texting me cussing me out. I have DH allowing this behavior from his ex, as he tells me to just blow her off, and him telling me he is going to have another one of his infamous "talks" with SD14. There is rarely any discipline when it comes to SD14. What is worse, SD14 has been caught in so many lies...she even lies about the dumb stuff (like who left toothpaste on the faucet in the bathroom that ONLY she uses)...yet DH still trusts her complete. BS18, on the other hand, who does not get into any real trouble (he's the occasional smart arse at the wrong times and will forget to take out the trash, but what teenaged boy doesn't have these problems). However, DH is always saying how he doesn't trust that BS18 is telling us the truth about where he is or who he's with, though we have had NO reason to not believe him! This is a small town, and I see the parents of the friends my son is always with on a regular basis, and I'm always hearing things like, "Yeah, you've got a great kid...he was over the other night and helped with ________." This is WITHOUT me even asking, "Hey, ____ said he was over at your house the other night." BS18 has not given DH any reason to not trust him, but he doesn't...yet he trusts SD14 completely with all of her lies, sneaking out of the house, smoking pot and drinking, etc.? The only thing that makes sense, is what you've posted....his vision of his life with his daughter...his guilt (that maybe things with her would be different if he and BM never divorced, etc.).

DH has realized that his "vision" is putting a strain on our marriage, and that he is at risk of losing me altogether. This makes him be more of a parent for a little while, but then he starts backsliding as SD14 starts having attitude with him because he is actually parenting her, or if she bats her eyes long enough until she has DH wrapped back around her little finger. Then, it's back to being my fault when I get tired of the crap the little princess dishes out!

MssUnderstood's picture

This is the reason why I don't want to have any children of my own. I don't want to bring them into this mess!

Lolamary's picture

"t's also much easier for them to believe that you are mean and unfair and always having a go at them than change their attitude."
OMG! I think that's my DH. He keeps doing the same things with his 15-year-old kid and even though, we went to therapy (together) to help us with his ADD son and the therapist told him to stop having the famous talks with him and to not give him a list of chores (among other things,) my husband kept doing exactly the opposite. I had it and of course I am the mean one for not being patient, but now I understand that blaming it on me, is way easier than him just being a better parent for his own kid. :?

JayS's picture

Well, I'm your mirror twin in this issue. I just lost my marriage because of the exact scenario you just described. My wife decided that I would never be good for her children, and left. It is really sad, when something could have been done. For my part, perhaps maybe one more mile of effort to bond with them. For hers..the initiative she never had when putting true structure in place before the children grew older and set in their ways (13 and 14 now). In my case, I miss my wife terribly, and her children, but what can be done when two adults are going to collide so badly over raising the children, especially when the children issue is obvious and their mother cannot see it and chooses to blame the step parent, which is what has happened. I wish you all the best. People can look from the outside and tell us how wrong it is for us step parents to come here to vent, but it is a legitimate concern, and your post proves it, and my marriage ending proves it. My SS killed a cat, attacked me, attacked my 4 yr old. My SD threatened top report me for being mean. I was on edge big time. Big people can go to jail over a child's careless words. My SD could have seriously hurt my 4 yr old girl with his rage. Now, my wife tells me that all of their behavior was my fault, as I rejected them. That,sadly, I did, but I was out of answers and had given up. Similar to your situation, I stopped interacting with the step kids. I called the principal to speak with him and protect myself, when SD was threatening me. Looking back, now separated and living alone, I know now that I would try harder to connect with them as opposed to reacting and backing away, but this is not an easy issue. If it was, this site would not exist. I hope your situation turns around. To me, marriage is life, through sickness and health. It is not easy when that is severed.

MssUnderstood's picture

Sooo, are you saying that you would've stayed with your spouse eventhough all of this stuff was going on? I mean, if you had the chance to do things over.

hodayusuf's picture

hey I am in the same situation I have left home before because i couldnt deal with her and sister in law who was living here... my problem wasnt them as much it was him tell me that it was all my fault and always siding with them even if he saw what happened I think it was easier for him anyway now that my sister in law moved and sd is still here she keep doing the same crap but now she wont talk to me sghe came up with another strategy she keep either threatening to do harm to my 5 year old (she is 16) or make one of the kids cry usually when they are in there room and say oh i didnt do nothing and since I didnt see a thing then I cant say a thing anyway yesterday She got a knife and told my 5 year old that is she is gonna cut off her fingers I told her to go for it and dont complain when I call the police. One other thing I stopped is complain to her father just deal with as you see fit and if he complains just say oh I didnt get any support from you so I acted alone anyway If he is like my husband he doesnt wana deal with it so just you do what it takes to protect yourself and your kids