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Hi! I am a new member too and FINALLY am ready to speak up!

Donnajo0916's picture

Hi you crazy kids! My name is Donna and I live in Sweet Home, Oregon. NO kidding, that's the name of this place with absolutely no shopping closer than an hour and a half drive away. But, perhaps that is an issue for another website? Lol. Point being, I lived in the Beautiful SF / Bay Area most my 50 years so culture shock was my biggest worry.... Until my completely realistic (?) hopes and dreams came crashing in on me!

I have been married to my DH (oh I'm so sorry I forgot your name already - but you're 24 and new and confused with all the acronyms.... Me too. And you are finally getting a little space of your own to unpack some stuff.). Anyway, I have something to say about that.

But 1st I want to expressed how amazed I am that I am NOT S-O-O -O OOO ALONE as I was SURE I was! I don't even know how I came across this site but when I did, a few months back, I was AMAZED! I couldn't believe that other women... So MANY other women!... We're dealing with the same EXACT things! God! I came into this SO naive! I never would have guessed that what I've been dealing with is (sadly!!) so common! I couldn't stop reading and it felt like such a guilty pleasure! Just reading some of your stuff was such a validating, almost vindicating (?? Is that a right word?!) feeling!! Because I will be honest, there have been many occasions over the past year when I have seriously begun to question my own sanity! I have thought oh my God this can't be actually going down like this! It must be me! I really must be so delusional that I honestly just don't see what a horrible person I am and there has got to be a REASON why these ADULT children (and more & more often, and more and more intensely their father as well!!) seem to hate and disrespect me so much!

Whew! I already feel this is going to be too long I will try to focus more on the facts. I have a feeling that you are all already quite familiar with the pain, fear, frustration, disbelief, etc. am I right?

I thought I had it made! The man of my dreams! FINALLY! Took me 45 years but by god my dreams were actually going to finally come true! I had kind of given up hope! I was so glad his kids were all grown already! It would be like never having to deal with stepmother / step kid issues at all! No having to deal with an ex spouse and "other mother" issues! I could move in and be their FRIEND! Yay! And very very soon they would all be moving out anyway... Perfect! Go ahead. Laugh.

First thing I tried to do was to help my newly graduated ss get enrolled and ready for college. He asked if I would help and I was delighted. I'm good at this kind of thing, my DH doesn't know how to turn my computer on and has never had one of his own... Not too long until I'm getting text messages from this kids mother threatening me, cussing me out, accusing me of trying to "f#*€ up her sons future and promising to ruin me! I think my jaw literally struck the tile in the floor when it dropped! They have been divorced since the kids were young grade school age. My DH has raised them all on his own she never wanted them except to visit occasionally and she is a prescription drug addict. Do you believe that not one of them, not even my DH thought this was unreasonable behavior? "Oh that's just Mom. She's just like that", they said with (I swear to God!) an almost affectionate tone! Much more of the same over and over.

I asked the ad please don't take my last role of toilet paper. I later got yelled at by my DH. He said "I LOVE my kids! Angel can HAVE the toilet paper if she WANTS!"

I left my entire family in Illinois to come join this family! I have been SO alone and SO afraid for over a year now!

BUT! Thank GOD I can report it has finally taken some turns in a good direction. Bit it took me almost leaving. I was SO close to walking out that door for EVER!

I'm not sure how, but just as I was getting ready to tell my DH that I was out of here, he had some kind of spiritual experience and suddenly said he realized how hard this has been on me and how much MORE difficult he had actually made it. I didn't even dare to believe my ears but it seems to be holdi g true. And I am trying my HARDEST to let all my hurt and resentments go and move forward, the problems still pop up but I guess what I'm saying is that there is hope, perhaps,now hen you least expect it!

About the space thing. I was in a situation where I had to move out of a bf's house and only took what I could fit in a suitcase and I moved in with my sister for 6 months. So I lost everything...(furniture, wardrobe, kitchenware, electronics... You get the picture, right?). So one day I see a bag my sad had put together of clothes for goodwill. I was a little hurt that she hadn't offered for me to look thru them first, as I LOVE hand-me-downs, she knows this, and I always extend those kinds of courtesies to her. What a slap in the face when I found many of my very few items of clothing in this bag! And OMG if this situation had been reversed?! I would have been kicked out for being so evil. Sadly, I honestly don't believe that to be an exaggeration !

Please forgive me that this is so long! Please talk talk talk and allow me to just listen now?

Glad I found you guys!


P.S. the college thing? She took over for me and the financial aid got so messed up and he missed everything he needed to do and is already dropped out. I wanted SO much for these wonderful kids! But I'm ashamed to say that I really don't care. It doesn't concern me anymore and that just feels SO much more peaceful inside of ME!!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Ahh learning not to care, really just not care is lovely isn't it. I'm glad things have started to turn around for you. I think in cases like this, where the ANGELS can have all the toilet paper, or flush the last of your heart tablets down the toilet if that makes them happy, it does take getting to the leaving stage to turn them around. I believe they sense the change in you once you've reached that point,.

Hopefully it will be genuine and lasting change. Not just change for the sake of looking after himself, and keeping you, but changing his behaviour because he knows it wasn't right. I wish you all the very best.

How funny, as older women we find our soul mates, the man of our dreams, and we wake up in a freakin nightmare Smile

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Boundaries!! I wish I found this site 20 years ago. We SM's need to establish firm boundaries right away on what we will do and accept in a step situation. Putting your clothes in for donation is a huge overstep of boundaries. you should make it clear that your things and bedroom are off limits.

Good that your Dh finally realized some of what was happening. Keep communicating and step back a little bit. These grown steps do not need another parent.

Good luck.

missshasta2000's picture

I went through the same thing with DH's youngest son. I tried helping him enroll in college. His mother refused to give her info for FASFA and PELL. Because his dad didn't follow through on a deal he had made with her. The deal was if SS went to college DH would get him a car. He did in fact get him a car but DS dropped out in the first semester dad took car back. Which is only fair since SS didn't remain in school and decided staying home and playing Xbox and doing Facebook was more important. I ALMOST did a student loan for him.. Thank God I didn't and was snapped back to sanity. Not to long after the school ordeal he moved back in with mom cause he didn't like the fact of having to obey rules..

dragonfly5's picture

I learned not to care immediately. Read everything I could get my hands on when I started dating DH. My child was grown he has kids with an ex they is CRAZY.

I keep the skids at arms length. To protect myself and them. I do not forget my role in being married to DH. I am not their mom and do not assume any role associated with being their mom.

They are great kids, but I don't cross over the emotional edge. It is hard because I am all in kind of person, I have to fight my own inclinations.

whatamess's picture

Boundaries...ahhh, what a word! The trouble comes when we establish them, whether it's sooner or later. Funny how insisting to be treated as a valuable human being can cause such chaos!

missshasta2000's picture

We do deserve to be treated with respect. My DH's children treat me with respect but its in a forced atmosphere. Its funny that other people in DH's family see that his AC are jealous of my relationship with their father and even more jealous of our bio daughter. Its sad that he literally has to force them to pay attention to her. Example- when we are at family outings or get together s for birthdays. He picks our daughter up and hands her to them. That is the only way they even acknowledge her. My daughter on the other hand comes over all the time to visit with sister and my husband and I. I just don't understand how adults can act like that. She truly only knows my daughter well and runs to see her when she gets here. His kids she could careless. When his kids found out I was pregnant they weren't happy. There was a conversation on 21SS Facebook with his mom about not being happy that he was going to have a younger sibling. I brought this up to him and then I was blocked from seeing most of his page. Which honestly wasn't a big deal to me because what I don't know wont hurt me.. But I will be damned if they are going to treat our BIO daughter like she is invisible like they do me.

clydella's picture

I thought the same thing when I married DH, oh SD is grown, we'll be friends, boy was I wrong. Sd is so jealous of me it has absolutely pushed her over the edge. I'm pretty lucky though, my DH won't tolerate her abusing me on that we stand together and thru that he has learned to not take her abuse of him as well. SD doesn't care for our boundaries, she has never had to face any before. As far as I'm concerned now, I'm just the woman that married her Father. It's sad though, I had high hopes of a friendship and a relationship with her only to have her try to destroy me. Never again, I have my boundaries firmly in place and I will never let my guard down to be hurt by her.

missshasta2000's picture

I thought the same thing about friendship and a relationship. I was certainly wrong. I wonder if the relationship would be different if BM was not in the picture. :?

clydella's picture

I have wondered that about SD if BM wasn't so messed up, maybe SD wouldn't be. Children are fiercely loyal to their bio-parents and that's ok. But you can't treat me with such malice and hate and expect me to be like, that's ok, come here I love you, because I don't love her and now I never will.

missshasta2000's picture

BM is overweight and allows her S/O to put down SS who lives with them now. He is 22 and BM's S/O tells him if he does not lose 8 pounds a month he will have to pay rent. Now SS regrets moving back in with BM because I was so "tough" on him and he hinted the last time he was here that he needed to find a place of his own.. Damn Right cause he surely isn't moving back in here. I refuse to get into the same pissing match with DH over how I pick on him. Really if keeping the right healthy foods in the house and asking him if he wanted to go for walks or if he did his PT exercises due to back problems from being obese is picking on him then yup damn right I was. I could be like his BM when he lived with her the first time and force him to do an hour on the tread mill while I sat upstairs eating chicken wings. Ha. Funny thing is when she realized I was helping him lose weight which he lost almost 60 pounds with alot more to go. She decided to be mom of the year and come and start walking with him. Only to be able to post on facebook how proud she was of him and that she walks with him for support. Really Bitch you walked 3 days with him and then I didnt see you again until the day I walked into my house and you were standing in my living room helping him move his stuff out of our house while his dad and I were out to dinner. Then when I seen that he was taking some stuff like cologne and other things that I had bought his father and brought it to his attention. You decided to run your mouth to me aboout how his father owes you so much.. Really? Not my concern talk to him about it. AND get the hell out of my house.. Grrrr. the joys of being a step parent.

emotionaly beat up's picture

My husbands daughter was a nasty little bitch when her mother was alive. She turned into Satan's representative on earth when her mother died. A lot of people seem to blame the BM for the behaviour of the skids. The truth is it doesn't matter how bad the BM is it doesn't matter how much she encourages the kids to hate the parent or the sm. it us up to their father to not accept that kind of behaviour from his children, it is up to their father not to accept his children being disrespectful towards himself and especially towards his wife who has done nothing to hurt his kids, except of course marry him, and make him happier than he was with BM. That jealousy drives the BM and skids insane, and their father needs to refuse to accept it. Not tell his new wife, you need to understand, your the adult, etc., I think blaming the BM and the skids is a cop out, because the real root of the problem, I believe, is our husbands who accept this behaviour from their ex and their kids and expect the sm to just suck it up like he does. The ex and the kids are the symptom. DH is the cause, without his compliance and support, the BM and skids wouldn't get away with this crap.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Dr Phil quote

There is life after divorce, but you have to create it, and you have to be an example to your children.

The example the guilty dads are to their kids is destructive, and emotionally cripples their kids. The life they create, for themselves, their kids, and the new family they go on to establish, is hell on earth. It doesn't have to be that way dad, it doesn't have to be that way. You've left, you've remarried, you don't have the right or the time to self indulge yourself in guilt. You have a new life to create for yourself, for your kids, and with your new wife. It supposed to be a happy one, not a life of misery for everyone involved in it, including yourself.