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Received A FB Message From SD Boyfriend On My Business Page.

ffwife908's picture

I am a Thirty-One consultant and I received this message from SD boyfriend on my page:

hello, i have a couple of questions for you. _________ needs her father to help her with her situation and im wanna know why you are being "bitch" and not letting them talk? You not letting them talk is just a bitch move. Im sorry that whatever happened before but lets put on our big girl pants and quit acting like a 2year old. Sorry a 2year old doesnt act like this. Let them talk thats all, if he dont wanna talk to her im sorry but to me thats a pussy. Any man that doesnt want there daughter in there life is a pussy. Grow up and just let them talk. The only reason im getting involved is cuz I have the same relationship with my dad cuz his "new" wife will not let us talk be mature.
Thank You Have a Nice Day

Really, my DH is pissed he sent this back to him:

This is Bob, my wife is not the reason I want nothing to do with __________. _________ brought it on herself. No one tells me what to do including my wife. You think I am a pussy I will show you what kind of pussy I am if you keep bothering my wife. You do not know the whole truth, mind your own fucking business. I changed the numbers and did not give them to her for a reason. If this continues then charges will be pressed. If you or Lindsay come near my home or contact us in anyway, you will be arrested. The police have already been notified. We have a paper trail of everything.

SD is claiming she is sick with ovarian cyst and needs emergency surgery, funny my friend who she use to babysit for just has emergency surgery for ovarian cyst. SD is a compulsive liar and plays the poor me act. If someone else has it so does she. She has been to several hospitals and none have done anything. My husband works in EMS and said she is drug seeking pain pills. We we changed our numbers once. (See she is making up illness post)

We am so tired of this bullshit, it needs to stop. We do not know what else to do.

ffwife908's picture

It was sent in a message so no one can see it on my page. I will screen shoot it then delete it so we have proof. Thank you. I get complex migraines they are different from regular migraines. Complex have the same symptoms as mini stroke, but are not strokes. I have had 2 today. It just need to stop.

Towanda's picture

hah! Proud of DH for sticking to his guns!

Also gave me a Dejavu moment! I believe my SD30 just pulled the ovarian cyst stunt 2 months ago and hinted it was cancer to her soon to be ex! Good reminder to me to stay away!

Newimprvmodel's picture

Wow.....I wish that my dh would have written that to his ex and the spawn. I understand what u r dealing with, but u are ten steps ahead of us in that you actually has a husband who doesn't take his kids abuse!

clydella's picture

Ain't it funny how it's always the SM's fault. My Dad doesn't talk to me because of you, no you're Dad doesn't talk to you, because you're an Asshole. It's always so much easier for them to blame somebody else instead of looking within and seeing what they did for it to come to this.

I'm sorry they won't leave you alone, I had the same problem with my SD. She used to harass me daily thru FB or my phone, till I decided no more little girl. Blocked her on FB, changed my # and it's been the most blissful 8 months. The in-laws keep me up to date, you know how they love to be in the middle of everything. But even they are growing tired, because with SD it's always the same story, just a different day, why aren't all your lives about me, me, me.

ffwife908's picture

We did change our numbers. SD has been sending text an FB messages to everyone she thought would have it. Someone who works in EMS with my DH gave SD number. My DH flipped out on him because when the number was changed everyone was told not to give it out for ANY reason without asking us first. So I blocked the numbers she was calling from until she ran out of numbers. They are blocked on FB, that message was sent to my business page (one those pages you have to like). SD goes out of her way to find ways to contact DH to start problems.

clydella's picture

I understand all too well. My SD tries to go out of her way as well, she is slowly alienating everyone from her, their fed up with her & her drama. I have given the same instructions to the people that have my # now, all I can do is hope they hold to it, so far they have. I'm waiting on SD to just show up at our door one day and she will, I have no doubt about that. But when she does, she better be ready, because I am.

Can you report him to FB and at least get his account shut down? I know he can just make another, but it would have to be an aggravation to him }:)

ffwife908's picture

They are blocked on FB, that message was sent to my business page (one those pages you have to like). SD goes out of her way to find ways to contact DH to start problems.