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The opposite problem as most people...

Step-awesome-mom's picture

I hope nobody here hates me for this post.... Like how I hate my beautiful sister in law who complains that she can't gain weight Wink

I absolutely love my step daughters! They are 4 and 9, my husband and I got married when they were 1 and 5. We have since had two little boys together who are 1 and 2. They girls are wonderful big sisters, the boys adore them! We have 50/50 custody, I am a stay at home mom, they are in daycare on their mom's weeks (her choice to work, she is crazy loaded).

The girls love me, call me mom (their choice! The oldest asked if it was ok when we got engaged and I told her it was just a name, she could call me whatever she wanted and I would love her no matter what). They also call step dad, Dad, and feel like they have four parents who are committed to raising them and love them. And I absolutely love them, not the same as my boys, but not outwardly different. My goal in life is to never make them realize they were any different from the boys, as in step vs bio.

The problem (yes there is a problem, I'm not just bragging!!) is that I do all of the work as a mom, more even than their own mom since they are in daycare all day every day over there. I know that I did not give birth to them, that I am not their real mom. But can't I be special to them and have a good relationship in spite of the fact that I am their step mom? Does step mom have to equal nothing? I never get any of the benefit of being mom. As childish as this sounds, I want some of the perks! Out of respect to their mom, I pass on all the fun girly things they like to do so that it stays special with her. Their favorite thing is to go get pedicures, they go almost monthly with their mom (spoiled!). So I don't because that's their thing. BM still feels like I am a huge intrusion on her life and relationship with the girls, but I don't know what else to give up. I don't take them shopping, to the hair salon, nail salon, anywhere she likes to go. I've tried to find other activities that are completely opposite from her to foster my relationship with them, camping, hiking, bike riding, parks. But it's hard some times to do all of the hard work and not get the fun stuff. I do 90% of the parenting at our house, I wipe their butts, do the laundry, cooking, etc, but God forbid I get to take them school supply shopping, that would be overstepping my boundaries!

Are there any step moms out there that have survived in the long run? I feel so fortunate that I have the kids I have, they are so sweet to me and truly are a part of our family unit, but man it can be so wearing!!! How do you parent them as if they are your own without getting hurt when you are reminded that they are not? I want so badly to do right by these kids, and I work very hard. But I'm worried that I will end up resentful towards them and their dad for the situation, and for always pushing my feelings aside.

misSTEP's picture

I really enjoyed my stepkids as well. The problem I had was with their insecure BM attempting to make our lives hell and keep the skids from us at every opportunity.

I am proud to say that we have survived mostly intact. LOL My DH has a decent relationship with his son(18) and is rebuilding a relationship with his PASed daughter(stb20). My son(stb 23) has been living on his own for years now. We are still close. He isn't as close as I would like with my DH, but has a better relationship with him than he did before.

My DH is within $160 of CS being DONE Biggrin We will be celebrating our 12th anniversary this fall.

Rags's picture

I raised my SS-21 as my own from age 15mos.

Sure, we had SpermClan drama. Who does not have drama when the blended family opposition is toxic.

Don't worry about the credit. You will get it when it counts most. When your Skids are older they will know who was the REAL mom and who was not.

As for not having fun .... have fun. Fun is an action just as love is an action. Many will not agree with me but you are the mother that is loving these kids. BM is providing. She is not parenting. If she is not parenting she is not loving them.

So, take your SDs for a girly/spa day. Take them shopping. These things are not BM exclusive territory. If she bitches, let her bitch.

Just my thoughts of course.

amber3902's picture

I don't see why you can't do some of the "fun" stuff as well. If BM throws a fit, then you need to let her complain to DH. And he can tell her, "My house, my rules. I don't tell you what you can and can't do with the girls when they're with you, and you can't dictate what goes on in my house."

Maybe not do the school supply shopping, but there's no reason you can't take them for a spa day or to the hair salon.

I think it's great you have a good relationship with your step daughters, it's great to hear!

Step-awesome-mom's picture

I would love to take the girls to do the girly stuff, and would if she would just bitch to me or DH. However she makes the kids feel guilty about doing it, so for their sake I just pass! Nobody told me what being a step mom is about.... Why would anyone knowingly sign on for the hardest job in the world?? A counselor told me one time that I chose this life... I do not agree! I think I was wooed with false pretenses of happily ever after and love conquers all. Not reality, my friends! And I really do feel like one of the lucky ones, with the kids I got. Even the BM, as much as I dislike her, isn't as bad as others I have heard about. It's just so hard, trying to define roles in a situation that is so confusing, and trying to be fair to everyone involved. Is it even possible?? It seems like if I take care of myself, the girls get hurt or miss out. If I constantly cater to BM then I get hurt. So it feels like I have to choose between my happiness and theirs. When put that way of course I choose theirs! They are just kids, they didn't chose this life! So I grit my teeth and make new friends online to vent to Wink

Thanks everyone!