Rules/boundaries for skid visits
First of all I will be honest and admit I do not like my dh's S11.
That being said; I want to run something by you ladies/gents and see what you all think.
I just purchased a home for my DH, BS9, and myself. DH has skid EOWE and 2 hours every Wedn. When DH has his son I do my own thing and DH spends that time just him and skid. (That is how I want it btw) I know he has to do the daddy thing so I just do my thing with my son and it works for us.
In our new home we have 2 bdrms, a living rm, kitchen, and large family rm. When he has his kid I don't want to be around him at all or as little as possible. I have had a few issues with his kid and he is rude, whiney, etc. and I am not going to put up with it, won't do it for my own kid so I sure as heck won't put up with shit from someone elses kid either.
I spoke with my DH about how I would personally like things to go when he has his kid over. I expressed that for one, I do not want his kid just going into our fridge/cabinets and thru our food etc. if skid wants something he needs to ASK his father and HE will get it for him. I would not let anyone elses kids in our fridge/cabinets so why would/should it be ok for a kid who is only here EOWE? I also told DH that my son's and our bdrm is off limits to skid. I don't want him seeing or knowing what is in our rooms and of course also because he is a mini bm and I dont want him reporting to her what we have in our house/rooms because she would just love to know our business and find some way to get more CS!
As mentioned above, we have a large family room and before DH and I got married and moved into our house he was living in a room in a friends apt and had skid in this room also when he had his visits so skid is no stranger to being in a room for a weekend with DH. I don't want to be around skid and I dont want to feel like a prisoner in my own home so that he can roam around our house and wreck havoc. I talked with DH, and he agreed, that when he has skid that they will stay in the family room and have their visits there while my son and I occupy the rest of the house so I won't be bothered by skid, so unless he needs to use the bathroom he and dh will be in that room for the duration of skid's visits.
In your opinion, are the rules/boundaries that I want/need in regards to skid too much to ask for or unfair?
I have a ss from hell and
I have a ss from hell and this is too much for me... Echo is right.
Agreed. Keeping him in one
Agreed. Keeping him in one room is bizarre, and in a place that small to begin with, very messed up.
Unless the 'issues' you spoke of involve him taking shears to your bedsheets, you're being pretty unreasonable.
NO children are allowed in
NO children are allowed in our BR, including my BS. We are both ex cops and have firearms, so I set that rule from the start. I bought the house for my BS and myself after my divorce. My oldest son lives elsewhere. So, my husband moved in to our already established world. I DO make my 11SS ask before he hits the kitchen, because he eats us out of house and home when he is there. And it is always junk, like his BM feeds him (when there is food in the house). I buy him his own healthy snacks and drinks when he visits, but he wants to eat chips and crap all the time. He also is extremely small for his age and can't reach anything without assistance or making a huge mess. He stays in the guest bedroom when he is visiting and while he is not banished to that area, he stays in there on his iPhone the whole time most days. He can't break away from Minecraft long enough to speak most days. Whine maybe, but not speak. His BM gives in to him every time he throws a tantrum, so he shows up with his teeth unbrushed for days, his hair and nails a hot mess, and no clothes for church (or sometimes, no change of underwear). I try not to look like the enemy or villain, but I always come across that way.
Luckily, the older girls love me!
That is how bm is with ss11.
That is how bm is with ss11. He is a spoiled, rotten, entitled brat so honestly who the heck wants to be around anyone like that in the first place let alone a kid?!
He is also overweight and the last few times I actually saw him his teeth had orange fuzz on them etc. Hot mess is an understatement for this kid!
"He is also overweight and
"He is also overweight and the last few times I actually saw him his teeth had orange fuzz on them etc. Hot mess is an understatement for this kid" To me, in addition to BM, this is a reflection on his father.
But OP isn't talking about
But OP isn't talking about banning Skid for safety reasons. She's talking about setting different rules for him than there are for her own son.
Echo, I agree wholeheartedly.
Echo, I agree wholeheartedly. No kids in the bedroom, I get. Sacred space for sure. I also get not liking a skid, believe me. But the rest seems..... I don't know. Sad. Petty. That's his dad, for crying out loud.
I agree with Echo. I hate my
I agree with Echo. I hate my SD16 so much just the site of her makes me crazy, but I have tried my best for years to deal with her for my DH. I know it's difficult, but if you want your husband to treat your son with any compassion, you'll need to do the same.
I would say for visits there's nothing wrong with you going to do your own thing, but to restrict food, and space is a bit much. To have them "camp out" in the family room could be made to be fun and special just for the two of them, but you would need to present it that way, to save your relationship with your husband.
If you can't treat this kid
If you can't treat this kid like your own child you have no business being a step parents, which it sounds like your not parenting thsi kid at all. I wouldn't want to be with a man who would let anyone treat his kid this way.
but he's NOT her own child.
but he's NOT her own child. My skid lives with me 24/7~365 and will NEVER treat him like I treat my own sons. By that I mean, I don't cuddle him, I don't seek to engage with him on any level. BUT, if my 2 bios get mcdonalds, skid gets mcdonalds. I am FAIR with my expectations of all the children. But I will never love him, show him affection, etc. He's a boil on the ass of my life, but I do treat him fairly. I don't understand how many stepmoms think that some of us shouldn't be step parents because we don't treat a skid like our own child?
Why would you marry this
Why would you marry this guy?
Better yet, why would a man marry a woman who hates his child and wants to ensure he is treated as unwelcome as humanly possible?
" I want to run something by
" I want to run something by you ladies/gents and see what you all think."
If DH already agreed to all this, why do you feel a need to 'run it by' here? For that matter, why not just rent SS/DH a room at the local Motel 6 EOWE and be done with it?
Yes it's harsh but I will
Yes it's harsh but I will agree with the food stuff.
We were never allowed just to go eat anything we wanted as children. That's part of why there are so many fat kids out there. We never went hungry.
One of the many reasons I
One of the many reasons I don't allow junk in the house. My way of keeping tabs on what they eat without restricting their cabinet/fridge access.
I'll just have to deal with the "Why didn't you tell me we were out of milk!" and "Seriously? You put the empty carton back?"
But I think most people deal with that.
Except booze, but that shit
Except booze, but that shit will be locked up when they get tall enough to reach that cabinet.
I have a pantry full of chip
I have a pantry full of chip and junk and no one eats it.
But a girl can't get a banana or a piece of watermelon to save her life.
My steps and my son have free access to food and they don't abuse it. It is when food is considered a treat/reward/punishment/exclusive is when kids develop food issues.
I have a friend that continually punishes her son with food. It's horrible. He is always hungry and always scarfing food when he can because she will take away his dinner/lunch/snacks as a form of punishment. I guarantee you he will be an obese adult.
That's awful.
That's awful.
All my kids have to ask for
All my kids have to ask for food. Skid is borderline OBESE at this point. My bios are almost skeletons. It's a tough thing to try to shove food in my oldest son's face because he blinks his eyes and burns off those calories, and to try to keep skid FROM the food because if he LOOKS at it he gains weight. But, everyone has to ask.
I'm 24 and still ask my
I'm 24 and still ask my parents if it's okay to get food from their pantry/fridge when I visit--DH does the same with his mom and he's 36. Been this way for as long as I can remember.
I think it was because this way we didn't spoil our dinner (dinner was family time) and sometimes things we might have munched on turned out to be part of dinner, or an ingredient my mom was saving to cook. So I can understand the food thing as my kids will grow up the same.
I will say the banishment to the living room is a too much--I would remove myself from the house or lock myself in the bedroom, but I wouldn't require them to be in a room all by themselves. However, if you and your DH agreed to it, have at it. IMHO, I think it's also a bit cruel the way you are presenting it--perhaps it isn't and there actually is no "rest of the house", just two bedrooms (one for you and DH, one for BS), a livingroom, and a kitchen, in which case well, the only place he can be anyway is the living room.
I think you need to look at
I think you need to look at being realistic... having him restricted to one room is a little much. You dont have to spend time with him, but he needs to be allowed access to the house like anyone else who lives there. However, I dont see a problem with him sleeping on a couch instead of sharing your sons room, and there is no reason for any child to be in a parents room without permission.
If your son also needs to ask permission for food, then I dont see a problem with that either. Our kids have to ask for snacks because they have issues controlling portions - case in point SS14 just ate 28 granola bars in 4 days. I'm not saying restrict food, but giving proper meals and snacks to avoid being eaten out of house and home too. It will be a lot harder to ask DH to enforce hard rules if your DS gets free reign... especially the longer you live together... and it will be even harder as SS gets older and really notices the difference in treatment.
Glad to see I'm not the only
Glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks this is too much.
If FDH and SS are confined to the family room, are you going to monitor your DH's movements to ensure that he is the one getting food/drinks for his son?
I understand not wanting to feel like a prisoner in your own home, but what you're doing is making SS feel like a prisoner instead. If you're concerned about SS wrecking havoc that is on DH. DH needs to make sure his son isn't causing havoc.
The rule of not going the bedrooms sounds okay, but the other rules seem very unfair. I'm surprised DH agreed to live with someone who can't stand to even be in the same room as his son. If it's that bad maybe ya'll shouldn't live together.
I will try to address some of
I will try to address some of the questions and comments in regards to my post...
I am not restricting any food persay, all I want is for him to ASK and not just go thru our fridge/cabinets etc. as he pleases. That is just rude in general imho. My son lives in our house with us and alot of the food in our fridge/cabinets is his food that he picked out for him to eat. I would be upset if anyone, skid or not, went thru our food and ate something that belonged to one of us and thought nothing of it. That rule will/would apply to any visitor in our home.
Skid is only with DH EOWE (Sat a.m. - Sun p.m.) and 2 hours every Wedn.
I am not saying that skid can't go to the bathroom or go in the house in general if need be, I just prefer that he and DH spend the majority of their time in the family room so that my son and I don't have to put up with his shit. (Whining, being a sore loser, etc.) I am not telling or asking my DH not to see his kid or spend time with him, I just want to make things as comfortable as possible for the people who actually do live there and don't want to put up with his antics.
I live with and married my DH because I love him and we have a great relationship. We have our moments like any couple but we try to make the best of things as best we can.
My DH's son doesn't "bully" my son he is just a sore loser and whines and complains all the time about dumb things like if my son made him die in a video game etc. Things like that.
I wanted to "run this by" you ladies/gents to get a SP's perspective on everything, that's why I asked.
When DH has skid I make myself scarce and let them do their own thing. I don't come between skid/dh time. Nor do I want to.
The room that I suggested that they "camp out" in is half the size of our house so they would have tons of room to do things in and have quality time together.
I hope I made myself clearer...
"My son lives in our house
"My son lives in our house with us and alot of the food in our fridge/cabinets is his food that he picked out for him to eat. I would be upset if anyone, skid or not, went thru our food and ate something that belonged to one of us and thought nothing of it. That rule will/would apply to any visitor in our home."
IMHO, I think even if SS is not allowed to help himself (has to ask and then DH will get it for SS), resent is coming when SS realizes BS gets to eat this n this n this all because it's just for BS. When you and BS were living with your parents how would it have made your BS feel to know everybody but BS got 'special food' out of cabinet/fridge, but not BS.
The SS is there 4 days a month and 2 hours on Wednesdays (I'll assume there is not a lot of food involved in the 2 hour visits). Would'nt make less resentment and feelings of being the rejected SKid if you just bought groceries the day after SS leaves? Buy BS's favorite whatevers on Monday and he has 12 days to eat his heart's content.
Sore losers and whiners? Why not just let the boys find something else to do. Surely there are other activities besides 'killing' each other in vid games.
IDK, but I don't think this idea of 4 days in the familyroom will work for long. Kids 11. What happens when he's 13, 15, 17?
My son lives there, he should
My son lives there, he should be able to have access to and get HIS food. IMHO. That is HIS house too. Skid can eat the food we have in the house, but since he doesnt live there he wouldnt know what food belongs to who and maybe there are some things that we all buy just for ourselves and that we dont want anyone else to eat and he wouldnt know that so I dont want him in our cabinets etc touching our food as he pleases when he can simply ask and dh can get it for him. kwim? I just dont get why we need to make all of these changes and accomodations for someone who is barely there?
And the family room is huge and he would have it all to himself and he can do whatever he wants like play video games, board games, etc. there are only 4 other rooms in the house. 2 bedrms that are off limits in general, and a living room that I have set up to not have any horsing around etc in it as it is for having guests over etc and a kitchen. So its not like skid is getting the shit end of the stick here, he will be in the best and funnest room in the house not a dungeon. :?
Does BS have visitations with
Does BS have visitations with his bio-dad? If so, how many and how long? Not that it's any of my business, I'm just curious what it is like for your BS during his BDad visitations and how it compares to what the SS guidelines are in your home? Does BDad pay child support towards BS.
I'm not trying to judge, really I'm not, but this all at least sounds so harsh and unworkable. My GS lives with his BM and SF and they are two rooms off limits to him. One completely (SF's hunting/trophy room) and the 2nd the master bedroom unless GS knocks and is granted entrance.
My sons bd has been pretty
My sons bd has been pretty much a non-existent figure in his life. He just recently started seeing/taking him again and it is only for a few hours one day a week. My sons father does pay cs as well.
My son is also not allowed to come into our room unless he knocks first and is told it is ok to come in.
Your husband's child should
Your husband's child should also have access to food. And yes your stepson is getting the shit end of the stick and you keep prodding him with it.
I cannot believe this is a real person.
He can eat pretty much
He can eat pretty much whatever he wants all he has to do is ask...why is that such a hard concept for everyone to wrap their head around? The food that is in our cabinets and fridge belongs to the people who live in the house 24/7 and it isn't like we wont share it, we just expect the SAME THING we would expect from our friends, family, and anyone that comes into our home, please ask before you take. Just about everyone that has commented on this post makes it seem like I am the Hitler of all SM when I have read MUCH worse on this site. And as evil as you all may think I am there is and are much worse out there...I don't care if my dh sees/takes/spends time with his kid eventhough I don't like him I still don't care if he spends time with him I just don't want OUR things & privacy invaded, and my son and I to have to deal with his kids bs etc while he is here for the time he is here. Is that seriously too much to ask?
And yes I am a real person Mother Theresa...
I don't think you're Hitler.
I don't think you're Hitler. I just think you are setting yourself up for failure by expecting two different standards from two different children of comparable age in your home.
Hey, i'm mother theresa,
Hey, i'm mother theresa, LOLOLOL..... }:)
Why can't your husband take
Why can't your husband take him *shopping* Saturday morning before coming over so that he can have & access his *own* food? For 2 days he can spend less then $15 for his son to be included as a family memeber and not a guest.
*I just read your reply to Echo*
That's just it. Skid is
That's just it. Skid is relegated to visitor status because of the CO? And your DH is comfy with there not even being a pretense of 'Skid, this is your home too.'
On the flipside, Skid doesn't have a choice about showing up there, no matter how much time he gets or doesn't get.
He's not a visitor, he's DH's kid.
And if you're going to continue to treat him as an unwelcome guest, he will never act as if he's anything more.
I don't have or see any issue
I don't have or see any issue with that Echo. When dh has skid he will get him food that he likes anyhow. All I have been trying to get across is that skid SIMPLY asks and not takes from our fridge/cabinets because that is our household food. The food itself would not be withheld he just needs to ask to have it in case it is something that someone might want to have or that is someone elses special treat etc.
Your DH gets RAPED in child
Your DH gets RAPED in child support where he was, before being married to you, forced to live in his friend's house, for free, in a bedroom.....because he couldn't even afford a 1 bdr APT for himself. CS court in your state is clearly FUCKED UP. BM has 5 kids with 3 baby daddies and with what he's forced to pay her for that kid, HE probably has resentment towards his own kid....I wonder how my DH would feel if his heroin addict crotch dropping DEFECTIVE EGG DONOR was taking over half his pay every month for my skid? Sadly, she chooses drugs over her kid (hasn't seen him since December, she's usually an every 6 mo. baby momma, she's off course right now by a few weeks....). I actually PRAY she cleans up and comes and takes him away.....Hell, i'll help her pack his shit up......SEE ya!
THIS is probably why DH does what he needs to do to make you happy. Also inform the folks here that for the past few months, BEFORE you were married to DH, before you had anything to do with skids visits, his time with DH, etc. that BM texts DH to say "skid don't wanna come for his visit".........hmmmmm.....OK....if he's saying OK to that, than what's wrong with TASHA to say "whew, good riddance?" I mean who REALLY WANTS ANY SKID around? No one I know.....
What you failed to include here is that your DH has A HOME of his own now, WITH YOU, because YOU made that possible. He AGREED to your boundaries, THAT is what's important here. As far as food, all my kids have to ask for food. I don't know why anyone's up in arms over that. But shit, as you scrape by and BM gets all that $ every month for skid so she can go get her hair and nails done, tell her to send food with skid, LOLOLOL
Good luck girl
Wow. :jawdrop:
yes, wow....just keepin it
yes, wow....just keepin it REAL!
Not relevant to the
Not relevant to the conversation, unless you're getting ready to talk about how DH making concessions solely for the purpose of not being homeless is a discredit to the OP, and will likely become a source of resentment over time.
The poster stated she also
The poster stated she also gets child support from her BS's father. Surely that Bdad has to pay a set % to Tasha just as Tasha's DH has to pay to SS's BM. The amount of CS BM gets from her, I believe it was 5 kids and 4 baby daddies, is none of Tasha's nor DH's business. Each one of the numerous father's has to pay their set % of CS. It doesn't matter if that BM is getting $3000-$5000 a month in CS. The only amount that is any of Tasha's concern is the $920 DH pays. The rest and what BM does or does not do with it is irrevelent.
At the time the CS was set, DH was making I believe she said like $25 an hour. In my state her Dh's CS % would be 20% of gross income. Not counting extras like agreed childcare, insurance, blah blah. Tasha'a husband is not being treated one iota differently (let alone the crude word you used for it) than any other divorced father with children in my state. Sorry, I fail to feel sorry for a guy who has to put out 20% of his gross income. It was Tasha's DH's own fault he agreed to cover BM's healthcare premium in the divorce degree. He didn't have to agree to that and could have kept negotiating.
It's also not this child's fault BM and Tasha's now Dh chose to try and live an existance beyond their means and DH ended up in bankruptcy court when divorcing.
2 cents worth of my opinion to what you had to add to this discussion.
Why can't you buy food your
Why can't you buy food your skid for when he comes over, likes just like you do for your own child? I think you are totally ridiculous to treat this child like an outsider. He is your husbands child, therefore, he is as much of a family member to you as your son is to your husband.
I would be totally pissed off if my husband treated my child like you do. Your justification that your son lives there full time is just BS.
I am a little confused as to
I am a little confused as to why you would buy a two bedroom home when there is another child involved. He deserves hiss own space as much as your son. I know you said YOU bought it but does that not count as your husbands home too and therefore this boys home as well even if it is eow. By you setting so many restrictions for YOUR home you are not only alienating this kid and making him feel like an unwanted guest, you will eventually alienate your dh. I think all of this is going to lead you to a whole world of hurt.
We bought a 2 bedroom home
We bought a 2 bedroom home because that is all we could afford between him and I working and him having to pay almost 1k a month in CS. And I personally don't see why a kid who only spends 2 hours every Wedn and every other Sat a.m. - Sun p.m. needs a room of his own either. IMHO.
I get that I do honestly.
I get that I do honestly. Maybe u could put bunk beds in your sons room that would give you some alone time with dh at night and the boys may begin to enjoy each others company and their slumber party
My sons room is small and
My sons room is small and there is not enough room to have another body in there along with things for that extra body. My dh would be sleeping with me at night. He will spend the day with his son and then at night his son will sleep in the living room or family room on an air mattress.
WORD! you CANT AFFORD A HOME TO FIT HIS KID BECAUSE BM GETS ALL HIS $ in CHILD SUPPORT....skid stays on the fuckin sofa!!!!!!!!!
don't need my cheerios PISSED
don't need my cheerios PISSED IN, I live with a SKID 24/7, that's all it takes
Why should someone that lives
Why should someone that lives in a home FT and has belongings, food, etc in said home have to have the same rules etc as a kid who is barely there? Just curious.
There is no issue with him seeing his son or rules etc set on anything that has to do with his time and visitation with his child. All I want is for OUR home to be respected and why should anyone that actually lives there FT have to be made uncomfortable and put up with bs just because he has to come over and spend time with his father? It wouldnt be ok for me to go to his or anyone elses house and act like a whiney brat etc so why is it ok for his kid to do it just because he is his kid?
How am I compromising his relationship with his kid? I will not & do not interfere with their visits and quality time together, I do not make or tell dh that he can't take or see his kid, etc. so what is the issue exactly besides me/my son not wanting to be affected by his drama and shitty attitude/behavior?
Thee most important thing is
Thee most important thing is that he gets to see and spend quality one on one time with his father is it not? And I am not impeding or interefering with that so idk what else to say either.
And just an added note, skid has been blowing dh off every visit now for stupid reasons for months now and this was BEFORE we got married and moved in together so yeah that is how his kid is.
If I was this child I would
If I was this child I would blow off my father too for allowing you to treat me so horrible. I wouldn't want to see either one you ever again. I hope BM does get wind of how he is being treated and your DH loses ALL visitation. That's the best thing that could ever happen to this child.
"Additionally, if his mother
"Additionally, if his mother catches wind of those living conditions she very well may say screw the visitation altogether. Her son is obviously not apart of your family because you are making to so painfully clear he is not welcome in your home."
A DREAM COME TRUE IF YOU ASK ME........jus sayin.....I can dream
The rules should be the same
The rules should be the same for both boys.
This idea of rules should be based on who lives there full time, makes me wonder about chores. Should the kid who doesn't live there be expected/required to do chores?
My son lives there ft so yes
My son lives there ft so yes he is and will be expected to do chores. His son does not live with us, so therefore I do not expect his son to do chores. Maybe he has chores at HIS house idk but I would expect him to pick up any mess he makes and clean up after HIMSELF while he is in our house just like I would expect from ANYONE who comes into our home.
Here's the thing. Skid is NOT
Here's the thing. Skid is NOT anyone. He is DH's kid. Not feeling like he has a home with his Dad WILL affect their relationship.
Our home is a place for skid
Our home is a place for skid to come and spend time with his dad, there is no other reason or purpose for skid here other than that. He has a home with bm. That is his home. He doesn't need to feel like he "has a home" with dh all he NEEDS to feel and know is that dh loves him, spends time with him, and is there for him. Which he is unless skid blows him off.
Let us know how that goes.
Let us know how that goes.
Good. It is a very different
Good. It is a very different approach, and if it works it might be something others in your situation could try with success.
DH has never had a 'home'
DH has never had a 'home' since BM got knocked up with some other illegitimate child while she was MARRIED TO DH, who had to get letters from his insurance co. that said "congrats on your new kid" where he, like an asshole, had to call them and say don't send me that shit, my wife got knocked up by some low life, who's kid i'm not paying for.
She's a fucking WHORE who gets all of his money. Skid never had a 'home' with DH before now, other than when he was married to BM, why does he need one now? His home is with BM, let him stay there. Fuck, you guys can't even afford to FEED another kid!
Our home is a place for skid
Our home is a place for skid to come and spend time with his dad, there is no other reason or purpose for skid here other than that. He has a home with bm. That is his home. He doesn't need to feel like he "has a home" with dh all he NEEDS to feel and know is that dh loves him, spends time with him, and is there for him. Which he is unless skid blows him off.
Excellent point Disneyfan!
Excellent point Disneyfan!
Maybe if you made him feel
Maybe if you made him feel like a part of your family when he is with you, he would learn to act as one of the family. Maybe he hasn't had a structured family life and only spoiling one on one attention from his parents that he doesn't know how to be a member of a family with a sibling. Trust me I get the resentment, but I think with the boundaries and the this is mine or my sons type of thing it's just going to make life harder
I agree with you. And my dh
I agree with you. And my dh does a great job of keeping skid in check when he has him, HOWEVER he is with his horrid bm most of the time and skid is also a mini bm so it is not that easy...
If your DH has any backbone
If your DH has any backbone those rules set by the tyrant will not last.
My dh has a backbone and if
My dh has a backbone and if and when he has a problem with something I say or do he will and does make it known. He knows that I don't like his kid and he knows that I don't want to be around him so he tries to make everyone happy and comfortable. He likes the fact that this will allow him to have one on one time with his son with no interference from me or my son.
And he expects the same from my son as well, he agrees that his son should ask before he takes something that is in OUR fridge/cabinets as he also expects that from ANYONE that comes into our home. Skid has a home of his own! Would it be ok if I just went into his house and opened his fridge etc and helped myself to his food without asking? I think the answer to that is no? Correct? So if its not ok for someone to just go into a persons fridge etc then why is it ok for skid to do so just because he is my dh's kid and he doesn't live there? I would not want my son going over to his fathers house and just helping himself to their food just because he has his fathers fna, that is rude imho. He can ask! It isn't like we are with holding food etc from skid we just want our things respected just like we would do if we went to HIS house!
I seriously don't get what everyone's issue is with what I am saying...I am not trying to be a bitch I just want my home and my things respected and not to have to personally deal with skid in my space or face. That's the whole point I am trying to get across. :?
I don't want the kid to NOT see his father etc I just want to have the ONE place on planet Earth that I can have privacy etc. to be respected and not have to be uncomfortable in a place that I pay bills and go to relax and enjoy time away from the world. That is all.
Are you court ordered to
Are you court ordered to spend time at Skid's home?
Then your apple and oranging it.
My point is that if I were to
My point is that if I were to go to his home I would respect it and the things in it just like he would be expected to in my house. THAT is my point.
But our point, is that having
But our point, is that having two different standards for what defines 'respect' for the two children living in your house, will not go well for them or you.
He is not an adult, he is a child. He will not see things as you see them. The only thing he will see is you treating him differently than your son, and his father also treating him differently because of agreed upon rules that he is asked to abide by that his brother who is YOUNGER than him is NOT asked to abide by.
If all of the rules you intend to have him follow are also rules for your own son, then you're doing the best you can to make things run smoothly.
Creating a divisive environment before the kid even shows up, on the other hand, may bite you in the a$$.
I get what you are saying, I
I get what you are saying, I do, but for example when my dh lived in an apt with his friend that was dh's home at the time too, when he had skid, skid was expected to ask before he went in the fridge etc because eventhough that was dh's home there were also other people living there whose food etc it belonged to. That is how it is here. Two other ppl live here, my son and myself and that is whose food etc is in the fridge and cabinet. How would your kid feel if it was his food in the cabinet and he walked in and saw your skid eating something that was his snack or something special that he wanted to save for himself?
I get that he might not see things as I see them but just like at his house he wouldn't want someone going thru his things and eating his snacks he needs to understand that he can't do the same at someone elses house. kwim?
The rules are pretty much the same, my son is expected to ask before he plays with my dh's PS3 games. He is expected to knock and get permission before coming into our bedroom. Really the only thing that is different is that we want skid to ask for something and not just take whatever he sees/wants in our fridge. We expect that from anyone that doesn't live there, not just skid.
No. And I will give an
And I will give an explanation anyway because if I don't then I will just get further attacked, he doesn't have to ask because for one most of the food is stuff that he picked out for himself. And two, he is with us when we go shopping so he knows what is his, my dh's, and mine so then he would know that something may be off limits to him taking.
If skid had food here that was his then he would not have to ask to take his food that was bought for him and that he KNOWS is his. ALL I WANT IS FOR SKID TO ASK BEFORE HE TAKES FOOD THAT BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN OUR HOUSE...why oh why is that such a hard concept to grasp?! :? Everyone is acting like I was making him ask to breath or blink his eyes....
My kids don't have special
My kids don't have special food for just them. And they won't, until they are old enough to buy it for themselves.
Believe you me, DH and BM had it out a few weeks ago because she thought he SHOULD get special food for just him in our house.
Hahaha. No.
DH living in an apartment with other unrelated adults is not the same as him living with your or your son. You're creating a divide between SS and BS when one already exists. If you want them to have any relationship at all, it's not a great idea to hold them to different expectations.
But I also understand that our goals are not the same. My goal is for SS to always feel like he has a home with DH. It is very important to me, for a number of reasons. If your DH does not share that goal, no point in forcing it on him.
Understand though, that it may affect your relationship with SS, DH's, and SS and BS's as well, and if that relationship is already something that makes you unhappy, this might not improve how you feel during SS's visits.
I know I'm being nosy, but I
I know I'm being nosy, but I am curious. It seems to me that you're quite happy rather just pretending SS does not exist. It seems like that's how you make this SS visitation thing work for you/BS. SS in familyroom the entire time and therefore in your mind you can go on just as kid was nonexistent for you/BS.
But what will happen and/or how will things be handled if the worst case scenario occurs and something becomes of BM (I wish the woman no ill at all, it's just an example). Say DH suddenly becomes 100% responsible and full custody? SS arrives to live 24/7, 365 a year?
Pretty sure skid would go to
Pretty sure skid would go to grandparents.
Why, if my DH dies, his kid
Why, if my DH dies, his kid goes back to his parents. If I die, my kids go back to mine. What's so irrational about that? I would never keep skid and take on that responsibility without his father in the picture. There are other family members in my situation that love skid and would WANT him. I"m sure if Tasha1983's skids bm were to pass away, HER parents might want him fulltime. Seems very rational to me....
I especially love the tag
I especially love the tag line "If GOD wanted me to LOVE my SKID, he'd have made me his BIO MOMMA!!!"
Yeah, pretty sure if you believe in God, he would want to you love your SKID.
God already knows I don't
God already knows I don't love my skid. He created me like a lioness, who would never, under ANY circumstances, raise another lioness' child.
God already knows I don't
God already knows I don't love my skid. He created me like a lioness, who would never, under ANY circumstances, raise another lioness' child.
That is probably one of the most ridiculous things I have read in my life.
It's called THE ENTIRE ANIMAL female animal will ever raise another female animal's cub/kitten/snake, whatever. That's why on the RARE occasion that it does happen, we see it splashed all over the news. They won't even raise their OWN if it's defective, retarted, broken in some way, runt, etc. Survival of the fittest. Humans are part of the animal kingdom. Why do you think this page even EXISTS, because WOMEN HAVE STEPKIDS AND CANT FUCKING STAND THEM! OMG, I can't believe i'm actually having to explain this right now.....smh
I can't believe you are
I can't believe you are actually "explaining" it either.
Clearly you don't get it,
Clearly you don't get it, therefore, it required explanation. You said God wanted me to love my skid. Yet just about every stepmom on these pages, and i'm sure all over creation, have skids they can't stand.
Let's assume we believe in the same God. God created us in his 'image and likeness', right? So, if that is the case, why did he create the majority of women who are stepmothers to LOATHE their stepkids? We are created to be 'like God'. Yet here's a bunch of us with other peoples children that we don't like. Maybe if God had a skid, he too would feel the same way.
God created EVERY ANIMAL in the animal kingdom. No one but a HUMAN and maybe sometimes an ape or two, would EVER take care of another female's child. It is UNNATURAL. Transplant one man's heart into another man's chest and the body rejects it. Why? Because it's FOREIGN, it doesn't belong there.
I don't understand then why some of you stepmoms don't understand other stepmoms NOT liking their skids? it's unnatural and all goes back to pure biology.
LMAO...Priceless! You are a
LMAO...Priceless! You are a class act!
Tasha1983s DH HAS ANOTHER KID, an older one,that lives WITH HIS PARENTS, NOT WITH HIM and not with the BABY MOMMA...I have zero problems reading honey, so you might want to check yourself there. Clearly you are the one who needs an education my dear.
Yes because here on STEPTALK
Yes because here on STEPTALK we need to properly spell and use proper punctuation in every post. Clearly I missed that RULE in the steptalk forum rulebook. Take your red pen and draw yourself a pretty little picture of your wonderful SKIDS with it.....
Yes, he is now 18 and off to
Yes, he is now 18 and off to college this fall. They all live in Canada and we live in the States. OSS wanted to stay in Canada with his GP's so dh allowed him to, OSS would come down for the whole summer with dh. OSS bm has never been involved in his life, only in, I believe the first 2 years or less of his life, then dh, who was living with his parents at the time raised OSS together and when dh's parents decided to move to Canada OSS wanted to go live with them. (dh's mother was like the bm OSS never had so he wanted to live with dh's parents)
Sounds like a bunch of
Sounds like a bunch of "winners" bundled together.
Just because his parent took
Just because his parent took in one of his kids, doesn't mean they will WANT/SHOULD take in another one.
If her husband were my son, I would hand that child back to him. It's crazy for his parents to have his kid in their home while he's playing happy family with his SK in his new home.
Who does that????
i'm not judging him, I don't
i'm not judging him, I don't know all the facts, just pointing out that kids very often go to live with grandparents and NOT with bio parents or specifically, with STEP parents if their bio dies. My kids and my stepkid both have only me and DH. Just because i'm married to DH (just married him last year, i'm 41) doesn't mean if he DIES that his KID is staying with me, because he's just plain NOT. In all honesty, i'm sure it would be a slam dunk for my dh's parents to take me to court to get skid back, assuming I wanted him and they wanted him. He spent MOST of his life in their home before DH married me. He's only been with me for 2 years (in the same house). I have no LEGAL documented rights to him. And i'm pretty sure legally, no court could force me to keep him. His mother is a heroin addict and would never get him, nor would she want him. she's proven that over the past 7 years, seeing him maybe 4 times. Every situation is unique, that is all i'm trying to say. Being called uneducated for thinking that a kid could end up with a grandparent when I can very easily prove (and did prove) that it happens is all that post was intended for.
I don't know why you're
I don't know why you're talking about a kid living with a SP if the bio parent dies. No one here suggested that.
Kids should not have to live with grandparents unless
BOTH parents are dead.
BOTH parents are unfit.
BOTH parents are in jail.
Other than that, the kids should be living with their parents.
To even think that the man’s kid should/could just go live with grandma if mom dies, is sick.
Grandparents should not have to raise their grandkids while one or both parents are off living the good life with a new spouse and SKs.
Ahhh...this explains
Ahhh...this explains everything - Tasha's DH has another child he is not taking care of and apparently treated poorly.
FYI Dledden....I think you can read, but you have a problem with comprehension. What Echo said was if the custodial parent died, the child would go to the other parent - grandparents are not next of kin in this scenario; therefore, the child would go to the living parent. In Tasha's DH's situation, apparently he and his BM decided the child wasn't worth keeping so they gave the child to the grandparents.
Journey1982, I will agree in
Journey1982, I will agree in MANY cases, you and Echo would be correct. However, I was called IRRATIONAL I think was the term for saying that Tasha1983s skid would probably NOT end up with her and DH if BM died, but with a grandparent or other family member.
Of course anything is possible, I just highly doubt it would happen in their particular scenario. It won't happen in my scenario because my kids father is in prison, and my skid's baby momma is a street junkie. My bios aren't staying with my new DH either. I love him but he's lazy when it comes to kids and actually parenting them. And my skid would go back to the family that raised him before he became my skid because i'm certain they would want him.
FYI...He didnt treat his OS
FYI...He didnt treat his OS "poorly" he was a single father working many long hours to support that child and was living at home with his parents who helped raise him as well. OS BM apparently loved drugs more than trying to be or being a mother to her child so she is and always has been out of the pic. The GMA is the only mother he has ever known and when DH's parents decided to move to Canada OS wanted to go with them so DH did what he thought was best for his son and allowed him to go be with them. This way he could get all of the love, support, attention, etc that he needed and his parents were happy to take him too because they had a very special bond with him as they helped raise him.
SMH...brilliant assumptions there Journey...
"This way he could get all of
"This way he could get all of the love, support, attention, etc that he needed and his parents were happy to take him too because they had a very special bond with him as they helped raise him". Just curious, why couldn’t your husband give him all the love, support attention, etc he needed?
“In your opinion, are the rules/boundaries that I want/need in regards to skid too much to ask for or unfair”. I think you already knew you were being unfair, but you wanted people on here to agree with you so you could justify being unreasonable. When you didn't get the responses you were hoping for, you claimed you were being attacked. If you thought you were right and you were happy with your decision, why come here and ask for everyone’s opinion? Did you think people would high-five you? just don't get it
What in the world are you
What in the world are you talking about?
Grandparents can't just walk in and take a child if the mother dies. The grandparent may WANT the child but that doesn't mean will let them have him.
Why are you treating this
Why are you treating this child like he isn't a family member? You are so wrong for the way you are treating this child. I don't care if your husband agrees with your tactics. YOU ARE BOTH WRONG for treating this child so badly.
If everyone is giving you the
If everyone is giving you the same reaction then perhaps you should take a second and look at what you wrote and look introspectively at yourself.
Or perhaps one should really
Or perhaps one should really get the point I am trying to make before assuming or thinking that I am Cruella Deville...not trying to be rude but seriously all I want is someone to ask and not just take what they want from our fridge/cabinets, and to not have to deal with dh's kids bs while in MY own home. I am NOT telling dh to never see or take his kid, I am NOT prohibiting them from having a relationship etc ALL that SHOULD matter is that dh is seeing his kid, spending time with him, etc and that is the point that is being overlooked.
Everyone can be a critic and judge me and my issue with skid but all that really matters in the end is that dh sees and spends time with his son and if me saying and feeling and doing the things I say/do is going to be the thorn in everyones side then everyone fails to get the big picture. IMHO.
I am entitled to my feelings and opinions about anyone and anything as are all of you on ST. I just want to have a space and a place that I can call my own and not feel or be invaded just because dh has his son over.
Before you & your dh put
Before you & your dh put these rules into place, you need to think about how you'd feel if your son's sm (if he has one) made him feel like a visitor in his Dad's own home, a place wher he should be able to feel loved and included. I'm sure your kid wouldn't like it. No kid would. Forget the fact that ss isn't at your home full time. He shouldn't be made to feel like a visitor at his parent's home. No wonder so many sks act out-they're made to feel like visitors at their other parents homes. Even if they don't live there full time, they deserve to not feel like outsiders. It seems like many do so it is no wonder they act out.
You're giving your ss a reason to act out towards you. So many SMs here don't do a thing wrong and get treated like dog $hit. So if you get the same treatment from your ss if these asinine rules are implemented, I cannot and will not offer you a bit of sympathy.
"wants something he needs to ASK his father and HE will get it for him. I would not let anyone elses kids in our fridge/cabinets so why would/should it be ok for a kid who is only here EOWE?"
To answer this question, no, it shouldn't be ok and I can't believe there are people who do think this $hit is ok.
God's honest truth? All I
God's honest truth? All I want and care about is that my sons father spends time with him. And as long as his SM wasn't beating him etc then I would understand because I am in the same boat. I understand not liking/loving someone elses kid and all of the drama and bs it entails and I know it sucks so I would work with her any way I could. To be completely honest.
Sorry dear, but it sounds
Sorry dear, but it sounds like your husband doesn't like his own child. I would not want to be with a man who treats his child the way you BOTH do.
Skid has never even been to
Skid has never even been to this home we just moved in and got married. And whenever dh has skid when he lived in his old place I stayed out of the way so that skid and dh could do their own thing and have quality one on one time.
So he has never been made to feel like a visitor because he only has his dad around when he visited him so yeah I wont be taking the blame for that one. I am not intending on making him eel like an outsider or a visitor, I just don't want to personally interact with him so he can have his dad all to himself and do what they want. I just don't want him going thru my stuff. Period.
First of all when dh and I
First of all when dh and I first got together I was with him all the time when he had skid. We all did things together the 4 of us. Then skid became mouthy, rude, bossy, sore loser, always whining and complaining like everything was everybody elses fault and he did no wrong etc. The one time he gave me attitude I was done. Plus he is a mini bm and reports everything to her and then we have to deal with her stupid shit. That is pretty much the jist of it, I wont and don't put up with my own bs acting or being like that to me or anyone so why would I do it for anyone elses kid, skid included?
If you were my son's SM you'd
If you were my son's SM you'd be dealing with me too. A lot.
I can't blame the child at
I can't blame the child at all for treating you the way he has. This child has figured out you hate him and you don't want him around. Sounds to me like you want this happy little family that only includes you, your child and your husband. Give a few years and I'm sure you will get exactly this...his son cut completely out of your life.
Girl, don't worry about all
Girl, don't worry about all the haters here. You haven't even been around skid in how long? A LONG time, right? So for now things are OK. Maybe once BM finds out that you and DH got married, maybe she will want to keep skid with her. She doesn't seem to care if skid visits with his dad or not as it stands now, as long as she gets her $ every month, yes?
Just go with your plan and see what works and what doesn't. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIKE SKID JUST BECAUSE HE IS YOUR MAN'S DNA. Anyone that says otherwise is a big fat liar. His basic needs need to be met when he is in your care. Food/Drink, shelter, shower, toys, etc. His DAD will give him love and affection. You just need to remain civil. IMO, if you've done that, you've done your job.
Yeah, it has been awhile.
Yeah, it has been awhile. Skid is always blowing off his visits with dh for whatever reason. I haven't been around skid for more than 5 minutes in, I would say over a year at least. Every time dh would have him I would go do my own thing and they could have their quality one-on-one time together. DH was perfectly ok with that because then he could devote all of his time/attn to skid and I could do as I pleased and not have to see or be around him. Win win for everyone imho.
Yes, apparently she doesn't give a crap if skid sees or has a relationship with his father because it was her who used to make excuses for skid not coming over and then it turned into skid leaving vmails saying he didnt want to or wasnt coming over for this or that reason because we let her know we were documenting every missed visit and why so after that it was pretty much skid who let him know he wasnt coming over.
I am 100% sure I have nothing to do with skid blowing off dh because I havent seen or been around skid in 1+ years, every time he went to visit his father it was just skid and dh doing their own thing with no interruption from me or my bs. Before I decided I didnt want to be around skid I was never mean to him and we would all do things together the 4 of us and then he gave me lip one day just for asking him if he was "ok" because he was pouting in the backseat of dh's truck. So that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me with skid.
Even if/when he does come over our house he will not be denied food, or the bathroom, etc. I will try to come up with something that is better for everyone involved as best I can. All I can do is try.
Is it bad that I read this
Is it bad that I read this post and thought of my daughters cat that isn't allowed downstairs because my DH has s cat allergy and my dog that isn't allowed upstairs because he will piss the carpet?
...except this is a kid.
I know, right? I feel for
I know, right?
I feel for this kid and several other sks on this board.
I dread that to be completely
I dread that to be completely honest Echo...and I would not like it one bit but I would try my best to deal with it and if it got to be too much I would end it.
Won't. At this point she is
Won't. At this point she is intentionally being obtuse. She wanted virtual high fives and "yeah girl stick it to that fat brat" and she did not get that. So now it's back peddling and "I just want my own sacred space".
Assume away... It has
Assume away...
It has always been about me wanting my own space and not wanting him invading every inch of it...just an fyi
Because God forbid I want some skid free space in my own home right? Perish the thought! :jawdrop:
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...
I just gave my skid his own
I just gave my skid his own room so I have a 95% skid free house. He loves just sitting in his room being completely antisocial and since my DH does nothing to encourage non-autistic behaviors such as socialization, outdoor activity, etc. why not give skid his space where he can hide away, and I can be free from him for a majority of the time. My kids have a room together, small and cramped, and there's a finished basement for playing with all the neighborhood kids always at my house. Win Win for everyone.
Oh, and by the way, I married my husband to be his wife, not his kid's mother.
I'm not a betting girl, but
I'm not a betting girl, but i'd be the HOUSE on the fact that if her skid's BM died, skid would NOT be coming to live with her and DH. Tasha1983, if YOU die, don't you think your kid would go back to your parents? Would his biodad take him/want to take him? He grew up in your parents home all his life with you,yes? Everyone here thinks i'm a raving irrational idiot, but i'll bet if you died RIGHT NOW, your parents would take your son, not DH and not baby daddy. Am I right in presuming that? I LOVE HOW UNEDUCATED AND IRRATIONAL I AM, by the way
Tasha's son would go to her
Tasha's son would go to her parents, because her baby daddy doesn't want him.
I'm pretty sure Tasha's husband however, would want his son to come live with him and not go to either set of grandparents.
I already decided that a long
I already decided that a long time ago that if something were to happen to me that my son would go to my parents. I am getting a Will done up and making sure (or trying to) that happens. I have no doubt that my sons father would not try to get him. Why would he? He has a cushy life playing "in & out dad" at his leisure. Unless there was something to make it REALLY worthwhile, I doubt he would.
As for what my dh would do...that idk. He allowed his OS to live with his parents in Canada because they helped raise him and that is where he wanted to be/go. I honestly wouldnt want to have to deal with him but like I replied to another poster, I would TRY to make the best of it and if I couldnt deal with it...I would end it. I dont want to be miserable for/with anybody and that includes dh's kid!
Has your sons father signed
Has your sons father signed his rights away? If not, I doubt the courts, even with a Will, would allow your son to go with your parents without getting baby daddy to sign off on it.
I hope this can't happen. My
I hope this can't happen. My ex is incarcerated so clearly he can't get my kids if I die, unless he's out of jail. my guess is that my parents would have to fight for them in court? the thought of that means I have to stay alive LONGER than he does!
You cannot will children in
You cannot will children in the instance you described, they are not chattel.
Pardon my ignorance
Pardon my ignorance then....clearly I am not as schooled/educated on that topic as you are SASM.
I ask myself that same thing
I ask myself that same thing daily. My DH has three kids. One grown, and two minors. His 15 yo daughter I could handle, but if his 11 yo son had to move in with us I would just about lose it. I have two sons, one 20 and one 14. My boys are so different from his. It has been an adjustment. But, I think my bigger issue is that my DH and I were married BEFORE. We got married when I was 19 and in college. We stayed married two years, and things fell apart whenhe went to Basic Training. We reunited after being married to other people for 20 years and then divorcing. We found each other by "accident" and decided we made a huge mistake 23 years ago. We remarried on what would have been our 25th Anniversary. I am close to being able to retire from the state, and him having one so young is an adjustment. The child is bright, but so immature. I know that I am the adult, and I have to adjust better. But, I bought the house before he and I got back together. The "guest room" my SS sleeps in was set up for my oldest son in case he moved in. It is my BS's furniture and belongings in the room. He is currently living with my elderly grandparents taking care of them. If something happens, he could need to move in as well temporarily. The other extra bedroom is my office, and I am working on getting it organized to at least put a futon in there. His youngest child was my biggest obstacle to reuniting. I let him know that up front and have been honest all along. But we fight more about his middle child and her travel ball. My DH is on disability, and I pay the majority of the bills. Travel ball is ungodly expensive and I refuse to make everyone else suffer to fund one child's activities. The BM is constantly texting or calling (she texted him on our honeymoon to ask when we would be back) and it causes resentment. I am a mental health professional, and know better. But, when it is your personal life, it becomes a different story. While I understand Tasha's feelings, I also see the downside. MY SS is needy, clingy, allowed to get away wtih everything at home, and needs discipline. Which, at our home he gets. He is expected to be polite, has a bedtime, has to brush his teeth, and is not allowed to watch whatever he wants. YES my BS son has different rules, BUT he is 14 and has rules that are AGE/MATURITY level appropriate. My 15yo SD has the same rules as my BS. My 19SD has the same rules as my 20yo BS son would.
I asked in a nice, civil,
I asked in a nice, civil, serious manner and what I received for the most part was something entirely different. And you all are entitled to your opinions etc and even if I don't agree I will respect them. I don't want validation, I just wanted to know what people thought hence asking if it was too much or unfair. I wanted to know if I was really asking and wanting too much. And I don't think I am personally but again I asked and you are all entitled to your opinions. I just wanted perspective more or less.
I am not looking to be a great sp, honestly I could care less. My dh knows that his kid is his problem and I married my dh for HIM not for his kid or to be a sm to his kid. If I really wanted to be a "shitty" sp as you say then I could do something like idk drown him or beat him to death like the REAL shitty sm of the world! Read the news more often, as you will notice I (my situation) didn't make the headlines. Just saying....
I'm sorry that you feel that
I'm sorry that you feel that people disagreeing with you = people attacking you.
No child deserves to be treated differently/held to different rules than any other child they're near. You don't have to be a doormat to ss, but hold the kids to all the same standards. No child deserves to feel like a visitor in their other parent's home.
That is not how I feel Anon.
That is not how I feel Anon. I feel attacked because of the tone and answers I am receiving, not because I am not getting validation or ppl agreeing with me. Like I said before everyone is entitled to their opinions and views. But when one resorts to name calling and bashing that is attacking imho.
I feel for you, Tasha!!
I feel for you, Tasha!! People have said the way I see my situation is wrong/mean etc but I also see my dh's kid as a visitor in our home. You will never care for a skid the way you do your own child. I don't even like my skid, let alone love her and I sure as hell don't want her around. I deal with it because I have to if I want to be with DH. But I didn't plan her, didn't carry her in my stomach, don't want her and don't love her. My one suggestion would be that your DH could go buy food for the skid before he comes over, that way you don't have to worry about him putting his grubby little hands on your stuff.
Thank you for your civil,
Thank you for your civil, helpful, non-judgemental, reply to my post. That is all I wanted. I didnt want validation I just wanted insight from other SMs who are in the same boat as far as being a SP etc.
What I said/do may be harsh, mean, and cruel to most but that is how I wanted to deal with my situation. I love my dh very much and we have a great relationship and yes I admit I don't like his child. I am not intentionally trying to be mean, whether you believe that or not is your own choice, because I really am not, that was just my way of trying to cope with the fact that someone I really don't like or want to be around is coming into my personal space.
You don't have to like or agree with what I said/do, that is your right/choice, but that is just my way of dealing. I don't beat him, I don't go out of my way to torture and abuse him at all, because for one my dh wouldn't be with me if he truly thought I was some horrible person to his son. He totally understands not liking someone elses kid and not wanting to be around them, and we also have plenty of rules for my son too, it is just that there are a few different rules for when skid comes over for his few and far between visits. And on an added note, my dh's skid NEVER had any issue with asking for food/drink when my dh lived in his old place with his friend.
I just don't want to be around him that much, I just don't want him touching all of our stuff without asking first, and I don't want him seeing what is in mine and my son's bdrms because that is our personal space, just like he has a personal space in his home. I am sorry that you all see me as some cruel monster because of these things. But that is how I feel.
Assume all you want Echo... I
Assume all you want Echo...
I said that because she didnt out right call me cruel, or a spiteful jerk, or all of the other colorful things you all have said to me. THAT is why.
And my dh and I have rules for my son as well. And if the shoe was on the other foot I would have NO issue with my son having to ask and not just take whatever he wants from the fridge/cabinets, I would have no issue with my son not being able to go in a bedroom that was NOT his or had any of his belongings in them unless he was permitted to and I wouldnt have an issue with him not having free reign over all of his bd/sm house like he owned the place, he is there to spend time with his FATHER not to be bff's with his sm. And as long as she is not beating him, abusing him, etc idk care if she doesnt like/love him, she doesnt have to! All that matters is that his father spends time with him not about the rules etc that might be implemented in ones home. But that is just my take on it....
There was no tricking, we
There was no tricking, we agreed together as he knows that I don't want to necessarily be around his son all/most of the time. I told him how I felt and expressed how I would like things to go when his son came over for his visits, he is grown, he could have told me to pound sand but he didnt.
christinen, I like you
Holy crap??? Really?? This is
Holy crap??? Really?? This is your DH's child, not some stranger. He has every right to look for food. What's next? Padlocks on the pantry and fridge??
I get you don't want him in your bedroom. I'm the same way and DH's kid is not allowed in our upstairs area which is our bedroom and office. There is nothing there that belongs to her and nothing in those rooms that she needs.
But she is welcome to the rest of the house. There are a few food rules and those are to ask before eating to make sure that A. it's not one of my only snacks I can have and B. not leftovers I was planning on using for a family meal. Otherwise as long as she lets us know when she's used the last of something, then she can eat anything she can heat up in the microwave.
You seem to want to jail this kid. Like it or not, he's a part of your life now. I can't believe your DH is so PW'd that he'd put up with your horrible rules.
My DH would have told me to go play a rousing game of hide and go f**k yourself if I told him these were my house rules.
If he needs food, he can go
If he needs food, he can go in the kitchen I just want him to ask and not just take whatever he sees for the same reasons you listed above.
If he needs to use the bathroom he can use the bathroom as well, our main living room is a quiet area where there is no playing, rough housing, etc because that is where the adults would sit and relax not for kids to play. DH and I BOTH agreed right from the get-go that the family room was for the KIDS to play, hang out, sleepovers, etc. And like you said above, there is NOTHING in my son's room or our bdrm that belongs to skid nor is there anything in the main living room that belongs to skid, so all that leaves is the kitchen and the family room...
Seriously...I cannot get why I am being made out to be some horrible monster when all I want is for skid to ask and not just take our own personal food, if dh wants to buy him his own food then he can have at it, because that is HIS just like our food is ours and no one will be able to just take it without asking just like we expect from him, and I don't want him in our bdrms because that is our personal space. :?
Tasha, i will commend u on
Tasha, i will commend u on backing away and NOT hitting your skid, not verbally abusing him, not over disciplining him etc. I have seen things here that upset me on ST of that nature too many times.
But this is not a good long term solution. Id really advise some form of family therapy to move into a better game plan than this one.
I used to live with kids who
I used to live with kids who would eat all my food and drink all my pop. And if I actually chilled the pop, forget it, a 12 pack was gone in a day. I had to hide some of my food in my bedroom closet and keep the rest of my food in the garage fridge with a big sign making it off limits. It was awful. Needless to say that relationship didn't last.
Kids who can't respect food boundaries are hard to live with. My current SS will eat a ton but he's still skinny, and he won't eat food that I set aside in the fridge. It's kind of an unspoken rule that he respects.
I married and live with my dh
I married and live with my dh eventhough I do not like his kid for the same reason that anyone else does/would in the same predicament as me because I love him and want to be with him and share my life with him despite the fact that his kid in the picture.
The rules only apply to the
The rules only apply to the step-kid because he only "visits the house". Her son "lives there full time" therefore not having to abide by the same rules.
Thank you SA. I don't
Thank you SA. I don't necessarily agree with your reasoning for DH's thinking is correct (respectfully of course) BUT I appreciate your answer and how you came across.
And just to be clear, I got the home in my name because I have excellent credit, DH pays the mortgage and fees associated with where we live. I pay utilities etc.
So the loan is in your name,
So the loan is in your name, but DH pays the mortgage, property taxes and house insurance (and I assume you and BS's health insurance). So what happens if DH in six months says "I think SS will now move into your BS's bedroom and BS can have the familyroom for a while OR I won't be paying the mortgage" ? I guess I'm curious what would happen if suddenly the shoe was on the other foot.
Does SS know you and DH have
Does SS know you and DH have gotten married and purchased a home yet? You said SS has not had a visitation for a bit. I'm just curious when the first attempt in the new house is and how DH will explain to SS the 'house rules'. Or at first will DH just let SS believe it's like when Dad rented a spare room at his friends and SS won't know that this house is actually Dad's new permanent home.
WOW! You certainly do have
WOW! You certainly do have your DH by the short hairs. The house is in your name only but he pays for it, he was renting a room in someone else's apartment so he really has to live by your rules or else. Nice way to start a marriage. You must be very naive or young if you do not see the handwriting on the wall and think all these women who have been there and done that are wrong.
You hate skid because you see BM and you treat him like crap which will hopefully push him further out of his dad's life. You really don't see any moral or ethical problem with doing this and you don't see how this can negatively affect you.
You must have been one spoiled princess to be such a horrible adult. The fact that you lack any empathy for this kid based on who his mother is and that is something this kid has no control over is hysterical. The more time this kid spends with BM the more he will pick up her mannerisms and traits so you really are cutting your nose off to spite your face.
What are you going to do when BM finds out and gets pissed that you are effing up her kid psychologically? If she has half a brain she will have that kid in counseling and have children's services on your door step for mental abuse. I have a feeling this shit is the tip of the iceberg with you. The next step is to have you barred from any contact with skid so there goes dad's time with him and then she modifies CS and up that goes. All because you can't be a grown up and suck it up. Maybe if you and DH actually spent quality time with the skid and worked on his BM behaviours that repulse you so much he might end up being fun to have around and a nice kid.
Thanks for reinforcing the evil SM image. It is just what we all need.
Holy shitballs...I can't
Holy shitballs...I can't EVER, see myself as a MOTHER, treating ANY child this way. Step or NOT. I get the whole, random kids/guests aren't supposed to open refrigerators and just help themselves. It is rude.
However, this is not a RANDOM person in your home. This is your HUSBANDS child. Now, step out of the SM role for a minute.
You love your child. Your child is the most important person in the world to you.
Do you not think that is EXACTLY how your DH feels about his son?
Do you REALLY think that the day won't come, when your DH is going to snap out of whatever trance he is in and he is going to resent you and more than likely LEAVE you?
Room or no room, I'd rather live in a ROOM with my son and know that he is surrounded by love, whether or not I am the only person loving on him than to be in a HOUSE with a person who hates my child and makes it FULLY KNOWN.
You do not deny food to anyone. That is cruel, it is evil, it is petty. You are TEACHING your OWN SON that you can deny another human being food. That is all types of fucked up right there.
I am a huge believer in Karma. Karma will bite you hard. Treat others as you would wish to be treated. I treated my SS20 like if he was a member of our family, he later turned into a huge dick, however, I expect blessings by the bucket loads because I treated him fairly, with love, kindness and generosity. How he turned out is on him. I'm sorry Tasha, this is just really dark and mean and wicked. It's why SMs get such a bad rap.
Oh UFR she is not denying him
Oh UFR she is not denying him food just the ability to get it on his own. He has to ask his dad and wait in the living room and his dad will get him food (whatever is not for her son and her) and then he can have something to eat.
She is not denying him the bathroom but he has to ask his dad and his dad will take him to the bathroom. *Unless she is going to get a chemical toilet for the humongous living room so SS will not ever leave the living room.
Since the living room is almost as big as the house and therefore much bigger than the bedroom her DH rented the SS should be very happy that he is confined to that room now in the house his father pays for but is in SMs name only...
You are so right. The kid
You are so right. The kid should be thrilled he gets to go visit dad, sleep on the floor, be relegated to one room of the house for 48 hours, and have to ask for a cracker...but it can only be a left over cracker-not the one she or her son likes to eat. Good times! I am surprised the kid doesn't want to come over more often!!
Hell YEAH SA! If my DH EVER got wind that I even THOUGHT something like this, he'd send me straight to hell too!
I am by no means a Skid lover. However, my Skids have their own space in our home. They know which areas are off limits, the formal living room and my bedroom and my master bath. The rest of the home is free to be be roamed and lived in.
The OP really needs to take a step back and SEE what we are seeing. She is also teaching her own child intolerance. Which is a BIG NO NO.
LOL realitycheckmom, your
LOL realitycheckmom, your sarcasm was not at all lost on me.
I am still a little stunned by this post. It reeks of malicious intent. I tell you, if I EVER found out that my ExH's GF/WIFE or booty call treated any of my kids this way, I'd be on his doorstep with a court order, terminating visitation permanently. It's really messed up. I feel bad for the kid. I completely understand getting upset when Skids eat your kids stuff. It's happened MANY times in my home. I just learned tricks to keep them from eating those items. I stash them under things, hide them in my kids room, or stick them in the vegetable drawer under a bag of lettuce.
I buy snacks that EVERYONE is free to eat so that they don't scavenge thru the fridge looking for anything special.
I also make sure that Skids/Bios know which items are off limits, like my flavored sparkling water. If they want it, they have to ask. But I'd never expect them to ask for EVERYTHING in the fridge that is just bizarre.
I think the skid staying out
I think the skid staying out of bedrooms is normal.
I think skid asking and not just grabbing all food whenever and whereever seems reasonable if you don't want him eating all your groceries or taking things he shouldn't. For young kids they aren't allowed in the fridge or pantry. Once they get older, like your Bio and Skid's age I am more like - you don't have a broken arm so go get it yourself.
What sounds weird is your statement about the kid only being able to stay in the living room. Is the kid sleeping in the living room too? That's kind of strange. I guess if you can't trust the kid in your bio's room, or his room is too small, and you don't want him in your room it makes sense, but hopefully this has been proven and you aren't just punishing him without cause.
Given your living situation what you're doing sounds fine to me but I think it's the attitude you project that worries people. If you had another bedroom it sounds like you'd still treat your SS like a visitor and not a part of the family. Just because he technically is a visitor doesn't mean you should treat him that way because he's also technically family and family trumps the visitor card. If he is bad he can be disciplined but he shouldn't be treated worse simply for being a step kid, i.e. the red headed step child.
This is the first time OP and
This is the first time OP and the father have lived together. OP was living with her parents and the father rented a room from a friend. The skid has never been to the new house where they now live together. OP doesn't like skid because he is too much like BM and she finds that annoying.
"OP doesn't like skid because
"OP doesn't like skid because he is too much like BM and she finds that annoying."
Well if I used THAT as an excuse my Skids would be banned to the backyard shed permanently cause those 2 little fuckers are BMs TWINS!
I love my DH, therefore, my love for him overpowers any ill feelings I may or may not have for his kids.
Where do women find these
Where do women find these sorry fathers?
Why would anyone AGREE to have their child treated like an animal??
I could never respect a man
I could never respect a man who agrees to have his child treated as some kind of disease by anyone else in the home.
Somehow the kid being obese, whiny, disrespectful & a sore loser is all BM's fault. Either dad has to accept some accountability for poor parenting, or he has to accept accountability for NO parenting.
Personally, I like a man with his spine, penis & balls fully in-tact in my bed at night.
First of all when dh and I
First of all when dh and I first got together I was with him all the time when he had skid. We all did things together the 4 of us. Then skid became mouthy, rude, bossy, sore loser, always whining and complaining like everything was everybody elses fault and he did no wrong etc.
Sounds like when DH and I first got together. Know what I did? I did not marry or live with DH for over 8ish years.
You asked if you were being harsh and out of live. Yes you are. Very much so. If I told DH that or he told me that about the others would be over. I am very surprised your DH is ok with this.
Oh and PS...When SS turned 15ish and moved away...I married DH because I though it was,
BM flaked out about 6 months later and sent SS to live with us. Just can always happen.
Here is the whole problem
Here is the whole problem with Tasha, she posted this in April about the BM asking the dad to get the kid a haircut.
..."U should take him for a hair cut he won't go for me and he looks like a chia pet". (REALLY BITCH??? #1 who is the parent?
Obviously BM is the parent but what Tasha doesn't seem to understand is that her DH is also the parent! Just because the kid is not with his dad full time does not make his dad less of a parent.
Really Tasha you want to know who comes across as a bitch here?
Hey Tasha, I am sure this is
Hey Tasha, I am sure this is a soon to be retired post and hopefully you will still belong to the ST community.
Forgive me if this is going to sound like "psycho babble"...but perhaps your resentment and need to establish boundaries for your DHs Son...has more to do with how you feel about your BS Father and how your DH treats his ex:
1)You mentioned that your ex pays little to no attention to your son and doesnt pay the full CO Child Support, whereas your DH pays close to a $1000 plus extras...(I can see why you would have resentment as your ex does f all and yet your DH goes above and beyond for his ex and gives in to her demands(maybe not now but at some point).
Well its evident your ex is either a) an asshole or b)very immature or c) all of the above...maybe your ex just really burned you and you have some of that residual anger being brought out into the present...I understand because after being burned once, you vow to yourself to never let that happen again.
2)It seemed that at one point your DH was being manipulated by the BM and was giving into her requests. Perhaps at the beginning of your relationship?, until you intervened and rightly so. Because if you give a BM an inch especially if they are money oriented, they'll take a mile. Your probably asking yourself, well Im a BM im not like this?(trust me, I ask myself this when SOs ex pulls this money crap. I know my ex would tell me to F OFF if i tried this).
I think you have resentment for what happened to you in the past and how your DH treated his ex in the begining of the relationship and its now translating into hating the skid.. Most sons have a soft spot for their moms, much like fathers and daughters(just my theory).
Some skids really do Suck, trust me I know.... especially if they look like the BM or have the same materialistic expectations...its hard not to hate the skid at that point.
After reading everyone's responses and someone wrote "your Dh will resent you or your setting yourself up to fail." It really hit me because thats exactly what will happen.
Sometimes I too say or request unreasonable things and then I go back to it and think okay, thats not fair. I think everyone does this.
Maybe when the Skid is over, take you and your son out for most of the day..that way the house wont be divided as much...or instead of sleep overs, have your DH pick up his kid and they go out for the day. Its not CO that a child has to sleep over at a parents place, however it is CO to pay CS.
Your DH is currently paying enough money for his son to have a room at his mothers place, thats part of what CS is for. Otherwise, your DH wouldnt pay anything as residency is at his moms, unless its shared custody.
This is not written on the wall yet, you still have time to alter some of your requests, which we all empathize with, some of them just need to be changed.
Good Luck!
if you consider this child a
if you consider this child a guest to the home, you are not a very good hostess. skids are either treated like a guest and made to feel comfortable, or as one of the kids and are given the same treatment. he should have his OWN private stash of food that no one else is allowed to touch. if YOUR kid doesn't have to ask for permission for food, then neither does he. you are treating this child worse than you would a neighbor's child. if you want privacy, you have your room, as does your son. escape there if you need to. what you are doing is emotionally abusing this boy and your dh "needs" you so bad he is allowing it. karma is a bitch. your ex is starting to come around and spending time with your son? don't be surprised if your own son gets a "wicked" step-mother too. honey, what you put into this world, you get out of it. enjoy YOUR home. why did you marry your dh? do you not realize this hurts him? but it's ok because you have your rationalization? i'm ashamed for you.
As some of the others have
As some of the others have stated I don't have a problem with SS not going into your bedroom. I don't have a problem with SS not going into your son's bedroom. But imo, he should be invited by your son for games, etc. Who really cares what BM does, says or thinks???
But with that said, YOUR son should not be allowed in SS's (temporary) bedroom/living area. NO EXCUSES.
SS should have some sort of bed put up in there while he is there not just a mattress on the floor.
Why should he be made to ask for food if your son is not required to?
When I have guest in my home I show them the towels, the snacks, the drinks and tell them to help themselves. If I think the priviledge will be abused I would limit what I put out each day.
I don't understand the concept of having "personal" food in a home unless it is for health reasons.
I don't understand limiting a child from certain rooms unless it is bedrooms.
*** EDited to Add** IMO, by requiring all of these limitations on the SS but allowing your son free access you are teaching your child to be selfish and entitled!
THIS IS MESSED UP! I'm going to put it out there and say it because reading this is making my blood boil. He is a freaking KID. your DH's kid he is not a visitor or a guest he is part of your DH's family. SS10 spends the summers with us and he gets on my last good nerve. He threw a bottle at my head he eats everything in site and he even pees on trees. But he is DH's son and your skid is your DH's son and your DH loves him as much as you love your kid. It doesn't matter if he is in your house foe two minutes. He does not deserve to be treated like an outsider. He has to ask to eat my food but my BS can eat whatever and he has to stay in one room and watch my BS roam the house. What kind of crap is that? If anyone treated my kid like that or even had the nerve to open their mouth and ask for even one of those rules they would have an earful. If your DH puts up with this shitty treatment of his kid just to have a place to stay than he can come stay in my guest room and your SS can have fun playing with all the boys STEPS and BS7months all around my house.
I'm sorry and mabey I will get flagged for this but I can't just stay mum.
So, TASHA, it sounds like you
So, TASHA, it sounds like you haven't yet had your SS stay at your new house yet, or you haven't had to stay with him at all yet? Your new rules, you did put them out for everyone's opinion, so I have to think even you might think they are a little stringent. And that's why I'm not worried about all your restrictions that you're planning. Maybe you're just stressed about having to live with your SS? That's understandable. Especially if you haven't lived with him before. Maybe it's just hard for you to accept, or it's just your way of trying to maintain control over your environment.
Let me tell you, when I first moved in with SO and SS, I became a total germaphobe, and I still am when it comes to SS, don't like him touching anything I use, especially kitchen utensils. It's my way of trying to control my environment and cope with the stress of adjusting to a kid who wasn't raised with my values and may not meet my standards. I wonder if all your proposed rules are the equivalent of my germaphobia.
You're just at a stage where you can't think of your SS as part of your family. Maybe it feels awkward. It seems like your proposed rules are a way to get as close to what you really want, which is to be rid of SS. And that's natural too, many of us would ideally like to be rid of our skids but not really because that would make our DH's unhappy.
Once you do experience staying with SS, you may see that your proposed restrictions don't work as planned, and you can change them. pretty much pretty much hit the nail on the head with everything you wrote.
Thank you.
Onefootout, I think you
Onefootout, I think you nailed it to be honest. But beware of the haters on here, I posted once about how touching skid in any way, shape or form SKEEVES me. I won't even wash his clothes with my kids clothes. His get washed with his fathers. I got bashed (I know, shocking)....But it's like you said, when you haven't had the skid since birth, and was not raised by you, you HATE the BM, (I could care less about my skids BM, but I hate my MIL who loved from day one to remind me that I am not skid's mother....yes, no shit, clearly i'd never have ignored AUTISM and all of his other problems like she and her husband and MY HUSBAND did for 5 years if I was a real mother or a real grandmother) does feel like part of your controlling of your environment is taken away. And my skid truly has SKIDmarks in his underwear every damn day so EFF all the haters, they aint going in with my kids laundry, ha!
LMAO! Skids go in the trash!
LMAO! Skids go in the trash! I don't and won't even bother washing them! I make those undies get put in a bag, tied up tight, and put in the trash! I would rather buy new undies every damn time then put those fucking things in my new washing machine or hand wash them! BLECH! :sick:
Tasha1983, skid lives with me
Tasha1983, skid lives with me 24/7, i'd be living in a cardboard box by now if i had to throw out every pair of skids dirty underpants. Then he'd wear no underpants, now his regular pants would be covered in shit, have to throw them out. MY DH hard-earned $ isnt paying for that kid to get brand new underpants because he's a lazy shit who refuses to WIPE HIS ASS!!!! But, when he or any kid (mine are famous for this when they are sick) take a big diarrhea SHART in the underpants, they go immediately in the tied up garbage bag! LOL
I guess your kid has never
I guess your kid has never been sick and done that.
@jumanji, if you READ my post
@jumanji, if you READ my post you would see that I said "MY KIDS ARE FAMOUS FOR DOING THIS WHEN THEY ARE SICK"...
Skid has shitstains in his underpants EVERY SINGLE DAY. Trust me, I take pictures of them to show them to DH who still does nothing about it. So, skids clothes will not get washed with mine or my kids clothes. EEWWW, that's just disgusting. A big pair of underpants filled with a big shit, yes, they go in the trash. skids are from being a lazy POS and not wiping!
Real nice to talk about
Real nice to talk about children as a "lazy POS". I think its a reflection of your DH.
You tell 'em girl! LMAO @
You tell 'em girl!
LMAO @ skeeves
I want insult you. But Im
I want insult you.
But Im very curious of one thing?
Purple or teal? What color did you dye your husband's testicles before making them into earrings and how did you talk his ex wife into handing them over?
LMAO!! Yes, agreed!! Babies
LMAO!! Yes, agreed!! Babies are a nightmare.
Why stop at babies? I wish
Why stop at babies? I wish someone would come up with a holding area for kids who kick the backs of seats. Let's not forget the ones who can't stand up without pulling on the top of the seat in front of them.
yep, put them in the belly of
yep, put them in the belly of the plane!
I am shocked by this.... It
I am shocked by this.... It just sounds mean. He is a kid. You are an adult. You need to get into counseling and learn to deal with it better. I'm not saying that to be mean, I had to get into counseling to be a better step mom too!! Good luck...
Tasha, I do get where you are
Tasha, I do get where you are coming from on some points, it is not the easiest thing to have someone else's kids in your home. But at the end of the day, it is your husband's son, and your home is not the same as him renting a room from friends.
I get the food thing, but you need to be a little less strict about it. I don't let my own kids just open the fridge and take whatever because I want to make sure they're not just eating cookies and crap all day. If that were the reason your SS can't just go in the kitchen and help himself, I think everyone here might be a little more understanding, but it doesn't sound like it is. You don't want him taking stuff you meant for yourself or your DS, but in the end it is just food and can be replaced, it's not that big a deal. What if he just asked, hey, is it ok if I have one of these Jellos or can I have a granola bar, would that be ok? Then if its the last one or you were planning something with one thing or another, you could say no, but you can have this or that. It just seems a little harsh that certain things would be completely off limits to him unless it is something like a birthday cupcake or a candy bar bought especially for your son, etc. kids need to be able to snack, and surely your son or you do not need a entire package of cookies or whatever for yourselves. Families share.
Regarding the rooms, I get not allowing SS into yours. Our bedroom was always off limits to my step kids because that was my personal space. But I think you need to relent on your son's room for the weekends SS is there. Set up a cot, a trundle, bunk beds or something for him. Your son would probably like having bunk beds anyway. Is it ideal? No, but this is your son's stepbrother, and they need to learn to get along if you truly believe your marriage is forever. Realistically, your SS isn't going anywhere, and he's still young, so you have quite a few years left of his EOW visits.
When I had my daughter, we had a 3 bedroom home. My DH has a son and a daughter with his ex, and as they got older, having those 2 share a room was not appropriate. So his daughter had to share my daughter's room. Did I love the idea? Not really. And I was a little resentful of his son having his own room that sat empty for a majority of the time. But it was what it was, we could not have a 13 year old boy and a 9 year old girl sharing a room, so I sucked it up, put a bed in my baby girl's nursery and dealt with it. It was just for every other weekend, not every day. When my son was born, we had a bigger house, my daughter had her own room, mySD had her own room, and my SS was nearly 18 and didn't always spend the night, but when he did, I had a futon for him in my son's room. Again, not ideal but it was what had to be. My DH has kids that aren't mine, that is the reality of the situation. We stepmoms have to suck it up a lot of times and deal with kids we didn't choose or give birth to, but if we love our DHs, we have to make certain concessions and at the very least, tolerate our steps and make them feel welcome, because they are part of the family, even if they are not part of us.
Right now you are newlyweds and everything is sunshine and roses, but eventually I think your DH is going to want more for his son than what you are offering, especially when he gets to be a teenager. Maybe once you settle into an EOW routine, you will feel differently about all of this, and realize its not completely fair. You keep saying its just 4 days a month, so maybe you will learn to just suck it up for those 4 days, instead of making it so that your SS has to. I get that he has a room at his mom's, and trust me, I felt the same way about my step kids at times too, but I also knew they love their dad and he loves them and they shouldn't be made to feel that they are just visitors EOW. Step kids didn't ask to have their parents living separately, and honestly I can't imagine what that must be like because my parents have been married for over 40 years. I know it must be pretty hard, even though my step kids were really little when their parents split and never really knew a life of one home and their parents together. And trust me, my step kids never lacked or wanted for anything, and this sounds weird to say but they are probably better off with having divorced parents because their mom literally gave themEVERYTHING growing up and they never would have been so spoiled had my husband had a say. But that's beside the point, my point is, I get how tough it is to have this "strange" kid take over your house EOW, and when my steps were kids, Sunday night sometimes could not come soon enough, and when the BM would ask to trade weekends and we'd have them 2 weekends in a row, boy did I get step kidded out! But I also knew that my DH would be resentful and hurt and mad if I was ever unfair or mean to his kids so I bit my tongue at times, did things that didn't necessarily make ME happy and learned to go with the flow cuz I love my DH and while I did not pick his kids, I did pick him.
Agreed, well said
Agreed, well said
i may not be popular with my
i may not be popular with my comment here, but i figured i'd throw in my 2 cents...
IMHO, i really dont think what tasha's asking is all that horrible. now, i think maybe her delivery could use some improvement
sometimes it's not what you say, it's how you say it that counts.
here's some of my background - my mom was in a bad situation so she ended up giving custody of us to my dad (cuz he's super-duper stable) with EOWE visitations. she eventually got remarried and had a few more kids. she was never expected to provide bedrooms for him and i. she was never expected to provide a separate wardrobe for us. we brought our toothbrushes and a change of clothes, and crashed in the livingroom- i always tried to 'call' the recliner, it was so comfortable to sleep in! our visitation was like tasha's ss's - pick up on sat a.m, drop off sun p.m. one night overnight, twice a month. why provide a whole separate space that will only get used for 8 hours, twice a month? we also were raised to respect others' personal space, so we wouldnt ever consider invading someone's bedroom without an invite or at least a knock.
my brother and i did not feel slighted that we didnt have our own rooms at mom's but our half-sibs did. we didnt live there! we HAD our own rooms, where we lived. and yes, we *were* visiting- that's why it was called 'visitation' not 'partial physical custody'. and we were ok with it!
we also ALWAYS asked permission for food. to us, it was called manners. both at mom's house, AND at home. we ate actual meals instead of gorging in the pantry all day. we had after-school snacks that were purchased for that specific purpose. aside from that, out of politeness and respect and consideration for all other family members, we asked. it also helped my parents ensure that we had a well-rounded diet, since they could better monitor what we were eating.
for example, we always had bread and butter with dinner, there were 5 of us - "mom i'm getting hungry, can i have a piece of toast?" "not right now, dinner'll be ready in 20 minutes." or "no, not toast, whats left of that loaf is with dinner- have a half a bagel or an apple instead."
this was simply how it worked for us, and we enjoyed how it worked. maybe we're just weird... }:)
So, anyhoo- Tasha, i think your rules are ok, but i'd be very careful how you implement them. if your DH is on board, great. but if you love your DH, you'll ensure that his flesh and blood, no matter how much you dislike the kid, does not feel isolated or treated like a lesser being. i wouldnt say "these are the rules!" but i'd sit the whole family down and say "now that we're married and living here, this is how things are going to be- act with respect towards eachother." then detail how you expect things to go.
and put it in place for everyone, yourself included! let both kids hear you- "hey DH, were u planning on eating those cheeze-its, or can i dig in?" i like one earlier poster's comment about timing the grocery shopping. i'd make sure SS had some things he liked, but if there was 'special treats' for you own son i'd buy them after ss left, hide them (*nicely*!! "son i got those for you but there's not enough left to share with everyone- i dont want to make ss feel bad, so why dont you put them in your closet until sunday night?") or simply buy enough to go around for the two days he's there.
it'll be a tough adjustment, having DH/SS visitation under your roof now. he might be a whiney, sniveling twerp, but he's your husband's son and as such should be treated with respect (again, MHO). there're plenty of things you can do to accommodate him and treat him like a human, without having to bend over backwards or feeling like a prisoner. an air mattress seems to overstate the point that he's a visitor (again, just my opinion!) with the inflating and deflating routine. any way ya'll could get a futon, or sofa bed, or even one of those foam chairs that unfolds into a bed? maybe a chest in the living room with his own blankets, pillow and PJ's? and if DH gets him special snacks, could he put them in one spot that SS is aware of?
i dont disagree with your new rules as i was raised that way myself. but this is going to be a hell of a transition for everyone- i'm sure you can find a way to handle things without coming across as a total bitch and treating ss like a LLF. big ass transition period- i'd do everything i could to make it as smooth as possible while setting the groundwork for how things are gonna go in your newly formed household. if ya start off antagonistic, it'll only get worse from there. he might be an irritating pain in the ass, but as your DH's kid, see if everyone can start this new phase of life off on the right foot. GOOD LUCK!!!!
I agree that my delivery
I agree that my delivery probably could have been better worded and made more clearer. I agree with alot of the things you said. And I have been thinking of things like for example: (I'm trying here
)I don't plan on telling skid "these are the rules" and act like I am a Drill Sgt to him. I/dh would perhaps say things like "Would you like something to eat/drink" every so often so this would kind of alleviate him rummaging around in the fridge/cabinets to a bare minimum or perhaps taking something that was special for someone else. He can come into my sons room and play with him, thats no problem, IF my son says it is ok and not just invade his room without him being there etc.
I don't expect him to be or that he will be in the family room every second, I know that he will have to go to the bathroom and kitchen etc BUT my bedrm is off limits and the main living room is for quiet, non-rough housing, activities like movie watching and where the adults sit and relax. The family room has everything and MORE of what the main living room has plus more room to play etc so that is why I don't feel that he needs to be nor do I want him to be in the main living room area. Unless there is a reason.
I hope I am getting at least a bit better here...
Your delivery is not the
Your delivery is not the problem.
Well, perhaps I won't have to
Well, perhaps I won't have to cyber tar and feather you afterall
I don't think you're a bad person or secretly park your 'broom' in the closet, I just think you needed to rethink. Every plan needs a bit of tweaking. As it has not even been set into motion yet I'm sure that there will be other issues arise that you have not even thought about yet. There's nothing easy about being a SM and having your home disrupted when you get use to things very different the other 26-28 evenings a month.
There is always the chance SS has matured a bit in the last year. You really don't know yet if SS would have just helped him self without asking. He might surprise you. Give DH a chance to correct SS. I would'nt allow rough house play in my main living area either...from Bio or step. I did read in a different blog of your's that BS can sometimes a quiet and kinda keeps to himself and is much smaller built. Nothing wrong with that, but the differences in personalities and size between the two boys may be why SS overwhelms you with all his differences. It's a stark contrast.
Nothing wrong with having SS stay out of BS's bedroom without permission to enter. I believe that each person in a home should have privacy and their own space that other's are not allowed to just crash into. I'm sure that there may be times the boys just want to relax or even read (whatever) or get tired of each other. Nothing wrong in BS going to his room and shutting his door. On the other hand, BS should 'knock' before going into familyroom too. SS might want down time in there by himself. I liked the idea someone suggested about a futon or pull out sofa. There might be something decent but inexpensive on like craiglist.
A first home is an exciting time. You have every right to be proud of your home and to be able to relax and feel comfortable in that new home. You just might think about popping a bowl of popcorn and watching a movie all together once in awhile. Or making a point of making smores on the grill in the backyard. Just an hour here and there...then you can poof and go do whatever you please.
Hi Tasha, I agree with alot
Hi Tasha,
I agree with alot of what you said. I also make all the kids ask before they get something to eat. I want to make sure that they aren’t filling up on junk, eating something I’m planning on using in a meal, or eating right before dinner. We buy certain things specifically for snacking like granola bars and fruit or cereal.
I get where you are coming from on the bedroom thing as well. My BD13 and SD13 have to share a room and they don’t always get along (anyone with teen girls can understand that I’m sure).If it were possible for them to have separate spaces I would do so too. I think its important for every kid to have their own space.
I would do what I could to make sure skid felt at home and comfortable when he was there though, even if it isn’t very often.Im with posters suggesting that skid get to pick his own snack just like your BS.Maybe they could each have a plastic container in the pantry with their names on it, filled with their favorite snacks?
As for the family room I don’t see why it should be an issue that he play and sleep there. I don’t think he should be made to stay there every second as he should feel comfortable in the house too but maybe he could have his own day bed or futon and bedding that’s just for him when he comes over?
I understand having issues with the skid, believe me. I have 4 skids FT and while they all irritate me on some level (as does my own sometimes)I know that I have to do what it takes within reason to accommodate everyone. All kids should have an environment in which they feel loved, respected and secure. Since I love my man I will treat his kids as I do my own, no better or worse. I know how much I hate and resent it when I feel like FH is treating his kids better than mine.
Just some thoughts.
Okay - I've only gotten
Okay - I've only gotten through three pages, and I can see both sides of things. While I do not have stepkids, My two have frequently had friends over, etc. The bedrooms were off-limits for "wandering" into. However, there were exceptions (invitation to play in kid's room, a sleepover and a guest who didn't feel well or whatever and knocked on my door, for example). Foodwise... I made a point of having a shelf in the pantry and a drawer in the fridge that was set aside for snacks that they were permitted to simply draw from w/o permission. Yes, they were asked to come to me before taking anything else. Not because it was MINE, but because I may have had plans for it that may not be immediately obvious. My kids DID know that there were some things that I sometimes got a craving for or used for lunch, and not to finish it off.
What *I* would do in your situation? MBR - off limits, except for the same rule your son has. Knock and be invited in, or stay out. I assume you would be even-handed on allowing entry. Your son's room? Same deal. However, I would try to find/create some space for your stepson to claim as his own. A place where permission needs to be asked to enter. A place where he can store his stuff and know that it is inviolable. (This was a huge deal for my kids, especially my daughter. She finally brought everything she cared about here, because she would go to her Dad's and find her stuff used, abused and ruined.)
Food? What *I* would do? Is create a space for your stepson to have the things HE likes set aside. Since he is only there a couple of weekends a month, quantities don't need to be large. But he could have some treats for himself that he does not have to ask permission for, that he can get for himself. Make him feel a bit more a part of the family, ya know? That he's not just an intrusion to your life.
You don't have to love him. You don't even have to like him. But, as an extension of your husband, it would be nice if you at least tolerated him and made him feel a bit welcome in the home his Dad and you share. I'd urge you to think about how you could do that, and talk to your husband about it.
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your story. And I understand and admit that I can and should do my best to try and loosen the reigns a bit. I will work on that.
But I just want you to know also, the relationship with my dh and his son is already in that place and I honestly had nothing to do with it, imho. I have not seen or been around his son in a very long time. Whenever dh has had his visits with skid it is always just them and has been for 1+ years now as we have never lived together until we got married less than 2 weeks ago. I have not seen or been around skid to "treat or make him feel" ANYTHING because I would need to be present in order to do that right? Skid has been blowing off dh with various excuses for quite some time now and when dh addressed it with skid he just says that he likes to stay home and that he "gets hurt alot" at school etc. DH only has to cancel if it has to do with work, sick, vaca out of the country etc. and we give bm ample & as much notice as we can when that is the case. So I honestly don't know what skid's deal is in regards to his father or going on his visits. He seems quite content having nothing to do with his father or visiting him. When dh & bm were married dh was an involved father and him and skid were very close. And when they were going thru their divorce; skid was with dh every weekend until bm got knocked up and then she decided to take advantage of her EOWE with skid.
My only guess is that bm is PASing him and/or that she is making it very "fun" etc to stay home and that he is always playing with friends etc. But skid is the one who doesn't want to go with dh and dh is honestly not doing anything to deter him from coming either, we always send a text that says "I will be there at 5:30" etc so it shows that dh is still wanting to have his visits and so on but skid just blows him off. :?
The things I wrote in my post were things I was thinking of doing WHEN he does come to our house...but I have never done them or said/done anything to skid in the almost 2 years I have been with dh.
Thank you. I know that dh
Thank you.
I know that dh needs to spend time with his kid, and I have never tried to stop that. I just dread him now being in my home and in a place where I now have to see/be around him and all of the things about him that I don't particularly care for.
If the rules I had posted about were ALREADY in effect and being implemented on skid then I can see that I would definitely relate to the story you shared and would be responsible for the outcome on skid one way or another. But as far as skid and his father's relationship being how it is, it is definitely on dh, bm, and ss to make this all work out now.
SMH. I think I understand
SMH. I think I understand your rules and that you don't mean them to be as if the kid can't move around in the home. I think you mean he can't have free reign in the home as any kid couldn't. And I'm sure these rules didn't come out of the blue but were developed over time.
I don't want SS9 in fridge and cabinets either--not because I don't want him to eat. But because he eats Constantly and Everything until it's Gone! I mean that literally. We'd wake up at 7a and he's been up since 5a, eating entire cans of Pringles, drinking entire quarts of milk or juice, made EasyMac and all the while, he's left a trail of crumbs, spills and containers and dishes in his wake. Therefore the rule was implemented. I'm not a tyrant about it but after an incident this morning, I've just reminded DH that I'll be doing the talking to the brat since he doesn't about the Rules. He listens to me b/c He knows I don't play whereas he can easily blow DH off. I don't want him uncomfortable here but he will not be a disruptive force in my house every damn visit, esp for weeks at a time.
I don't allow him to sit on my new couch. He has to stay on the recliners. Why was this rule implemented? Because he spilled a cup of milk on a previous couch during one of his eating sprees and then simply turned the cushion over without telling us. As well, he doesn't wipe his ass well and he gets up and lays on the furniture in his drawers. He has no regard for furniture as in he bounces, sits on the arms and backs, sprawls upside down with feet on the walls so that rule came about.
He does not get to watch TV in the family room. Why? Because he'd watch cartoons for 10 hours straight if allowed and when we want to watch something he'd pout and carry on about not ever getting to watch TV, it's not fair, etc etc which is such a lie & drives me crazy. He is a very selfish child and only looks for negatives. He doesn't know how to share. So now he gets 1 hour of TV and if he wants to glaze over watching more when Dh is not Disney Daddying him, he has to do it on the smaller TV in his room.
He is not allowed upstairs if DH is not up there and I am. Why? Because he's a Creeper and more than once he's been caught peeping in, claiming to look for DH, or randomly standing outside the master bedroom door-can see his feet out there, just standing for 15 min at a time! He is NOT allowed in master bedroom at any time. Some spaces are sacred! Also because he totally makes a mess, leaving his towels on floor or just laying in bottom of tub, soaking wet. He leaves his clothes wherever he takes them off. He would get up, go downstairs and make a whirlwind of a mess. DH would clean upstairs where he'd already made a mess, then go downstairs in which SS would comeback upstairs during that time and re-destroy it and this just went back and forth. Finally I had to say "keep your tail one place or the other but you will not run all over the place making a mess and not even trying to clean up after yourself".
Now if I'd got on here and said 'Rules at our house is he can't eat without asking & can't sit on couch and can't watch TV in family room and can't go upstairs' it may seem harsh. But given the story, makes sense, doesn't it? So I get what you're saying--there's a rhyme and reason there. You may want to tweak the rules so that it's allowing for some bend simply for sake of your husband and child but don't abandon them.
Since DH is ineffective at setting and staying with a rule, I set them and I don't tolerate too much leeway. Sure, I want him to be comfortable here and I may not care for him as a kid but he is just a kid so I cut some slack in that regard. We've tried for years to teach him house decorum and manners and self-respect and cleanliness but we're up against the Wildebeest where he spends majority of the time now so by time we 'retrain' him during a visit, he goes back to No Rules land. But there will be rules here. Don't care what he thinks about it either. Lol
Your are absolutely right,
Your are absolutely right, everything made MUCH more sense when you gave examples and reasons for WHY you want/did set things up as you mentioned. That was definitely an error on my part to not explain my self more clearer and give more detail and reasoning behind it. I guess more or less I am going nuts at the thought of some bratty, ill mannered, annoying kid coming into my home and space when I don't want him there at all. Panic mode has definitely set in hard core!
But I will try to ease up...that is all I can try.
Try is all we can ask of us.
Try is all we can ask of us. Lol If I weren't trying at all, there'd be no rules because he wouldn't be here at all for any length of time. After a day, I'm done with him. And if DH would be honest, he'd admit he gets tired of him too very quickly now.
I'm not afraid to acknowledge that our marriage would be much easier if we didn't have to deal with this kid and his Mom. That is sole source of our biggest arguments. If she was decent, if she tried to raise him at all, if she didn't lie all the time, if she wasn't a nasty ass faker who takes advantage and manipulates and fails to appreciate, if the kid was of his blood and dna, it'd make a whole lot of difference. And he's so much like her the older he gets that it's making him unbearable too. So trying is all we can do...
LOL I know right! I know that
LOL I know right! I know that dh feels that way some/most times with skid too. He really is a drain with his shitty attitude and whininess. But thankfully I don't have to stick around to put up with it, I get to walk away and go do other things whereas he has to spend time with him and parent him when he is around. That is definitely one of the (very few) perks of having skids in the pic.
Skid/bm used to be a HUGE source of our arguments/fights for awhile. For many reasons, I'm sure you can imagine.
But the fights aren't as much now. I guess when they aren't in the pic that much or at all they can't and don't cause any problems. 
StepAside - I busted out
StepAside - I busted out laughing, especially the gag ball part.
That's different than OP
That's different than OP though right? They have their own room. OPs skid does not, if I am reading right.
I just read through all 9
I just read through all 9 pages of comments. I don't know how I missed this thread before, but I just saw it now...
I feel like I am going to throw up after reading this. Tasha get some therapy. The way you feel about this child and the way you treat him and want to treat him are wrong, and not just the ideas you have about when he's at your house.
He's potentially going to be at your house for 33 hours a every two weeks, right? (Saturday- Sunday everyother week and three hours on Wednesday?) That's nothing. You've got to work through the resentments and anger you have.
Your heart and home are big enough for this little boy- even if he's grumpy or argues or is imperfect and like BM. He's a little boy. Buy extra snacks, welcome him, help him feel loved. Truly what do you lose by loving him or helping him to feel like he belongs?
Your heart is big enough for everyone (I tell my skids this). You can love him without losing anything. And in 20 years when you look back on this, suddenly the stupid "special" snacks won't matter so much.
Get some therapy, it can't feel good to have these thoughts and feelings all the time. you don't sound like a joyful, peaceful person, you sound miserable (and I don't intend for that to be an attack at all, just an observation).... Not to mention, like everyone said, it's not good for your marriage or for your DS to see this...
Please, please choose love instead.
My private space is just in
My private space is just in my bedroom and that works out fine. The separating of groceries seems a bit odd to me unless someone is on a strange diet or needs it for a serious health condition.
I think that there is more to this story then what is being said.. :?