I think BM is finally figuring out she's been blocked
BM calls our house phone every few days to talk to the skids. We have told BM time and time again the best time to call is between 6pm and 9pm. We're not always home before 6, and skids are in bed by 9.
For the past week, she's been calling between 9:30 and 10 and we don't answer. Skids are in bed, she knows this. She has no other reason to call our home (her communication with DH is supposed to be done via email).
She's been leaving voicemails saying, "This is BM, I'm calling to talk to my daughters. I will try the cells."
Now .. she's been blocked on my phone for months, but with her being out of state, she would have no reason to contact me. If she's calling my cell, she'll get a message saying the call cannot be connected due to calling restrictions on my phone.
She sent an email last night to DH asking him to confirm that my contact info hasn't changed because she needs to include me as an emergency contact for the new school forms. This .. coming from a woman who refused to let DH take the girls for physicals for day care because he wanted to list me as a secondary emergency contact (AFTER her and only because she would be living 1600 miles away).
I get the impression that she's just trying to confirm she's been blocked
Skids' new school is about 45
Skids' new school is about 45 miles away. DH will be emergency contact #1, her mom will be #2, and her boyfriend will likely be #3. Assuming there's even a line for that many people, at BEST, I'd be #4.
But of course, this is an urgent request she needs answered ASAP!!
To clarify, all of those
To clarify, all of those people shown above will be listed AFTER her as back-up contacts. She will definitely complete the forms to show her as the primary contact.
She only even has my cell
She only even has my cell number because she hacked into his email shortly after we first started dating. She sent me a few nasty texts but then nothing for a long time.
It wasn't until last summer that she started this campaign of texting and trying to talk to me. I've engaged a few times, and then realized it wasn't worth it (mostly thanks to the stories I learned about here on Steptalk
). I blocked her last summer. She has no reason to contact me directly.
DH will probably never block her number from his phone since she doesn't really harass him or anything; plus she's gotten much better about limiting communications to emails. They do text on ocassion, but it's very limited.
I would do the same thing in
I would do the same thing in your situation! We're lucky in that her communications have really slowed down in the past year. It's usually limited to relevant skid issues, with the occasional BMism thrown in.
We don't have so much of a problem with her method/frequency of communication as we do the content. Because we're mid-custody/child support change, she likes to send her little threats/demands .. which we forward directly to DH's attorney. We all get a good little laugh out of those
In a normal week, DH hears from her 1-2x times. I never hear from her directly
He should just ignore her.
He should just ignore her. The school doesn't need you as an emergency contact.
I agree .. but after the
I agree .. but after the fighting they did to add me to the day care contact list, he doesn't want to turn around and make the exact opposite argument.
The day care was different because last summer and for the first part of this summer, BM wasn't living locally. She was 1600 miles away. With DH working rotating shifts at work, there really needed to be another person on the list in the event of an emergency.
But now that BM is local again, as well as her mother, I see no real reason for me to be added.
She doesn't really disrupt
She doesn't really disrupt the routine because we don't answer the phone. We certainly don't wake the skids up to talk to her.
The time frame of skids availability has been communicated to her several times now, and DH is tired of repeating himself. He sent the last "reminder" email about 2 weeks ago .. her response was just "If you won't let me talk to them at your house then I'll just call them at the day care".
Turn the ringer off at 9. Let
Turn the ringer off at 9. Let her know that if it's an emergency, text your husband. Make sure that you guys check email before you go to bed, just in case.
She's obviously not getting through to your cell phone and is wondering why. Have your DH confirm your contact info. No point in playing games. You've blocked her for a reason. It's ok that she knows it.
DH sent a one line response
DH sent a one line response to her email saying, "Our contact information has not changed" and left it at that.
After all the fighting they did over adding me to the day care contact list, he didn't want to turn around and say I had no business being on the school's contact list (even if it is completely pointless that I be listed). Makes us look a little inconsistent
I don't care if she knows I blocked her; she has no reason to contact me directly. I think it's funny that she thinks she's being so smooth }:)
It's all so petty .. but it's
It's all so petty .. but it's kind of funny to know it gets under her skin enough for her to go this route