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Being instantly judged nd hated by the ex from day one

AshiC24's picture


Well I met my man almost 4yrs ago.nd instanly fell in love with him.. I was with him for about 3weeks before I knew he had kids, I wasnt shocked I was in a way exxited to meeting them nd being round them as I loved children.. The first time I went to pick up my step daughter her mum started yelling screaming abusing me.nd my partner calling me names u wouldnt normally do... So this same thing happened for bout 3years it has only recently stpopped as I had to put a stop tp it nd stand up for myself..

Anon2009's picture

I just read your bio. It's not her business, but it is probably bothering her that you're 24 and that her kids are 14 and 15.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I was also instantly hated from the beginning. I had been dating my DH for about a month when he wanted me to meet SS, and he thought it was a good idea for me to meet BM too. She was pissed off when he introduced us and she refused to shake my hand. Not a big deal really, she seemed kinda caught off guard so I let it slide. Then later that night she called DH and asked to speak to me. I grabbed the phone and she proceeded to curse at me and call me some horrible names. I was shocked! Before I could say anything in return, she hung up on me. The next time DH brought SS home after visitation, I knocked on her front door. I asked her to please come say those horrible things to my face. She refused to answer the door. She wouldn't let her 2yo son in the house until after we drove away.

Stand up for yourself, indeed! BM was a pain in my a$$ for 16 years. But I never took any shit from her.

jumanji's picture

So wait - you put up with your partner using abusive language towards you for three years? SMH.