Help! Dad doesn't see anything wrong with how his child acts!!!
I don't know what to do. I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. I met his son (3 years old then) when I first found out I was pregnant. I adored his son. After my bf not having a job and me working full time and prego a lot was going on so he wasn't able to get his son much at all. Maybe twice. I have my son and now he's almost 6 months and my bf son comes every other week. It is hell!!!!! I'm not sure what changed but anything josh (his son) does drives me up the wall. He WHINES about EVERYtHING. My bf doesn't believe in spanking because of his past. But josh jumps all over the couch. Stands on the dining chairs. Says our child Andrew hits him. Josh says my mom kicks him. Doesn't eat anything. The only thing I've seen him eat is pancakes and anything to do with peanut butter. He lies. Every time he coughs and sneezes (which is a lot bc his parents says he won't take med and he has terrible allergies) we have to tell him to cover his mouth. And then we watch him and he doesn't but lies and says he does. My bf just laughs and thinks its cute. My bf even thinks his whining is cute. My friends doesn't want me around when we have josh because they can't take the whining. Josh doesn't go to bed til after 12 am and when I talk to my bf about it he makes up excuses for everything. "We'll josh took a long nap" or "we'll it's not a problem because he wakes up in the morning". I will tell you his eating is so bad his parents had him test for diabetics. One time I saw him eat chips for breakfast. A cupcake for lunch. And cookies for dinner and Reese's. I can't take it. I love my bf and do want to marry him but I don't know how to over come this. Every time josh is here we fight so bad. My bf doesn't see jos do any wrong. Josh is now growling at him when he gets on to him and when I question my bf about it he laughs and says he just kidding. Josh is now yelling at him and when you go to put him in time out he says don't tell me no and that your a bad person and when that little fit is over we ask hi why he got sent to time out and he just repeats he's sad and that your a bad person. My bf treats his 4 year old like a baby infant. He treats our baby (6months ) like a 4 year old. I am not sure it's because we love 3 hours away for josh or because he's not together with his ex wife. But like another time he was taking a bath my baby was asleep and I told josh to be quite and my bf got on to me bc he said that was too mean. To say settle down. That be quite is like telling him to shut up. I can't take it anymore. I can't disappear when he's here bc my bf already know I can't stand it and honestly idk what else I can do. My bf calls him every night when josh isn't here to tell him goodnight and when josh is here his mom calls and tells him goodnight. This kid is like going to be 40 years old living in one of his parents basement. All my bf says is I have nothing but negative things to say about his son. Which may be true but he doesn't see how awful his son is. Someone please help me overcome this. I love my bf so much.
I know I wasn't in any order. I just am rushing so my bf doesn't come in and see. I'm tried of fighting.
Let's face it, it is not the
Let's face it, it is not the kids fault but his Disney dad attitude that allows an innocent little boy to turn into a spoiled monster.I would be resentful, too, since this child has turned into a unlikable out of control brat.His dad seems to be in denial which takes you into a weird position- you (and probably other people) see the problem , but his dad , who is the responsible caregiver doesn't and even tells you off for being "negative"towards his kid.I would think about it very hard if you want to commit or marry someone who is failing as a parent plus doesn't give you the respect of listening to your opinion.This has only just started and Josh is only 5.x
Well, it's still early enough
Well, it's still early enough to change the situation with Josh. Your BF HAS to step in and be a parent though. Some behaviors are normal little kid behavior, but should be addressed and corrected. As it is, it seems that dad is being overly permissive with Josh. Regarding the covering of the mouth when coughing, teach him the "elephant cough". Try to make things into a game. The "elephant cough" if you didn't know (and I'm sorry if you did) is taught and used in a lot of preschools. Kids sneeze and/or cough into the crook of their elbow -- like the elephant's trunk wrapping around and covering it up. They will often still need reminders, but eventually they get it.
There is a parenting book that may also be useful for y'all, it's called 1-2-3 Magic. It really does work.