Questions on Disengaging: Would Like Some Advice Please
I have some questions for anyone who has disengaged. I appreciate any responses as I’m not sure the best way to go about it.
1) Did you discuss what was happening first with your spouse and then both of you and the stepchild, or did you not include the stepchild in an explanation at all?
2) How do you handle it when say, your stepchild is being blatantly disrespectful to you or your BC and spouse is not doing anything about it? I have read some people say that they leave and will come back after skid is gone, but I don’t want to do that and have it affect mine and DH’s relationship.
3) How did your spouse handle it initially? (His disapproval will not interfere with my decision to do this, but I would like some intel beforehand if I should expect a battle)
4) How do you go about doing this, or explaining what is happening to the skid (if you even do so) without it seeming to them like you are abandoning them. (The reason I am asking this is because all in all SD and I have a pleasant relationship. The problem arises when I try to correct or discipline and she throws it out of proportion, whines to daddy and then he feels the need to ask me to not do it because of any long list of excuses, which then causes an argument with us. I want to have a nice relationship with SD so I want her to know that I will still be in the home and there for her, will still treat her as nicely as I always do, but will not have any part of the parenting, good or bad).
5) I am planning on doing nothing that would be a parental duty, including: carpool, making dishes for functions/team parties/etc, taking to dinner, taking to movies, buying “just because” gifts for, being the Easter Bunny/Santa/Etc., cleaning up after, buying special food/snacks for, bringing anywhere without DH being along, homework help, baking birthday cakes, planning birthday parties, etc. I feel this is what I need to do because I feel it should go both ways…if I have no rights to correcting her as a parent then they shouldn’t expect me to act like a parent in all of the good ways. Does this seem harsh? I guess the part that I’m most concerned about is the birthday cake thing. I am a cake decorator/baker and have my own business. I always make elaborate and special birthday cakes for the girls. I know she will feel slighted if I don’t do this for her, but I feel that it is unappreciated and that it is something a parent would do.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to give advice on just how to go about this without causing more damage than good.
1) No, no and thrice no!
1) No, no and thrice no! Never warn them first! Never known this to work well. DHs just feel threatened.
2)This would not happen. DH does defend me if it ever does.
3) I disengaged long before I knew there was a term for it, I just did it instinctively for my own sanity. I did it gradually, eg stopped going out for outings with DH and SKIDs who were then young children - saying to him that if I was there, younger SD would always sabotage it and ruin the day. DH would have preferred it if I had remained engaged, but that wasn't an option.
4)I have never felt I had to offer any sort of explanation to SDs for my behaviour. I am still civil to them, I just don't do anything with them or for them.
5)I don't think there is any reason to feel you are being harsh. None of us disengages without good reason and a LOT of provocation. If she doesn't get her fancy cake, maybe she needs to reflect on her own part in that situation coming about.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your input! It is greatly appreciated and is very helpful to know how others have gone about doing this.
Kes is right.... do not say
Kes is right.... do not say how your going to act or change. Do not engage .. be there ignore rudeness tell your kids to stict up for themselves when dealing. If she does something to your kids tell dh.
When I started being a step mom I was shocked that this is really how it is! Its bs and not right. But its reality. And all I have heard is how the dh are not good at boundaries and rules.
Just be there that is all you can do, let her do what ever she wants whenever she wants. you cant care.
I think I disengaged a long
I think I disengaged a long time ago….just didn't know what it was called. I rarely have to do any of the things you guys talk about (mothering) for my skids because they are only with me two weekends a month and they don't let me anywhere near them to do anything and if I offer them some food, Daddy offers it again. If they sneeze and I say Bless you, he has to say it again (like it didn't count the first time). If I bring down a bowl of popcorn for everyone when we are all watching a movie, he says to his kids…do you want some?…you can take some. He makes out that they are too scared to take some popcorn unless he offers it. But on the whole, as I said, I don't have to do a lot the mothering, which is good because I don't think I could handle it. They don't need a mom because they already have two (BM and SO, who thinks he's Mom…and he's admitted it!) But I really am amazed by the amount of energy so many of you put in before disengaging. I have to fight hard to find energy for my own kids because I'm so tired from working, so I just make it clear to SO that although maybe he SHOULD be able to expect that from me, I just can't give it. Where I don't disengage is in discipline. I have three kids of my own to control (alone with them most of the week) so I really can't afford for anyone to come in and expect to change the rules.
I guess it would be nice for SMs to have the conversation about disengaging with SO…before actually disengaging, maybe to see if it can be avoided…but I think the problem is that by the time you realize you need to disengage, it's way too late to start trying to fix it all.
I agree, by this time it's
I agree, by this time it's probably to late to try to fix it. I do want to still have a relationship with her, and will treat her nicely when she is at our house, I just will not do any "parental" type things. I've told my husband repeatedly that he cannot expect me to treat her like my child only in regards to "good" things, like gifts, fun things, etc., and not allow me to correct and discipline her like I do my child. My attempts at correcting her are the only things we really argue about. That is, aside from the occasional bicker, as with any married couple. I have finally come to the realization that I cannot be the parent to her that he is unwilling to be. I am not her parent and the type of adult she becomes is not my responsibility. I just wish he and her BM would realize the terrible inservice they have done to this child her entire life by allowing her to do whatever she pleases, dictate to them how things are going to be, give her anything she whines for, and go running after and babying her every time she shows the slightest amount of disappointment. My marriage is more important to me than the way she grows up, so I'm removing myself from situations that cause strife in my marriage.
OMG!!!!! U said it so well, I
OMG!!!!! U said it so well, I am experiencing the same thing! I have three perfect children 13 17 and 21 and that is one of the things that attracted him to me. The two of mine still in the home are easy for him to parent bcuz that have limits rules morals boundaries, there ready made children that he can just add too. His daughter could be like them but it would require I add to the mix and he isnt allowing that. At first it was so frustrating because I saw the problems and I know how to fix it. I am in a better place now that I know that I can not fix her. That its too late that she its bcuz of the way the two of them raised her so far and continue to raise her. So yep I worry only about my marriage, she is his visitor, I dont try and change or correct her. She does what ever she wants. Says what ever she wants, when problems come and they will I will hug him and say I am so sorry. When the police come to the door I will let him get it. When she gets pregnant before she is grown I will buy her a present and deliver it to her moms house.
I hope the best for her dont get me wrong, I love her father and dont want him to have pain and problems. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT he will I see the writing on the wall. No rules no boundaries just make society inforce them since the parents are not. Which means, drugs, jail, alcohol and men abuse, the list is long.
Maybe by watching my kids she might change. I already have her praying at meal time, and taught her about communion ( when she first saw it she said dad haha this looks like a shot glass) hmmm she knew what that was and not what communion was ...scary. When he dad does shots with her older sister 21 , she tries and joins in saying where is mine. My two kids wouldnt dream of interacting with adult activity. She also recently said she was going to be the first in her family to go to college because my oldest is in college! maybe there is hope, but thats all there is.
I love my husband. I love my kids and I will try my best with this poor little girl
But I see the writing on the wall
yep... the key is you cant
yep... the key is you cant fix it! Do not try ... be the dads wife and your kids mom and the skds are visitors.
I once got so tired of trying
I once got so tired of trying to discipline and help the skids that I said to my own kids (in front of SO and skids) at the dinner table when SO was once again letting SS6 not eat his vegetables after he started crying and calling SO an asshole and my kids asked me why they had to eat their vegetables when SS didn't:
"You know why? Because he's not my kid and frankly, I don't care whether he grows up to be a fat brat but I do care about whether you are a fat brat, so eat your broccoli".
Clearly, that was evil. But true. And when SO looked at me in absolute horror, I just shrugged my shoulders. He didn't bother to argue. Ha ha…and there was me saying I hadn't spoken to SO about disengaging….that's quite a big statement!
Maybe you need to point out to DH that being a parent is about education. If you are not able to educate his daughter, you can't be expected to do all of the cool stuff. If you're a teacher, you can't just go on all the field trips and have fun…you've got to keep the kids safe. And keeping kids safe also means teaching them about relationships. I have to say (in my SO's defense) that he is quite good at taking a long-term view of his kids and when I point out to him that some of the behaviour he is letting his kids get away with now will make it very very hard for them to be involved in fulfilling adult relationships, he does listen up.
I once pointed out to SO that allowing his daughter's over affection with him was actually putting her at risk. I feel really strongly about this issue. If you don't teach your daughter good boundaries, you are leaving the door wide open for some jerk who doesn't have the same good intentions as you and she will play right into his hands. I think when he saw that my concern was actually for SD, he took notice. Maybe you could give you DH a couple of scenarios for the future. What kind of guy is your SD going to attract? Does he want that for his daughter? If not, he needs to let you in, as a woman (and a mother!) to do what's best for his daughter. He needs to trust you.
Oh my goodness, I just about
Oh my goodness, I just about peed myself laughing!!! So many times I've wanted to say just that thing....wish I would have!!!
I could not agree more, about the education thing. Unfortunately he has the typical divorced dad fear that if he corrects her, etc, she isn't going to want to be around him. He is finally starting to see that she is probably not the kind of person he is wanting her to least he did admit it to me the other day, but we haven't gotten to the point where he feels comfortable trying to reverse and correct this behavior. I get so pissed at him. He won't even create his own punishment for her! For instance, recently BM found out that SD hadn't been doing her math homework for weeks and her grade had plummeted. Instead of him deciding on how he would deal with it at our house, he asks BM what her punishment is going to be and to let him know. Her idea of punishment was making SD write a page explaining why she didn't do her homework :? And he went along with it!!! If that were my daughter and she couldn't keep her grades up she certainly wouldn't be playing softball. I have talked to him until I'm red in the face about allowing BM to take the reins in every aspect, and that he has the right, as her father, to make his own decisions regarding her upbringing. Ugh!!!
you cant change what is, he
you cant change what is, he wont want you to parent disengage. Step parents should not discipline.
you cant change what is, he
you cant change what is, he wont want you to parent disengage. Step parents should not discipline.
I agree to an extent. For instance, I have repeatedly told my daughter that she is to treat her step-mother with respect, and I have no problem with her SM taking something away from her, or at the very least with her Dad letting her know that she has to respect and listen to SM. Now, I would have a problem if SM spanked her or something like that, and I would never to that to my SD.
DH throws a fit if I even say anything to SD about the way she's acting, or if I tell her not to talk to me like that, or if I talk to him later about it and ask him to address it, etc. It is absolutely ridiculous! If I don't smile sweetly while petting her and saying "now princess, I know you've got so much going on right now so I'm going to forgive you acting like that" he's not happy. I have never seen someone so friggin worried that their child might get upset by something...God forbid. Makes me want to vomit. At least I can rest knowing that I have tried everything to treat this child like my own. I will never be mean to her but I refuse to cater to her. I feel like a huge weight has lifted just since I've decided to disengage.
Thank you for the advice!
Practice being "fake sweet"
Practice being "fake sweet" while repeating "Go ask your Dad" as often as needed.
You are going to be to busy to "do that right now" - "go ask your dad", etc. etc.
Now blatant disrespect to your face - call it out in an age appropriate manner. Don't punish - that's for the dad but don't totally ignore. If a strange child came up to me and said "you are ugly" I'd tell the kid to "shut up" if of a certain age or "that's a horrible thing to say" to a mid age or totally ignore if it was a 3 year old. But I wouldn't be doling out any punishment.
Perfect...thank you!!
Perfect...thank you!!
i feel that i was reading my
i feel that i was reading my own post...I've been in the "disengage" part of my life. I never thought i was going to disengage my sd13, i always thought we had a good sm/sd friendship...and all of a sudden she literally threw me under the bus when she went to daddy and said she didn't like the way i discipline her because of my tone of voice..which btw, is not even close to the way i speak to my daughter. So i decided that i will no longer be her stupid ass sm that would do everything for her..from school functions to cutting her hair...cuz her bm is sooooo busy that she cant even take her to buy pads!!!! keep in mind we have my sd 50/50...i'm kinda sad i guess i let it not bother me that she doesn't give a rats ass if i talk to her or not. My husband didn't take it so well, in the begining he was kinda shut off from me...until i made him realize that I"M NOT HER REAL MOM!!! SHE HAS A MOM..i will not be only good to her...if she can't handle the bad then she doesn't get to have the goods!!! i'm glad my husband supports me for now..LOL...i hope it last..I think what we are doing is for our own sanity. I have my own daughter12 to look after than to be worrying about the kind of adult my sd will be like. it sounds harsh but its the truth
Oh my gosh, it does sound
Oh my gosh, it does sound like we have/had very similar situations! Thank you so much for posting. I am just so tired of having a good relationship with her when she's getting what she wants and then being the devil when she's not. I can completely understand the tone of voice thing...I am much more softspoken with SD than I am with my own daughter, and I'm still speaking too harshly to her according to her and DH! Anything above a whiny plea to her is yelling and speaking sternly in their books... :sick:
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to post. It makes me feel so much better to know that someone else has been through this and, while we might not have the SD from hell, feels the need to step back.
Speaking of hair....I have even gone as far as getting up early in the morning to help her do her hair for school! Nothing is appreciated and I've had enough!!! It feels good to say that.
when i first come on here was
when i first come on here was when she threw me under the bus. Its been almost two weeks now and i'm scared, scared she will not want my friendship. Not because i'm dying to have it(sounds harsh) but because I actually am very in love with her dad. he's a great man, that deserves to have a good child that is not spoiled. He's had the worse luck with her would think sd would kiss the floor to the women(me) that has made his dad happy again!!
I feel the same way. The
I feel the same way. The only reason I'm concerned about keeping at least a friendly relationship with her is for her dad. He really is a good man, in spite of the fact that he lets SD and BM walk all over him. I know it hurts him when there's discord in the family, but he just hasn't had the epiphany yet that his lack of action is the largest contributor in any discord. He did tell me this morning that he will try to be more stern and discipline her more. We will see. I don't really think it will happen though.
I hope that for your sake it
I hope that for your sake it does....and soon! He should cut the cord with the bm and be firm with sd. its such a turn off when you see ur dh act like such a whimp!
^^^THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
^^^THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Ditto, RisingAboveIt. Just
Ditto, RisingAboveIt.
Just because there is a child in your home, does not mean you need to mother him/her. I NEVER have. The way I look at it, SK is here to see DH, not me. I have NO obligations. I choose when and how I want to interact with SK. MY choice, no one else's. If SK wants to go to the store with me, I just say, "No, stay here and visit with your dad. You don't see him very often." That is a solid reason not to have to have SK come along with me. And it isn't just a "no" where SK may feel rejected. It is a "no" with an accurate reason attached.
Just do your best not to be a bitch to the kid, and you should be ok
"I am planning on doing
"I am planning on doing nothing that would be a parental duty, including: carpool, making dishes for functions/team parties/etc, taking to dinner, taking to movies, buying “just because” gifts for, being the Easter Bunny/Santa/Etc., cleaning up after, buying special food/snacks for, bringing anywhere without DH being along, homework help, baking birthday cakes, planning birthday parties, etc."
Wanted to add... ^^^^^ I have never ever done any of this. Obviously on the few times DH has left me with SK, if SK needs something that an adult needs to handle, I do it. But outside of that, my motto is, "not my kid, not my problem."
And I didn't discuss disengaging with SK or DH, I just did it. But if you are really involved right now, maybe "weening" off might be a better option so it isn't so abrupt and obvious.
Why are you so concerned with
Why are you so concerned with how disengaging will effect anyone but you?
If you are about to disengage, its because the skid mark is a demon and the father fails to parent.
You disengage for YOU. Screw how they feel.
Thank you so much!! I guess
Thank you so much!! I guess that's going to be the most difficult part....not worrying about affecting anyone else. After all, why should I...they don't show me the same concern!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this topic, but just a question, do any of your skids live in home with you? Mine do, along with my bs and bd. How do you go about disengaging when they are under the same roof? DH has had custody since they were very small children and BM gets them when she wants to play mom. I am tired of trying and just won't do it anymore, and am sick of not being told anything that goes on with their lives. They even go to DH to ask me to put such stupid things as toothpaste or deodorant on the grocery list.