Giving Up on Wife and Skids...a sad freedom
It's a sad empty feeling but I can't say I knew it wasn't going to come to this. I no longer have any pretentions about my screwed up marriage. My skids have had behavioural issues as long as I've known them. I'd hoped things would change after five years of marriage to their mother, but it's not going to happen.
Yesterday I had to work (I work out of my home teaching music) I had asked the skids, when they got home from school, to let the two dogs out once in awhile. They were too busy with their video games. When I was done teaching, I mopped up piss and shit. This in itself is just the way they are day to day. What killed this marriage was what came next...
The youngest dog is a pup...a hyper shepherd pup. I've told the skids to try and be patient with him, and not rough on him.
Well, the pup jumped up on SS. So SS tackled him and punched him in the face repeatedly. I've warned him that he will turn a shepherd mean with this sort of shit before. Anyhow, I yelled at him. Then my wife interjected and said "Well you wanted the dog. It's not their fault...they didn't ask for him."
That is when my heart broke and I shut down completely for my wife and her rotten children. This is the latest issue among a million issues of hoping against hope that these little assholes will someday have some sense of respect and responsibility.
But deeper still, I had hoped that my dear wife would one day stop defending them and realize that there are issues...issues she created by her incessant coddling. I have never set out to bash them unfairly, which she thinks I do. At one point my own sons wouldn't come here because of the constant drama...the whining, fighting, poor me I have to wash the dishes, I have to clean my room, it's not fair. Now I really don't care, and I am going to find a way out of this home. My wife just left for work, the assholes are off to school, and I am apartment hunting. To anyone enduring similar circumstances, my thought are with you and I hope you are able to find a solution. If you do, please share that solution with me.
I understand completely. My
I understand completely. My skids behavior also never changed one bit after 7 years with their Dad, even when he was made custodial 3 years ago.
I also understand on the bio kids not wanting to come. My adult kids and my grandson do not like my SS'
Sometimes you have to do what is best for you and yours.
Good Luck.
I am sorry to hear about your
I am sorry to hear about your failed blended family experience. My only immediate recommendation is that you think twice about leaving your home.
Posession of the home can be a very big point of leverage in a divorce. My XW moved out and that ended up giving me notable leverage not only during the divorce but also for the next four years until the house was sold. Even when it was leased and neither of us were living in it. Other than a few specific personal items our divorce decree divided assets "as possessed" and I possesed the house since she left and at the time of the divorce hearing occured and several weeks later when the divorce was final.
But, as you have BKs from a previous relationship I am probably not telling you anything you don't already know.
I would call the police on your SS for animal abuse and start the ball rolling on that action. If you share no BKs with your wife then the house will be the major issue to resolve when you split the blanket.
Since the house is also your place of work you may also have additional leverage regarding who gets it.
So, go file for divorce this afternoon, change the locks and when your wife and the Skids come home tell them to schedule a time to come back and get their crap.
Good luck.
Rags..thanks for the
Rags..thanks for the advice...some very excellent things to consider. I am calling the police next time. This SS demon killed a cat once in a fit of rage. I should have called the police then. I'm going to wait patiently as long as I can. This is my workplace, and I pay for everything. Hangin on as best I can.
My heart breaks for you. This
My heart breaks for you.
This is so sad and it isn't uncommon - why is that? What did we do to deserve such a shitty hand in this game of life? Fall in love and try to build a blended family?
All of us step parents.. we try to do the best we can. The best we can with damaged kids who want nothing more than to be rid of us. We try to understand them even though no one tries to understand us. It's so unfair.
All we want is the same thing you want, Bioparent. A family. You expect us to love and accept your child, yet when they are resentful and hate our existience you make excuses and defend them over and over again.. how can we possibly love someone enough to overcome the feeling of complete rejection and contempt when they aren't even biologically our child? That is a lot to ask of anyone. Even in a bio parent/kid relationship.. let alone a step parent/kid relationship.
We cook, we clean, we help with homework/projects, drive you places, take you to practice, go to your games, support you financially, do your laundry, plan birthday parties, holidays, shop for you, etc..... all the parental things bio parents do.. yet it's not enough.. you refuse to want us in your world or give us the time of day.. you do things to spite us and blame every rule you don't like or consequence on us.
You hate us because we don't make excuses for your crap and give you a crutch for your bad behavior. You hate us because you didn't choose us and we take up some of your parents time - too damn bad. Your mom/dad need a partner too and just because they brought you into this world, does not mean their world revolves around you.
Well said stepmomsoon. It
Well said stepmomsoon. It happened again today after I wrote this post. I found a whole sandwich in the garbage, an unopened fruit rollup, an unopened pudding. I asked SD about it and she said "Well I'm not going to eat any of it." She's 13. So I ask dear wife about it..she says "Well, I'll talk to her she doesn't understand. Don't get an attitude." I must have gotten off on planet fucking stupid. I can't really do this much longer without getting drunk or drugged or something.
And you know.. it's just
And you know.. it's just frustrating. If my child would have done the same thing she would have gotten the same reaction from me - "what the heck? why are you throwing this away? That's like what, a 3 dollar lunch? Would you throw away 3 dollars because you just did."
To the bio parent of the skid.. this is mean, evil, picking on them, blah blah blah. I am not mean. I am not evil. I live in the land of common sense and calling things as I see them.. not making excuses and ignoring.
Step kid, bio kid, neighbor kid, does something stupid or breaks a rule more than once... you call it out, say what you need to say and do what you need to do. It's called parenting.
Quote: >It happened again
Quote: >It happened again today after I wrote this post. I found a whole sandwich in the garbage, an unopened fruit rollup, an unopened pudding. I asked SD about it and she said "Well I'm not going to eat any of it." She's 13. So I ask dear wife about it..she says "Well, I'll talk to her she doesn't understand. Don't get an attitude."<
Sometimes I think I am the one born on another planet. Had I done that to my folks at that age, my Dad would have thrown me into the electric chair and my Mom would have thrown the switch! Throw away food!?!?!? Holy mother of god that was *THE* sin of sins!
My SS used to waste food all the time and DW would defend it. I nipped that in the bud real fast so fortunately for me, that problem didn't spiral out of control like it seems to have with your SD. And your wife says "I'll talk to her"??? What is she going to say?...Screw that! When it comes time to prepare lunch for the brat, I'd take out a $5 bill and burn it in front of her. "There! That was your lunch! Hope it was satisfying. Have a nice day in school!"
I agree with not leaving the
I agree with not leaving the home; that was one thing my lawyer made me promise not to do when I was going through my divorce.
I cannot even stomach animal abuse, as I am "mom" to a rescued dog and cat. Your SS has major problems, and your wife better wake up.
My DH's kids are young adults now, and they never abused animals, but the conversations you have had with your wife remind me of what happened with my DH and his ex. His ex allowed the kids to rule the house. She would not set rules or boundaries, and always made excuses, and made my DH out to be the bad guy when he tried to discipline or set rules.
Today, his "kids" are obnoxious, nasty, horrible people who have no concept of reality. They cannot handle rejection. They won't work, because their mother told them they should not have to work. One was just arrested, and the other 2 are no better.
I don't think you can stay in this marriage. Your wife would need to do a COMPLETE change. You will just become more and more miserable. My DH suffered a lot. He has tried to help his kids, and they refuse to listen. You cannot live like this. If your wife wants to raise monsters, that is her choice.
dontcallmestepmom...thanks...great advice. I told DW that if the dog is touched again, the police get called, period. There was no argument with that one. She knows. This won't change. We signed up for marital counselling four years ago, and come the day, she made up a reason not to be able to attend. She then proceeded to justify things. I'm staying put for now. Rash decisions are rarely healthy ones. But the end has come, and I already feel better having emotionally let go of her and those arrogant, hopeless little bastards, which is exactly what they have developed into.
I am so sorry. I feel like my
I am so sorry. I feel like my marriage has become a farce, too.
As stepparents, we will always, always be second-class citizens in our own homes and relationships.
I am hurting so much right now that I don't have any advice to give, but I am sending you good thoughts. You don't deserve to live like that.
Well said
Well said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
We try like hell.. and get hell in return.
We are a joke. To the stepkids we are just someone to help bio do shit for them.. to the bio we aren't a partner, we aren't the stepkids parent, we are the person that helps them fuck, finance and feed. I have another "F" to add as the step parent.. FED UP! said it "poor said it "poor parenting" I call it "non parenting" when a 13 yr old boy punches a puppy in the face and his mother jumps to his side saying "he didn't want the dog in the first place, so you can't be angry with him" it is truly unreal. He now knows that the police will come to pick him up next time. There is youth offender act for assholes like him, and a night in a local holding cell may just scare the living shit out of his pathetic self. I can compromise on much, but animal abuse is an issue without excuses. This whole marriage is out of excuses.
^^^THIS. This isn't poor
^^^THIS. This isn't poor parenting - this is ANIMAL ABUSE and a seriously disturbed teenage kid who has a mother who defends his criminal actions.
OP needs to get out of this horrible situation and if he chooses to stay for whatever reason, at least give any pet a decent home away from this abusive kid.
I put the dog up for sale, as
I put the dog up for sale, as he is a hyper breed and I can't honestly know what goes on when my back is turned. If the Shepherd finally turns mean, there's no reversing it. It is sad. I really wanted this dog. But equally, I'm calling Childrens' Services and the police if it happens again. The wife can hate me all she wants. If reality is too much for her, I don't even want to be near her. I'm using this exact post as a sort of paper trail for when I do involve the police and childrens' services.
Good deal Jay. No animal
Good deal Jay. No animal deserves to go through what your SS is putting him through. And with him being a "dangerous" (I don't label them that way as I've had many very sweet Shepherds) breed, if he bites someone, guess who is liable for that?
The dog may eventually start retaliating against such abuse and if he does, the aftermath won't be pretty for anyone involved. I've been in animal rescue, dog training and vet assisting for many years and have seen a lot of cases of abuse.
If you can't sell the dog quickly to a good home, you may consider giving him up to a rescue group.
Actually I decided not to
Actually I decided not to wait...called police on SS. I'll keep you guys posted. They're on the way.
I'm SO proud of you JAY!!!
I'm SO proud of you JAY!!! Good deal. Even if your marriage doesn't survive and you end up leaving to never see SS again, at least YOU will be the one to teach him that his horrible actions won't go unpunished. I hope the cops scare the living SHIT outta him and if he ever touches an animal in a harmful way again, he gets severely punished for it.
RedWingsFan... I hope he at
I hope he at least gets a night in a holding cell. In my town, holding cells (I've been in them
) are nothing but a poured concrete slab, floodlights, a stainless steel toilet next to the concrete bed and a camera staring you down. I hope he goes there for a night and decides that he should alter his course. But if he doesn't change after that, I hope he makes it to the big house one day and learns how to be "gay for the stay" Sounds cruel, but I've had it. He doesn't act up in school, because he knows he won't get away with it, so he knows right from wrong and how to control himself. I am out of sympathy. His jellyfish mother can bring him cookies in Kingston Pen. I won't be around for it.
You don't sound cruel or
You don't sound cruel or harsh. This kid needs to be taught a lesson and SEVERELY.
What ever happened with the cops?
Good for you. You're putting
Good for you. You're putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak. Now your wife and SS will know you mean what you say and it's not just empty threats.
I'm glad you're doing what you need to do to protect your puppy as well as making steps to show wife and SS you mean business.
It's too bad you had to lose your puppy over this, but it's what you had to do. When I was married, we had a cat. My then DH would tease the cat. Then our daughter, who was three years old at the time, would try to pet the cat, and it would bite and scratch her. When I told my DH he needed to stop teasing the cat, he said that our daughter should stop trying to pet the cat. :jawdrop: A grown man said a THREE year old should show the restraint he obviously could not do himself!!
DH kept on teasing the cat, and our three old was not old enough to understand she had to leave the cat alone, so I had to give the cat to the SPCA. I hate that I had to give away my daughter's pet (she was my older daughter's pet) but I had to protect my three year old from my husband's stupidity. Some people are so stupid when it comes to animals, SMH.
Keep us posted on what happens.
Honestly, Amber, I would've
Honestly, Amber, I would've given away DH if he teased my cat to the point of making him mean!
My ex kicked my Aussie once because he "got in his way". ONCE. I told him if he EVER touched my dog again, I'd call the cops and kick his ass out.
I hear ya! I would have
I hear ya! I would have LOVED to throw exDH out, but sadly the law was not on my side! Don't you know that even when he pushed me into a desk the cops didn't do anything? They said since both of our names were on the house, they could not force either of us to leave the house! :?
Anyway, this was just another nail in the coffin. I DID mention he's my EX husband, right?
Good for you girl. I've
Good for you girl. I've heard of the domestic issues being ignored by police as well. I'm sorry!
GLAD he's your ex!
I am glad you decided to call
I am glad you decided to call the police. Do keep us posted.
Called the school too. I want
Called the school too. I want it cemented in record that I have grave concerns over this kid. What I haven't mentioned herein is that I have a four year old daughter with my wife. I didn't want to stray off topic too far. But I want it established that I voiced concerns and that my wife did nothing about them...therefore leaving our daughter in harm's way. This will surely aid me when we separate and custody is decided. The asshole SS left a bruise on my daughter when she was three, because he was having a temper tantrum. So today is the day of reckoning. It stops here and now. My next call will be to childrens services so that they can remove this animal SS from the home for the safety of the family. The calls to the police and the school will give the removal the grounds it needs.
Again, Jay, good for you for
Again, Jay, good for you for finally doing something serious to address this kid's serious issues.
I wish you the best of luck and I'm sorry to hear you're going through this very tough time.
Just talked to his
Just talked to his teacher...teacher said based on what I told him, he may have to contact authorities. I told him please do. It's going to get really ugly at this house tonight...but enough is enough. I don't know if any of you have been watching the new series "Bates Motel" based on the "Psycho" movie...but that woman is my wife...the loving mother who runs to her son's side and protects him as he goes through life laying down destruction. But that only works in the movies...when a kid kills a cat and attacks my dog and bruises my daughter (I didn't go into that too deeply here) then there's a problem. If this ends in divorce, so be it. I cannot imagine living through any more denial and people and animals getting hurt. And that said, I have lost almost every ounce of respect for DW for not seeing this. The only reason I hang on is that I see in her a level of confusion as to how to deal with all of this that is baffling...something bigger than her that she really has no idea on how to handle. She wants to believe that everyone is just really good at heart and refuses to allow any other reality. Perhaps it's not love so much as pity I feel for her at this stage.
Well hopefully this will be a
Well hopefully this will be a wake-up call for her as well. She strikes me as someone who really doesn't know how to deal with situations like this which unfortunately lands her in the group pf permissive/negligent parents.
For what it is worth, you are definetly doing the right thing. Sometimes, being a vigilant parent forces us to take extreme measures.
Our parents knew how to
Our parents knew how to handle things like this. With a trip to the woodshed.
I know you aren't happy to have to do this, but it's what you have to do. Who knows, you actions might be what saves this SS from becoming a Norman Bates for real. If he's stopped now he might actually learn a lesson and turn around.
At any rate, you have to protect your little daughter from this boy. I can't believe she didn't do anything when her son hurt her own daughter! :O
As it sits, police aren't
As it sits, police aren't touching the issue. The school principal is looking into intervention...based on what I told him, he has to consider the safety of other students in the event that SS snaps at school. This, sadly, is all behind DW's back, as she refuses to address this shit. But school is working close with me. I told them that if I involve Childrens Services, SS will be removed from our home, and he wants to try to prevent that. I just want the prick out of my life.
I agree with almost
I agree with almost everything Cheri just said, with the exception that if Jay can prove his wife's son is a danger to their daughter, a judge won't place her primarily in the mother's care as long as son is residing with mother.
Just because she's the mother, doesn't grant her primary custody automatically. I know this for a fact.
I don't see much of a solution for him either unless he can prove SS is a danger to them and have him removed for psychiatric evaluation/care and then leave DW and file for primary custody of his daughter. If I were in his shoes, I'd be well documenting all of SS's horrific behavior, contacting whatever authority I could and then moving my ass out with my daughter and filing for temporary emergency custody of her.
I would just hate to see what
I would just hate to see what SS is capable of doing to the poor little daughter if he's already killed a cat and punches a puppy for no other reason than he's "mad"...
This is such a horrible situation and I do hope Jay is able to get out and quickly!
Yeah, I am reminded of cases
Yeah, I am reminded of cases our lawyer told us of mothers who were convicted drug offenders, addicts, etc, who STILL get primary custody. "Oh your honour! Yes I have an addiction but I love my children! Yes, yes! I promise I'll go to rehab!"
If it hasn't been mentioned, I highly recommend JayS talk to a lawyer. I think JayS can easily prove that SS is a danger but my biggest worry here is proving that the mother is truly incompetent and that he needs to get primary custody. That is the challenge I see JayS facing. He'll tell the judge that his wife is incompentent/negligent parent and she'll say "Well I told him it was a bad idea to get a dog". What's a judge going to think? It becomes a bit of a crap shoot.
The ONLY case I know of a father getting primary custody is a friend of mne whose ex-wife decked a cop. The moment the cop gave his testimony on the stand, the judge awarded father full custody and supervised visitations to the mother.
I'm so sorry JayS. It sounds
I'm so sorry JayS. It sounds like your SS needs help and NOW. I will also say, and we all know this, to make sure you "document" anything that is a concern to you should divorce occur and there is a custody dispute. Then you can refer back to anything that has happened. I kept a "shit book" on my ex-h (mostly verbal and physical abuse) and ran across it almost two years later. I had forgotten over half of the things I wrote down. So I've found that the documentation is pretty helpful.
My DH also had an issue with my bio kids (his skids) throwing food away. It actually occurred over a partially eaten apple, but he got the point across to them. It's your money, your house, and your items as well - you should be able to call them out on it without being disrespected.
I feel for you and your daughter.
I'm really sorry Jay. What a
I'm really sorry Jay. What a fvcking brat!
I hope your puppy is okay......I have no advice, just good wishes.
(((( hugs ))))