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You're right..... Im' not their mom, BM, so how about YOU.....

Mrs. Why's picture

How about you take care of them ALL the time.

I wonder how well it would be taken if I just STOPPED doing ANYTHING a mom does. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, taking care of them when they are sick, comforting them when they are upset, guiding and discipling them when they are out of line, expecting them to get good grades, loving and caring for them..... the list could go on for 5 more pages. But the bottom line is, when the kids needed a "mom" type, you're not around, and they come to me.... what if I just say, "I'm NOT your mom," and walk away? What if, at 4 a.m. when your kid is puking all over MY house or has wet the bed, I call you, wake YOU up, and expect YOU to clean up after YOUR kid??? I could go right back to sleep, and let you do the mommy thing (glady).

Would I be considered a bad person? "Oh my, how could she do that to a child?"

The truth is, I am EXPECTED to do everything a mother would do, and if I don't, I'm being bad to the kids. However, if I do, BM, you're going to continue to remind the kids, "I'm not their mom."

My SD never had the idea that I "wasn't her mom." Her and I are both well aware of this fact. However, we had a mutual respect and love for eachother. Shortly before our wedding, my SD says something to the affect of, "I'm just afraid you're going to try to be like my mom." What this meant, I had no idea, I had been raising her and in her life for years. I later found out, she was blatently told this by her mom, as a ploy, to get SD to act like BM, and be allowed to be disrespectful and out of control in our home. This shit, doesn't fly with me.

She has been pulling the, "I'm not her mom card," whenever she conveniently doesn't want to get in trouble, of course it's never when I'm doing all the "good" mommy stuff. And that, doesn't fly with DH.

Like I said, this idea came directly from BM, and has served no purpose, except for SD being MORE confused.... and us having to crack down harder. Also, my husband has stood with me 100%. SD hasn't gotten away with a lick of it. BM was trying to use her daughter as a "mini-me" to do her dirty work in our home..... Where does this leave SD, when she can see right infront of her, her father's wife is more important than her and her mom's temer-tantrums. That her mom no longer has the authority with her dad. That, as the child, she will not be allowed to be in charge of our home. This should all come naturally, but when she has been given a false sense of control, and has it crushed.... what does that do to her?

Here's the thing, I may be the ONLY person in SD's life who doesn't blow roses up her a$$, I may be the ONLY person who calls her out on her bs, I may be the ONLY person who does not play either her or her mother's games...... and, yeah, that might be tough for a young lady who is so screwed in the head from all the drama, and so used to getting away with everything. But guess what? LIFE IS TOUGH.

I'm also the ONLY person in her life she doesn't lie to, rarely tries to manipulate, and NEVER has the balls to mouth off to or disrespect...... EVER, not even once. Yes, I'm tough, but it comes from a place of love, and I am ONE person, who sees the amazing-ness in this little lady being tainted and ruined, and I'm not going to let it fly in MY home.

So, again, BM, go ahead and tell her, them, that I am not their mom. You're right, I'm not, that's pretty obvious. However, I will tell you, like I told SD, "Saying something like, I'm not your mom, makes no difference. It will not get you out of conducting yourself in the way we expect when you are in OUR home. We are the adults, YOU are the child, your MOM has NO say so in our home..... we are in charge, not you, not your mom. That is NEVER gonna change."

So, how about this, I STILL have the authority in MY home, when it comes to your children, my DH and I say so. However, I will no longer do ANYTHING a mom does. So, when your kids show up with their dirty laundry, have fun washing it, or find them coming home from school in dirty undies, I'm not their mom. When I make dinner, for myself and my husband, and they don't like it, they can starve. When they open our cupboards to eat all of OUR food, and find nothing they like.... you can send them with snack money for the next visit. When they break down about something YOU did, I won't comfort them like I normally do, and make you look like you're just making innocent mistakes, and it will be ok... I will tell them exactly what I'm thinking, and then, to suck it up, cause, I'm-NOT-their-MOM!!!

Mrs. Why's picture

I have learned that lesson well. Her and I don't have any involvment, and I never have done anything for her. But, I do a lot for the skids, and to have her try to undermind that... Fine, less work for me.

SMof2Girls's picture

If you do anything for your skids expecting BM to thank you or show any type of appreciation, you're destined for disappointment. That gratitude should be coming from DH.

I do a TON for my skids .. I have great relationships with both of them. And it's none of BM's business. She can talk all the sh*t she wants about DH and I in her house .. our skids know our home is a positive place where they are supported and loved.

DH also supports me and helps out. He REALLY fathers his kids. So I don't ever end up in a situation where I feel like I do it all.

Mrs. Why's picture

Ive never expected a thank you of any kind from BM, but to get shit? I WISH she has one clue about what some step parents can be like. It's one thing to get bs from her, but, if the kids are gonna start, they will find out just how easy they DID have it.

SMof2Girls's picture

The kids are stuck in the middle. It sucks for them too. DH needs to support you in nipping this behavior from them in the butt. Nothing you can do about BM.

I completely understand how this is infuriating .. BM will make this a self-fulfilling prophecy if you let her. Before ya know it, the things she says about you will start to ring more and more true to the skids. It really sucks .. but I hope the skids are just pushing limits and not really caving to her PAS Sad

SMof2Girls's picture

I never said she can't disengage or that there's anything wrong with it. I also never claimed it was her job, role, or that DH and BM couldn't manage without her.

Just offering a different perspective.

Just because it's not a stepmom's job or responsibility, doesn't mean they don't find satisfaction in doing things for their skids. Sometimes step-families hit these bumps and just need support/guidance to get through it. The answer isn't always to "run" or "disengage". I don't know enough about this particular situation personally to say much else about it, let alone suggest a drastic solution.

SMof2Girls's picture

I got the impression that this SM had a decent relationship with her kids until the BM started meddling and trying to PAS them. Now that this behavior has presented in things the kids are saying/doing, it's becoming more and more stressful.

It's a hard spot to be in .. maybe she's approaching the point of time where disengaging is the answer. Regardless, there is no reason why skids should be allowed to disrespect her in her own home. DH needs to support her in stopping and correcting that behavior from the skids.

If BM is going to trash talk, nothing SM or skids do will change that; but skids should NOT be allowed to repeat that nonsense in the SM's home.

It's not clear to me where DH is in all of this mess either .. that makes a HUGE difference!

Mrs. Why's picture

I did state in the post about his daughter finding out neither her or her mother hold the power in our home, DH has my back 150% he is actually the one who told me to quit doing anything for them. He is very very active wtih the kids, may not do things the "mommy" way/my way, but he gets them done, and the kids don't go without.

And yes, I started in this situation, like a dumb a$$. I loved DH and because of that, I loved SKIDS. Did everything I could, everything "right," and have just, over the years realized, it's a waste of my energy.

I have just really started to deal with my feelings about BM, and the place she has had in our lives. Again, I was dumb in the begining, thinking, "we can work together for the kids.... Christmas morning, sure come over to open presents, I'll make breakfast" She never directly attacks me, or has anything to say to me. She uses the kids as her pawns to cause problems, manipulate, and control. Which is fine, I think she knows better than to ever directly come at me. I've let her get away with more than most would.

But, Im not gonna listen to a child say, "Youre not my mom," cause her mom said it, so SD doesnt get into trouble, and BM can establish a foothold in our home. I am willing to make it crystal clear, just how much "Im not her mom."

Thursdaysarethebestdays's picture

I said this same thing to DH just this week. BM is 100% okay with me caring for her children, because she does not have to be bothered with it. She's 100% okay with DH and I sharing financial resources to raise her children, because she uses this as an excuse not to pay CS. I've never done anything expecting a thank you, not from BM and not even from DH or skids. I mean it helps to feel appreciated, but I don't thrive on thank you's.
What I did not expect at all was to start receiving crap from BM by way of skids. I tell skid "no lunch time snack" for poor behavior and BM starts meeting skids at school to give snacks or tells skids to buy snacks using lunch accounts that BM NEVER provides funds for. Not only that, BM sends home the message "you're not my mom and if you have a problem you can call my mom". Really?

Like you said, skids and I have a clear understanding that I am not BM, but that does not prevent us from having a working, nurturing and fruitful relationship. If they have an issue that I think should be handled by a bio parent, I am the first to say "talk to your dad because that's something I think your parents should talk to you about".

BM is the only one who has an issue and I do hate that it seems like the skids are being poisoned. Thankfully, they don't spew this mess at any other times, except when directed to by BM. But I don't doubt it could come up later.

Mrs. Why's picture

How about you just drop them on her doorstep then???? I won't put up with that shit, my DH, even IF BM is right in the way she felt, would never allow it to seem as if I answered to BM for my actions. Put your foot down now with the BFF shit. No man wants to be BFF's with his ex, more than likely he is afraid of the consequences if he doesn't make her happy. Most DH's start out that way, thank god for us step moms, or they'd be stuck like that. hahahaha

SMof2Girls's picture

" even IF BM is right in the way she felt, would never allow it to seem as if I answered to BM for my actions"

Absolutely! Same here!

Step-Volgirl's picture

"So, again, BM, go ahead and tell her, them, that I am not their mom. You're right, I'm not, that's pretty obvious. However, I will tell you, like I told SD, "Saying something like, I'm not your mom, makes no difference. It will not get you out of conducting yourself in the way we expect when you are in OUR home. We are the adults, YOU are the child, your MOM has NO say so in our home..... we are in charge, not you, not your mom. That is NEVER gonna change."


krazykaty's picture

I hate all of the clothes BM sends the skids over in. I always have them shower as soon as possible. I wash the clothes and send them back in the same clothes. Our house = our clothes.

I've never been a shortorder cook. The kids (his, mine and ours) eat what I serve. Period. We do buy one snack each week for each kid. I'm still trying to drop baby weight, so I don't allow lots of junk food in the home.

In terms of covering for BM...that's a hard line for me. I try to soften the blows, but I never lie for BM. I want skids to know that they can 100% trust me.

Mrs. Why's picture

I used to do that, but I gave up, i'd buy nice things, and kids would want to wear them to BM's, and I'd never see em again. I just quite buying clothes for them, and pay no attention to how they look. Try it, it's very freeing lol

Mrs. Why's picture

Cute dress, if ur 30!!!! lol. My favorite are the booty shorts two sizes two small and black eye liner.

Makes ya wonder why, huh.

Mrs. Why's picture

Awe, I'm so sorry for that experience of your grandpa dying Sad That's aweful. I can understand how you have ended up feeling the way you do. It burns my butt to hear the phrase, "but he/she is THE child, you're the adult," Are step-parents born with a halo that provides a forcefield from bad people, and just showers love on children who have been raised to be unwell?

Adult or not, you have a right to your feelings.

Mrs. Why's picture

Well, at least you don't take it out on her..... =/ which, I guess is a good thing. I truly understand about the different behaviors of SKIDS and BIO kids, it's amazing what they are expected to be allowed to get away with, whereas, our kids....... wouldn't know what the hell hit em.

krazykaty's picture

My DS9 used to tell SD8 to "dress with respect" lol! Kids go to different schools. When BM moved after Christmas, skids transferred schools. That Friday, SD8's teacher sent a copy of the dress code home with parts highlighted - basically no miniskirts, no booty shorts, no tank tops, no tube tops....SS12 summed it up perfectly, "If KrazyKaty wouldn't let you wear it, then you shouldn't wear it to school." BM thinks SD's clothes are "cute"....yeah...if you like tiny-hookers!