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Letter to My SD

JayS's picture

Dear SD:

I hope you had a great day at school. When you get home, there are fresh batteries in the remote control...just plunk your ass down on the couch and wait for me to serve you dinner; that's what I'm here for; to wait on your princess needs. Oh, and feel free to turn every light on in as you saunter through the house getting your snacks and taking a potty's not you who has to deal with the hydro bills. I hope the chicken will be cooked to your liking, but if not, just throw it in the fridge or the garbage like you usually do and demand something else for supper. I won't rest until you're satisfied. And don't worry about bed time; you can manage to argue with your mom long enough and she'll give in. I'll just fade into the background and do as I'm told.
Sleep tight, you arrogant, pompous self-serving bitchy demanding lazy useless unfeeling noisy demon child.

Willow2010's picture

Sleep tight, you arrogant, pompous self-serving bitchy demanding lazy useless unfeeling noisy demon child.

JayS's picture

Couldn't resist...that what life feels like most days...if we forget to record one of her shows, on our knees begging for forgivnes :jawdrop:

Mrs. Why's picture

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are NOT alone darling, my SD13, and SS6 are EXACTLY the same...... Don't feel bad, but DO quit doing it!!!! If my skids won't eat what I cook I let them starve, or find themselves something to eat. If they leave a mess, I throw it in their bedroom, or make them clean it up. You do NOT have to live with it!

JayS's picture

I have to say, I do only cook one meal now for the household, and like it or starve. When the moaning starts, it's off to bed. Recent changes in the way we do things, but very uphill battle! Thanks that quote "Liking me is optional, Respecting me is mandatory!"

momto3's picture

Sleep tight, you arrogant, pompous self-serving bitchy demanding lazy useless unfeeling noisy demon child...this just made me laugh so hard! I sympathize, but that was the best way to end a "letter".

tiredof4sk's picture

My 2 SD spend most of their time in rooms now when they come over and only come down to do make a mess and watch tv. Yesterday I told them to "GET OUT" and they called their BM to come get them. I may have lost it for a second but got rewarded with an entire day off!

RedWingsFan's picture

One time I asked her, in front of her dad, would you like us to keep the door open when your dad's fucking me too? LOL Me and DH laughed, SD13 didn't, threw a temper tantrum, and then got yelled at for it by DH... SCORE! For SM's EVERYWHERE!!!!


PLEASE tell me you didn't say that to a 13 yr old girl!?????? As irritated at stepdevil14 as I can get, I'd never say something like that to her. DH did tell her when she demanded him to stop having sex with me during her visitation or she would move in with mom full time - to mind her own business or pack her bags, because he was not going to stop. We even did an experiment to show her there was NO way she could hear us unless she was up past her bedtime and camped outside our bedroom door.

JayS's picture

Don't feel stepdaughter has a thing with clinging to men. Her principal at school even said she needs to stop with the excessive hugging of male staff at school. Likely because her dad is not in her life at all...makes excuses almost every visitation weekend, so she's insecure. But she turns that anger into bitch mode...ordering us around, throwing tantrums, trying to control the house. We have her in counselling, and she balks at it. At 13, sorry, but time to grow up. So, that said, I told her last week that she'll end up pregnant by a guy who doesn't give a shit about her or the baby if she doesn't grow up. My wife is just now talking to me again. Sounds bad, but sometimes the truth needs to be aired.

Rosem's picture

Oh God yes! I totally get this. My 17yo SD leaves a freaking trail of destruction behind her, her room is a disgusting mess. She leaves every light she can on, she bitches that we never have anything to eat when the house is FULL of food. She says that My husband and I are jerks because we get after her if she invites a guy to the house with no one else home. She bitches that we are unfair to her because we don't let her dress like a whore and talk like a whore. We are assholes because she has a COUPLE of chores she has to take care of, and sh doesn't even do them half the time. She got fired from her job and blows the little money she has on stupid shit then bugs her father for money. If he says no she throws a big ass fit about it. She is getting in trouble at school and hangs out with nasty losers who think they are thugs or something. She has the nerve to bitch that we won't buy her a "nice" car. We have a Honda Odessy for her to drive, but she says it is stupid and we need to buy her a "cool" car.
I really want to punch her in the face every time I see her, but she isn't worth the jail time. Of course she tried to beat me up the other day, so jail time might be in her future if she doesn't watch it. She has become so evil and full of hate these past few years. The love I have for her father, however, outweighs he hatred I have for her. All her stupid threats about running away don't bother me one bit, but they do bother my husband. That's the only reason I even care anymore.

Feels so good to vent!!

Rosem's picture

It was awful BUT she is still technically a minor and I would have been the one getting in the most trouble. She is NOT worth going to jail and losing my job over, that is for sure. I wanted to whoop her ass though! That's for sure. She went to spend the night at a friends house last night and that friend told her that she was being ridiculous and shouldn't treat us like crap. Needless to say my SD has declared that she is no longer friends with this girl. What a freaking stupid little brat. We have to go out of town this weekend and don't trust her in the house alone so we figure we have to take her with us. She of course refuses to go. So now we don't know what to do. We can't leave her here alone so I guess we'll just have to force her to go with us and deal with her rude ass the whole way there and back. I'm dreading it so much.

JayS's picture

Hang in there. You just described a lot of people's situation I bet...mine for sure! Yeah, jail time isn;t a good prospect for you...the magic number is 18, then you can claim your home back!

xexxen's picture

LMFAO! My SD is the most infuriating person I have ever had the distinct displeasure of knowing. I would love to write her a letter telling her similar things and actually give it to her. I am certain, though, that the message would be lost on her because she wouldn't be able to get past what she was being served for dinner. This is the second Sunday night in a row where I feel like I am going to have a friggin heart attack because she pissed me off so bad. Crusty insolent obnoxious and defiant asshole of a child. 14 and thinks she is slick as snot but I am here to say she is dumber than a box of rocks. Thanks for the laugh. I so needed it!