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Over his head

Newimprvmodel's picture

Dh and I were watching Mad Men last night and the episode showed Don's ex wife trying to cause problems with his new wife and younger daughter. The daughter gets very nasty with the new wife, and then Don confronts his daughter, tells her that her mother set them up and tells her in no uncertain terms she, the daughter owes his wife and apology. I made sure dh was still awake.....but likely it went over his head.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

ha ha. If your DH is like mine, he wouldn't even put 2 and 2 together. It is just a show and his princess is perfect!

If my DH did ever speak like that to SD I don't know about it. He probably knows if he told me I would expect consequences if she continues. So he might say it, but there is no follow-up. Why should she behave appropriately when it is fun for her to cause trouble and there are no consequences?

Newimprvmodel's picture

We do discuss the characters on that show as if they are real people. dh.says that he thinks Don is a good father...but not a good husband...hmmmm....i think i will replay that last scene and claim dh was asleep.....which he might have been and maybe pass a comment like thats interesting....i dont know..

stepinafrica's picture


Newimprvmodel's picture

Well i did play the role of treating SD very well....baking her favorites....nice dh does not deny that, he just thinks that his daughter is a new person these days. however i see her as the same enmeshed person who will justify any and all other words...she acts out her feelings and i will goback there again..maybe if she evergets a SO and kids...but