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Very funny SS13!

Redsonya's picture

Oh my - very funny SS13. DH has been gone all weekend, but came back this morning to look for his cell phone again (lost when he was drunk) and get some work equipment. He asked if he could call SS13 from the house phone. I said sure.

SS13 immediately starts up with the crap about me again, although DH made it clear that he isn't living here and that he wouldn't be living here again. Just a little background - I bought this house six months before DH moved in, putting $30,000 of my own pre-marriage money down on it, and have paid ALL mortgage payments since then. The judge has already awarded it to me as my separate property in the divorce agreement 9 months ago. DH has actually CHARGED me money to put in flooring and do other improvements to the house and has not even once, paid a utility bill or mortgage payment since he has lived her in the past two years. Even DH has no problem acknowledging this and that its my house and BM call's it "Redsonya's house".

I told DH in September when he came back that I would not allow BM's horrible nephew in my house again because I don't want him around DD4. He agreed to see him in BM's town. BM in the past has told us that she wouldn't allow the kids around me, has threatened restraining orders, and said horrible, horrible things to me. Once I told her myself that the nephew wasn't welcome in my home, she went crazy because she lost her babysitter.

SS13 started telling DH that as long as he was living here, it was his house too and that basically, SS13 and BM think that DH should be able to tell me that BM's horrible nephew CAN come over here for the weekend (next weekend), regardless of what I think. What the hell? I understand that SS13 probably assumes that DH and I will get back together, but the fact that BM thinks she can somehow control what goes on in MY house and will circumvent me so that she can have a babysitter and DEMAND that her messed up nephew come to my home is crazy. I am floored. All SS13 has succeeded in doing is ensuring that he will never step foot in this house again and anything fun that he assumes belongs to DH (the $900 laptop he uses, the flat screen TVs, bikes, tablets, etc) are NOT going with DH to his new bachelor pad. All of those items are mine and I might have felt bad and given DH a couple of them so SS13 could be entertained over there. Not anymore, I'd rather break them, then see them go to SS13. He can sit in his dad's empty apartment, which will probably be covered in liquor bottles and twiddle his thumbs on his vistation. My fun park (also known as MY HOUSE) is closed to that brat.

Redsonya's picture

The locks are being changed Wednesday. SS13 doesn't have a key and BM knows that if she pulled something like that, I would immediately press charges for breaking and entering. Although, who knows if that lunatic thinks she can tell me her gross nephew WILL BE spending the weekend here next weekend, in her warped mind, this could still be her ex husband and son's house and she has a right to bring SS13 here. I'll keep things locked up tight.

Redsonya's picture

I totally agree - this is also the third (and last) time that DH and I have broken up so I totally get that SS13 assumes we'll be back together. I am mostly irritated that he and BM think they can dictate to me who will be staying in my house. They are nuts.

Redsonya's picture

SS13 is literally parroting BM - he is saying things that I have heard directly from BM. She wants a babysitter for her horrible nephew and regardless of what she says about me, she knows that I have a safe comfortable home that the skids want to be at. She can't stand it that she can't control the situation and it makes things less convenient for her.

SS13 did tell DH today that it was probably a good thing that we were not living together so that DH "could have a relationship with his son", meaning the horrible nephew. Have a good time SS13! The funniest part of all of this is that they don't know what they are wishing for. BM and SS13 will be missing the days that I was around. DH is penniless. His last apartment when he moved out for 2 months last year was about 400 square feet, filthy, and he spent the entire time drunk with his brother. He can't drive or pick the kids up, he has nothing for them to play with (all the games, hot tub, and movies they enjoy over here), he lived on top ramen - no more expensive cheeses and cookies for SS13, and BM isn't going to get a CENT out of him in support. I think the reality of that is setting in and BM and SS13 are in denial, lol!

Redsonya's picture

Ha ha! I loved your comment before about putting in a moat of alligators to keep out the in-laws. I'll have to look into one to keep out bratty, entitled skids and DH. I told him today is the last day he can come into the house to collect his belongings. If he leaves anything (he has lots of tools in the garage), he needs to call and arrange a time to pick them up and he has 30 days to get a storage unit for them or I am going to have a big garage sale.

I just can't believe SS13 - the last time he was here two weeks ago, he was trying to be my best friend and we were planning a camping trip. He has also been lobbying me to get him a laptop. DH's kids are unbelievable, they will smile in your face to get whatever they want and not think anything of it. I guess they get it from BM who will sleep around with men the skids tell us she doesn't like and they all think its fine as long as she is getting car repairs, used computers, or a partial payment on a vacuum in exchange. Bizarre.

hereiam's picture

It probably would if she could actually get him out! Seems like he keeps making excuses to show up.

Redsonya's picture

Agreed - I think you are all correct. He keeps showing up to use the phone, get a couple more things, whine to me about his current problems (that he created for himself). The latest is that he LOST all of the house arrest monitoring equipment ($6,000) to replace. You know what? I don't CARE. My problems include managing several projects at work, handling a 4 year old, keeping up the house, and all while sick as a dog, by MYSELF because I married an idiot.

I told him today is the last day he can be here so that he can finish packing everything he owns and put it in the garage or take it. After this, anything he leaves needs to be picked up by appointment and will be sold after 30 days. I DARE him to call or show up asking to let SS13 have visitation over here while he looks for a place to live. I will laugh in his face.

Redsonya's picture

Oh - he still has the ankle bracelet because its attached to his body. He is missing a pretty big GPS system and alcohol monitor (that you blow into and it has a screen). These are big items. I have no clue how you "misplace" them. And they cost $6,000 to replace. I mean really, at this point, I'd give up if I were him. His attempt at living an adult life is pathetic. And the fact that he feels perfectly justified in whining to me about it - not even caring that I was left on Valentine's Day and our ANNIVERSARY to fend for myself while I was really, really sick, doesn't even enter into his mind. Selfish fucker.