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Just for a laugh - have you had to deal with this?

childlessSM's picture

My husband's former wife wears patchouli - A LOT of patchouli. Every week, her daughter comes back from her mom's reeking of it. Her clothes, her coat, her backpack, her toys, her homework, her hair.

My husband absolutely hates the smell. Not a big deal when compared to his former wife's other intrusions, but still, her stale scent permeates his daughter's room. Blech.

Have any of you had to deal with this? Your spouse's child covered in the perfume of his ex?

childlessSM's picture

I should say this: when I was six or seven years old and my parents divorced, I used to swipe one of my mom's t-shirts before heading to my father's. I found her smell comforting. Maybe my husband's daughter feels the same way. I just wish her mom's patchouli weren't so strong!

childlessSM's picture

Yessenia, you're so lucky! And that's healthy for your husband's child, too. Part of the problem is that my husband's former wife doesn't believe in bathing every day (her 10-year-old daughter bathes once a week at her mom's). So the patchouli masks BO. It's really unpleasant.

childlessSM's picture

Whoops, my apologies! Your boyfriend. I remember when the word "husband" freaked me out a little, too.

BSgoinon's picture

Well... she doesn't smell like patchouli... but SS does smell like stale smokes... does that count?

childlessSM's picture

BSgoinon, stale smokes is worse! Poor kiddos having to breathe secondhand smoke.

BSgoinon's picture

Yeah... pisses me off, but I can't make her stop. She lies about it all of the time. Sad SS tells us that he yells at her when he sees her smoking. Tells her that she is trying to kill him. It would be funny, if it wasn't such a serious topic.

childlessSM's picture

That's really hard. For all of you! Thanks for putting my complaint in perspective (I already knew it was petty, but still...).

BSgoinon's picture

LOL, I wasn't trying to negate your complaint. I can't stand that smell either. And if it reminded me of BM, that would make it even WORSE!

daysleeper's picture

Not so far, but I just need to add that patchouli seriously reeks. It is the nastiest of all of the smells. I don't see how you don't say something about SD stinking when she walks in the house.

childlessSM's picture

My husband doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. He's committed to never saying anything negative about his former wife around his daughter.

But I hear you! I wait until she's in the other room to gather her things and wash what I can.

msg1986's picture

FSS4 doesn't come over smelling like BMs perfume, he does however, come over smelling like he himself just finished a pack of smokes. I once met BM at target to pick up FSS because FDH was working late and seriously smelled like his mom and her friend were hotboxing the car with cigarettes. I got so many evil looks from people at Target that day like I was the one who was puffin down around him...

How the hell do you justify not bathing your kid for that long???

childlessSM's picture

That's just terrible. It's a serious health concern. You and BSgoinon share this in common, btw.

Sad thing is, my husband's daughter has seborrheic dermatitis, made worse by her lack of bathing. We treat it every time she's here but my husband won't talk to her mom about it.

I take a step back, breathe, and let go. I cannot care more about this than her parents.

hereiam's picture

I hate patchouli.

SD would come over smelling like cigarettes. Hubby would throw all her clothes and her coat in the washer and make her take a shower 'cuz her hair even smelled like an ashtray. SD is now 21 and smokes (sigh). I think she goes outside, though, instead of smoking around her kids.

Carley's picture

I'm a little late to the party, but just wanted to say that unrefined Shea Butter has a musky, smokey scent like Patchouli. I am only guessing this is what BM was using on herself and/or SD. It really helps dry skin in the winter and the summer. It's actually very nice. It's a truly medicinal relief from rashes, irritation, eczema, and to keep your skin healthy. Just saying, you might want to try it.

christinen's picture

I do notice that SD has an odor when she comes back from BM, but I have yet to pinpoint exactly what it is. Could you make it routine that when she walks in the door she goes straight to the bath? Lol!

abitguarded's picture

I had to laugh when I read this...LOL I totally get it, but I can only think one thing in my head right at this moment....

