24 year old can't stand my girlfriends son
I have known my girlfriend for about 5 months and I can truly say that I am in love with this beautiful, strong woman. She is my everything, we work out together, we read together, we are planning our future together, I motivate her, she motivates me also. I am 24 she is 22 with one kid. I don't have any kids of my own, going to college and not looking to be a step dad anytime soon and she understands that, so she doesn't try and force that role upon me, but ever since we had our first date her kid has been there, he has been there from the start. Because of financial reasons we can never get a babysitter or take him to day care, so every time I go to see my beautiful girlfriend he is right there, EVERY TIME. I'v been attacked by my mother and sisters and somewhat by my girlfriend for not accepting her kid as my own. I have been called heartless and countless other things by my own family for simply not being able to accept her kid.
The first reason why I cannot accept her kid as my own(yet) is because I do not like his attitude towards people around him. Simply put, he is spoiled. He never ask for food or milk he demands it with a harsh demanding tone in his voice. He also has a whiny voice that I hear a vast majority of the time when we are all together, I rarely hear the kid talk "normally" its always a demanding or whininess in his voice because the kid still thinks he's a baby, Im guessing. I'v seen this kid punch my girlfriend in the face in front of people at the store just because the kid didn't get any toys. If he wants something in the house he will cry for it, Iv seen it happen countless times where the kid is no more than 2 feet away from his blanket, but he won't get it himself, instead he whines and cries for it, telling his mother that he cant get it even though he's right there in front of the blanket and he does this with everything, from his toy cars, to his pillow, to his cup. He whines for his belongings even though he's right there in front of them not even like 4 steps away from him.Then when he gets his blanket he starts whining again crying about how he cant cover himself right and tells his mother in his whiny voice to come cover and cover him, even though he could do it himself.
The second reason is because he is too attached to his mother. He wants to sleep on the same bed as her and I even though his bed is right next to ours. The girlfriend and I decide we want to go down stairs, well guess who starts crying begging his mom not to leave? He starts crying and crying telling his mother "please don't go" and he does this every time, wether she's going to the bathroom or putting clothes in the washing machine, he will start crying and telling her not to go, we go outside to throw the trash, guess who starts crying and whining? We try and convince him to watch cartoons with the other kids in the house, but refuses and starts crying saying "I want mommy" even though we are in the next room next to where he will be watching cartoons. He "glues" himself to his moms legs always right there beside her. I told my girlfriend her son might have some sort of problem like he has a very very hard time letting my girlfriend "breath" a little.When we are in my room, I tell him to go play with the other kids, he does, but hesitantly and with the door open to our room, he keep looking inside from the outside, like he plays right out side the door, he might as well be inside the room already. And sometimes, but very seldom, will he cooperate and watch cartoons with the kids (so we think).We go in a couple minutes later to see how all the kids are doing in the room, we look around and there he is, my girlfriends son on the bed looking at the door not interacting with the other kids looking miserable.
So basically, we can't move around the house with out her son crying and whining.It's gotten so bad now with him being annoying,he wakes up crying for the cellphone( he plays games on it) I can't stand him, just looking at him makes me feel stressed, knowing he makes my girlfriend stress alot makes me more upset.I told my girlfriend I dont know if I can to this any longer, we can't even enjoy our relationship with each other. I tell myself everyday, its not fair, finding some one who you love, but it comes attached with misery. I don't even really know her with out her son being there, attached. I feel I'm not getting all of her, just pieces.
I don't get whats so hard to understand for my family, the kids annoying plain and simple. Many people can't even stand there own biological kids, they snap at them plenty times, so they want me to accept someone who's not even mine, who raises my high blood pressure? Very hypocritical of the people who want me, with open arms and heart, to accept an annoying kid. I told my mother and family "When I'm ready to accept him into my heart it will be real not just because I have to, because I love his mother"
Is it going to get better or worse for me? I want him to be my son one day, but not so sure I can make it past this "hurdle". as 24 year old I feel sometimes its not worth it.
In my opinion, I don't think
In my opinion, I don't think it will get better if it's this had in the beginning. Often times, it's harder for those to accept other people's children, but you have people who are already parents in your ear telling you you have to accept them. I disagree. Maybe you're the exception to the rule, but it's highly unlikely, especially being so young. The kid isn't going anywhere so something has to merge...or not!
Thanks for your opinion. I
Thanks for your opinion.
I think it would be a lot easier for me to embrace him, if he wasn't so clingy and annoying. I guess thats why I'm so indecisive,I'm still waiting for something to change in our relationship, but I dont know how much longer to wait, until the kid starts changing.
So why are you planning a
So why are you planning a future with this woman?
You like spending your time with a whiney clingy brat?
Stop bellyaching here and go find a childless woman and when the two of you are in your late twenties start your own family instead of watching some other guys kid.
ummmmmm.......... You're
ummmmmm.......... You're right.
I should not be planning anything if I'm barely hanging on, I just see myself with her, you know? We enjoy doing everything together.
We've talked about how we met at the wrong time, but we take it day by day,hoping things will change.
Thanks for your advice.
I agree with the above. You
I agree with the above. You are way too young to get tied up into this. It's not healthy behavior, and mom is encouraging it. And no, you are not required to accept this kid as your own. Maybe this child is WAY to used to having mommy around all the time, and if your parents are so on board, they should babysit, and spend some alone time with him. If mom doesn't teach the kid independance, he will not learn it. And if the kid is never away from her, it will not stop.
You are already in a step dad role, whether you like it or not. Your life, already revolves around this child. You are already catching hell because of issues with this kid. I highly suggest to do some reading on these blogs, to get yourself prepared.
Welcome to step talk. Buckle in and hold on!
Yes, I tell myself that every
Yes, I tell myself that every time I get stressed out, "I'm only 24, why am I going through this"? Yes, she does encourage his behavior. There is this other thing the kid does, it's called hanging on to his mothers cell phone because he thinks it's his and every time he screams for it, she just gives in and hands it to him, she just tells me it's easier just to give it to him than to hear him whine and cry. Its gotten to that point that I joke around with my girlfriend and I tell her " You better give him back HIS cell". Yes he is was too attached, Do you think it's because he's a only child? At my girlfriends house it's just him and my girlfriend, living alone, no other kids around. I don't think it's healthy for him to be acting that way, We even joke around and started saying he might have separation anxiety disorder, who knows. He gets real bad when she is out of his sight.
When they come spend a weekend at my house we try to convince him to play with the other kids, thats how we are trying to work on that, but he's so stubborn. Yes, that's what I have told my sister, "if you want to give your advice so much then you raise him", but they have offered to babysit because they know my situation. Thats what I have told my girlfriend plenty times, she could say it as much time as she wants, that I don't have to do anything with her child, but it doesnt matter because I'm there anyways a vast majority of the time, dealing with things step dads deal with. Yes, it feel like like my whole life revolves around the kid. Yeah, I'v been going through the forums , theres a lot of great advice in here.
Thanks for your advice.
Move on. There are plenty of
Move on. There are plenty of women on/around campus without children.
How old is the little boy? Why can't the GF afford a sitter?
Yes, I know, but they will
Yes, I know, but they will never be her. The child is 3, and because she recently got laid off from work, she cant afford one, so we have family members that have volunteered to baby sit. And about me leaving her, it's more easier said than done.
thanks for your opinion.
LOl i tend to agree with
LOl i tend to agree with Orange County Ca,s post your 24 you have no plans to be a step parent so why the fuck are you bothering with her and her son ?
Surely its better to let her f ind some other mug who will take her and her step shit on and you can meet someone with no kids and go from there!
LOL yes I know what you mean,
LOL yes I know what you mean, but I feel I can go around that, has it been done before? lol who knows, but I'm going to try and make it seem as if it's just me and her. Yeah I'm sure she can find someone else,but Im scared to let her go, can't imagine someone hurting her.
thanks for your advice
LOL and the thing is, she
LOL and the thing is, she knows her child is annoying, she admits it, we try to work on his attitude by making him talk politely, making him interact with the other kids in the house, like playing toys with them.
Thanks for your advice
No, I'm not living with them
No, I'm not living with them they just stay weekends at my house. Yes, he's everywhere with us. I know she has told me that, that she is sorry for having to deal with her son so early in our relationship, like she really really apologized to me, for that. Yes!, that is what we are going to attempt to do now, spend alone time, like dating, with just me and her, no kid, like it has been for the last 5 months. We are actually planning our date now, we are excited
Ummmm when we met I was working, but a month later I got laid off,then she got laid off, so we met each other when both of us didnt have anything, it made our love really rare.
Yes, I think that might be one of the reasons hes so clingy, and Yes he's 3. It's like we didnt plan on moving fast, it just happened. How are we affecting the child? like the way he's acting? Yes, she is getting stepped all over by some little kid that acts more like a controlling dad. I forgot to mention he's very controlling. He tries to tell me what I can and can't do, he tells his mom when she is allowed to leave or go, he tries to command the other kids, telling them that they cant put on their own jackets.
Yes, I tell her all the time, she had the whole world waiting for her to explore, Now shes always stressed. WE are too young. I wouldn't mind being there for her and her kid but HE makes it very difficult to do that.
Thanks for your advice, very informative.
Your girlfriend needs to
Your girlfriend needs to learn how to parent. She has to develop a backbone. Sonnyboy is playing her like a fiddle. Children are manipulative and selfish by nature, which is survival instinct. But in a modern world, where people suddenly fear children, or don't want to upset them, this translates into spoiled brats.
He doesn't want you around. He wants his mom all to himself so she does everything for him. This is normal. What's wrong here is your gf not parenting him so that he doesn't do this. If you are not interested in this you should leave now. Talk with her about her total lack of parenting skills. Tell her that there is indeed a rulebook about parenting. Rule #1, set limits and stick to them. No more cellphone for the kid, actions have consequences, so when he is told no, it means no. Are you ready for all this work? It's hard work when will you have fun?
Yes, we do talk about how
Yes, we do talk about how he's out of control, but she doesn't follow through, she acts like a "parent" only when I'm around. I tell her over and over don't let him borrow the cell phone because I think he really does think it's his, but as always she hands him the phone regardless if he's been behaving or not, he gets it.We try when he's over at my house, he doesnt get to snack on candy when ever he wants(like he is used to at her house) he eats what the rest of the family is eating meaning no special orders for the spoiled kid, teaching him to talk politely to his mom and I and other things, but when he goes home with his mother, It's like we've backtracked.
Am I ready for all this work? hmmmm.........no not really. I feel I'm putting in more effort than my girlfriend in trying to raise her son.
i keep waiting and waiting for us to have "fun", but everything always revolves around him.
Thanks for the constructive advice.
The first thing I thought
The first thing I thought when I started reading your post is "RUN!" No, seriously. You are wayyyyyy too young to be dealing with that type of situation. You said yourself you don't want to be a stepdad and believe me, you never will- I am a stepmom and it is HORRIBLE. I wish I had listened when everyone told me to run (I am in my 20s and childless like you) but I didn't, so I have to at least try to warn the next victim - get out now and find someone with no kids! The drama is not worth it and no it does not EVER end!! I've been with my husband for 3 years now and it still sucks. I thought it would get better but nope. I thought we would feel like a family but nope- they are the family and I am the outsider- that's the way it's always been, and I'm sure that's the way it always will be. There is no reason in this world a young guy with no kids should be in that situation.
Lol yes, sometimes I do feel
Lol yes, sometimes I do feel like a victim. This is what the girlfriend and I discuss all the time, is it ever going to get better? And just looking through these forums the vast majority of people are saying its not.
I know I shouldn't be in this situation, when they sleep over We (my girlfriend and I) get awoken every morning by a crying, whiny 3 year old, like he wakes up like that, already whining, asking for the phone, milk, and cereal. His eyes are not even opened yet and he has already begun.
Thank you for your advice.
Very, very constructive
Very, very constructive information you have given me. Yes I think that is the root of his demanding attitude, bossing his mother around he thinks he can do it to everyone. When I have my girlfriend and her son over to my house he goes around opening doors and walking inside the room even though I have guest that are using the rooms and for halloween he went inside some persons house like nothing, he just walked right in. It's not a big deal,but I feel this is all connected to his attitude, it's his mentality, he thinks he can do what ever he wants. And parenting classes? never thought of that, I will suggest it tonight to her and lets see what she says.
I need to suggest these parenting classes, let's see if she'll say yes.
Yeah, I know what it is if she doesn't help him change,lifetime of misery for me
Thank you for the advice.
The most important advice:
The most important advice: Make absolutely, positively sure you do not have a child with this woman - do not count entirely on her for birth control. Don't add another kid to this mess.
Next, a piece of wisdom: When children are small you have small troubles; when they get bigger you have bigger troubles.
This whiney child will soon become a nasty kid. The nasty kid will turn into an even more troubled teenager. The troubled teen will then turn into an entitled, demanding adult with all kinds of problems he will expect mom (and you) to bail him out on. He will never go away - never. If you stay involved with this woman, he will be with you for life. Is that what you want?
Or ... would you rather spend your time finding another sweet soulmate who is at the same stage of life you are at - where you can go out together and have fun, be careless and enjoy your OWN youth and maybe plan a future together having your own kids?
You are 24 and in love. I get that. But this does not have to be the LAST love of your life - you are too young. Most people fall in love more than once and most of the time each love is better than the last one - because we learn along the way what we want from a relationship and are more selective with who we give ourselves to.
You are giving yourself to someone who will never put you first, as her child has taken that place. No matter what she says to you now, her kid will be the #1 in her life.
Trust me, you will find someone - this woman is not it. Extricate yourself from this as quickly as you can. You can do it nicely wihtout hurting her too much. Just start finding other things you have to do on the weekends (maybe get a job during that time) that she and her kid cannot be involved with. Good luck.
I'm trying to do it
I'm trying to do it differently right now by just me and her going out, not her kid,but you make ALOT of good points and gave alot of constructive info. I do struggle with that constantly, me being "number 2" in her life, she tells me otherwise,but I know it's not true. She is my "whole world", but when it comes to me Im not it for her, Im right behind her son. Its ok,but thats not what Im looking for in a relationship...
Thanks for your info
My girlfriend lives with her
My girlfriend lives with her mother, and the mother controls what goes on under that roof and she has my girlfriends son so spoiled, thats the reason why he is like that now, so right now we are at the point where he gets everything(he can get) by himself because we tell him to do so, so if its not out of his reach, he gets it, all other things he cant do yet, we do it for him.
please god. do not get this
please god. do not get this woman pregnant! She is not any ware near ready for another child, she is not prepared for the one she has now. this girl needs help. parenting classes, counselling and she needs to take control of her own life.
I'v told her that before,
I'v told her that before, that her having a kid at a young age(20) really stopped her from "growing". I wished everyday I could've gotten her.. without her being a mother. Other less deserving guys got the opportunity to get her when she was "free" and rarely stressed and just full of life.Now it seems like shes just tired all the time.. Shes a good mom,its my girlfriend mom that tries to tell her what to do in her house,since my girlfriend lives with her, she thinks she can tell my girlfriend how to raise her own kid. she's the reason why my girlfriends son is so spoiled and annoying.
Thank you for your advise
Your welcome, and that last
Your welcome, and that last two sentences is the exact reason she needs to take control of her own life. she is allowing her mother to ruin the life of her son, and in turn slowly stealing any change that she daughter will find a good support system for her self and her future.
this girl need to learn to stand on her two feet and plant her feet firmly on the things that need change. i understand having a child at 20 (when you are still a child) but it can be done, it has been done. she needs to take responsibility for her own actions and learn to be someone who matters to that child. in turn he will become someone who matters in this world.
Yes, that is what I tell my
Yes, that is what I tell my girlfriend that I do not want to have a kid with her because I'v seen how annoying her kid is, so I do not want to be around him for the rest of my life. She tries to correct him, but it's mostly me that has to ask him to do ordinary "normal" things like get his own blanket, dont whine for juice or milk ask for it, you know? Shes a good mom, she really cares about her kid, but thats kind of not working...
thanks for your info.
Loving your child is only
Loving your child is only part of what it takes to be a good parent.
(No subject)
In the daily raising of
In the daily raising of children you work toward the end result. What are you raising? I'm raising independent thinkers, adventurer seeking, confident, self sufficient happy adults. That is a hell of a lot of work. Sometimes the dishes have to be out away 3 times! Sometimes it takes 20 minutes to hang up 4 shirts. And every minute with worth it when a very proud happy 6 year old comes to me with a bow he made out of a stick and a string and says "mom! Look what I did!"
It's the daily teaching of small things that enable the confidence for them to do big things.
Kids need rules and structure. It makes them feel safe. Can you imagine how scary it must be for a 3 year old to think that be is in charge of the world!?
You are a true parent. Your
You are a true parent. Your kid has won the mom lottery.
He will be an awesome young man of character and accomplishment one day because he has you for his mom.
That is one very fortunate young man.
(No subject)
I agree with the others. The
I agree with the others. The kid is a whiny, insufferable brat because mommy allows it. She created this monster, by not setting boundaries and allowing the kid to rule the roost. He's in control, and he knows all he has to do is whine, cry and act out and he'll get his way. You see through the smokescreen, but your GF appears to be clueless.
When I married DH, I moved in with him and SD (25). SD had no chores, and DH did everything for her. It's a wonder she learned to drive. To speak to her selfish personality, one day DH and I were stranded a few miles from home after our car stalled. SD refused to pick us up claiming she didn't know how to get there. When DH and I went away on get-away weekends, SD would be angry when we returned. When we tried to have privacy behind closed doors in the bedroom, SD would knock for something inconsequential. She intentionally did things to spite us, was especially evil to me and told me "she felt I was trying to come between her and her daddy." Things got so bad that my MIL had to call SD's BM and encourage her to spend time with her. Remember . . . this is a 25 year old!
Do you want to deal with this type of foolishness for the next 10-20 years? If his mom doesn't make changes, you will be in the same situation and you really won't be able to stand him by then. You're young and capable of finding a nice young woman who doesn't have kids. Unless this kid makes some drastic changes, the future of your relationship will be hell. Either way, good luck.
LOL yes most of the time she
LOL yes most of the time she acts like its normal , she only reacts to it when I start getting upset. She lives with her mom at this point because she recently got laid off from work, so its her mother that sets alot of the rules in that house. She thinks my girlfriends kid is her kid, you get me? WHOA!!! a 25 year old, so you guys are right, this type of attitude doesnt stop. Yes,I cant see me dealing with this for too long. Yes he is the reason why we argue most the time, so this relationship is going to last depending on him.
Thank you for your very constructive story.
Well... i am 25 and in a
Well... i am 25 and in a similar place. have a SD who is 9 and seriously unruly. as i have learned, if the way your girlfriend acts around her son doesn't make you loose passion for her, then you will just have to learn with it or leave. if you cant respect the person she is with him, your already doomed. But if you stay, he is young enough to change, just going to take time and work, the toughest part is, SHE has to do the work. you are not the parent, SHE is and his actions are a reflection of her parenting.
luckily you are young and haven't been with her long. Your options are still open.
One more thing. Your
One more thing. Your girlfriend needs to learn how to be an effective parent, with or with out you.
you said you never want to see her hurt. it may be easier for her with you at her side.
You have a totally illegitimate reason to feel selfish in this situation. choose your life wisely.
Have you reached a conclusion
Have you reached a conclusion to this situation? I'm in the exact same situation. Though as the six month long relationship has continued my GF has revealed she has attachment issues with her daughter as well. She does the good mother things, food, shelter, clothing, but lacks the emotional attachment and feels like a bad mom. Her daughter throws tantrums constantly which have led to us breaking up multiple times, we love eachother and the energy is great between us. You add the child and it's hell for both her and I.
She once said when we were dating that she wants a father figure in her daughters life, she has always been bothered by me that I can't connect with her child as it is difficult. I have 2 of my own where I have similar issues. I was mormon and was told to have kids, not on my time line but others. I never felt that was fair. I have a hard time connecting. I wonder if I was even built to have kids.
Anyways, we have the most amazing chemistry, even better than the 14 year marriage I came from. I want nothing more than to take care of her and her daughter, but the daughters behavior causes me to shut down so rapidly. The crying, screaming, the not getting her way. Then I spend less time at the house, we grow apart, we have a falling out, then we remember how we feel about eachother.
Her daughter is 5.... It's a long time before the child is out of the house or even grown out of the stage. I want to hold on, but at what cost.
I'm glad I'm not the only one in this situation.
Haven't read every response
Haven't read every response as I am just going to answer from my own experience.....
If you dislike the 3 year this much in 5 months, it isn't going to get any better. 3 year olds are hard work at the best of times.
As a step child myself, I think you owe this child and his mumma a duty to leave. You will not magically ever love or even like this child, he will know and it will cause long term ramifications.
As a step parent, I think you owe yourself the duty to leave. They will crush and destroy your "you" and you will be miserable.
You're too young to deal with this shite....go out and find fun and single unattached girls, step daddy hood is not for you.
With your attitude not only
With your attitude not only will it get worse it will be fucking disaster. If you can't pull your head out of your own ass and grow up a bit do not curse this woman and her son with your presence in their lives any longer.
Sure, the kid is a PITA. So parent him. The solution to this problem is simple and it is one word. A very short word.... No! When the kid whines for his blanky that is a foot away from him "No. If you are going to whine and cry I will give you something to cry about. If you want your blanket reach over and get it right now or stop crying!”
He sleeps in his own bed. He stays there. If he doesn't you or mom put him back in bed and tell him to stay there. But .... get his bed away from his mom's bed and into his own room. Crying for the cell phone.... No!. Don't give it to him unless he asks clearly in his normal voice and says please. Or, don't give it to him at all. Outside play time with the other kids is outside play time. Not stalk mom and her BF time.
Dude, you are a 24yo college student. You are not an idiot so quit acting like one. Grow up, use your head, figure out what this amazing woman you have fallen in love with needs from you, what kind of man she needs you to be, and be that man. Currently detesting a 3yo just says that you are no man at all. You are an immature little boy who has no business with any woman of character and particularly have no business being anywhere near a child that needs a mature male role model in his life.
Okay, now that I am done ranting and venting about your detestable lack of character .... here is the good news. I used to be you.
20 years ago I too met an amazing young mother. A woman of incomparable beauty, intelligence, character, and she rocked my world. I fell hard and I fell fast. So did she. But….. she had a kid. He was 15mos old and a tow headed little doe eyed toddler. He was cute. I enjoyed time with him. My tragic character flaw was what I can only describe as a visceral revulsion to his presence. It was like an Animal Planet special on male lions that kill the offspring of their predecessors after taking over a pride. My aversion to the kid was mammalian in proportion.
Unlike your GF’s 3yo my GF’s son was a cute, quiet, calm, welcoming little boy. It did not take long for me to gain clarity that I had no business ruining this woman’s life and the life of this beautiful child so I had to either shit or get off the pot. Fix my problem or free them to move on. So, I engaged with the kid. He went where his mom and I went. When we were together I carried him on my shoulders holding on to one of ankles and holding his mom’s had with the other. We walked with the kid between us each holding one of his hands and swinging him as we walked. I chased him through play-scapes, we went hiking and camping with the kid, we took him to movies with us, to my neighborhood dive pool bar/café, etc, etc, etc… It did not take long for my actions of love to create feelings of love.
Two months ago that now 22yo tow headed little doe eyed toddler officiated the vow renewal celebration for his mom and I on our 20th anniversary in front of our friends and family. He is my son and I am proud to be his dad. I am the dad that taught him to be a young man of character; I am the dad that set the example of a loving husband, hard working provider, consummate professional, dedicated father, and man of character. I could have just been the asshole that his mom married.
His Sperm Idiot is just that . A sperm donor and an idiot. The kid has no use for his bio dad and tells all he knows that I am his Dad. The other guy is “Gangster Dad” and an “idiot”. The kid’s words not mine.
You have an opportunity to get past your immaturities and character issues and be an amazing partner to this young woman of beauty that you say you love. Be a father to her child, help her and help him get past his fears and toddler issues and set an example of a dedicated partner, loving husband, loving father, consummate professional, and man of character.
20 years ago I took the actions of love toward a little boy who smiled every time he saw me then looked confused when I growled and grumbled at him. My actions have returned 20 years of amazing love and happiness for and from a cute kid who has grown into a young man of character. And ….. I get to spend the rest of my life with the hottie MILF that stole my heart 21 years ago.
My apologies if I came on too strong at the beginning. Your story is very much my own from 20 years ago. I too was a college student when my bride and I met. She was an 18yo first semester college freshman with a 15mo old son and I was a 29yo 11 year college senior on the last semester of my BSEE. I was also a man 3 years post divorce from an adulterous skank of an XW (no kids). So, I had a bit more baggage than what you likely carry.
Since we met and married my bride and I have had a wonderful life, she finished her dual major BS with honors, we both finished an MBA with honors, and she has a successful career as a CPA. I have had a dynamic engineering and management career across several industries. We are living and working internationally. And …. Most importantly together and as equity life partners and equity parents we raised our son (my SS) together to be a young man of character who is on his own journey of growth, education, and so far …. Success.
Take the actions of love and the feelings of love will follow.
Trust me, I have lived it.
You're absolutely right. I am
You're absolutely right. I am 27 and find myself in the same situation. But ill be damned if I allow a 2 year old to run me off of the woman I love. So theres about to be some major changes around here. Im curious, how did things turn out?