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Need some advice... Am tired of everything

pete1972's picture

I'm sure none of you remember but last time I posted on here it was because my SD18 was pregnant. My then fiancee and I had major rows over it but I thought we had got past it. We decided to go ahead with our wedding after she told me that our relationship would always come first and that SD would only be with us for a few months til she got her own place. Fast forward NINE months and SD and her son are still with us and want to keep living with us until she finishes university... in four years time... Major rows at the minute as that wasn't what we agreed. I'm 40 years old and I didn't want another baby. Apart from all the crying and screaming, there is baby stuff EVERYWHERE... toys, clothes, food. SD never tidies up after herself and I'm just so tired of it all. I've tried to ignore it but it just keeps getting to me... I just want to get as far away from what should be, OUR HOME, as I can, I've even applied for jobs on the other side of the world because I just can't take anymore...
When I try to talk to my wife about it she just starts shouting and telling me that I'm kicking her daughter out on the street and how she can't stand to look at me any more. I calmly explain that it's not the case but I think it's time she started looking for her own place because it's not fair on us. It wasn't our choice to have a baby so I don't think our relationship and our life should be put on hold because of SD's choices in life... I have reminded her that we agreed that our relationship was supposed to come first and that SD was only supposed to be there for a few months until she knew what she was doing with the baby. That doesn't seem to matter. SD has ALWAYS come first and always will. I was stupid enough to believe my finacee at the time she told me that we would come first.
I feel so stupid, depressed and angry. I'm torn between telling my wife to leave along with SD... leaving myself... or just giving up all together. I constantly feel like bursting into tears (which I'm not supposed to do because I'm a man!!!) What hurts the most is the feeling of not being wanted or loved. I feel so so lonely. I don't want to be divorced twice at 40 years old. Why can't someone just love me for who I am?

oncechoosetosmile's picture

O no, that must be hard.It sounds like you are not feeling home in your own house at all.
I would be disappointed , too.After all your wife has promised to put your relationship first and only help out for a few month.
Whereas I totally understand that she wanted to help her pregnant young daughter in that difficult situation I don't understand that she doesn't motivate her to find her own place now.Allowing her to stay unlimited is really affecting your marriage and goes far beyond offering general support.
I couldn't do it either...I have three children and one stepdaughter- the youngest is 8- I have totally outgrown the baby stage (although I adore babies and toddlers).And I think it is ok to feel like this- nearly everybody reaches this stage sometimes.
What I am also concerned about is the reaction of your wife when you tell her that it would be a good time for SD to start looking for a place.She seems very agressive and defensive and does totally not consider that you are in this far longer that you BOTH agreed to.She also puts the blame on you, virtually saying that you are a horrible person because you kick her child out.Allover it sound very unfair and I can imagine she is so extremely defensive because deep down she knows she is unfair and instead of admitting it and having to do anything about it she blames you and makes you the "bad guy".
It sounds like you don't cope with the situation very well and feel depressed and unhappy.
It is really hard to advise what to do, but I think to break out of this vicious circle of accusations and blame I would maybe consider even some marriage councelling.Maybe you could also try to organise a special dinner or weekend away that you two can use to sort things out.Maybe if she feels less threatened and feels that you are not accusing her of breaking her promise but nevertheless would like to see a sooner solution than waiting 4 years, she would be more open to look for opportunities to help SD to get on her feet and move out.
However if you inspite of trying everything with your best intention feel that she will not looking for compromises and insist to go on for 4 years I would think that the marriage is not so important to her than it should.If she really doesn't want to see your side you may need to create some distance to keep your sanity.

TASHA1983's picture

I feel the exact same way as you do Cheri. My BF and I have discussed this a few times. There will be NO living with us or gkids living with us. PERIOD. When we are all done raising our kids and they are old enough to go out on their own they will not be coming back UNLESS there were dire circumstances ONLY.

I am a single mother to BS9. I still live at home with my parents BUT we both have our own rooms and anything my parents do for my son is THEIR CHOICE. They OFFER/WANT to have him around and babysit him. My mom was a SAHM all my life and my dad was the provider. My son is like the 3rd kid my father wanted but didn't get to have. They are thick as thieves.
I pay for EVERYTHING for myself and my son, I buy our groceries, clothes, etc pay ALL of my own/our bills and give my parents the amount of money that they request of me each month as "rent". I unfortunately am not in a position financially at this time to move out on my own and afford to take care of the both of us, and that is working 40 hours a week!

I realize that my parents have done this for me and my son and I shouldn't be so opposing to this if the tables were turned BUT that was their CHOICE to allow me to stay at home, when I told my parents I was pregnant my dad was hell bent on me moving out, and I did find a place to move to THEN all of a sudden my father had a change of heart and told me that this was my home too and he wanted me to stay and raise my baby there with them. So I stayed. But as much as there has been alot of tension, arguments etc. between my parents and I they still want my son and I there. And someday when I am financially able I will move out on my own. The sooner the better! Wink

But I most definitely will NOT be allowing kids/skids/gkids in our home to live once they are old enough to go out on their own. Our house will be OUR house...ALONE!!! And each and every person has that right to want that and choose that for is your house and you have every right to say who, what, etc and not to have someone there that you DON'T want there so don't feel bad, do what you need to do for your sanity and happiness. She is old enough to get her shit together and she isnt ever going to learn if everyone is enabling her and allowing her to get away with being lazy and not taking up after herself and her baby.

pete1972's picture

Thanks Tasha for giving me the 'other side of the coin'... It's good to get a different perspective on things and its great that your mum and dad are supporting you through it all. I think if we had been married for years and it was our own daughter and not my SD things may have been different. However SD has made my life (and my wifes) miserable over the last number of years with one things after another. The last thing I want to do after 6 and a half years of crap is to bend over backwards to help her out. Ive been there done that and got it hurled back in my face...
My wife and SD have looked at a couple of places for SD to rent but in my wifes words 'I don't want her living in a ****hole'. My reply was, everybody has to start somewhere. I know my first house wasn't up to much but it was mine!!! My wife had her own house at 18 bringing up her son and she managed. Her son's first house was a bit of a dump but he made it work and has now moved on to something a bit nicer. Everyone has to start somewhere but not SD... hers has to be 'amazing' first time round... Spoilt beyond words.
I don't know maybe men and women think differently on this sort of thing but if/when my kids reach that age they'll be made to work for it, fend for themselves and not get handed everything on a plate. The best lesson you can give your kids is a lesson in life and how to look after yourself cause we won't always be there...

TASHA1983's picture

I agree with you 100% Pete!

I don't want my son living with me forever and I especially do not want and will not allow my son to be living with me if he brings a child(ren) into the world! At that point I will have raised my son and I will not be raising or taking care of anyone elses kids unless I CHOOSE to!
The only way ANY child is going to learn is by their parents NOT enabling them or allowing them to THINK they deserve the world handed to them on a silver platter and treating them as such! The world will be a very cruel unforgiving place to those who think that way!
I want my son to be independant and take care of himself, I don't want to be supporting my son financially for the rest of my life or his kids either!
The problem here is your wife Pete! Because of her LACK of parenting and enabling her daughter to be a free loading, lazy, entitled brat she is therefore creating the difficulties and feelings that you are and have been experiencing. Time for you to get on your wife's ass and tell her either she "puts up or shuts up" because you are done with living this way, it isnt working for you and you deserve to be happy too!

dontcallmestepmom's picture

I think you are in a really difficult spot now. I don't think that your SD is going to leave any time soon, especially since she wants to stay until she graduates. And graduation does not mean that she will necessarily want to/be able to leave then.

I do not think that your wife is going to make her daughter and grandchild leave. But, I think you need to sit down with your wife and tell her that this is NOT the life you AGREED upon. Your wife broke her promise-that is the bottom line here. Clearly, her daughter's needs are more important than your needs.

I know you feel alone and extremely sad, not only for the fact that your home is not your home, but also because your wife did not do as she promised.

I know you do not want to be divorced again, and you obviously love your wife. However, love is sometimes not enough. YOUR happiness is important, too. You are still young; is this what you want?

My husband and I were married almost 6 months ago. Before we married, I made him promise that his adult kids would never move in with us. They are terrible people, we live in a very small home-this can never happen. 2 of the 3 really want to come here, and the more I think about it, I think their reason is to break us up. Also, their mother is pushing for it, because she is tired of them lying around at her house all day.

If my husband breaks his promise and wants to move one or all of them in here, I will be GONE. Also, if he decided to support them, I am out of here, as I also made that clear-we are not their bank. So far, he is saying no. But, if he changes his mind, we are over. And, I, too, will be divorced for a second time. As much as I love him, and as much as it would pain me terribly, I know where my tolerance level ends. I think you do, too. If your marriage does not survive, do not look as this as a failure on your part, because it is truly a failure on your wife's part to put her husband's needs first, and to stop enabling her daughter.

pete1972's picture

Thanks guys for all the advice and support. I really just wanted to make sure that I wasn't being unreasonable... I have a lot of thinking to do. Do I back down knowing that the argument will just come up again in another few months or do I stand my ground and risk losing my wife? Nobody can make that decision only me. Wish me luck Sad

TASHA1983's picture

I wish you the best Pete! Do what is BEST & RIGHT for you! Don't keep on being miserable...time to talk to your wife and explain your feelings and position in a civil compromising way. My mom always said you get more with honey than with vinegar Wink

I hope you get what you want & need too! Smile

silver ring's picture

If she was able to have a baby with some random guy, she sure can take care of him. Where is the baby daddy?

pete1972's picture

The baby daddy is and always was a waste of space... No get up and go, no work ethic, no sense of responsibility, sleeps all day and only sees the child for a couple of hours a week. My SD has finally had enough and dumped his lazy ass just last week. They had been together for nearly 3 years but he never was and never will be much help... Just took her a long time to realise it

pete1972's picture

Well things have improved slightly since yesterday. My wife and I are actually talking now and she's telling me about houses that SD has been looking at.
SD is now gutted... not that she has to get her own place but gutted that she didn't get any of the ones she looked at?!?!?! Apparently she is really looking forward to it now that she has started looking (think I would be pushing it asking for an ' I told you so'?). Has a few other options as well so looking positive on that front.
I also sat my wife down and worked out the finances for her as that was the other argument (she can't afford it). Turns out that she should be able to cope very well and will have some spare cash each month - not a whole lot but enough. She can supplement that by getting a part time job if she's stuck and neither my wife nor I mind helping out (now and again) getting her some groceries or a fill of oil etc.
Apparently my wife says I'm still not forgiven (not that I did anything wrong in my eyes) but things are looking up... for now...
Hopefully, fingers crossed, this will be the end of most of our arguments. Not that we argue that much... we seem to have a huge argument every 3 or 4 months and 99.9% of the time it's about SD. If she has moved out then that 'should' put a lot less strain on our relationship and we can put more effort into our own life and happiness Smile

Starla's picture

{{{HUGS}}} messy situation indeed!

In my opinion..I think guys come to their senses easier then women do and your wife is putting her emotions first here. How much can you or are you willing to tolerate is a big question that you can ask yourself. You need to be fair to yourself and consider what you want for your future.

I was married once for 9 years and was not happy until we got divorced. I thought that I felt alone but remained married to avoid being alone..go figure!!!

Foxie gave really good input and advice and I believe that she knows what she is talking about. She is one of my favorites on this site and I have taken a few pages from her.

Remember what you and your wife agreed to before your marriage then sit back and look at how things are now. You honestly are not being unreasonable at all.

pete1972's picture

Just to let you know my SD is moving into her new place this weekend Smile She is renting a lovely house from a friend of her dads so a good landlord in a nice area (more than she deserves) so she can't wait. Has been shopping for house stuff the last couple of weeks and is really looking forward to getting moved in. She's still lazy and messy and spoilt but at least from next week I won't be the one clearing up after her. I'm biting my tongue at the minute as I know she'll soon be away.
This may come across as me being the 'bad guy' and 'putting her out' but I honestly believe that she will be a better person for it and the relationship between my wife and I and especially my SD and I will be much improved. I have already said that she should come round to ours for dinner a couple of nights a week, to help her out financially and to allow my wife to spend a bit more time with her grandson... It's one of those things - we just can't all live together full time...
So all in all things are certainly on the up. Thanks again for all the advice. I'm sure I'll be back her at some stage but hopefully not with anything just as 'major' Smile