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constructive advice please

Starla's picture

I'm truly confused and could use some advice. Though I will attempt my best, this is hard for me to explain. I'm seeking help from anyone who can understand and hear my situation without placing judgement.

For those who are aware of me, yes I fully disengaged from my SD but this is not my current issue. My current issue lies with my SS17 (will be of age in 4 months), DH, and I. Recently I posted and no body agreed. I posted that I relate more with SS then DH at times. It is least was true when I posted it, I'm not so sure at the time since the last visit with SS. In the post I liked that SS and I do talk openly and honestly. Things took a turn during the visit and I'm left confused.

It took a week of my SS being cold until s*** hit the fan. I don't do the silent treatment nor do I give it.

History with getting on the same page with SS, I as any other woman wig. I only wig on the people that I care about but when I feel they need it so to speak, I give it full force. I hate wigging!!! To give you a better picture, my friends have told me that I would have made a great drill Sargent. Never been in the Army but grew up with family who has. Honestly, I hate most all people and would happily give my life for anyone who matters in my life. I'm highly respected amongst friends and family and do like to keep life simple.

Anyways getting on the same page with SS seems to consist of me wigging after DH and I can't tolerate any further bull s*** behavior. My husband/their dad is more less submissive and I cut the cord every time. DH feels anxiety prior to me wigging but holds his tongue even far more then he means too. He lives with saying "I brought 2 kids into the world with a dead beat for a BM". It is true but he can't take that back now.

Once I wig, everyone gets along great. Again..I hate wigging. It just seems that its the only tool that works to break the wall down so we all can carry on. DH is as baffled as I where that is concerned.

Getting to the issue.....SS! I vented to him that I don't care whether he resides with his BM or us but that he needs to finish his senior year and do it right. It hit home for him only he was here for just one week. He jumps the fence using his parents and caring only about his friends and his entertainment. It showed during the visit full force. I.e. I have a heart condition, fighting a lung infection that is trying to set in, had to shovel with SS and he leaves me with the shovel that I could not handle physically at the time. My lungs were locking up it felt until I threw up in a snow bank. I told him that I can't use this particular shovel and must trade with him. He exchanged with frustration. We had to shovel the next day too, he leaves me with the bigger shovel again. I was not even two minutes behind him. This was not done to hurt me on purpose but he acts this stupid with everything.

So, DH and I care about him and how he is doing but I'm afraid that he is just acting to stupid for us to waste our time as he said that he wants to finish school and is moving in with us permanently. He too claims that he has to move in with us or he will not graduate remaining living with his mother.

Actions following the conversation are not sitting right with DH and I. DH thinks that SS may be seeking to bail at his moms and I think that my SS is playing hide and seek between mommy's legs yet. We both agreed to tell him no for moving here and DH wants to tell him that he needs to finish what he starts which is his last year in school at his mothers. You can't fix stupid and that is how this almost adult behaves.

DH and I intend on seeing SS this next Saturday and telling him no for moving in with us. Not to mention the Alternative school here requires that you work or can prove your seeking work. SS is not ready for the work force nor do we want to waste our sources being the only ones actually trying.

What should we say to SS? I'd like to be honest and lay the facts out. DH has not been much help here where his kids are concerned. I love the kid but man does he ever need someone to just beat his a** for once and all.

Before you answer if you do, both parents have messed these kids up and continue to do so. DH realizes SS is only facing failing school yet last week he still gave his boy a computer game.............Its one of the reasons I blew up but gave the right people the right blame.

Latisem's picture

Hummm. Your a better one than me. I set my boundaries and refuse to be involved in the screwed up situation. They both took a back seat to parenting and it could get ugly if you try to help. It sounds like he is craving direction and discipline but at almost 18??? At this point it has to ss that wants something better in life. My kids are fully aware that step kids get away with far more than I would ever allow!! My kids have sadly made bets on which one of his kids gets arrested first.
If his kids WANTED a better life with direction, I'm not sure if I would help or not.

december82's picture

Im facing a similar situation with my SS17(turns 18 in the summer) he has already dropped out of high school and his mom his saying he is out of her house in Feb. Due to no school no work and general poor behaviour, if she follows threw he will most likely end up living here. Again like you my friends have often commented i should be something along the lines of a prison guard lol.
DH of coarse is a huge push over and both his kids know it! How ever SS has never been disrespectful towards me (excluding normal teenager crap) we've never had an issue that was personal. That combined with my belief that it would be wrong of me to deny my skids access to our home DH and i do plan to allow him to live here if he so choses, I have told DH my very short list of things/behaviours i cannot live with but DH is responsible to set rules and enforce them. 99% of the parenting will be left to him and if a problem between SS and I does arise, DH will hear it from me and will be expected to get it under control... Quickly. Having had 2 SFs in my life, it is a struggle to balance what i think SS needs and what areas SPs should keep thair noses out of. Right now the only thing i can safely do is praise the good and let DH deal with the bad... I guess ill get to test my theorys in a month or so lol

Orange County Ca's picture

Stop wigging and let your husband handle his kid.

Only one condition of his living in your home: either he is a full time successful student or he's paying rent.

If neither one are possible he lives somewhere else. He will survive.

sweeby's picture

One of my SSs just turned 18 in November. He is like you said; cares only about his friends and his entertainment. He does laundry at our house and eats, but hardly ever helps out. He has a car, but almost never helps with driving his siblings around. He had a job until recently. We think he quit because of his girlfriend. There is more, but does not pertain to your situation. I think, depending on how long you have been his stepmom, that what Orange County Ca said

Stop wigging and let your husband handle his kid.

Only one condition of his living in your home: either he is a full time successful student or he's paying rent.

If neither one are possible he lives somewhere else. He will survive.

is right on the money. Standing on his own two feet is in order, or else you are enabling, and putting off the inevitable. I feel for you, they are a pretty darn selfish and arrogant bunch, for the most part.

Starla's picture

Thanks for your thoughts on this post. I agree with you sweeby and I also agree with you that Orange County Ca is right on the money. Its hard to not wig when I know damn well that my SS is capable of so much more then what he lives up to. Its time for me to back off and mind my own business where SS is concerned.