Is 11 to young to shovel snow
A couple of weeks ago SO Stated that my 16 year old son should of had all our back deck 12x14 shoveled off. My sonand daughter shoveled our front walk way side walk and back way. My SO daughter said she called the back deck so I pointed out to SO that his daughter was in charge of the deck. He said she is too young to shovel snow! Have you ever heard such a thing.... Today my 16 yr old son 15 yr old daughter headed out along with me to shovel a larger deck 36x36. ( we've been hit hard with snow with rain in the forecast) o I told my children what we would be doing SD said are we all going out. I said only two at a time because of the added weight.. So my son and I head out. My SO calls what's going on with ( his daughter) so I tell him the situation he is fine with that aftere30 minutes of shoveling I text her to say she can come out and help. She never respond but my SO calls to tell his daughter does nit wmt to help because its too cold.... My response not if you dress fr it. Needless to say she oes not help and I know my kids think that it is unfair. How would you handle this situation
Why wasn't SO helping
Why wasn't SO helping
Kick your husband in the ass
Kick your husband in the ass to give him some clarity. 11 is plenty old enough to shovel snow, rake leaves, etc...
Your DH is letting his entitled spoiled spawn play him.
It's a work day for him and
It's a work day for him and the rest of us are home
Make her clean the bathroom
Make her clean the bathroom from top to bottom. Surely she's not too young to clean a bathtub, toilet, and sink. If my kids say they don't want to do something, they get gross chores to do. Since I have 4 teenagers who are disgusting who share a toilet and all of us share a shower, it gets really gross.
That's how I feel but she
That's how I feel but she told daddy she cleaned the kitchen which meant she out dishes away. That will make up for it
(No subject)
If she is old enough to be
If she is old enough to be responsible to text she can shovel snow.
My five year old went out and
My five year old went out and shoveled off the front steps while Daddy did the walkway. (He was SO pleased Dad let him help!) So no. Eleven is NOT too young. :?
Get this he comes home picks
Get this he comes home picks his daughter up tells me he is going pick up her friend and then they are going to the mall
please goddess tell me you
please goddess tell me you and the kids put or will put all that damn snow where he parks so he can shovel it his damn self.
You read my mind simifan.....
You read my mind simifan.....
I know it's frustrating, but
I know it's frustrating, but you know what I would do? "Let it gooo, let it gooo..." Ha ha. Then I would give each kid that worked $20 and tell them how much you appreciate their hard work. My kids do have regular chores but snow shoveling is one they get paid for.
A while back I read an
A while back I read an article about the children of a tribe of people living in the Peruvian Andes. In their culture, everyone must contribute to ensure the group's survival and the children are allowed much more autonomy. The author described a 7 year old who joined him and a group of other adults who went on a hunting trip. This child was up every morning, collecting firewood and preparing breakfast for the group. He carried his own pack & bedding, took part in the hunt, and contributed by performing necessary tasks - all without complaint. Neither of his parents accompanied him.
Guilty/self serving parenting is ruining our next generation. And these same parents will shake their heads and bitch when their precious poopsies fail to launch.