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FB and Adult SKs

Anon2009's picture

I've seen some blogs on this lately. I think mixing FB with adult SKs can be a recipe for disaster (unless everyone gets along well).

Quite frankly, I think we as SMs can save ourselves a lot of grief by not looking at adult SKs' FB profiles or anything they say, even if we read it because we share mutual friends with them. And we can ask mutual fb friends to not share any of the SKs remarks (from fb or anywhere else) with us.

Trinka's picture

AMEN! we have a different situation but BM friended me on FB for a while. i have nothing to hide. i accepted her friendship.

all of a sudden i started seeing comments on photos / posts from BMs family on mutual 'friends' walls which were all DIGS at me.

it is better for MY sanity to not have to look at her ugly mug anyway :sick:

RedWingsFan's picture

You're right. I had SD14 as a friend on FB in the beginning, but every time I'd post about something DH and I did or someplace we were at, she'd immediately get all butt hurt (even when she was with her mom that weekend, as scheduled by HER) that I got sick of her bullshit and deleted her. She's since had her FB profile deleted (by dad) because of inappropriate behavior and posts, but I'm sure BM will allow her to have one again sometime soon.

NicNic's picture

Oh wow! I was wondering if some people were having the same issues. I'm new here so I thought I would chime in. So yes fb friend with the oldest daughter for some time and then it just got bad. Posting of her and her deceased mother and of course, their dad. Their mom passed from cancer, but every time we get together for gatherings there is always mention of her. I tried to be gracious at first, but now since we have been together for over six years, I'm wondering if it will ever stop? Oh and to get back to fb, they only post pics of themselves with their Dad or only their dad. They never post pics of me with him. It's so petty I know, but I just wonder how they get off to being so mean?

dontcallmestepmom's picture

I am not friends with my DH's kids, either. But, he is, and so are some of his relatives. So, it is the same, I still have to hear all of the crap.

twopines's picture

>>>There are actually dhs out there who are connected to their adult kids on fb.

It is always assumed its the sm looking at fb.<<<

Exactly. The only way I know what the dumbass puts on her FB is if DH tells me.

AVR1962's picture

Absolutely, my steps are not on my FB and neither are a majority of my husband's side of the family. There is distance and hurt feelings with these people and I do not want them seeing what I post as I know this will be met with critical eyes and that's not the reason I have a FB acct.

Not-the-mom's picture

We don't look at their FB accounts, and I don't care if they look at mine. I also have it set up so no one can post or comment on mine. I say what I want to share - if anyone is interested they can look me up and read it. If they don't care, that's their decision. I can do the same with them.

Calling EVERYONE a "friend" cheapens the meaning of the word, in my opinion.

2Tired4Drama's picture

I'm with you SayWhat.

My SO and I have never had FB accounts and don't feel like we've missed a thing.

Especially now since FB has stated they intend to use anything and everything you post (including your photos) as marketing tools and you won't be able to say a thing about it.

So that cute picture of your kid you've posted could very well wind up in an advertisement for a product - and you can't say a word about it. Read the fine print, folks.

Who needs it ...

Wickedess's picture

FB was a big part of what caused the problems between my skids and me, that and their psycho mother. I deleted them and blocked them on my FB and from my life. I am A LOT happier now.

4stepping's picture

i can relate, recently a family member passed on my so's side. my husband went to the funeral in another state and his ex and children went too as they live close to ex in laws but never see them. later I saw photos of all of them together from the in laws and so on, she doesn't even bother with them normally. I hated seeing these and felt a little disrespected. Later I deleted most of my photos and only left ones of us and our dog Smile

bi's picture

i know curiosity can be hard to overcome, but i don't want to see anything sd20 puts on there. i had her statuses blocked from showing in my news feed when i was connected to her, and a few months later, i ended up blocking her completely because she uses fb to be a Billy Bad Ass and send me shitty msgs saying things she would NEVER say to my face. i have no desire to know what is going on her life. i would be happy to never see her or hear about her again.

fdh and bs4 are at mil's with sd and her bf and baby for Christmas this weekend. i'm home alone, bd17 is with her gramma for Christmas, and i'm just loving that i don't have to see sd this year! unless she ruins it by coming over on Christmas day, but fdh took his gifts for her and her family with him, so hopefully she won't. i'm not there cuz i have to work. Biggrin beautiful and valid excuse (mil lives over an hour away, closer to 2 hours). i don't understand letting the skids into your life any more than you have to if they are assholes to you.