My SO and I have been together for 4.5 years. He has a 4.5 yr old son. BM and him had split up before she even knew she was pregnant. Him and I moved in together when SS was only a week old. Since the beginning the BM has never put her son first. She is more into friends and drinking then she ever has been into her own son. Long story short, my SO has been paying child support since day one. When the support was determined he was a full time bar manager with 42 hours a week and 10.50 and hour. About three months after the order his employer got rid of his position. He stayed on as a bartender but went down to 25 hours at 7.50 an hour. For the past four years he never went back to change his order so he has been paying 450.00 a month. The 450.00 was based on the fact that he was full time and making three dollars more an hour, and because there is no court ordered custody, it is also based on the assumption that he never has his son. Since day one BM and him had the agreement that he has his son Sunday morning from 10 am to monday at 8:30 pm and Wednesday 6:30 am to Thursday at 6:30 pm. Outside of the agreement, we have him whenever she has something come up (i.e. work, parties, not feeling well). About four months ago, SO lost his job. He has not gotten a new job yet because of a few factors:
He has SS sunday 10 am to tuesday 630pm. I guess the reason is she works in the morning and cannot bring him to school (he has school tuesdays and thursadays 915-215. Then he gets SS back at 630 am on wednesday and we usually have him til about 5pm on friday. We also have him one to two Saturdays a month because that is when the parties come up.
We have a daugher together who is only one month old. I make more then he is able to make, so he stays home with the kids while I work. He would not make enough to cover daycare alone for the two children.
With that being said, we are still paying the court ordered child support of 450.00 a month. Plus we have to pay for school which is 200.00 a month.
I have had no problem paying either of these monthly payments. I have no problem paying them even though he doesn't make any money, let alone the amount that he did at the time, and I have no problem paying them even though we have him 5-6 days a week. We pay for everything he could possibly need and even want when he is at our house.
Since SO lost his job, the child support payments have to be made by us. He used to have it taken directly out of his paycheck. When it was taken out of his paychecks, she would ask us for money early or bitch if she didn't get it right away, but we simply told her we had no control over it.
Now that we make the payments personally, she will text us almost every other day asking for money. Saying she can't pay her insurance with out it, or any other reason she can think of. She always wants the CS early and she yells at us and holds SS against us if we will not pay early and or we will not give her cash. We did give her cash once and we did deposit cash into her account once. I know it was stupid but at the time it didn't seem as stupid. She still has not reported that cash and it has been three months. Our case worker said that she hasn't even mentioned it. Two problems have arised from this:
SO's account shows he is in arrears that 800.00.
The case worker informed us that they will take those two payments (when and if she finally reports them) but will not honor any more after that because the county does not want us to take the order into our own hands.
That being said, the last few nights SO and BM have been full out fighting because she feels it is owed to her that we give her cash and we give it to her when she wants it. She also feels it is ok to text me 50 times a day harrassing me about money but when I call her out on not reporting the other 800.00 I gave her she responds with "I am done with your bs and cs. Don't ever text me again." Last night SO and BM got into it over texts. Not only is she harrassing him about money and threatening time with SS, she is accusing us of not being able to take care of him. She says we have no clothes that fit simply because we ALWAYS send him back in exactly what he came in. We do this beacuse of a few reasons:
We NEVER get any of our clothes back
She sends him in sizes 6/7 when he wears 4/5T
There are many times she will send him with no shoes (we wont send ours there because we want to make sure we have some when she doesnt send any)or without a jacket when it is cold, or in PJ's. Just yesterday she sent him in RAIN BOOTS! We just got a foot of snow and the high yesterday was 10 degrees. Last time I wore rain boots there wasn't any insulation what so ever.
She also says that we don't feed him. She says we always send him home hungry and he is starving. I really wish we could just record the entire day at our house because he eats ALL DAY LONG. If he isn't eating bfast, lunch, or dinner, he is snacking. Not to mention she has never gotten him after dinner. It is ALWAYS before dinner. Guess what we don't let him fill up on snacks and treats just before dinner.
She says we don't think of him first at all. All I can say is we think of him first in everything we do. To top it all off, every time she does actually have him on a Tuesday, She keeps him home from school.
Now comes a question on my part!
Does SO have any chance at getting as much time with SS as he has now if he files for custody?
Here are a few facts about each.
Lives with her BF ( we love him! This is the second boyfriend she has lived with in two years.)
She is on her 7th job in less then 3 months
She spoils SS with Toys and treats when he is there
She would never do anything to hurt SS intentionally other then not put him first
She refuses to give us a medical card making it almost impossible to make appointments for him. ( she still has not gotten him into the dentist)
Last time we went into the ER (he ended up with croup)She didn't show up, and when they ran the insurance on SS she had not paid it so he wasn't covered anymore. (this is the third time we have brought him in and found out he had no insurannce)
She can't dress him for the weather EVER! (also likes to let him play in the snow without a jacket and with no socks and shoes on)
She sells all of the clothes that she has that fits him and dresses him in the ones that are huge on him.
Uses SS against him when it comes to money
He is unemployed (staying at home with the kids because I agreed to pay his bills. Including CS)
SO, I and SS and DD rent out my parent's basement while we look for a home to buy or rent
Makes sure he is in school
Has never said "no" to extra time with SS
Would love to have full custody and BM could see SS ANYTIME she wants.
Is with SS 95% of the time already
Provides a safe place for SS and his BABY SISTER
Has plenty of clothes, food, toys,ect for SS
Puts health, education, and needs and wants of the kids before all else
Doesnt even care if the CS ever changes as long as he is garunteed time with SS
The reason I am asking is that all we want is a stable life for SS and a set routine for him and us in which we do not have. We would also love to live without the stress caused by her holding SS agianst us for money.
I am at my wits end and have exhausted every solution I can come up with.
At the very least you should
At the very least you should claim cs for your daughter which will force a review of the current cs order. Then when she's getting less $ she may not fight a change in custody. This way it doesn't cost atty fees.
Why was there no custody
Why was there no custody order made with the support order?
Why has he not filed to modify the support order since he's been unemployed?
You're living out of your parents basement with your SO, his kid, & your kid, your SO is unemployed & you're paying all of your SO's bills? IMO, none of that sends the message that your SO is the more stable parent.
What is the difference in
What is the difference in renting (700) a month from my parents, and renting (1300) a month for an apartment with less space? Not to mention, there is not a single apartment in my area that will do a lease for under 12 months. We are currently in the process of building our own home in which will be done in less than a year. Why is it more acceptable for a SAHM who collects government benefits to get full custody of a child than a father who is there for his children at least 5 days a week who pays his court ordered support even though he has the child ALL the time?
Yes we have pictures of it ALL. She is the one who posted the original pic of him outside in pant and shirt only on facebook... everything that is said between them is in texts, and we have witnesses.
The point is your boyfriend
The point is your boyfriend has no income. In the eyes of a judge, he has no way to support his children. Your money is nothing to them. Even when you live together your money is nothing to them. Even when your married to him, you money will still likely be nothing to them.
HE can't support his children.
Actually when we are married
Actually when we are married my money has everything to do with him... that is why they had to come up with somehting called ALIMONY
But YOUR income will not be
But YOUR income will not be factored into his CS payments. Fortunately for you in this situation.
The ONLY time alimony will
The ONLY time alimony will come into play is if you & him get married & divorced.
It has ZERO to do with ANYthing you're talking about here.
right but all i am saying is
right but all i am saying is if i am married to him the household income is what they go off of... therefor my income would matter
This is correct. Married or
This is correct. Married or not, household income is not considered. It is only the biological parents incomes that are looked at.
Ok even if that is true...
Ok even if that is true... She technically can't Support him either on 300a month
But she can support him
But she can support him BETTER on her $300/month than your boyfriend can support him on $ZERO/month.
Her $300/month shows she's at least making an effort to provide for her child.
For starters. I make 100,000
For starters. I make 100,000 a year if not more. I happily will pay child support and the rest of his bills, knowing that my childs father and SS father is raising his kids. NOT A STRANGER AT A DAYCARE. I love his child as much as I love my own. I have been with him since day one. My money is OUR money. He does everything around the house. What is the difference between a stay at home dad and a stay at home mom????????? Sorry that I am carreer oriented and loved to continue my education... There was no custody order because the only reason the CS was ordered was because BM put SS on MA. He would have had to file a custody order and at the time HE could not afford it. I would rather rent the basement from my parents (Includes 3 bed, our own laundry, kitchen, and bathroom) then move into an apartment for a year when we only need it 3 months and not be able to bring our pets with. I would never claim CS on our daughter because they DO make sure you are seperated, and it will forever be with us... not to mention I would most likely have to pay HIM.
oh and I have the money to
oh and I have the money to pay for fees. I don't need to "fool the system" to get a hearing.
If you make $100,000 a year,
If you make $100,000 a year, why haven't you hired an attorney to file for a custody order and get child support modified for your SO?
Why are you asking these questions on here when you can hire an attorney and ask the attorney?
>>>She would never do
>>>She would never do anything to hurt SS intentionally other then not put him first
I have been searching for a way to decribe BM for so long... this is it right here. She loves him, and would never INTENTIONALLY hurt him, but she certainly doesn't put him first!
Thank you for that!
You are very welcome. I do my
You are very welcome. I do my best to always give her the benefit of the doubt and also to aknowledge the fact that I know she loves him dearly. She was not ready to give up her lifestyle and I feel that is what always causes him to come second.
You seem very levelheaded to
You seem very levelheaded to me.
Honestly, if you have the means, I would suggest hiring an attorney. This could be an ugly mess if done gone about correctly.
Simply because it is not my
Simply because it is not my desicion. The BF would have to be the one to do that and the one thing he hates the most is conflict with BM. Up until now there was no need. they were civil to eachother and even got along at most times. now that she got fired from her job and makes less... she is desperate to do anything for money. The reason we havent contacted an attorney yet is because we only first talked about this last night. sorry we don't jump on things before we think them through first.
It's not a matter of "jumping
It's not a matter of "jumping on things before thinking them through". You do know you can get a consultation with an attorney where you ask all your questions before you hire him?
An attorney in family law that knows the judges in your area, and can give you a good idea of what your chances are?
I understand that. I work for
I understand that. I work for a living and we have two young children at home with him. We cannot logically jump up and run out the door to drive 30 minutes without making arrangments and setting up an appointment. I was hoping that this would keep me content until We had the time and means to do so. Sorry but my family means everything to me. I am going to explore all avenues when it comes to ensuring that they are around FOREVER!
You'd do better asking on a
You'd do better asking on a divorce forum, then, under the custody section. I've gotten some good advice doing that.
WHat does a divorce forum
WHat does a divorce forum have to do with this. Divorce plays NO part in this
You've gotten some good
You've gotten some good advice on here, but on a divorce forum, one of the main subjects is child support and custody.
That is why I suggested you ask on one of those forums. The folks on there have been through custody and child support battles. That's where I got some very good advice on behalf of a man i dated who was never married but had custody issues with his BM.
But you can ask on both places, no law says you can't. I was merely offering another place you could go to for advice.
THank you I was slightly
THank you I was slightly confused by the divorce thing. i appreciate the help
Thank you! I am not sure that
Thank you! I am not sure that other people on here can see that. Why should it matter how he is paying it as long as it it payed on time each month. It makes more sense financially and morally to have him stay home and be the main influence on his child opposed to any one else being the main caretaker. I know my SO and I know his morals and beliefs. I know my children will be raised how I would like them to be raised. I know they will forever have a very close relationship with their father BECAUSE he stayed home with them. There are times where I wish I was in his shoes but I know I would go nuts without my carreer and I know he will not make enough to make it worth while. If it were me staying home and him bringing in all of the money would they see it differently? My money IS HIS money considering we made the commitment to stay together the rest of our lives. Why would I not want the best for him and want him to be comfortable and happy.
Your question was about
Your question was about custody, though. A judge isn't going to care whether people on Steptalk see it, & the judge is the one who will determine custody.
I did not post on here in
I did not post on here in hopes of printing out this conversation and bringing it to the judge as "proof". I posted to get feedback and ease my mind while we go through the process to see a judge. They told us it will be at least 6 months before we are seen before a judge.
You made the comment that you
You made the comment that you weren't sure other people here were seeing what you were saying. I was just trying to provide some information from the court's POV, being that is where you mentioned you were intending to take it.
I totally get that. I
I totally get that. I appreciate both sides bringing up valid points. THe thing i was referring to was why people seem to think a SAHM is ok and a SAHD is not.
Now that you've explained it
Now that you've explained it more, it does make sense for Dad to stay home with the kids while you work.
It's no different than a mom staying home with the kids while daddy brings home the bacon. Now all you have to do is get custody and CS ironed out. Usually the hold up for people is they can't afford to hire an attorney, luckily for you that won't be a problem.
We even discussed that. If we
We even discussed that. If we have to go to the courthouse and get married now we will... we will just keep our previous date to have a ceremony. we just do not want to wait til sept 2013 to ensure ourselfs that we will have rights to a child that we have all but one day a week. It is sure hard to sit here and put the time and effort into a child you love so dearly while in the back of your mind you have the fear of not being able to see him.
Marriage isn't going to deem
Marriage isn't going to deem you anymore related to his child. That's the difficulty in steplife. Regardless of what you bring to table, regardless of what kind of support you provide, & regardless of how much you love his child, unless you adopt you will never have legal rights to him. You get no legal say in anything.
Marriage still does not make your boyfriend able to support his children.
I'm not trying to be mean or break your spirit. It's just an ugly truth in being a stepparent. In the eyes of the court, you count for nothing when it comes to someone else's child.
I could argue that because
I could argue that because when they go for CS they ask about any alimony he recieves... therefor it does play a part in supporting his child. if we were married they could determine that even if we split i will be paying him alimony...
Does he currently receive
Does he currently receive alimony? If not, he has no income to report.
Your money is not his money
Your money is not his money in the eyes of the court. A judge will not consider your income if/when your SO goes to court. Therefore, the judge will hear, "I live in my girlfriend's parent's basement. I don't work. I have 2 children with 2 different women & no means to provide for either of them.
That isn't going to fair well for him in getting custody.
Ok here is a valid point. but
Ok here is a valid point. but what is the difference between that and the BM living in HER BF's house and being on her 7th job in less than three months? At least he can show he has been making complete CS payments ON TIME. She can't even pay for medical on time so that the child has medical insurance.
We don't want to take him
We don't want to take him from her. We simply want to have court ordered part custody so that she cant up and decide he doesnt get to see him unless we pay her cash when she wants. He wants to know that he will see him no matter what even if it is only the normal e/o weekend... she will need us to watch him more so he isnt concerend about that. as long as he for sure gets to see him still even if he doesnt do the absurd things she asks.
Not attacking you, OP, but I
Not attacking you, OP, but I hear this argument made all the time about who is more "stable", and I'd like to ask everyone else about it.
i.e. 'I've had my job for 5 years, BM has had 5 five jobs in the past three months. I live in a house, BM lives in an apartment, I'm more stable. I'm married, BM has had four BFs in the past three week, I'm more stable...' I hear things like this all the time.
Really, does "stability" even factor in a custody case? Doesn't it come down to the status quo and who has been the primary care giver? If anyone has seen differently I'd like to know.
I have seen where stability
I have seen where stability matters. BIOC will consider all things pertaining to living situation and assurance that they will be provided for. My sister couldn't hold a job for more then a month when she first had her daughter... the father got 50/50. On top of that He is the primary caregiver even though it is not on paper.
Can I ask how old you & your
Can I ask how old you & your bf are?
I am 27 and he is 38
I am 27 and he is 38
I don't have a problem with
I don't have a problem with SAHD. But I DO have a problem with a 38 year old man relying so heavily on a 27 year old and her parents!
He is not relying on me. I am
He is not relying on me. I am the one who told him not to go back to work because I would rather RELY on him to raise our child than someone I dont know from adam. I also don't see what age has to do with any of this. Him being 38 is no different then him being 25. He is a grown adult. been on his own since he was 18 just as I was. We simply sold HIS home that he had before i was even in the picture because there were only 2 bedrooms. We decided to build our own home so that we could have what we wanted. we needed at LEAST 3 bedrooms. we are RENTING (not crashing) my parents basement because an apartment does not fit our needs. we are not relying on them. we are lucky if we even see them everyday. we have our own entrance and all utilities needed. no different then renting a duplex in my mind.
Ok where to start... I was
Ok where to start... I was trying to say that I would be held responsible the entire time. She only requested 800 in cash theirfore we sent the other 100 into the county... I did not make this desicion... my SO did. We do have reciepts and proof but while we are waiting for the not so tactful county to investigate, he is considered delinquent. In the meantime all she has to do is call and say she recieved it and they credit the account. For the record I am the orthapedic sergury consult for johnson and johnson. Like I said earlier, I only came here to occupy my thoughts until we can get the ball rolling. I did not come here for legal advise, just other peoples expieriences. I never said that he was a more qualified parent. All we want is 50/50. I do however believe he is JUST AS qualified. The child spends almost all of his time with him while he sees his mom only one, maybe two days a week. This is by her choice considering there is no order in effect. When I mentioned that she spoiled him I was not saying it is a bad thing. It was just a fact. I think it shows she loves him and means well. I just also know that she does not put him first. We do not send him home without shoes. We bring him to her house and take them off of them in the entryway and bring them back home. I am not going to buy pair of shoes after pair of shoes because she feels it is ok to bring him over without them. We do however change him out of her clothes as soon as he gets here and change him back into her clothes right before walking out the door. Why the hell would I make up a story on a forum? and if i did wouldnt i make us out to be perfect?? just saying. we are far from perfect.
To be fair, Sue, when OP met
To be fair, Sue, when OP met her BF he was working at the time.
And I don't think she is okay paying alimony, just being realistic when she realizes with her being the bread winner and he staying home to be with the kids, the chances of her paying alimony if they divorce are quite real.
THank you
THank you
I can't believe how many young women are being used by older men with kids.
USED?????????????????? It was
USED?????????????????? It was my idea. I am not happy staying at home taking care of the kids. I am happy doing what I love in the carreer that I love. I love being the "bread winner" I love that my children will have so much time with their father and building their relationship. If it were the other way around where I was SAHM and he worked... nobody would accuse me of "Using" him... WHY?????????? I absolutely HATE double standards.
I couldn't help but notice
I couldn't help but notice that in another blog you posted about your DH playing on his phone while his son plays violent games in front of the TV all day. He fails to parent adequately, yet here you talk about them having all this time to build their relationship.
It doesn't sound like he has dreams of being the father to die for, but more like he's content to let violent video games teach his children while he stays busy with whatever he does on his phone.
Yes, it sounds like he's using you. He sounds like the equivalent of the lazy mom who sits on the couch watching her 'stories' & eating bon-bons.
The problem with your
The problem with your statement is that we are not looking to better our situation. I feel I am living in MY ideal situation. Why should he have to go back to work just cause they start school. There is still plenty for him to get done around the house. Plus he takes care of all the bills, paperwork, appointments, and anything else that has to be done during normal buisiness hours. As long as he has "dad skills" I dont see why he needs "other skills" My job is as stable as a job can get and i get raises quarterly. how could you get better then that?
Dad skills? Planting his
Dad skills? Planting his kids in front of the TV so he can pass the day playing on his phone is dad skills?
Perhaps you're living YOUR ideal situation, but is wasting away in front of video games ideal for a child? Given the situation his kids would seriously benefit more from daycare.
Maybe your not looking to better YOUR situation, but at least try to better the situation for the kids.
The situation of the kids is
The situation of the kids is just fine. I have no idea what you are talking about about an earlier post... this happens to be my first post other then posting this same thing in blended families... care to explain?
Sure. This is what you
Sure. This is what you posted earlier.
I am almost in the same boat
Submitted by Sammers0108 on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 1:41pm.
I am almost in the same boat as you. The one thing I will say... is that I blame SO and BM. NOT the child. I love him dearly. He is the most caring child when he wants to be. He is so adorable. The thing I cannot stand is SO's biased toward him. SO and I now have a newborn. I can see where he wants to make sure SS is not left out or feels like he is just a "part-timer" but there is a line... it has been crossed. He says I am unfair to him because he is not mine and I have too high of expectations. He makes more excuses for this child then I could have ever thought up myself. I simply expect SS(4) to listen, respect, and not expect the world to revolve around him. He gets to sit on the xbox all day and either watch cartoons or play video games. This 4 year old plays Call of duty, Star wars, Batman and even assasins creed. He is in front of that tv ALL day. Right now we only have the one tv... so SO sits on his phone all day to keep busy... TELL THE DAMN CHILD THAT YOU ARE GOING TO WATCH TV NOT HIM. I am only hard on him because I want the best for him and I want him to respect me... which he doesn't because SO always has to back HIM up and let him do the exact opposite of what I tell him. If SS wants it, SS gets it. Mind you I have been with SO since before SS was born. There are days where I really hope SS will not be at our house... but only because I dont want the stress and drama for just one day. There are days where he pisses me off beyond all reason and there are days where he is the biggest brat who feels he is entitled to EVERYTHING. UGHHHH Still def not the childs fault. That letter should be addressed to the FATHER. The only reason my SS is the way he is is because of his BF and BM. They raised him to be ungreatful and disrespectful.
The smell gets worse the
The smell gets worse the farther down you scroll.![Wink](
I never posted that but
I never posted that but thanks...
^^^ That's what SHE said
^^^ That's what SHE said ^^^
LOL, yes, I am THAT immature. I couldn't pass it up.
I see both perspectives. The
I see both perspectives. The OPS and older men using younger women. My SO is 48 and Im 27. He has 2 kids I have 1. None with each other. It can work the age difference. But I do think both parties younger and older can use each other.
WOW JUDGEMENTAL ARE WE????? I am sorry you are not in the position where you can live off of one income comfortably. I am and I LOVE where I am. If I were not self-sufficient, independant and confident I would not be where I am today. The best part of it all is I have the satisfaction of KNOWING I can take care of myself without a man if need be. I never expect to have to pay alimony. There is no reason for me to. I am far from miserable. If it werent for him I would not be where I am today. He helped me through rough times, he was there when i needed a little encouragement and he was patiently standing by my side when I wasn't sure which route I wanted to take in my career. I don't know where you think what you said is at all ok
That's what I like about this
That's what I like about this site, the people who try to help others because of the mistakes that they may have made in the past.
They will have zero expectations and no requirements for the men they meet and will think they fell in love and commit to him just because they met him. They will get used up and happily consider it as opportunity.
If you don't, your daughters could very possibly live miserable lives and not even recognize they are miserable and are not supposed to be living that way out of being too afraid to want more or better for themselves.
Please ladies. I beg of you.
Thank you Sueu for trying to help others from your past mistakes (?) but also keep in mind that even though someone is blogging about a situation that may sound similar, it doesn't always mean it's the same that you went through.
Wasn't Sueu the one that was
Wasn't Sueu the one that was ridiculing people for "projecting" their situation in to other peoples posts the other day?
I sure wished that I had your
I sure wished that I had your job at that age. Hell, I'd love to be making that much money at MY age!!![Smile](
Good luck with your situation. However, whether or not you go to court, it is in YOUR best interest (and your sanity) to get BM in check. TAKE AWAY any power she THINKS she has. This means getting the CO modified to include a No Contact Unless Emergency clause.
Oh wow, good catch Sue. I
Oh wow, good catch Sue. I wondered how a 27 year old could make $100,000 a year, but was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I thought she could be another Mark Zuckerberg (sp?).
But you're right, you should know how to spell your own job title.
I don't know what to believe now.
It is called go to college
It is called go to college and get an education. it doesnt take much when you finish your generals before you are out of high school. wish you would have seen me two years ago when i first got this job... bet i would have really gotten scrutenized. sorry i thought i could just vent on here and not always have to spell check or proof read
Ok, how about you try typing
Ok, how about you try typing more then a few sentances on your phone... after a while it becomes difficult. oh and I do not take the time to go back and proof read everything. sorry but this is an online forum. since when do people hold you accountable for a few mistakes. i don't use punctuation or capitalization on here all the time either. my bad. Half of your sentances dont make grammatical sense either... wanna talk about that?
Anyone ever have their
Anyone ever have their husband read these forums?
Submitted by sueu2 on Sat, 11/24/2012 - 11:43pm
I think it would be very eyeopening. My husband reads all the time. Most often I'm reading the posts to him, but he's logged on from time to time and (usually) tells me about it
Guess what eye opening has a space...
Oh and btw i said orthopedic
Oh and btw i said orthopedic surgeon consult... Therefore i am not an orthopedic surgeon, i am the one that consults with them about or product and sits in on surgeries if need be to insure proper installation just fyi
My brother in law does
My brother in law does something similar to this but not Orthopedic, it is for...ummmm... something to do with eye surgery. He shows the Dr's how to use the equiptment. He also sells it to the hospitals. He makes damn good money too! Only a 4 year degree required which he got in the military.![Wink](
Yeah it really isn't hard to
Yeah it really isn't hard to do. Some people seem to think you can't make any money till youhit a certain age our something... Mind if i ask how old he is?
He is now 41, but started
He is now 41, but started this job at age 32(ish)... that was after serving in the military and then going on to continue his education he got a bit of a late start, but I do appreciate since he did serve our Country Proudly in The gulf War. . 4 year degree was required for the job, but he has his Masters.
Wow hissy fits? Take that up
Wow hissy fits? Take that up with my employer. I didn't make the job title. You don't have to read my posts if you don't believe me... I would rather just advice anyways... I have enough drama in my life. So for those who want to post things related to my topic... Please do so. If you just want to pick apart things i have no control over be my guest... Start your own thread and post all you want.
edit: I see clarification
edit: I see clarification below.
Oh and i was not tying one to
Oh and i was not tying one to the other. I was simply pointing out two facts.
I refer to my husband as a
I refer to my husband as a "software consult and sales manager" all of the time. His title is just too long.
Are you serious? Wow i came
Are you serious? Wow i came here to talk to people who were not immature, drama causing, judgmental people. Come to think if it you kind of remind me of the very one i am venting about... You take your anything you can to turn it around and you take your opinion as truth... To many of you people on this world...
Just ignore the pot stirrers.
Just ignore the pot stirrers.
Seriously, I suggest that you at least go and talk to an attorney. Pony up the couple of hundered to get some sound legal advice, and move from there.
Will we make it to 100?
Will we make it to 100? replies that is?
Wish i could get riff of the
Wish i could get riff of the irrelevant ones so i don't have to scroll so far on my phone just to see all the posts
You can. As the OP, you have
You can. As the OP, you have the option to delete anything you want off of your blog. Wait... that might just be if you post as a blog. I am not sure how you posted this, so I might have just lied to you.
I couldn't get through all
I couldn't get through all the messages, so I apologize if this is redundant. First, I'm not sure why your SO wouldn't automatically get residential custody since that's pretty much where he already lives most of the time. Usually the judge will keep things more similar if it has been working; getting the CO would just make it official.
Second, I do not advise getting an attorney unless you absolutely can't do this without one (most people can, especially those intelligent enough to get advanced degrees). If *anything* hire an attorney to consult with you, and do the work yourself. S/he will tell you what forms to file, etc. and you can represent yourself in court. I can't tell you how many times people have gotten taken by attorneys who drag things out purposefully because it means more money for them. And they will see nothing but $$ when you come their way. ONLY hire someone who is highly recommended by someone you know. Where I live there is an organization that has a recommend/do not recommend list that has proven very helpful. You might think that the money is worth it, but I promise you if it gets dragged out the emotional/psychological toll will be torture.
Also, it really depends on your state and how cs income is calculated. If he is unemployed, they usually will impute his recent salary and/or minimum wage. They won't care how he pays it, it's up to him to make the payments. Whether he gets a part time job or you give him the money, it is totally separate from time spent with the child. Obviously, if he does get custody it's almost a moot point...he possibly won't pay her anything.