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sad2012's picture

And it already started! UGH!! It's going to be a very very long week!! Let the games begin!

Krispey Kreme's picture

And bite their ankle! Then cackle like the crazy step-mother you are! Maybe they won't want to come over for a while.....

sad2012's picture

My daughter is flying in from Cali today for the week, so I will have some occupying my time........THANK GOD.........Already told DH we are all going out Friday night (my daughter turned 21 this year) and if he wants to go, he better find a sitter! That is one thing I DO NOT do, is sit around just because he has his kids...funny I never call them skids, I always say "John's kids"...or "his kids"...LOL!

sad2012's picture

I do have a closet big enough for both of them...and a tv, fridge, and a passage way tot he bathroom! LOL