I have really gotten a kick out of seeing the names you all have for the BM... Horseface and something something Hefer (can't remember the something something) come to mind. When I read them I laugh out loud and my day is lighter. THANK YOU!! So, please share your pet names for your BM creatures... Ours is THE BEAST and lately it is SACCHARIN because she is so fake and when emailing the school she says "warmest and kindest regards" then as soon as she is out of the public eye she is a screaming, maniac who stalks us.... THE BEAST is pretty self evident...
so, do share... give me a laugh ... please
and yes, I know this is immature...
Pigme (pygmy)
Pigme (pygmy)
thing 1... hahaha
thing 1... hahaha
Why Raggedy Ann??
Why Raggedy Ann??
Wildebeest is BM name. The
Wildebeest is BM name.
The Wildebeest can be from 265 pds - 600pds. They don't form permanent bonds with mating partners. They don't do much but grunt and eat. They shuffle off the young rather quickly.
Fits freaking perfectly!
My friend calls her Dh's ex, The Hyena. Stupid, a nuisance creature. Lol
Bitchface, Slutbucket and
Bitchface, Slutbucket and Flapzilla all get tossed around about DH's ex. Mostly by him, sometimes by his friends and/or family.
The dumbass refuses to meet me so I don't have first hand knowledge of her stupidity, but from everything I've heard, yeah, it fits.
I am also a user of Bitchface
I am also a user of Bitchface for BM. MIL started calling her that too, which is pretty great since I accidentially let it slip in front of her one day in casual conversation..
Nutburger, but I like the
Nutburger, but I like the Changa one
Cuz she looks like Ron Pearlman from Sons of Anarchy 
Does she file her horns?
Does she file her horns?
Rags! too funny. That does
Rags! too funny. That does remind me though of when my BD was 3, my friends SD was 8 and she (8yo) was saying to my friend that her head hurt on top. 8yo was moving her hair and having my friend look and my BD3atthetime said "maybe its her horns coming in" :?

Apparently my bd3 had overheard a phone conversation or two about this little girl being "devilspawn" }:) My friend still brings that up to this day
We call my Skid's BioDad
We call my Skid's BioDad either DickHead (rhymes with his first name) or SpermIdiot.
As for BM names. One I have not seen used is WOMBHILDA. Free for anyone's use of they want it.
Sasquatch. She's ginormous,
Sasquatch. She's ginormous, dyed reddish-brown hair, man hands with fake nails, size 12 shoes. Fugly.
I know SO has only been
I know SO has only been married once, so theres no chance we have the same BM, but you just described Nutburger to a T
C U N_ext T_uesday??
C U N_ext T_uesday??
We just call her "idiot".
We just call her "idiot".
OMG that reminds me of
OMG that reminds me of SD14!!!! She slumps over and walks with this little bounce in her step or she just shuffles her feet along, dragging them on the sidewalk. She's so "manly" shaped too!
stoop (when exsd would act up
stoop (when exsd would act up with her momma, we called her "id", so together they were stoop-id.)
golden uterus
fugly-giraffe (she has the skin condition michael jackson has
Oh I love fucktard
Oh I love fucktard
Cuntzilla, Cunterlla,
Cuntzilla, Cunterlla, Princess of PMS ,Cybill , Dumb Dumb
haha! i've referred to sd20
haha! i've referred to sd20 as cuntzilla before! but usually she's just dumb bitch.
Bitch face, big mistake and
Bitch face, big mistake and the bitch.
"The Vagina"... I feel that
"The Vagina"...
I feel that it's only fitting considering that she sees her vagina as her only source of power and control - and that she is teaching both of her daughters to believe the same thing and behave in the same ways.
Me? If I had a daughter I would teach her otherwise. Women can be strong, smart and powerful without using their vagina to control the men in their lives.
LMAO!!! The Entitled Vag!
The Entitled Vag!
Generally she is not
Generally she is not mentioned in my house, BUT when she does piss me off its that Fuc@n bitch, is she doing the entire fricken YMCA YMCA lalalala
and also bad breast milk
and also bad breast milk Debi, her kid is sick all the time. Sorry
laughing my FAO, thanks
laughing my FAO, thanks
I'm the one who calls our BM
I'm the one who calls our BM horseface. The hilarious thing is no one in my family or my hair dresser, or anyone call her by her name, they all refer to her as horseface too now. }:)
The entitled womb comes up every now and then too and greedy whore.
The Baggage
The Baggage
I call my DH's ex the crack
I call my DH's ex the crack whore junkie, cause that's exactly what she is.
That bitc*! Nothing else to
That bitc*! Nothing else to really say regarding BF gets mad when I say it though and says "you don't even know her" to which I reply I don't know Hitler either but the things I've heard of him have led me to believe he wouldn't have been someone I'd like! Lol now I just refer to that bitc* as "her or she" lol, so degrading!!!
Fucktard. That's my new
Fucktard. That's my new favorite. It captures all of BM's qualities! Somehow it suits BM perfectly. I was going to go with "the monstrosity" but I like fucktard better.
We call her Herple - because
We call her Herple - because she must have herpes after all of the gross men she has been with since the divorce from DH and because she has this really annoying fixation on anything purple.
Thundercunt, Sasquatch,
Thundercunt, Sasquatch, Moosie, Cunt flap, Stay Puft, Twat Waffle, Slut Bucket, Gutter Slut... DH is very creative.
The Harpee....
The Harpee.... Bitchzilla...... My xh is "the douche"
We call her Cankles. I make
We call her Cankles. I make the joke because she says she always has to go to the gym. I say since when is there an exercise/workout for cankles?!
Godzilla - Because she stomps
Godzilla - Because she stomps around aimlessly destroying things.
(I stole it from the Scrubs episode where Dr. Cox refers to his wife as "JORDAN GODZILLA SULLIVAN!")
I call our BM Lazy McCrazy...
I call our BM Lazy McCrazy...
We don't really have a name
We don't really have a name for her...but anytime we see a fat nasty woman with similar hair we say "Oh look! BM is here!"
BM sure does get around! We see her EVERYWHERE! LOL It has kind of become a game.
Loch Ness Monster Based upon
Loch Ness Monster
Based upon her chosen nickname for herself. Otherwise, Psycho Bitch usually sums her up.
I just call her Bitch. We
I just call her Bitch. We don't really have any nicknames for her and I never bring her up. Only time we talk about her is if DH tells me something about her. To the skids I just say 'your mom' if I have to say something to them about her.
For my ex though...For years I never called him by his name. It was always dick head. When he stopped bother with his few times a year visits with my bios, they started calling him Sperm Donor. My BD16 started it when she was about 14, saying that's all he ever contributed to their existence.
Bitchy McCrotchface, Vagina
Bitchy McCrotchface, Vagina of the Damned, Bicycle (she gets ridden a lot), and Chum bait.
This makes me think of Auteur
This makes me think of Auteur and all of her amazing nicknames lol
SO and I refer to her as TT
SO and I refer to her as TT (trailer trash) lol.
Douchetard... Asshat &
Douchetard... Asshat & cruella
obviously not spoken out loud
obviously not spoken out loud & just thought:
It, Whore, Skankolopolis, Slut-bag, Douche-y, Ditch-pig, TB (The Bitch), That Woman, WWW (wicked witch of the west), CFW (Crazy Fucking Wackjob), The Beav, Hippo, Fat Ass Donkey-Face, or Buck-Toothed Purple Crotch.
Those are the mild ones.
The Cunt Keeper because she's
The Cunt Keeper because she's old, creepy and the only thing she has to show for herself is a dank smelly hole.
I only use this with my friends, never at home.
Princess juggelette. The
Princess juggelette. The insane clown posse (a trashy music group) has juggalos who are like their following, and well, this woman thinks she's classy and a princess but she's trashy. So we call her PRINCESS JUGGELETTE.
To DH's face I call her by
To DH's face I call her by her name or 'the girls mother'. He calls her effing bitch.
In my head...oh god the list is endless...
c*m guzzling gutter slut
drugged out whore (she used to be addicted to pain pills)
skank bitch
fugly asswipe
stupid effing bitch
lazy waste of space cow
and on and on and on...
Egg donor.
Egg donor.
These are making me giggle my
These are making me giggle my butt off
We refuse to call BM by her actual name.
Her main names:
The Evil One
The Twat (gross, I know, but it fits perfectly)
The Dark Lord
Thanks for making me laugh, y'all!
I just refer to her as crack
I just refer to her as crack whore
Hahaha I call BM either bat,
Hahaha I call BM either bat, or heffer(her name is heather) and the other one psycho or princess cunt or my personal favorite yeti (she lives in alaska
) I am not as creative as you guys!