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Sick of being a full time step mum.

I want to be a pigeon's picture

I have been a full time mum to my 10 yo step daughter for 4 years but have been with her father since she was 3 and I am so sick and tired of being stuck with this child. I look after her from after school and do the cooking and general stuff for her but I have been battling with my partner to be more involved with the day to day stuff when he gets in from work.
She is not an easy child is very behind at school( I refuse to take responsibility for her education) but she has a very immature babyish attidute ( has recently started calling her father da da) she witters on and on about nonsense which I constantly keep telling her to stop it, if I don't remind her she won't remember to get a drink! This has been going on for ages and I am sick of it, she will put dirty socks back on for school from the day before so therefore in one way or another I am constantly saddled and having to sort out or correct this child.
Her mother hardly sees her so I feel guilty that I am going to let her down if I decide to stop doing these things for her but I am getting no satisfaction of being this child's nag. When she does see her mum it's ball parks and macdonalds and good times.
I have told my OH that I am sick of being saddled with her and he understands I have told him he can cook her meals and she will just have to wait until he gets in but I have a 17 month old so I will be cooking for him anyway. I must come accross as horrible but this child isn't mine and I am resentful of being her skivvy and the bad cop.
I have started backing off a bit and my heart of hearts tells me to do as little as possible for her and leave the responsibility with her dad it it's so difficult when she comes to me first constantly. But got my sanity something has to change. Sorry for the rant.

DeeDeeTX's picture

Do you work? I think that makes a big difference in how I'd answer this question. Not, of course, if you SAH you are 100% responsible for the kid, but then most of the stuff your husband is asking you to do is reasonable.

If you work AND he expects you to do all this stuff, no way.

DeeDeeTX's picture

Yeah, but stuff like she won't make the kid's dinner? I think that's a little extreme, especially if she stays at home.

I tell you what, if I was working full time, I'd be pretty steamed if my stay at home spouse refused to cook dinner for my kid.

I second the getting a job thing, though. From personal experience, I don't think it's good for a woman to be out of the workforce and totally dependent on her husband for financial support. Especially if the marriage is troubled. Just not a good idea.

I want to be a pigeon's picture

I do work part time and my son has special needs so I have to attend lots of appointments with him! Work I must admit keeps me sane!!

sterlingsilver's picture

feeding the kids is pretty basic responsibility but other then that let her dad take care of it. I am like that with my ss; like this morning dh wanted to sleep in and I didn't wake him when I got up; I woke my son for school and didn't wake ss when it was time for him to get up. Dh hollered at me from the bedroom to please wake ss and I went in and quietly said it's not my deal. He grumbled and said he'd wake my son if I asked but he never has and he knows it. I didn't say anything. Ss15 is old enough to set his own alarm like my bs14 does (tho I always make sure he's up b/c he's my own alarm).

2ndclasscitizen's picture

Don't be sorry, you are just venting, and it's healthy. People need to vent. Having a special needs child to care for IS a full-time job in itself, I can empathize because my younger brother is Autistic. At 10 it does seem that she has some very immature behavior, and this comes from Daddy spoiling her. My Sd is also quite emotionally immature for her age due to guilty parenting, so we have our work cut out for us. I am currently on maternity leave, so I am caring for my baby and my SD right now, including cooking and homework help. Sometimes I too get exasperated,but I did marry my husband with the understanding that SD is now also my responsibility to share as well. But, I come here to vent quite often!