32 yr. old daughter just moved into our basement. Help!
We are newlyweds, a very active mid-50 yr. old couple, only married 6 months. While we were on vacation, my husband's 32 yr. old daughter called and asked to move into our basement with her large dog in tow. Help! My husband agreed, but it was with the understanding that it would only be a couple of weeks. It's now been 6 weeks, with no end in sight.
The daughter got divorced in June and had been living with a cousin for the first month, but now she wants to stay with us while she hunts for a house. That might take forever! She never went to college and has a low paying clerical job. She's been looking for houses in the short-sale market, but those can take 4-6 months to close. In the meantime, I'm already losing the joyful intimacy I was building with my new husband.
Although we have a fairly large house, it's a loft style, so we have no actual bedroom door.
This is really ruining my romantic feelings, and we have no privacy because she's always around. She gets home from work before he does, and watches me in the kitchen while I make dinner. I can't even be in my sleepwear anymore in the evenings because she comes up from the basement to chat with us both. She has no real life outside of work, and so has been coming to almost all of our activities, since we feel obligated to invite her.
I am so sad at what this is doing to us. We had to sneak into the pool house to have some time alone.
Have sex so she can hear and
Have sex so she can hear and that may force her to stay in the basement or move out that much quicker....
(No subject)
I don't think I could get
I don't think I could get turned on enough knowing she's within earshot. The basement has no door either. Her ground level also has our projection room and wetbar, so now we can't watch tv without it being the three of us. No more cuddling on the couch down there.
Thanks for the laugh though.
WOW. Unless you sit down and
WOW. Unless you sit down and talk with your DH, she is never going to leave. Unless she finds an EXTREMELY affordable home, she is never going to be able to buy a house and live on her own. Why did she leave the cousin's?
I think your DH needs to encourage her to look for apartments for now. Otherwise, you are going to be more and more miserable.
Your DH probably feels bad for her, and I can see that-divorce and all, but he needs to put your marriage first!!!!!
This is exactly why I made it crystal clear to my DH before we even got engaged-his 3 young adult kids will never move in here. We have a small home, and there would be zero privacy...plus they do not work, and it would be a disaster for our marriage.
I think you need to talk to your DH NOW. The longer she stays, the harder it will be for her to leave.
We were told that the cousin
We were told that the cousin was having guests from out of town come to visit so it was supposed to be only while they were in town, then she would be moving back in with her.
Unfortunately, she decided she likes it here better and has asked her dad, my husband, if she could stay and pay rent, just until she can find a house. The problem is, the few houses she's gone to see in her price range got snapped up while she was dragging her feet deciding.
This past weekend I saw a house for sale, available imediately and she turned her nose up because it was in a working class neighborhood. I don't think she's in a position to be picky, do you?
Oh boy. NO, she cannot be
Oh boy. NO, she cannot be picky. She needs something affordable. Maybe your place is that place...
UGH. I feel for you. I would not be comfy doing anything around her, either. If my skids were here, I would be gone. The way our house is, there would be no privacy at all. That is actually part of the reason I liked this place when we were looking-there is no extra room.
However, my skids would move here in a heartbeat and just lie around. They live in a tiny tiny house-they won't work, so they cannot leave. Sigh....I could not imagine them being here. I cringe just thinking about it.
Sure, you can rent from
Sure, you can rent from us...the rent is X amount more than she'd have to pay in a non des res! How in hell did she survive this far with her picky attitude?? Good Lord!
My 19 Skid comes home from
My 19 Skid comes home from college every now and then.. We dont change our habits,, if he doesnt want to see what we are doing he can go in the other room.. Showing love and affection to your spouse isnt something to be ashamed of, let your relationship continue to grow..
I'm not ashamed to kiss him,
I'm not ashamed to kiss him, but I don't feel like having an audience either. Considering that I have just met her once before the wedding for dinner, she's still a virtual stranger to me. If I had been her stepmom from early childhood maybe it would feel more normal to have her in the house.
I know it can get
I know it can get uncomfortable at times but believe me she will get up and leave if you push her comfort level.. We got married in may so we cuddle alot too.. When he leaves it does "clear the air" but we try to be ourselves while hes home too.. I hope I didnt offend with my earlier post.. Its hard to put feelings or thoughts into the proper words sometimes..
I don't think she's easily
I don't think she's easily embarassed. I also thought that when we make a gesture invitation, that she would pick up on it that we would really prefer to go alone, but she doesn't get subtle hints.
Have you sat down with your
Have you sat down with your husband and told him what you've told us? If not start with that.
I've found the best way to get rid of adult kids is to charge them rent. A fair rent based on what's being advertised locally for a room with private bath and kitchen/living room privledges. My guess is $500 at a minimum. Hell if she's going to pay rent she might as well get her own apartment or go back to the cousin.
If Daddy vetoes the idea put your foot down and make him give her until the end of September.
I don't need or want her
I don't need or want her rent. I want my husband back, my life back. And yes I have told him that this living arrangement makes me very uncomfortable. I told him that I love him and cherish this time with him and I'm not willing to sacrifice this special time in our lives.
He said, he'll talk to her. Just when I think it's all settled that she'll move back in with the cousin, they both come home from house shopping with a new timeline to spring on me.
Coming home from vacation should have been a happy time, but there she was all moved in and in the mood to talk. And she talks alot! I'm a rather quiet, private person. I like to read.
I told my husband when we got home that she's even starting to decorate. She put her lawn ornament in the yard, her candy dish on my table. I don't like her candy dish! :jawdrop:
Orange County is right, rent
Orange County is right, rent is an absolute necessity. Not for you, but for the daughter. If she is living with free rent, utilities, and whatever else (food, cable TV?) she will not have much motivation to leave. When and if she can't or won't pay rent, then it is time to evict!
She WANTS to pay rent. My
She WANTS to pay rent. My fear is, if we let her stay and pay rent, she would feel entitled to be there, and that's the last thing I want. She would love to live with daddy and she says she never wants to get remarried. She doesn't have kids (just a big dog) and no friends.
I think she should be looking for someplace temporary with the possibility that she and her (ex)husband could work things out. People should never make a permanent decision, like buying a house, the very first year they are divorced.
What she should be doing is getting a makeover, work on losing some weight, so she could feel good about herself. I gave her the link to Divorce Care, so she could get free counseling and companionship from others going through a divorce. It meets weekly at a church. She never followed up.
TwirlMS Your SD needs to find
Your SD needs to find her own place. You and your DH need to sit down. Talk about what the two of you are willing to accept for how much longer she stays with her 'large dog'. It seems in your original post that he and SD are calling all the shots. Your house is not set up to have another adult living there.
"My husband agreed, but it was with the understanding that it would only be a couple of weeks. It's now been 6 weeks, with no end in sight."
"Unfortunately, she decided she likes it here better and has asked her dad, my husband, if she could stay and pay rent, just until she can find a house. The problem is, the few houses she's gone to see in her price range got snapped up while she was dragging her feet deciding."
Of course she likes it better at your place! She has someone to cook her meals, a nice tv room, probably a built in dog sitter, and you take her on all your outings. BTW...stop inviting her. If she tries to invite herself, politely decline her company just say "Sorry SD, DH and I are going on a date tonight." "perhaps you can use this evening to look for apartments".
And Oh not no but hell no she does not get to start decorating your house and unpacking all her stuff. Tell your DH that their plan and timeline is unacceptable to you (not just that you are uncomfortable with her living with you). She is an adult. She can rent an apartment till she finds a house or another man to use.
Again it is unacceptable. You did not agree to this long term plan. Heck sounds like you did not even agree to the short term plan to have someone move into your private space while you were away. I would have flipped on my DH.
This is your special time. You did not marry a man to have his grown ass kid move in on you. Pretty sure you would have run the other way if that was going to be the plan. Maybe if he knows up front there will be no hanky panky until she is gone then he will light a fire under her ass. Don't sneak out of your own house to give him what he wants when he has shown he has no regard for you as his wife and partner. He is making the plan with SD...not with you. Until he does...let him suffer. Your special time has been ruined...don't make it easy for him to walk all over you. It will never stop. Nip it in the bud.
Set a move out date and tell her to keep her crap in boxes until then. I wouldn't even give her a month at this point. Take the first place available or go back to the cousins. And by the way...until she gets her ass out of your house...take the rent money and buy yourself something nice. Six weeks of back rent should be expected too. Good luck getting that! Is Daddy buying her a house? Why do they get to change the plan wihout consulting you?
Read the five part article someone posted on here about raising entitled kids....it is a good one...make your DH read it. Then read some of the other horror stories on here about marriages that have been ruined by the spoiled brats.
It sounds like you are trying not to rock the boat. Sounds like you don't hate your SD, just want her out of your house. That is it irritating that you have been put in this position so early in your marriage. That is admirable on your part...but don't confuse it with demanding what you need in your home and marriage. Your future relationship with her and your DH's family depends on you and your DH setting boundaries and your DH having your back.
Sometimes it can work to help family out with a place to stay when they are in a jam. Sometimes it doesn't. In any case it will only work if all the members of the household...you and DH in this case...have discussed and agreed upon your terms...then the SD would be sat down and have to agree to those terms or choose to live elsewhere. So until you are included in the meeting of the minds and the planning committee then it will not work at all. You will be resentful towards your DH for allowing this to happen in the first place and to drag on and to continue with no end in site. And if the woman of the house ain't happy, then no one is.....so are you the woman of YOUR house or is your SD? The woman who you only met a couple of times and is now unpacking her shit and decorating your house. Since you have already been outvoted and not allowed to have a voice in your own life...perhaps you should study up on disengaging...learn what you need to do to protect yourself and perhaps one day you can have a cordial but distant relationship with this SD....like you would have with a coworker or your mail carrier. Hi, how are you kind of stuff. Not to personal.
The ball is in your court....
I loved reading this, so
I loved reading this, so empowering and made me laugh so hard too. Thank you for brightening my day.
PS...go about your normal
PS...go about your normal life. Wear your nightclothes...get comfy...cuddle in the tv room...spread out all over the sofa so she has to sit in the chair to the side. Watch what you want to watch. Go read if you want to read. If she has the tv too loud...tell her to turn it off...you are reading or resting or whatever.
IT IS YOUR HOUSE...not hers.
And while she is at it...be sure she is the one vacuuming up the dog hair and cleaning the poop out of the yard, etc. And cooking her own meals and all that.
Do nothing for her. If DH wants her to eat with you...he can cook for all of you. The more you do for her and him...the more they will take from you.
If she makes you uncomfortable standing over you while you are cooking...that must mean that she has not offered to help...she is just there running her mouth distracting you. So don't cook when she is around. Go read or go out to eat....without her.
I'm so glad I found this
I'm so glad I found this site. Keeping my feelings bottled up was causing me to feel resentment towards her. I wanted very much to become a friend to her. DH keeps trying to keep it positive by saying "she can be the daughter that you never had" (I have two sons in their 20s that have been on their own since college). What he doesn't get is that relationships take time to develop and he can't force it on me. I am trying so hard to keep the peace. We've never had an argument in our entire marriage, but this........I feel like I'm about to scream. Today I've planned an activity that SD32 can't come to, so I'm going to sneak my DH out of the house before she's awake
We spent all day yesterday with SD out on the boat, then she came to swim with us in the pool. I'm trying so hard to swallow this.
Sounds like your DH is trying
Sounds like your DH is trying to force her, but you are right, he cannot do that.
Anyway, you can build a relationship with her NOT living in your home.
I cannot believe she is hanging out with you all the time, but I do not think it is going to stop.
You have a lot of patience, but you really need to talk to your DH.
TOTALLY AGREE. You HAVE to be direct.
My DH is very mellow. Very very mellow. I think this is part of the reason he never confronted the kids. Now he has 3 horrible young adults. After I realized how truly bad they are, I told him that they will never move in. I told him if he did not like that, I would be gone and forget even moving in together. All 3 are cons (among many other things) and they would lie around (as they do) now, doing nothing but eating and playing video games. Nope. DH promised me that he would not allow it, and when his daughter tried last year (she put on the show of shows/massive drama), he said no.
I do not blame you at all. DH's son asked about spending a weekend once. Again, no. These are adults. Plus, I am not stupid. He would never leave.
Did he discuss this with you
Did he discuss this with you before he let her move in? She will never leave without an eviction notice, because once they get in its impossible to get them out.
I agree, getting them out can
I agree, getting them out can be a nightmare. Depending on the laws of your state/town. Years ago, my uncle rented a house to a young woman. She paid one month of rent. Then, she stopped. It took him tons of money and almost a year to have her evicted. Tenants rights exist to protect the tenants from bad landlords (as they should), but kind of backfire with bad tenants.
And in this situation, you probably have a dad feeling sorry for his daughter. And I think she is playing him in that way, even if she is decent, she knows the power of her dad feeling badly for her.
Twirls the reason things are
Twirls the reason things are continuing as they are and I will bet money on that your sd has zero intention of moving out is because you keep "swallowing" things and accepting these decisions being made for you. You said it not I, while you are not happy at all about the situation the fact of the matter is you ARE enabling it to continue.
Making sd meals, accepting being told sd is moving in and new timelines being arranged, being gracious about sd hiijacking your home, your time and your date time with DH, accepting the fact she is making minimal effort to actually move out. Your sd and DH have zero incentive to change because you are making it easy to dictate to you.
At the minute you are wasting time and energy in accepting VS plotting, and I warn you, your resentment levels as well at the situation is only going to deteriorate. WHY let it get to that point?
Time to TELL your DH really sweetly "I think its time SD moves out and forges her own path in life without her husband, she needs to stop relying on us and start building her life. So I think x date will be the right time for her to move out. There are plenty of apartments/house shares she can rent, and that will give her time to figure out what direction she wants to take in her life."
In the mean time, as suggested STOP making DH's and sd's lives so easy. You don't have to be nasty/mean or too obvious about your actions. Just feign ignorance if necessary. "Sorry I was making YOU a lovely romantic meal DH. I made your favourite. Don't you like it?" Then when he mentions SD tell him "shes 35 and quite capable of cooking. Shall I dish up?..." Then continue doing this. Go out for dinner, just you and DH "I thought it would be lovely if we could have a nice couple meal together, as I have missed spending time with you"
When DH wants sex, tell him "Oh I really couldnt. Your daughter is in the house and to top it off we havent got a door. Maybe when she moves out we can get back on track..."
You can guess the things which sd will want to be included in now, so plan how you will exclude her from most of them. You want to watch a movie with DH? "DH, how about if I give you a lovely massage and light some candles." DO it in front of sd and say really sweetly to her "goodnight sd, see you tomorrow" If she objects, pause and ask her if she really wants to be included in your intimate moment with DH?
Remember make HER the problem, not you. After all you have done more than what other people would have done and been really gracious and supportive of her through this readjustment after her divorce, but imo enough coddling already. While I appreciate your sd may need a shoulder to lean on, shes actually pushing her luck a bit much in dominating your time together. It may not be such an issue if she was more thoughtful and considerate of the fact you and DH need and deserve some privacy yet she ignores this and is like a third wheel all the time. Its awkward and annoying. Its time to push her out and for her to spread her wings. It may be that she is afraid of this new chapter in her life, however allowing her to be so dependant on you both is likely increasing this fear and anxiety, you need to be tough to be kind in this situation.
Your going to have to tell
Your going to have to tell him soon how you really feel before you get so mad you explode.. You have a right to your feelings so theres no need to hold things over his head,, he will resent it later on. Just tell him whats on your mind,, all of it,, and be done.. Theres nothing wrong with feeling the way you do, but you cant expect change unless you tell him "how the cow ate the cabbage"
Light at the end of the
Light at the end of the tunnel:
My SD32 just informed us that the seller approved a bid she made on a short-sale BUT....the bank still needs to approve it and once that happens it may take up to December 21st to close. Soon it will be getting darker and colder outside which means spending more time under the same roof. I don't think I want her here another four months, but now that she has taken a step towards moving on, I think she feels she can rest and enjoy her time here with us. I'm NOT enjoying it!
After spending a whole day with SD32 out on the boat I was ready to throw up watching how she fussed over my husband just because he got a little scrape on his leg getting out of the boat. For some reason seeing this woman fussing over my husband's tiny cut kind of creeped me out. And she doesn't call him dad, she calls him by his first name. I'm sure this sounds odd but I think she actually is trying to show that she can take better care of him than me. I feel this competition for his attention. It's really weird. She should have been showing her OWN husband this kind of love and attention and maybe she would have stayed married. She fails at her own marriage, so now she wants to move back in with daddy and take over my role!
And to those that have
And to those that have suggested I have a serious talk with my husband, I did finally get a chance to at length this weekend. I planned a day out for us, telling DH that it was an event for our "over 40 group", so that SD32 got the message she couldn't come. The look on her face!
We had such fun that day, I felt the romance coming back. We went for a 16 mile bike ride around the lakes with our group, then out to lunch, and afterwards we had some much needed alone time to talk before the evening party with friends and family (my side).
All of my feelings suddenly burst out, when DH suggested we go home between events and I blurted out "No! I can't stand to go back there!" My sudden reaction to returning to my own home brought everything out in the open. He knew I was uncomfortable before, but I wanted him to know, it's much more than that. I told him, I'm starting to get depressed, my life feels like the "sister wives" program (which I hate). At first he got stiff-lipped and came to her defense and he asked, "do I want her to be homeless out on the street?" I started to cry at the thought because I am a caring sensitive person, and no I would never let SD be out on the street. I tearfully said "No, I just want us to find another solution".
It sounds like you had a
It sounds like you had a great time (except for the crying part),, but now he understands how you feel.. Plan more "over 40" events and mark your calendar.. Things will work out.
Brought out the big guns last
Brought out the big guns last night:
Because we were at a stalemate on this, I enlisted the help of an older and respected couple from the church that are both widow(ers)and are on their second marriage and have adult step children.
We were invited to their house for dinner last sunday and when SD32 got wind of it she offered to make a dessert for it. (no one invited her, but she just assumed it included her) Now why a 32 yr. old would want to hang out with a couple in their 50s and another couple in their 70s is beyond me, but we rescheduled the dinner for wednesday night and I left the house before SD got home yesterday and picked up H from work on our way to the dinner so it wasn't so obvious to SD that she was being excluded. I hate having to be sneaky but I don't think SD32 is entitled to know our whereabouts anyway.
After dinner, we all sat on their deck and the subject of SD32 came up. I confided that I really care about my SD, but she has now been with us for going on 7 weeks now and although she's got a possible house sometime around Christmas, our new marriage is starting to suffer (mostly in silence) because she's still there long after she was supposed to be gone.
It felt great to hear this
It felt great to hear this couple tell my DH how his marriage must be his #1 concern and how important the first year of marriage is. The older lady also told DH how generous I've already been in letting her stay this long, and that she would have never allowed an adult child to move in with them.
While DH agreed with them on that, he then gave them her whole sob story about how little money she has, how badly her ex treated her, how he doesn't want her living in a bad neighborhood, etc. etc.
Btw, we figured out the cousin doesn't want her back because SD's dog was ruining their grass. It's ruining ours too now. Whenever we look at it, DH reminds me of how the dog is SD's only friend.
I said, let's get this out in the open. I was very disappointed how SD glanced over a perfectly good house that was available immediately and how she should have been looking at apartments 3 months ago instead of trying to buy a house. IMO she didn't have the luxury of time to shop for houses, while imposing on relatives and wearing out her welcome (and their grass). And why was I excluded from the conversations while she was moving in, but now I'm supposed to be the heavy that has to tell her to leave?
My sister (who is a marriage counselor) doesn't even understand how it has reached this point. Her advice....get SD a place at an extended stay hotel until she finds a house. DH said she can't afford that. I think I'll pay for the first week and present her a key (an early birthday present). We stopped by one last night on our way home, right by DH's work, so he could visit her daily if he likes. It was a nice place, but DH said he didn't like the looks of the other tenants that were hanging out in the hallway (they were another race).
I flat out told him, it's hard to see your daughter have repercussions from her divorce, but it's a fact of life. My sympathy has reached it's end.
My friend's stepmother had
My friend's stepmother had much the same attitude as is prevalent in the foregoing posts toward sharing a home with SD. The SM had no problem with her own two daughters of like age moving into my friend's father's house with their own children, stepgrandchildren. This was the father's last marriage of four with SM expecting her own biological daughters to be treated not as equals of her husband's children but as replacements. No parents like to see adult children move into the home, but stepchildren are much more often to be unable to avail themselves of, say, a place to live while working their way through college, an invitation to Thanksgiving or Christmas. Ironically, in my experience this can be true not because of an interfering biological mother. My husband's mother died; his father's second wife (with whom he had been having an affair) took in the youngest child, and that relationship survived the marriage. In fact, when he left the second wife for the third after a year of marriage, my sister-in-law continued to live with the second wife per terms of divorce decree. The next wife treated the children not as family but as rivals for her husband's love. The children were not welcome in their former family home, they were basically disinherited (neither father nor SM had been) and treated like servants when they were invited to the family home. It took me years to realize that when my husband's stepmother invited me urgently to her parties on Fridays it was so that I could cook, clean and serve. I coulldn't leave my job early to go work for her, which she never understood. It took my husband's brother's wife to clue me in after I'd been married 30 years. So before exalting the unique preciousness of your relationship with step kid's father, remember, you may be an ex-wife someday, your own kids may be stepkids some day. You may be a childless widow someday with parents dead, no siblings and very few friends. Ah, how powerful the duties of stepchildren to stepmothers can be then. Life is very long. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. This actually applies to stepfathers and stepmothers. If any of you had been a stepchild, you might not have been posting these fairly frightening posts. You are adults now, which most stepchildren. Husbands and wives can and are frequently replaced. Children never are. The problem is not that the children are unloveable but that a parent or step cannot love.
None of this applies to me,
None of this applies to me, but if you feel like venting, perhaps you should start your own thread on the topic. I'm in no mood.
"Ah, how powerful the duties
"Ah, how powerful the duties of stepchildren to stepmothers can be then. Life is very long. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." No --- life is too SHORT to assume Step parents can be replaced, but you may be waiting a long time to see it. Using your logic, someday YOU may be a SM and have to put up with the same sort of BS from Skids.
I find your posts very hard
I find your posts very hard to follow probably because you sprinkle in your judgements and opinions of other people and their motivations. I hardly think you are a mind-reader. You can't possibly know what other people want, need or feel. Stick to your own feelings.
That will be the day that my stepdaughters come to my house and cook and clean and serve. Who are you? Cinderella?
I disagree with you that life is long. Maybe it is for you -- but for me life is way too short.
The OP has an ADULT woman living with her, not a child. Yes, it is her husband's child -- but at 32 years old the woman needs to be on her own. A little helping hand is fine -- but her living arrangement has gone on for weeks.
I wouldn't want my adult stepdaughters living with me. I wouldn't mind helping them in other ways. I was never a stepchild. Even if I was, I still would feel the same. YOu don't have to be a skunk to know that they can stink.
I am a stepdaughter as well
I am a stepdaughter as well as a stepmother, and i hope your "friend's" stepmother had the good sense to get away from you.
This was like trying to
This was like trying to follow "Who's on first?"
"She'll be the daughter you
"She'll be the daughter you never had". Classic DH mistake. No she won't. If he said that to her she might answer him sweetly but that is the last thing she wants.
I hope you get your own space back soon. Glad you had the older couple to help-hope he listens.
Thank you to all who gave
Thank you to all who gave constructive advice. I used many of your comments when trying to verbalize my feelings and it really helped.
I do have some good news to
I do have some good news to report. Last night I purposely went to visit my mom, so DH could have "the talk" with his daughter. DH knows that our mentor couple from church is right, SD32 needs to be out on her own, so that gave DH the extra strength he needed to give SD some "tough love" as our mentor couple calls it.
We do want to help SD, but in a normal healthy way, not allowing her to be a live-in dependent, which is not helping her or us. At my suggestion, we are going to pay half of her rent at an extended stay hotel for two months. That should at least buy her some time to see how things work out with the short-sale, it will not deprive us of our newlywed year (what's left of it) and it sends the message to SD that we do love her and she is welcome to come visit, but must go back to her own home. This is not her childhood home, and she is not a child.
You are all so very right, there must be boundaries respected. In fact, DH shared with me the other day that when SD was married, HE was told he had to call first before dropping by for a visit. As equal adults, if SD32 ever does get remarried, I'm sure that she won't want us moving in with her new husband. So yes, do unto others, but only if it is healthy for them.
And, in the eyes of God, a marriage is sacred and no one (not kid (step, bio) shall come between them.
Deafening Silence: SD32
Deafening Silence:
SD32 pulled up in the driveway while I was backing out to run to the store. I wave and get no response. I'm sad it had to come to this, but she should have known her presence here was temporary for some time now. She has her final answer. Guess she's mad, but I'm mad too. I didn't ask to be dragged into this, I don't see any other relatives stepping up to the plate offering to take her in, so....I'm not going to feel guilty. My DH is one hot lover, and I'm not going to stiffle myself for four months. I think I'm going to tell her that
do not let her intimidate you
do not let her intimidate you with withdrawal and anger. screw her! she needs to lead her own life and leave you two alone to lead yours.
it's good you're setting boundaries now or else you'd be like i am; dumped and taken for granted. no gratitude, no memory of what i've done for her and her "family" (because i don't qualify as "family"). it's not worth it.
the truth is, no good deed goes unpunished so you may as well not do anything for any of them on DH's side. they will never remember anyway.
She's leaving today! I am
She's leaving today!
I am about to leap for joy! By the end of the day, I will have that woman out that hijacked my home and husband. My husband is her distant past, and she was trying to go back to living in the past, and tried to drag us with her.
Summer is over, and she's had all summer to get her life in order. She is no little birdie that we pushed out of the nest, she's a big do-do bird that took over someone else's nest and tried to destroy the bird that built it (namely me).
Friday night DH and SD32 went after work and finalized the room at the extended stay hotel. You would have thought she was being taken to the firing squad the way she carried on during the drive back. DH was white as a sheet when he got home and told me all about how she burst out crying. How she told him that she was being "kicked out of her own home" This is not and has never been her home! She was a visitor! What a guilt trip she laid on him, he was ashen.
My Dh's kids only used to
My Dh's kids only used to bother him for cash. He stopped that, when they got even more nasty, and showed they have no intention of working/helping themselves. They do not come to our home, and still only contact DH when they want something. However, they refer to this as their house. Their twisted theory is that because DH is their "blood," this is essentially their home. God forbid something happens, I can see them coming here and screaming at me to get out of "their" house. What they do not know, is we have wills protecting us.
Be careful with your SD. I am sure you are fully protected in the event that something happens. I would not trust her at all, especially with all of this, and her guilt trips. My DH's kids are horrible; your SD does not seem that way, but her neediness and comments are something I would remember.
My dad and stepmom own a home, a very nice home that they have worked hard to pay for and maintain. My stepsister (34) is very very much like your SD. Her husband is nuts. She has recently been making comments about how she wants their house someday. My dad does not take it seriously, and I sure hope he is protected. I have heard horror stories of skids and other relatives swooping in and taking the house from the surviving spouse. I fear for my dad, and I hope you are covered in case of that.
I am so glad your SD is out, and you can enjoy your life with your husband. Don't worry, he will become less ashen soon.
Twirl - I am really really
Twirl - I am really really glad to hear your sd is moving out but sorry to hear she reacted as she did (although I am not surprised). Evidentally sd is emotionally reliant on your DH and who knows maybe that is one reason her marriage failed :?
Anyway, regardless that must have been difficult for your DH to hear however I do hope he also is equally annoyed at her attempt to blackmail him. I am NOT suggesting sd has consciously formed a manipulative plan in her mind, it could come to down to her being in turmoil given her marriage breakdown and then getting comfortable at your home, however regardless this is NOT acceptable.
While her father and you would not see her on the streets, and you are ensuring this, she 1) hasnt been kicked out given it was made clear it was temporary and has been extended 2) you and DH are generously helping her out financially 3) your house is NOT her "home" (le sigh).
I say this now that you need to be prepared that sd may try and weasel her way back into your home, I dont want to heap stress onto your shoulders but forewarned is forearmed. Meaning you can plan to prevent this happening again. Firstly, I find telling your partner straight out that you think x y z is manipulative and having a long rant about precious princess may backfire (not saying you would but if you are overloaded), however her passive aggression should not be ignored nor any rudeness. So if she is starts any nonsense, please do gently point it out at the right moment to DH (do not leave it unaddressed so DH can pretend everything is peachy or feign ignorance when its convenient) e.g. "I am not sure why sd continues to blame me as she is. It makes me sad when she does x." Then leave it there. If sd is directly horrible then please gently but firmly ask her if shes ok/if there is a problem as shes acting differently...
Also please make it known to DH that you will NOT sit back and allow DH and sd to move her back in again. Again DH cannot fall back on ignorance. Please do not allow her to move back in (make sure she hasnt got any spare keys either). In fact use any form of disrespect as evidence why she cant move back in and how its not good for sd to be that reliant she is prepared to act in that manner! i.e. let sd dig her own grave and use it against her if necessary.
If sd is unhappy where she lives then I would get DH to encourage sd to get a wriggle on with moving and getting friends on board with any blackmail attempts sd tries to make will help DH realise when he is being played. Outside perspective always helps, when its from a sane, sensible source in similar situations!
Time for a party me thinks
Yeah! I am so happy for you!
Yeah! I am so happy for you!
When you described how SD guilted and cryed about being kicked out of her own home to your DH it so reminded me of the trama I had this past spring.
SD still from time to time will text dadddyyy and try to blame her life's problems on me kicking her out of our house and him allowing me to kick her out.
It is pathetic. The girl barged in here and set up an insurgent camp in my basement studio with her cat and would not leave for five weeks. And even on moving day she tried to weasel out of it.....'my boyfriend broke up with me....I have nothing to live for....da da da..." I texted her that day to stop her suicide emotional blackmail against her dad and get her ass over her to get her stuff. It was on the driveway waiting for her by the time she got her with ...her boyfriend...yes the one who just broke up with her....the lying conniving bitch.
Yet later she is texting DH about how she has no shampoo and wouldn't be able to wash her hair for work, because she wasn't allowed to come back into the house to make sure she got all her stuff out. Waa. Go to the dollar store and buy some more bitch.
I thought that when she left the night before with 'her cat' to go stay in the hotel with her boyfriend that she would have taken her shampoo and toiletries...my bad. But since her plan was not to move out...that makes perfect sense.
I guess we were supposed to feel sorry for her and welcome her back after the breakup and suicide threat.
She took her cat with her because she knows I would have taken it to the shelter at the first sign of her crap.
It was moving day...just do it already!
The bitch showed up...took not even a full car load with her...and then DH ended up taking the rest of it that afternoon. It was already piled outside...I told him that there was no way in hell it was coming back in. If she didn't care if her stuff sat outside overnight and maybe got rained on then why should he?
If I had not gone with him when he dropped it off, he would have been there arranging it and cleaning her apartment! While she was off with BF screwing at the hotel or whatever. Pathetic!
Yikes...the post tramatic stress still comes out...sorry.
Anyway...happy that your nightmare is over. Never let her come back! Never!
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your helpfulness and well wishes. I really appreciate it and hope to write more soon but my DH is about to get up for the day. What an exhausting weekend for both of us.
NOTE: change the locks!
NOTE: change the locks!
Parting Shots: We survived
Parting Shots:
We survived the fallout, but not unscathed. Friday night I waited at home, preparing a delicious dinner and set a place for all three of us at the table. When DH and SD32 got back from the hotel (with the sheet-white face) I was told by DH that he had "not seen her cry like that since she was a little girl. Not even at her mother's funeral". Those words hurt me, and I was surprised by DH's apparent anger towards me for the first time ever in our marriage. I said in a small and trembling voice "she knew this was temporary"..."R**** is her childhood home, not this".
DH was a widower when I met him, but he assured me that he was over the greiving process because his late wife had a long term illness over the course of several years. His children resented that he had moved on with his life even though it had been a year since her passing. His late wife even told DH before her death that she wanted him to get remarried. SHE didn't want him to be alone, why do the kids want him to be alone? He reminded SD of that.
Anyway, back to Friday night....I honestly didn't know whether it was going to be SD or me that was leaving. I sat at the table, the dinner all ready, and DH joined me but SD32 went down to the basement and I was told she would not be eating with us. I told DH I'm going to leave her plate there in case she changes her mind. (I felt like I was dealing with a pouting 2 yr. old.)
All of a sudden, I was the
All of a sudden, I was the object of anger for the painful events of all of their lives (the SD's divorce, the first wife's passing) when I was an innocent newcomer to the family. I had to remind DH that it was not my decision, but a joint decision by us and our mentors that SD needed to leave after two months.
We took a walk on the beach, sat on our bench and I tried to calm his shaken nerves. I didn't have the words, but I remembered something that was said on this MB. I told DH that "you need to have my back, and I need to have yours" That we need to stand together, as a couple. This is called tough love, because it IS tough.
It was cold and getting dark out on the beach and I said to DH, "Sunday at this time we won't be out in the cold, hiding and talking in the dark anymore". Somehow he saw the irony of this at that moment....we were cold and outside, SD32 was inside our warm house. We walked back to the house, hand in hand.
The drama with no
The drama with no audience:
Thankfully Saturday my DH was scheduled to work and I left early for my women's book study (The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace) ironic isn't it! I spent the afternoon peacefully enjoying my grandchildren at the park (5 yr old & 7 mo. old). That was therapy for my soul.
When I got back home, I smelled a strong detergent coming from the basement. I assumed SD was cleaning the bathroom down there in preparation for her departure the next day. I went to shower and prepare for the hangar dance DH and I were attending that night with some people from his work. We had a great time swing dancing.
Sunday morning we got up before sunrise. Placed square in the middle of DH's desk in the office were SD32's folded up and laundered sheets. I put them away, he already felt bad enough, why did she need to make a production of it? We left for a citywide bike event and stayed out all day and went to church in the evening. In the evening, DH got a voicemail from her saying that she has moved to the hotel but we are not to touch anything in "her room" because there are "confidential" things in there.
I was proud of my DH for seeing through that. He called her, left a message saying "that room was a guest bedroom before you came, and it will continue to be a guest bedroom now that you're gone". That she needs to come get that stuff out of there this week (she has a storage unit rented since early summer)so there is no excuse. When we got home, the door to that room was closed. Today on wednesday, it's still closed and she has not been back to retrieve her stuff. In short, she is holding part of our home hostage.
This woman is 32? WOW!!!
This woman is 32? WOW!!! Sounds very immature but it also sounds like there is seriously something wrong with ther thinking - as if she is not living in the real world. The folded sheets on DH desk is rediculous. I agree - her things should be put in storage, you should reclaim the guest room and change the locks.
what's wrong with her
what's wrong with her thinking is she feels entitled...to whatever she wants, no matter to whom it belongs...just like my SD23. i would like to stick her face in the toilet and flush it until she admits her disgusting attitude.
You do realise you have
You do realise you have changed your behaviour and way of doing things to suit her don't you. This is your home, so pluck up your courage, kiss and cuddle on the couch, watch a good show that YOU want to watch on TV, check the TV guide and always have a program or two that you want to watch and don't give in. Instead of her watching you in the kitchen, get her to help. If you cook, she cleans. She wants to live there, fine then she does her share of cooking, cleaning etc., Invite friends over as often as you can, invite them for meals, and try and make them people she has nothing in common with. Tell your DH you'd like to have friends over just as couples can sd have dinner at the cousins Saturday night or whatever. But make sure you give her the feeling THIS IS YOUR HOME. Right now she sees it as dad's and you have sat back and let her.
I agree noisy sex is the way to get her out.
The other solution you are looking for may just well be you taking control of your home, walking around in your night wear or bra and undies for all that matters, but you need to be the one making her feel uncomfortable and not her making YOU feel uncomfortable in YOUR OWN home. If you leave this for too long it just becomes harder and harder to do something about it. Best to act quickly on these things, as I said, the longer you leave it the more comfortable SD and DH become with the situation and see you as the problem, after all, they are both happy with it. You on the other hand are the one doing the complaining. As with everything when someone complains for too long, people just get sick of hearing it. So, act quickly and swiftly. You are in the right here. Good Luck.
Taking back the house and
Taking back the house and changing the locks:
I wish...but DH purposely gave both of his kids and both of my kids a key to the lake house as a symbol of welcome right after we were married. He had good intentions but it backfired when his daughter used hers to move in and abused the privilege.
When DH said SD32 would be back to pick up her things sometime this week, I asked if she could call first and DH immediately said that he never liked it when SD's husband required that, and he doesn't want to start that now. He has an open door policy. Generous of him, but it makes me feel very vulnerable.
You are all right about his kids feeling a sense of entitlement. SD32 was no sooner out of the house and she went to work on her Christmas list which she e-mailed to DH the next day. Several items long. I'm sure she's going to milk his guilt trip for all it's worth.
a christmas list from a 32
a christmas list from a 32 year old? is she looking at the toys r us catalogue?
seriously, your H doesn't think this is strange??
LOL... I don't get it either,
I don't get it either, but I don't think I can put an end to the long standing tradition even though it's way outdated. Maybe next year....for now I'm just basking in the glow of my newly re-discovered privacy. Ahhhhh, life is good, again.
The cost of my freedom
The cost of my freedom $1440/mo.
SD32 upgraded her hotel to a nicer facility costing an extra $400 per month.
DH's son33, (btw), was given the family home where they grew up (along with the mortgage on it) but still a sizeable equity. We asked him if SD32 (his sister)could move in their basement for a couple of weeks and he flat out refused on the spot. Can't say I blame him. He's married and obviously his wife doesn't want to live full time with the sister-in-law. She's not an easy person to be with, loud and obnoxious actually.
DH did give SD32 the title free and clear to their vacation rv, which is worth about $10K used.
I suggested that she bring it to the campground nearby and live in it, but somehow that idea got vetoed. Yesterday I checked at the RV park and it's only $133 per week with full hookups.
For some reason DH does not want his daughter living in a trailer, albeit a nice one with slide-outs.
Play a porno dvd in your
Play a porno dvd in your bedroom loudly so she can hear it }:)
Have you spoken with your new husband about her being there?
We don't own any porn. Don't
We don't own any porn. Don't need it, don't want it.
I will always remember something my DH said on our honeymoon to another passenger on the cruise ship. "I only have eyes for my wife".
Now that SD and her problems are out the door, we have returned to the land of milk & honey.
She's baaaack!!!! I was
She's baaaack!!!!
I was upstairs and I hear this loud barking at the door. There was SD32 with her dog waiting behind my screen door. At 1 p.m. in the afternoon! I did not like the surprise one bit. She immediately goes downstairs, not sure why, and was still there when I was ready to leave.
I got in my car and called DH at work to let him know she's back. She was planning to use her printer, DH said. Now why would a 32 yr. old drive 25 minutes out of her way just to use a printer here, when she could easily use one at the library near her place? I get the feeling she is just being nosy, and wanted to come back to mark her territory. I asked DH if she came to get the rest of her stuff? It was left stacked in a mess in the guest bedroom. Nope, it's still there, BUT, since she is not removing it, I started stacking things of mine on top of the bed down there. If I can't use it as a guest room, I'm going to at least use it as a storage room too!
I found out she took a sick day. How nice of her to come to my door and spread her germs around on her day off. She was probably bored at the hotel. Probably wanted to see what our plans are for a Friday night. We ended up taking her to the mall and buying her dinner that night. On the way, we stopped at the hotel to pay the next installment of her rent. I got to see the place. Quite luxurious, with a flat-top stove, dishwasher, beautiful view, excercise room. And she had the nerve to cry and make such a scene when we first rented the place for her? She also has a large wrap-around desk (could have put her printer there). I hate that she has an excuse to come back.
How nice she can live in a
How nice she can live in a luxury hotel suite at the expense of your DH. And you. And still store her shit in your guest room. You are a more tolerant person than me. I would have tossed her shit out by now. She can pile it in the corner of the hotel room. And she can pay for it too. Seems the problem here is not just your SD. But DH the enabler too.
Maybe she can move back in and they can pay for you to stay in the hotel and get some privacy from her popping over.
Good luck with it.
Indeed. I guess I'm so
Indeed. I guess I'm so relieved to have her living elsewhere, that I'm willing to tolerate her stuff being here a little longer. I still have my 4th of July decorations up down there, since I've been unable to go down there to decorate since she moved in. I respected her privacy down there. Did she respect mine? No. When we got home from a trip while she was living with us, she handed me a book that belonged to me. She never asked to borrow it, and what's worse, she took it from the magazine rack in our upstairs bedroom. So much for respecting boundaries! I told that to DH right before he got her a hotel room.
If we had a basement door.
If we had a basement door. It's an empty-nester loft style home. Mostly open spaces, but the guest bedroom downstairs does have a door.
I once locked the screen door, which has no keyed entry, and she just called DH to ask him the combination to the garage door entry. She let herself in that way. DH is really not willing to change any locks or combinations. He doesn't consider her a threat in any way.
Whenever DH starts feeling sorry for SD32's "small living area" at the hotel, I remind him now nice it is to have sex whenever we feel like it, and cuddle on the couch downstairs. It shuts him up.
I think my mom is due for a
I think my mom is due for a visit
She's never spent the night, even once.
You know, I asked him that.
You know, I asked him that. We got her a storage unit Memorial Day weekend when she first separated from her husband. (DH co-signed for it ). Her furniture is all in storage there and her boxes.
DH claims that there is no more room in there, they can barely close the door. I'd like to see that for myself. I asked him why did she even bring all kinds of stuff over here if she was a temporary guest...where did it come from? He said the resulting mess in our guest bedroom was from when she cleaned her travel trailer out at the end of summer, and stuff she brought over from the cousins.
32 yrs.old ....boot her ass
32 yrs.old ....boot her ass out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't feel safe in my own
I don't feel safe in my own home.
I think we need to define home here. Home is where I live and sleep at night. My marital home with my husband.
DH bought this house where we live one month before he met me and his name is on the title. DH put 50% down and the other 50% has a mortgage on it. So, technically both the bank and DH are joint owners of it legally. Where do I fit in? Every time my SD comes over, she acts as if she owns it. SD had a house and had been married for 12 yrs. prior to this, so I have no idea why she feels she owns this one. Because she will inherit it one day? That's so far in the future, she can't count on that. She has a brother, we might sell it before then, etc..... I think I'm going to start paying the mortgage on it myself and then donate it to the church when we're gone.
Last weekend when I was in the den I heard a noise on the door outside. I lift the blinds and see SD walking away from the house. She didn't ring the doorbell, but was trying to open the garage door with the keypad. Sometimes it doesn't work. Aparently, she got frustrated and walked away. I wasn't expecting her. Well, I found out later, DH left the truck key for her and she borrowed his truck to pick up some things from her old house that she owned with her ex. Where does this stuff end up? In DH's truck for probably quite awhile. I guess I'm grateful it wasn't brought into the house this time.
Then, two days later, she
Then, two days later, she startles me again. I had left the garage door open because I was unpacking my car from a weekend trip. She walked in secretly and says Hi ____
in a loud voice right when I have my back turned. I was totally freaked out by that,and shaking like a leaf for an hour after that. She brought DH's truck back, which was the excuse for her visit that time, but I certainly wasn't expecting her to walk in unanounced. I was so wound up I couldn't sleep a wink that night.
What am I going to do? I would never let myself in to my mother's house without ringing the doorbell. She could have a heart attack at her age, even though I was born and raised there. I told DH that how would SD feel if I let myself in to her apartment unanounced? It's a violation of privacy, and makes you feel unsafe in your own home. I'm going to try to change the combination on the keypad.
I do have some good news to report though. By the end of the month, our offer to pay half the rent of her hotel will be over. She and DH know that I won't allow her to move back in here, so she has agreed to split the rent with a former neighbor who is a single mom of three kids. She could use the extra money and SD should fit right in with the chaos of three kids, with her dog.
It still doesn't solve the problem of SD acting like this is her house though. I was surprised how when I invited her for Easter dinner last spring, she went into my kitchen and opened the cabinet doors to look inside. She was marking her territory even back then.
Yes this sort of weird stuff
Yes this sort of weird stuff is familiar to me. Living with my SD16 is a very 'close encounter' situation. Once I was on the running machine running and got off and she was standing right there. I tripped over her. It gave me a fright. Worst case was when husband and I were having relations in the bedroom and realised she was right outside on the balcony. She stole the disc from his camera and only got sprung because he took it into the room that night.
Today I was hoping for some peace and quiet on holiday but no SD16 is sick so not able to go to school. Whether she is ill or not, I will never know. Just another area of grey in our lives.
The hard thing from my point of view is that it is all explainable so if I whinge I sound paranoid. Let me know if you figure out the following please;
1) Why our DHs are not freaked out but their closeness - my DH lived for a year with a 14/15 year old and did not think it strange that she did not go out once and only wanted to go places with him
2) Why they do this?
3) Why do they do the close stuff with us?
4) What do you do?
5) Why does a 16 year old or in your case an adult want to hang with their dads?
Good suggestions from people. Like the "Oh no we could not possibly have sex under these circumstances." idea. Also Delilah is on track with the snuggle and watch a film. We do this naturally and SD hates it. Whilst I feel for her I also wish she had some more natural boundaries.
Mostly I have succeeded in making SD the problem by shifting the focus back on normal developmental milestones. Some socialising. Part time job. Learning to drive. Applying for college. In your case maybe you could discuss normal post divorce milestones. So post divorce with a 14 month old and no money (ex took all the money out of the bank) I lived in my parent's shed for a total of 3 weeks. I job hunted and house hunted and found somewhere to stay. I got a loan, a lawyer, an accountant and a job. Next a second hand car. Then found a child care centre. Found some lovely new friends and some old ones came to visit from interstate. My parents were amazing, yes, but I did not live with them a minute longer than I had to.
I absolutely and totally feel for you. My friend who is a psychologist hinted to me that SD may not be made from the same stock as me e.g. that she is quite thick skinned and delusional. She said that some people are living in their own fantasy and need enablers. DH in my case is the man for the job. Molly coddling. She was not rude and did not say anything direct, just that I should not be afraid to take charge more, avoid her as much as possible and put DH and BM, family and other carers on the spot in the cases where I am picking up their slack. They are responsible. You are not. This is very handy advice. You end up stopping making dinner. DH can make dinner for you all. Stop being her entertainment. Go to your room and read. Go on holiday yourself. Get DH to set a date for her moving out and put it in writing to you. You must! You poor woman. I really do feel for you. You can do it!
Yes this sort of weird stuff
Yes this sort of weird stuff is familiar to me. Living with my SD16 is a very 'close encounter' situation. Once I was on the running machine running and got off and she was standing right there. I tripped over her. It gave me a fright. Worst case was when husband and I were having relations in the bedroom and realised she was right outside on the balcony. She stole the disc from his camera and only got sprung because he took it into the room that night.
Today I was hoping for some peace and quiet on holiday but no SD16 is sick so not able to go to school. Whether she is ill or not, I will never know. Just another area of grey in our lives.
The hard thing from my point of view is that it is all explainable so if I whinge I sound paranoid. Let me know if you figure out the following please;
1) Why our DHs are not freaked out but their closeness - my DH lived for a year with a 14/15 year old and did not think it strange that she did not go out once and only wanted to go places with him
2) Why they do this?
3) Why do they do the close stuff with us?
4) What do you do?
5) Why does a 16 year old or in your case an adult want to hang with their dads?
Good suggestions from people. Like the "Oh no we could not possibly have sex under these circumstances." idea. Also Delilah is on track with the snuggle and watch a film. We do this naturally and SD hates it. Whilst I feel for her I also wish she had some more natural boundaries.
Mostly I have succeeded in making SD the problem by shifting the focus back on normal developmental milestones. Some socialising. Part time job. Learning to drive. Applying for college. In your case maybe you could discuss normal post divorce milestones. So post divorce with a 14 month old and no money (ex took all the money out of the bank) I lived in my parent's shed for a total of 3 weeks. I job hunted and house hunted and found somewhere to stay. I got a loan, a lawyer, an accountant and a job. Next a second hand car. Then found a child care centre. Found some lovely new friends and some old ones came to visit from interstate. My parents were amazing, yes, but I did not live with them a minute longer than I had to.
I absolutely and totally feel for you. My friend who is a psychologist hinted to me that SD may not be made from the same stock as me e.g. that she is quite thick skinned and delusional. She said that some people are living in their own fantasy and need enablers. DH in my case is the man for the job. Molly coddling. She was not rude and did not say anything direct, just that I should not be afraid to take charge more, avoid her as much as possible and put DH and BM, family and other carers on the spot in the cases where I am picking up their slack. They are responsible. You are not. This is very handy advice. You end up stopping making dinner. DH can make dinner for you all. Stop being her entertainment. Go to your room and read. Go on holiday yourself. Get DH to set a date for her moving out and put it in writing to you. You must! You poor woman. I really do feel for you. You can do it!
It's nice to know people
It's nice to know people understand. I appreciate that. That's why I come here, a safe place where I can think things out with others to confirm and suggest solutions.
I do have a deadline for having SD's belongings removed from the guest bedroom. Christmas Day I'm having a big open house and dinner party, so that room will have to be opened up for inspection, and possible rest area for visitors that day. No mess will be allowed in there! I'm also going to redecorate it before then with new paint and donate the old furniture in there, which was from DH's and his late wife's master bedroom. That furniture always did make me feel kind of weird. I'm going to put my lovely Ethan Allen bedroom furniture in there which we brought over from the house I still own (and rent out) several states away. It will no longer look like anything DH ever had with his first family! Our main floor already has my living and dining room furniture in it. DH said when we first got married that I could decorate it however I wanted to. I also changed things around in the kitchen cabinet where SD used to like to poke her nose into, so it has all of my personal belongings in it. If she wants to carry on her trip down memory lane, she can look at photos back at her hotel.
You know what else bothers me? (while I'm on a roll here). How, when she came over last time and I was in the final stages of preparing dinner, DH asked me if SD32 could stay for dinner. I said yes, but then SD proceeded to sit down and started talking about all of her relatives from her mother's side, giving DH the latest news. I was feeling left out of the converation. She likes to do that, so I had to several times change the subject. At one point I even asked what she thought about the Presidential debate? I think she got my drift.
She's asking to move back
She's asking to move back in!!! Wants to be here for the holidays. Do I want to spend my first holiday season as a newly married couple with DH's grown daughter under the same roof? :O
We stopped paying half her hotel rent at the end of October. We paid it for two months as we agreed, in addition to two months prior that we allowed her to live with us. SD32 has only been on her own (financially) for less than a week, and she's already asking to move back in? Apparently the single co-worker/former neighbor changed her mind on letting SD move into her home, so now SD's desperately calling her brother and father asking both of them to take her in. They HAVE a wife! Both of us say no! Again! Why does this not sink in to SD that it crosses the line of healthy boundaries? I think that she wants to keep asking in order to continue the guilt trip.
Her divorce is not our fault and I am not going to pay the consequences for it! I really think she WANTS to cause trouble in the marriages of her brother and her father. Because she's never been happy in her marriage, she resents that her two other male relatives ARE happy.
My DH and I were downstairs
My DH and I were downstairs watching football and I ask him if we are "allowed" to go into the guest bedroom so I can get my Thanksgiving decorations out of there (stored in bins in the closet). I walk in, and there is even MORE of SD's stuff piled up to the ceiling, blocking access to the closet. I call for help and DH comes in, and tries to wrestle my decorations loose from the closet. We hear glass breaking and, gasp, there are several of my most treasured and collected over time holiday decorations broken in pieces. I am speechless.
DH realizes this is SD's fault and he says how sorry he is.
Even after she is gone, she is causing pain for me
I got her ONE thing on her
I got her ONE thing on her Christmas List. The GPS for her car ($150). The list she e-mailed was 12 items long and included CDs, two pairs of jeans, items for her kitchen, etc etc. Who does she think is going to shop for this stuff? DH has a full-time job. DH and I have four adult children, their spouses, and five grandchildren to buy for. SD32 is not an only child, yet she acts like the little princess. She wants these new jeans with rips already in them. She does not look good in jeans, believe me.
What she needs to do is go to a weight loss clinic, then have her hair colored, cut and styled. She still wears this long ponytail down to her behind and it does not look good on an obese 32 yr. old.
I still find myself wanting to help her, but in ways a mother would to an adult woman. From a distance.
She should have setup
She should have setup household in that trailer. I told that to DH all along, but instead she put it up for sale, had no offers, since it's the end of the camping season, so she ended up selling it to a dealer for much less than the $10K asking price. So, she HAS probably $6K in her checking account. Enough to tide her over for another few months, BUT, instead she is begging to move back in with us. That's why I think her real goal is not to live on her own, but take back her birth family, and cause trouble in DH's new marriage and take over the house during the holidays. I think the holidays coming are bothering her.
Just a few days prior to that, I replied to an e-mail from SS33's wife asking us what we are doing for Thanksgiving. I sent her a picture of DH and I in a cute matching costume at a party, and I then went on to tell her our plans for Thanksgiving over at my son's house, and a Christmas open house here at the lake. I think maybe word got back to SD that my holiday plans didn't focus on DH's side of the family and she decided to take matters into her own hands again. It really bothers SD that her dad is making lovely and fun new memories. She really wants her dad to continue to mourn the late wife's death. The anniversary of her death came and DH said to me he didn't even think about it, he was enjoying life with me so much, until SD called and reminded him of it.
Thanks Wow. I can imagine
Thanks Wow. I can imagine how strange it must be for you, having the late wife's ashes residing in your home for 15 yrs. :O And the SD's continuing to spread them over that much time is just plain macabre.
I'm facing the uncomfortable prospect of getting rid of the late wife's nativity scene collection. I have plenty of my own decorations, plus hers takes up too much space in our closets. Last spring while cleaning, I asked DH to call SD to offer her the collection before I put it out on the curb for the Salvation Army. SD immediately cut him off and said tersely "you don't need to decide that right now". Really, it's been over a year since she passed away at that point (almost two now). I think I have a right to get that stuff out of here, and DH completely understands I don't want to display the late wife's collections. SD was trying to control my household even back then.
SD wants to hold this house hostage as a shrine to the late wife. What's strange is, the late wife never lived here. DH bought this house as an investment after she passed away. First he used it as a rental property, and then we moved into it after we got married.
I think you are wrong. Do
I think you are wrong. Do not get rid of anything of the late wife's. It is way too early. Mine has been gone for 11 years and I am still dealing with stuff of his. It is very emotional.
My DH doesn't CARE about this
My DH doesn't CARE about this stuff. He cares about his living wife (me) that is his companion. He is emotionally healthy. It's the SD that wants to keep that stuff here, and I'm the one that has to see it, clean around it, and function with it.
What good is it to leave it in boxes to collect dust when some needy family can use and enjoy those things? It's been almost two years.
We don't display pictures of our first spouses either. They are stored in boxes, and we keep them as part of our history, but I'm not going to keep all the knick-knaks that take up two whole closets. Space that the living people in this house need to use.
Have your DH send it to SD.
Have your DH send it to SD. it's hers now to keep. She can use them for her shrine.
She doesn't want it for
She doesn't want it for herself, otherwise she would have taken it last spring when it was offered to her. She was married and had a house then. No, she just wants the shrine to stay with DH so the late wife's presence in a weird way is in our home.
I understand the grieving process but she can't hold other people prisoner because SHE hasn't dealt with it yet.
When my own first husband left after 23 yrs. our youngest was only 11 yrs. old. I remember how for awhile after that, our child put a doll on the pillow next to mine where my exDH used to sleep. I'm not sure if he was trying to comfort him or me, probably both but I could feel his pain.
This, however, is a grown woman 32, and it's been two years. I'm filling our home with love, laughter, hope and good memories.
SD wants us to live in a grave yard with her.
She does want to keep that
She does want to keep that wound open. Good thing SD doesn't live here anymore, or she would be spreading those nativity scenes all over my house. I have one of my own, it's a precious moments nativity scene. That's the only one that's going up.
If and when SD gets that short-sale to go through, I'm going to pack those up in DH's truck along with all that other stuff that is left behind of hers and he can drop it off at her place. I'm not even going to ask if she wants it again. I asked her to take that bedroom furniture that's in the guest bedroom too. I want that out of here but SD doesn't want it. I'm going to donate it.
Shortly after DH's late wife passed away (and before he met me), he had both of his kids take whatever they wanted of hers from the family home and then gave his son title and possession of the family home along with the mortgage. SD got the RV. He's been plenty generous with them, and so anything left of the late wife's now, they don't want. Neither do I.
If DH doesn't care about the
If DH doesn't care about the nativity scene then go ahead and donate it. SD did not want it so why should you and DH keep something neither of you want around? Don't tell her you got rid of it - just do it.
Again, this is your home and your DH's home - not hers. She cannot dictate what you can and cannot get rid of. Sheesh the nerve!!
Also, DH should gently recommend counselling to Sd. She sounds lonely and still in a mes over her divorce and the loss of her mom. You and DH cannot fix her. She needs to work on her issues with a professional.
Do not let her move back in. You will never get her out again. She WILL ruin your marriage if given the chance. Don't give her that chance.
Good luck.
Thank you 20years. I
Thank you 20years. I appreciate that.
One of my roles as a wife is to make our home a warm and welcoming place. A feel good place of comfort.
One of my favorite things to do over the years was decorate for holidays and I always made sure while my kids were growing up, that they had a holiday that was wonderful and free of any drama and heartache that the exDH used to cause us. Now the exDH lives hundreds of miles away and I have a new threat to my protected comfort zone. SD32. I'm not going to let her try to sabatoge our happiness either.
I did suggest to DH that SD get some counseling when she had that crying episode when we found another place for her to live. DH said she can't afford it, but I know there are churches that give free counseling to both the newly divorced and also grief counseling. He thinks I should e-mail her the link, but I did already give her the book with the contact information.
I'm really sorry her marriage broke up and that she will probably end up a lonely cat woman (well dog in her case). They have too much time on their hands and are nosy busybodies.
Well said 20 years. You are
Well said 20 years. You are sounding as if you are getting a little better in yourself. I hope so. All the best.