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Am I in the Wrong?

MissMinnie's picture

I have a ss and 2 bio kids with the bio dad. I am currently the only one working. So he stays home with the kids. This school year the bio mom says she is going to give him to us this year to register him in school. Great. Another finiancial responsibility. I love my step son. His bio mom just really irratates me with the crap she pulls. Anyway back to the whole point. We registered him in school even though we were going to be moving shortly after. We moved into a place; not in that school zone. But still close enough we could drive him. I really didn't want to transfer him because he has been transfered so much already. So we or maybe I was thinking she was going to have him on the weekends, Like we did in the past. Well now she has been keeping him Fridays; Saturdays Sundays, monday's Tuesdays. The only reason she let's us have him on wed and Thursday is because she has no one else to pick him up from school. The bio mom and my self have Monday and Tuesday off. My family only have one car that isn't running very well at the moment. I am pissed off because I feel used. I feel that the bio dad should stand up and say either we are going to have him mon-fri and she should have him on the weekend because we are not her freakin kids taxi. We fought over this for weeks because he wasn't doing anything out of fear of not seeing his son, saying she will just take him out and sign him into another school. Were having some financial issues. So him taking me to work so he can pick up my ss has taken a toll on our funds. So of coarse when she calls Tuesday night to make sure we are going to pick our ss the next day. Puts me into a bad mood; which starts a fight between me and bio dad. I end up telling him to man up because this is messed up. Even if she wanted to alternate weeks or she could just have him on the weekends. Whatever she perfer. But this isn't going to work for me. I don't mind doing for my ss. I provide for him in everyway I possibly can. I went out and purchased all his school clothes. I don't mind picking him up all week from school if we are going to have him. I don't feel like being her babysitter when she has no one else. I tell the bio dad that if she didn't need you, that you wouldn't have him at all. So he ends up finally talking to her. Started off calmly. She turned it into a fight which ened up her saying she will be taking him to another school. We now will only have my ss on the weekends. Bio dad is pissed at me now. Saying hope ur happy. Now we don't have to worry about it anymore. This isn't what I wanted. I feel bad. But am I wrong for feeling the way I do? Any advice of what to do? Should I just suck it up and let him have his son when she picks and chooses. I always tell him he needs to take her to court and get a court order document for split custody. Thanks for taking the time out to listen.

Rags's picture

He does need to go to court to get a formal custody ruling and if he is not granted custody he will need the court to set a clear visitation schedule. Once you have a CO then you can control BM. The best tool for controling a toxic blended family oppostion is to smack them about the head and shoulders with a tightly rolled Court Order. (Figuratively of course).

He can not protect his child or his rights if he does not hold BM accountable. The tool of accountability is the CO.

Good luck.

Disneyfan's picture

Is there a CS order in place? Some men allow BMs to call the shots in order to keep them from going to CS court.

If there is a CS order in place, then there should be a custody order in place as well.

MissMinnie's picture

Thanks everyone for the advice! Yea there is no court order. I don't think he will ever take her to court. He just says that there never give the kid to the father anyway. So we haven't had our ss since he had that convo with BM. I feel guilty now to . Instead of having him 3 days we have him none. DH blames me. I just want it to be fair.

MissMinnie's picture

Thanks everyone for the advice! Yea there is no court order. I don't think he will ever take her to court. He just says that there never give the kid to the father anyway. So we haven't had our ss since he had that convo with BM. I feel guilty now to . Instead of having him 3 days we have him none. DH blames me. I just want it to be fair.