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What a miserable weekend

jojo68's picture

A good bit of the time...SD12 goes to a friend's house on the weekend and I get a little peace or her posse of friends come over to our house which is bad but at least she stays occupied for the most part. Lately she had actually seemed to be getting better about hanging all over her father, sitting in his lap, saying "I love you Dadddddddddddyyyyyyyyy" at least 10 times a day randomly....but this weekend, she had no where to go and no one to come over and it was B-A-D! She was hanging all over her father, scratching his back with her nails (all this out public mind you), constantly saing "I love you Dadddddddddyyyyyyyyy" to a point that her father told her to stop, and following him around and anytime he was out of sight, she was asking "where's my Dadddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????????????? And suddenly the food at our house was wonderful and she actually ate dinner without having a meltdown.

Maybe I am just being a bitch }:) ...but I feel that it was all an act or manipulation to get something she is was like Jekyl and Hyde and I don't buy one second of it. Either this kid is bipolar or she should win an Oscar. I was so beside myself with annoyance. I hate feeling bad about myself for letting this kid get under my skin...when I truly believe in my heart that SD12 has some type of behavior way someone could be this off the wall and be okay but this is JMHO. BM is Bipolar and has some type of anxiety disorder that I don't recall what the name of it was serious enough for her to be trying to get disability for it.

Thanks for the vent ladies (and gents if so

Thanks for the vent girls.

RedWingsFan's picture

No, you're not being a bitch. She's well old enough to know exactly what she's doing and that is manipulating daddddyyyyyyyy into giving her whatever she wants. My SD14 is the same way and acted like a mini wife to DH at age 12 until I pointed it out to DH and he finally put his foot down.

If he's consistent with her and doesn't play the guilty dad allowing her to get away with it, she'll eventually stop.

Sorry you're going through that. I know exactly how it feels and what it's like.

jojo68's picture

Thank you so nice to have the reassurance sometimes that I'm not the crazy one!!! DH has a long ways to go but I do see a little improvement.

RedWingsFan's picture

My pleasure! Trust me, I know exactly how you feel and what you're going through. The only difference is I don't have to deal with that shit anymore and you unfortunately, still do.

I'm always here for ya!!! VENT AWAY!

Let's hope your DH catches on and puts his foot down with SD like mine did. Life's SO much better without the mini wife around!

AngeLily's picture

Not being a bitch! I understand completely! My SS7 is the same! Not many people believe kids can do that, but they learn what they live and sometimes have a behavior disorder too. What did DH think? Aside from getting annoyed for a minute? Did he think it was odd?

Sweetnothings's picture

Ahhh, miserable weekends, I remember them well !! Thank Gawd, that is done with !!! Our weekends used to be like a one man sd look at meee, look at meee, show !!! Younger skid was overlooked, most of the time, as sd22 wasn't sharing her Throne of Entitlement with anyone !!

Agree, with the post about keeping an eye on things, as I wished I had raised my concerns MUCH earlier about sd22's weird behaviour.....

jojo68's picture

OMG get 24-7 attention, SD12 walks through the house making some type of noise constantly at all times no exceptions..If she can't think of anything else to do she'll just repeat Daddyyyyyyyyyyy Dadddddddddddyyyy all randomly. She'll ask what is for dinner 5-6 times, she talks about things that make absolutely no sense (you can not have an intelligent conversation with her). One day she likes a certain food, the next day she doesn't. There is absolutely no order to her actions or thoughs...the only thin that remains pretty much a constant is her incessant need for attention and her grandiosity. One can't even imagine how annoying this girl is...only a video would make one a believer