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Bonding With Brats 101

WTHDISUF's picture

So, this is in 2 parts-part vent, part question.
Saturday, DH goes in to work at 5a to leave by 9a to get to SS8 Soccer game by 12:45. He asked if I wanted to go and No, I did not. DH didn't like this-wanted me to go but I'd just been in truck for 8hrs to see SS8 at his game last Saturday. He was supposed to spend the day with us at my Family reunion; we'd planned this for a month. But at end of game, Wildebeest (aka BM) told us she was sending him to her brothers for weekend. Fine by me-but DH was pissed. But at least DH saw the light-that she didn't send him with us as we'd drop him off at 5p giving her just a few hours without him vs a whole weekend. But no worries, she was gracious enough to volunteer our time for last weekend of the month b/c SS8 has a 3 day weekend so she on-the-spot arranged for us to meet her to pick him up that Friday until Monday afternoon. Again fine by me as I won't be home. Smile

Anyway, that was last weekend. Back to this past Saturday: DH gets halfway there and Wildebeest text him to ask where he is. He told her halfway and she says "oh guess you won't make the game then." He had plenty of time..until she revealed that the game had been moved from 12:45 to 10:45 and she forgot to send him the updated schedule! GAAAH! He was really pissed & about to turn around but she tells him "well explain to SS8 why you can't make it" and gives the kid the phone. He gets on and DH explains & kid asked him to come anyway. So he went on, took kid to lunch & movie and made it back home at 11p. This is how she always is-always difficult to work with. When we had to move in April, I hoped she'd be more organized and considerate but so far I've been proven wrong again. Doesn't matter that we now have to drive 2 hours to meet her or the full 4hrs (one way) to be involved in anything SS8 is doing. I didn't fuss too much b/c DH has been doing so much better in putting her in check. Frustrating though...

As mentioned earlier, we are to get him on the 26th-29th. The week of 22-26th I'll be in our hometown (where SS8 lives) for work conference. DH tells me I can just pick SS8 up Friday evening and bring him home with me. I reminded him that I'm not coming home Friday b/c on Saturday, I am taking my daughter, niece & nephew to mountains. Home is 2hrs from NC Blue Ridge Pkwy & every year throughout my daughter's childhood, we'd take a day trip up there to leaf peep, waterfall hike, etc. She is very close to 2 of her cousins so it was always the 3 amigos and I. But as they grew into late teen years they all found cooler things to do so we didn't do it as much. Lo and behold I've managed to wrangle them all in at same time to agree to keep that day clear so we could do it. They are 22, 21 and 20 so this was a major feat to get weekend time all at same time with them. lol DH knew this.

So he said he'll drive up on Saturday with SS8 to go with us. I said No. First, that's a lot of driving for DH to meet BM on Friday (2 hr to meet, 2 hr home) b/c she won't wait until Saturday morning to dump the kid. Then drive 4hr Saturday to meet us, plus 2 hours to mountain, then drive all way home b/c he has to work Sunday at 6a. Then a day later back 2hrs to take SS8 to meet BM. No way. But more than the driving, I didn't want SS8 tagging along in my coveted time with my own kid and family. He's ALWAYS with my family, any time we do anything!! Plus he'd be slowing us down b/c he's too lazy to keep up or hike 3-4 miles, he's scared of heights, always hungry, bathroom this & that. We'd have to be 'kid friendly' with music, with conversation, etc.

DH gets upset with me and says I never want to bond with SS8! He says if he was really the bio Father, that I'd bond with him & that I'm "purposefully withholding bonding and separating myself from him" because it's not his kid. GAH! Okay DH but it's NOT your kid! He has no parts of you in looks, behavior, interests, nothing! So yes it's harder for that reason BUT he's also smug, whiny, lazy and manipulative and oh goodness the Mother! So yes it's hard and I gave up on trying a year ago. He's just a child to me; nothing more or less. Now I just try to tolerate him, be nice to him, include him as much as I can. But if I want a break from the kid, I should not be fussed at about it. Every holiday, trip, birthday party, cookout, reunion etc this kid has been in tow! So we had this big discussion about it and it ended as it always does--DH feeling down that I don't bond with SS8 and me feeling like he doesn't understand why it's harder and that I tried and tried.

So my question is this: Do any of you have a spare copy of the "Big Book of Bonding with Brats" I can borrow? Apparently it's just something one can 'learn'. Lol

WTHDISUF's picture

Blum 3 Hilarious!! Maybe we should all collectively write a book about the woes of step parenting. Lol

Ashleystepmom's picture

you cannot force relationship, period.
My husband expects me to love his mother, lol, I will never be able to do it in a billion years. I cringe every time I see her ugly face.
With my step daughter, I am slowly falling in love with her. It is still a long process.

I don't love just any random kids, sorry, not going to happen.

WTHDISUF's picture

You're right it can't be forced. I think though if he weren't forced on me so much before I disengaged, I'd have a better time. People always resist what's forced on them.

amber3902's picture

So this isn't DH's biological child?

I'd try and talk to DH again - list ALL the times you've taken SS8 with you.
List all the times you've done something with just your girls. Maybe write it down and show him. I'm sure the first list will be longer than the second one.

Then explain to him how it's going to be tough on SS8 with the hiking, he's scared of heights, and with everyone else either adult or young adult he'd be the only kid there.

Maybe that will get through to DH.

WTHDISUF's picture

No, not his kid. Summary: Kid came out of BM affair while married to DH. DH thought for a while it was his but the difference in race ultimately revealed itself. They divorced but he stayed Father figure b/c Wildebeest said she'd never tell the real Father about the kid so he'd be fatherless and DH didn't want that. Felt sorry for the kid.

I am done explaining anything to him. He just has to live with this. Sometimes the kid can go, sometimes he can't and this is one in which he can't. 8 yr olds and young 20's don't match in any regard anyway. I don't want to stifle the trip by having to considering a kid, esp one like him.

amber3902's picture

Oh wow. Have to say you DH is one stand up guy caring for a kid that's not even his biologically. I bet he thinks since he has no problem bonding with the kid even though he's not his that you should feel the same way. Really not fair though to expect you to care for this kid the way he does.

I hear your frustration and you're done explaining. Don't blame you. Yeah, just put your foot down and say he can't go. End of discussion. Hope you have a good trip.

almost new mom's picture

no matter what in this situation you are damned if you do and damned if you don' do what makes you happy..if you are meant to bond with the child you will..but speaking from experience the child if they are a brat can ruin your time with your friends and i don't take my step son anymore...i go alone or with my husband cant change your bratty step child and you cant change your husband however you can make yourself happy...and with friends and family outside of them time is let your husband and his child deal...not you and all that driving is not good when you just wanna get it done and get where you are going...i could care less if i ever see my step son or his mother again and most of it is due to my husband and his enabling and the freaking DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTHDISUF's picture

This is exactly what I'm doing. I figure this is just DH reaction to my disengagement as I have very little to do with SS8 now. He was forcing the kid on me constantly for 4 years, trying to make me love him, see him as his kid, etc. I gave it a lot of effort and just can't do it anymore. I came to this board at wit's end in June and learned about disengaging and it's working out for me and for him. I'm no longer miserable 24/7 and things like this will come up from time to time I suppose. He'll get over it.

WTHDISUF's picture

What's funny is SS8 was 4 when we met. I was okay with him after a little while because he was so young and I wasn't as involved with him. But as he got older and started acting more and more like his Mom, getting brattier and brattier, always around, that's when I realized what a little sh8t he was and stopped liking him. Lol.

WTHDISUF's picture

Lol. I don't plan to keep answering him at all. He can think whatever he wishes about it at this point. Smile

WTHDISUF's picture

No, no burning in hell. I like about 98% of kids but every now and then one comes along that makes your skin tight & creepy. Lol. I have encountered 3 such kids in my life and SS8 is one of them. Besides the above mentioned, he's very smug (looks down on other kids, brags, cheats in games, sore loser), sneaky (lies, always trying to get away with something), nasty (doesn't wash hands, hates showering or brushing his teeth) and the manipulation-that gets me the most. For example, DH will talk to him about something he's done (such as pissing all over toilet back and floor b/c he waited too long to go) and to try to make DH feel bad, he'll then lay around mumbling that "everyone hates me, nothing is ever fun, I'm not coming back here" (kid don't tempt me with a good time! lol) I wish I liked him. I wanted to. I tried to. I don't mistreat him but I am indifferent and since disengaging, minimally involved on any level with him.