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LOL! Can't have it both ways BM

Redsonya's picture

BM LOVES to try to control DH by getting SS13 all worked up and having him call and text vile nasty things about DH and me. DH has put his foot down and makes sure to be available when SS13 calls, but tells him that if he yells or says mean things, the phone call is over until he can be respectful. This is BM's usual way to punish DH. She'll get mad about something and then get SS13 to call his dad and tell him off. She has literally used him to demand that DH divorce me "or else SS13 will never see him again". Even when DH says that it is court ordered that he have SS13, BM tells him that she won't force SS13 to visit if he doesn't want to. Fine - I don't want him here if he is going to be a little ass anyways.

BM tried to pull this last night and DH read her the riot act - telling her to stay away from his family (me and my DD3 - BM LOST it when he told her this) and to stop filling SS13's head with nonsense. SS13 told DH for the 50th time last night that he never wants to see him again if he doesn't divorce me. DH let BM and SS13 know that SS13 wasn't allowed at our house until he fully apologizes to me and DH for his behavior. BM was recently dumped by her latest boyfriend so she is on the prowl again and I guess she realized that her part in this behavior wasn't benefiting her anymore. BM sent a text to ME through DH's phone saying that everything would be fine and DH could have visitation with SS13 and her horrible nephew if I was nice to her. LOL! You've got to be kidding me. I told her that her nephew was never coming to our house agan and that SS13 wouldn't be either until he apologized. She went crazy, because she wants a babysitter for her horrible nephew so that she can find her next victim on the weekends. She told me that she was "the mother of a thoughtfully concieved son" and I was the stepmom, which is a non-entity, and that she would talk to DH about the horrible nephew and have him come over. Guess what bitch? Not when the stepmom owns our house. You can talk until your face turns blue, but I am still never allowing him over here. DH can visit him in their town if she is so worried about them spending time together. But of course, thats not really what it is about. She will rant and rave about how horrible I am, how she will never allow the kids around me, and threaten restaining orders, and then when she wants to have the weekend off, demand that she dump her nephew on us at MY house. Not happening and DH is totally fine with it. I guess her weekends just got alot more full - just the thought of having to deal with her nephew 24\7 makes me cringe, lol. Have fun BM!

Redsonya's picture

lol! Seriously - DH got some great lovies last night for that one:) I forgot to mention that she called DH screaming and told him what a "C--t" his wife is. Then thought she'd turn it around and say that he could have visitation if I was nice to her. I am not nice to her - I tell her exactly what I think about her, but I don't need to resort to cusswords. The truth is good enough. And in any case, I am not the one asking her for favors - ie. having her horrible, dirty, nasty nephew at my house to babysit so she can have free time. I told her in no uncertain terms that SHE is the nephews legal guardian, not DH, and so he is her and her f'ed up families responsibility, not ours.

Redsonya's picture

I did, but things have gotten MUCH better once I did. His work is going well, he has completely stopped drinking, he is handling his kids and ex much better than before. Giving him another chance and he seems to have finally stepped up to the plate:) I have three years to file one final piece of paper for our divorce, but I can hold off to see how things go. The good news is that our divorce decree and division of property is done - all thats left is the final judgement so if I do decide that its not gonna work and finish filing, no worries on losing any of my assets.