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At least it will all be over soon

Redsonya's picture

I know I need to get to the point where everyone associated with stbx is blocked and it doesn't bother me anymore anyway, but not there yet so thanks for giving me a place to vent. Its just so unfair, lol! If you had any idea the extent that I went to for these kids and DH, you would be blown away. So when I continue to hear completely untrue crap, it makes me so angry!

The latest is that an acquintence of DH's (she is actually very nice) emailed me last night saying that she was really that things didn't work out, that I was the best thing he ever had in his life, etc. She did mention that the skids have plastered crap all over their Facebook pages (she is friends with them) saying that I am not allowing DH to see BM's horrible nephew or SD18. WTF? The man is an adult. I told him that BM's horrible nephew would not be coming to MY house, but at this point, he has had his own house for about 6 weeks and the horrible nephew has not gone there for visitation with SS13 once - even though DH lives in their town again now.

As far as SD18, she has ignored DH for more than a year, unless she wants money or a favor. She is now 600 miles away at college and didn't even tell DH that she was going to be down for Xmas and then said she would meet up with him for lunch, but only if her BF could come,and then couldn't find a way to get over to our town to see DH even two weeks. Didn't call him on Xmas, no Xmas card or gift. She did accept Xmas gifts from us of course though when DH finally showed up at BM's house for 15 minutes. Of course SD18 was too busy with friends to even come outside and talk to him.

How the f does that have anything to do with me? And by all means, go to DH's new house, I have no say what goes on over there. You brats are just not coming to MY house EVER again, nor will I EVER lay eyes on you again. I think thats what this is really all about. They have been doing stuff like this since I met DH to "punish" me and control the situation. When I finally couldn't care less and tell them that I refuse to have them around, they can't believe it. How dare they get rejected by an adult. Adults (other than BM) are just there to kiss their asses and take orders.