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T-3 days and counting to one PITA BM and a Guilty Daddy Show~ oh for joy

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Biggrin ...

Yes, it is that time once again. Time to just sit back, keep my stepmom trap shut, and let my home be invaded. BM and her nasty offspring will be pulling up this weekend after having the luxury of taking a 2 week vacation with sugarstep. Of course, BM will want to come over here, instead of cowardly DH going to sugarstep palace to retrieve SS8 aka; prince nasty who will complain all day here and do nothing but talk about "mommy this, that", and run back and forth, in front of BS1 :jawdrop: and shout, "Is that MY MOOOOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEEEE" BLEH while my puppy dog DH once again, will not say shit about the entire situation and wait on prince nasty, hand and foot while I TRY to make sure prince nasty is NOT leaving things to kill/ choke on the damn floor that could harm BS1. Starting this weekend, I'm going to be the bitch and say to BM, AND DH , "Please do NOT send a suitcase (wtf) full of things that would hurt BS1?!". Does this stupid bitch not know that there is a damn baby in this house running all over? Not to mention that my DH would feel like the bad guy,(oh, boo-hoo) saying something to both of them. Dammit, I'm so dam sick of having to literally look after my BS1 and myself all the time when this dumb bitch decides to roll up,with a freaking suitcase,!!! after sending MY husband emails, asking him, NOT ME, if this or that is "okay." Umm, what about me and BS1? I'm so, so sick of this crap. DH will not "see the light" and I DO NOT want this crazy crap around our BS1. It has got to stop. (long vent, sorry). Biggrin

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Oh, I forgot to mention, at BS1 1 birthday, BM let the DOG come with SS8, for 5 FREAKING DAYS, and the house was full of fleas....

TASHA1983's picture

Whoa...your DH allowed BM to let their dog stay at your place for 5 days??? Did I read that right??? NO FUCKING WAY!!!!

smdh's picture

oh fuck no. No way someone (ANYONE) is bringing their pet into my home. I don't have a pet because I don't want the responsibility of it and I sure as hell would not allow SD to bring one from her mother's pig sty.

secondplace's picture

Is this the same Butterflykissesandlicks that left her husband about a year and a half ago? I just reread your blog of March 2011 where you were leaving your husband and he had an 8 year old daughter.

You now have a one year old son and a 7 year old stepson.

What the heck have you been up to over the last year and a half?

Oh, and welcome back to Stephell, I mean Steptalk!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I was pregnant and "trying" to be civil with everyone... I now have BS1 and things are getting worse again. So much for trying to be the nice guy in all, lesson learned. Guys, do NOT even try it, trust me on this one, you will get burned in the long run.

Yes, SS8 brought the stepdog, along with dangerous toys, and a flea bitten mutt, for the dumping, I mean visit for BS1's 1st birthday. I was the one who wound up literally babysitting, for days, BS1, SS8 AND stepmutt. All I kept hearing was, "Isn't it sooooooo great that the two boys are together?" I tried that. SS8 did NOT even speak to BS1 and acted like a brat, the whole time. He will not go out and play, ride his bike, daddy asked him to help in the yard, he wals off... you get the picture here.

I really am so tired of being told to defy natural feelings. What do you do when you are very sweet and nice, saying "I love you", and that kid literally runs off without even a mere, "goodbye." NOBODY says anything about anything.

Mindygirl1's picture

I have a question...why would the BM need to speak with you about the child visiting his father? Did she have the child with you? No, she had the child with your HUSBAND. Are you trying to be the guardian of the gate for the relationship between son and father? Or perhaps you think your husband should get your approval in order to see his son? Now that is a control issue. It is obvious you don't like your SS. He is 8 years old for cryin out loud. there has to be something good about the kid. Focus on that for a change...

smdh's picture

I agree. I think she is peeved that the SS brings toys the baby can choke on and that he brought the dog. Both of those things are things she should be addressing with her dh. That suitcase full of choking hazards would be put in the trunk of my car until it was time for the child to leave - OR - and this is what we do - have a room where BS doesn't have access so SS can play with his toys. It isn't BM's responsibility to make sure your child doesn't choke. Her responsibility is to make sure HER child is comfortable. Kids his age like toys that are too small for toddlers and infants. She can't help that. It is up to your dh to set those rules and if he won't then your problem is with him. SD has a room for her toys. She knows she can't bring certain things in the room where DS plays.

As for the way it would have entered my home. Not happening. I'd call the SPCA if I had to.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Thank you. The problem is that this is only a 2 bedroom home. I have made BS1's room a playroom with a door gate so that I can do laundry, etc. and then there is only my bedroom and the main room w/ TV . I don't have any seperate area for toys for SS8. I mean, he has a bike here, a scooter and an acre of land but will not go outside and play at all. He wants to just roll around on the floor and play video games. Well, I can't keep BS1 from yanking out the wires, etc. Please understand how tough this all is on me.

I honestly would think that BM being a mom before she would understand this stuff. Maybe not. She isn't even remotely intelligent.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

and as for the dog, it had mega fleas and with a toddler all over the floor here... not to mention that SS8 did not feed it, one single time and the damn food bowl was left on the floor and BS1 was chowing down on it, of course. I have tried and tried to explain all of these hazards. fruitless.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

FYI BM went behind my back to court, a year ago, DH gave her full custody and they decided that I had to be some sort of supervisor for visitation because DH was placed in a certain place for a week, for depression. Do you think I want this? NO. It is a burden on me, and BS1. Thx a lot for asking little old me, if it was even okay?!

Example: was going to go to beach with a GF of mine and BS1...BM calls before bringing SS8 over and finds out thx to big mouth DH and she "wanted" to speak with me, on the phone and put me on the spot of," IF you are going , we will do this another time."

Well, thx a lot BM for putting me on the spot at the last moment and f-ing up MY plans.

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of their games. passive-aggressive, back and forth... then the next thing you know, BM will email DH only to ask him only, about visiting? WTF?

Purplemom's picture

The answer to that should have been "yup, we'll have to do that another time" do not cater to her. If H wants more time or to not have to have you there he can get his happy ass back to court and fix it.

at whits end with ss's picture

I agree with purplemom, don't cater to her and don't let her ruin your plans. I understand that you are trying really hard to make things work and to be civil and such, but you do have to draw a line. You have a life as well and for that matter you did not lay down with BM and procreate that child, your DH did. There is no reason that you should let your life revolve around what she wants to do with her son. Focus on your own beautiful baby boy as much as possible. Not your kid...not your problem.