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My SD's make me not want to go home!

lynnieb80's picture

I dread going home every day and I hate it. I will literally drive down my street and breathe a sigh of relief when I see my SD17's car gone. Thankfully, she works and so is gone a lot of the time. But when I see her car there, I just want to stop my car and turn around. If my DS's weren't at home, I think I would probably make sure that I was gone most of the time. I feel horrible that I feel this way, I just do. Its not like there is conflict in our home every day. I just resent my sd's and their manipulative behavior. SD17 has gotten into so much trouble and yet all i hear is "what a good kid she is". Really? Ok, well, we'll see if that is said about DS if he ever gets arrested for stealing. SO pays for her phone and her insurance and then gives her money on top of it. She says that her entire paycheck is going to paying her probation fees (which, surprisingly SO is making her actually pay herself). Uh huh. That's why she's wearing designer clothes that I only wish I could afford! She tells SO that she is going to spend the night with a girlfriend. Right. I see right through her. I know she is going to spend the night with her boyfriend. I haven't even bothered telling SO about this as he wouldn't believe me anyway. How on earth can a kid be caught doing the things that she has (smoking pot, shoplifting, skipping school, brought home by cops after she was found naked in her boyfriend's car at 15...and those are only some of the things she has been CAUGHT at. I can't imagine what we DON"T know) and SO and his family still think she is a "good kid" and practically worship the ground she walks on? I don't get it. SO told her that she needed to do chores on the days that she was off (because I complained) and she started crying and saying that it was too hard to work and go to school. She needed those days off to just relax. I was like... welcome to the world of adulthood!! I'd love to actually be able to relax on my two days off but I'm too busy cleaning house and doing laundry! All I'm asking is for you to empty the dishwasher! It's summer now and I think she half-assed cleaned her bathroom last week. I just want her to hurry up and graduate and move out. But I have a feeling she'll be living with us for a while.

SD12 is just lazy. I have to have a clean house. That's just me. I can't handle things being out of place, dirty dishes in the sink, shoes scattered all over the floor, trash full... can't deal with it. And SD12 is like a walking tornado. Everywhere she goes, she leaves a path of destruction. The living room is her domain it seems as she's been lying on the couch for the majority of the summer. I'm guessing its because she can't find her bed under the pile of trash in her room. When I go home for lunch, I see her lying on the couch, blankets piled everywhere, shoes thrown every which way, dishes on the coffee table and dirty outside dogs sitting on my beautiful brand new leather couches and she is either on her dad's laptop or watching tv. It takes everything in me not to start yelling. She is rude and hateful to my DS7. Everything that comes out of his mouth, she has something to say about it. He could come up to me and say "Mom, the sky is blue." and she would interject herself into the conversation so she could say something to contradict what he just said. My DS15 can't stand to be around her because she's so hateful. She lies about everything and tries everything in her power to get my kids in trouble. Last weekend, we were talking with my SO's sister about our electric bill and much its increased since the kids have been home for the summer and SD12 goes "Yeah, I have to get on to DS15 and DS7 ALL of the time about leaving lights on!" Really? This coming from the kid who leaves every light on in her room that she is NEVER in? I jumped on her right in front of her aunt and dad. But I was fair and said that it wasn't just them, it was every one of the kids that have problems with leaving lights on she shouldn't be saying it's just DS15 and DS7.

They are leaving this weekend to go spend time with their grandmother for two weeks. I can't wait! Maybe I just need a break and I'll feel much better once they get back? We havent' had a break from kids (his or mine) in forever. Maybe we just need a weekend away and the stress and anger will reside. Right now, though, I just can't wait to wave goodbye to them!

TASHA1983's picture

Enjoy those two totally deserve them!!!!But I guarantee those "feelings" wont go will feel that way until they are grown and you KNOW they wont be under your roof and you wont be pulling up and seeing their cars in the drive way.... Wink

But I could be wrong....maybe you will get over these feelings Wink

Orange County Ca's picture

Only 6 more years to go. And they're the best years in a parents life.

Have you sat your boys down in husbands presence and told them that they will not be found guilty of infractions unless there is more than just the girls word for it? Of course it works both ways.

Studies routinely show girls should be with their mothers - is that a possibility?

lynnieb80's picture

@ OCA: No, they're mother died 9 years ago. No, I haven't tried that. Though, why that hasn't entered my mind, I have no idea. I will try that, though!

In the meantime...I'm going to enjoy these next 2 weeks! The girls left yesterday and it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I'm going to enjoy every single minute of the next 2 weeks!!! Smile

pissedoff205's picture

@ Tasha1983 please dont say, her kid...her problem. Sounds sarcastic. This person is looking for encouraging words not sarcasism. IJS

TASHA1983's picture


Look a little more closely before you put words in my mouth...ty's picture

I've been doing it for a year, and everyday I'm disappointed when her pos car is in the driveway. FDH is like why do you always come home crabby? Hmmmmmmm bc your crappy kid and her 2 crying brats are here ALL the time and it's fucking overwhelming. I LOVE my SO but I seriously feel like FML