Booger, pee-pee and poop... Oh my
Being new to this website and the stepmom to my bf's 3 boys, I'm feeling a little like the lunatics are running the asylum.
My bf has twin 8 year old and an 11 year old. The BM is a system worker, you name the state, federal resource she is getting it. Me, I work for everything I have. So I resent that she gets her electric paid by the state and I'm working like crazy so I can afford to turn on my air conditioner. But, I'm in need of serious advice about the kids...
According to the BM all three boys have an immature bladder. So all 3 wear pull ups to bed. Last summer my bf's step mom tried to night train the boys and it was starting to work until the older son didnt want to do it any longer and had a fit. Now the boys are not allowed at their home any longer. I personally think it's pure laziness on the bm's side not wanting to wake the boys up to use the bathroom in the night. And she can use this to show that she has 3 disabled children so she doesn't have to work. My 11yo ss had behavioral issues in school and was put into a special education school. It was so sad seeing all of these true special needs kids the clearly needed the resources of this school and his 11 year old that is in serious need of a good kick in the pants. He lies, he manipulates and she claims he's special needs, but leaves him alone in the house watching his younger brothers and allows him to watch South Park. All 3 have the biggest potty mouths I've ever heard on children. We took one of the twins to an amusement park and he said, in a crowed park "the lines I are too effin long in this place" we promptly left, but my bf promised him candy and bought it for him before leaving the park. I was fuming.
I'm also having hygiene issues with them. Aside of the fact that all 3 boys wear pull ups to bed, I'm having poopie issues too.. I'm not sure which one is doing it, but they will use the toilet and instead of using toilet paper I'm finding poop streaks on my sink and towels and a turd in the toilet. I hate using my main bathroom when they are over and use the one in my master bedroom.
They constantly have their fingers up their nose, I'm finding boogers on my walls (it's taking the paint off my walls) on my furniture.
They are the worst eaters ever. All they want to eat is junk food. They are hungry for junk, but put real food in front of them it will take them an hour of begging and negotiating to get them to eat. I just bought the home my bf and I are living in, he gives me $$ toward the mortage, but with his child support and payments to the BM there isn't much left for him to live on. I buy the groceries, so the rule we came up with is if they don't finish their dinner they don't get dessert and I'll wrap it up and they have to eat it for breakfast, they are telling me that this is child abuse and I am treating them like pigs. They use the term "child abuse" liberally. I've tried explaining to them that it's not nice to say that especially in public where people can hear because they could be taken away from their mom and dad.
Another issue is the visitation schedule. We are supposed to get them every other weekend, but on the bm's whims that can change. She's pretty ok when we have plans and need to change our dates, but it seems she changes the weekends more then us and I'm never really sure when we are going to have the kids so it makes it hard for me to make plans in my own home. I've discussed this with my bf and told him it bothers me. Hopefully this is something we can work out.
Next month he's off for a week and all three boys are going to be staying with us. Since they can't go to visit his father and step mom because of the BM. I don't have the week off and I'm really not comfortable leaving them alone in my home without me being there. I'm afraid they are going to break something or ruin my new furniture. I can't tell my bf not to bring his kids that week so I feel resentful and upset with the whole situation. We had one child for two days each this week and I jut about lost my mind between the tantrum, the whining the not wanting to eat. How am I supposed to deal with 3 for an entire week without losing my mind????
I would say that you are in
:jawdrop: :sick: :jawdrop: :sick: :jawdrop: :sick:
I would say that you are in step-hell!!! :O
Can you video record some of their behavior and play i back to your BF? Sometimes all it takes is seeing it from a different perspective.
Also, maybe bring up episodes of SuperNanny that have children who behave similarly to the way his kids behave -- and show those videos to them (especially if you can record his kids behaving in the same way).
Other than that, dude, you're f*cked unless you break up with the BF and kick him and his disgusting pigs out of your house. Sorry.
LRP75, thanks so much for the
LRP75, thanks so much for the laugh. He knows and admits that there are problems so at least that's one good thing.. He's not in denial about what his children are or how they behave so in that respect I'm very lucky. But so screwed at the same time! I could use Super Nanny for "hell week" next month!!
Heck yeah you need
Heck yeah you need SuperNanny!! She would whip those boys into shape!
I honestly have no other advise for you. You are in the pits of it, oh yes you are!!!
I would lose my mind -- and God help the person who did it -- if I found crap and boogers wiped on the walls.
If the kids wanted to sleep in pull-ups, that's on them AND their parents. But oh to the hell no would I put up with crap and boogers being wiped on my property.
I was thinking about what I would do: I would probably make them clean it up and then I would put them out in the yard, tell them that animals belong outside, and that they are not welcome back in my home until they could act like humans.
If it cost my BF custody of his kids, so be it. Even better.
Sorry, clearly I am bitter tonight.![Wink](
This post is funny. My SO
This post is funny. My SO doesn't have twins, but he has 2 boys the same ages as you. 11 and 9. I hate them and I had a nice little chat with SO when he got home from work tonight that I'm not happy and I'd like to live alone. I didn't blame him for anything. Just told him this situation we have going on here isn't working for me. I'm not happy.
We'll see what comes of this. Usually he tells me what I want to hear, I believe him and we continue for a bit in misery until I get upset again and the cycle continues.
Good luck!!!
I forgot to mention that it's
I forgot to mention that it's funny because I have the exact same issues. Now I look like a dork because I forgot the main part in why it's funny.... and even then it's more ironic than funny that it's the same issues with kids the same ages.
I'm hoping that as they spend
I'm hoping that as they spend more time with the new rules of my house that their behavior will improve. I just moved into my home in April so I guess I need to be a little more lenient in that respect.. Considering that they are practically being raised by wolves aka BM and her bf. And that my bf can't say "no" to them... Any advice is welcome!!
I lived with and am surviving
I lived with and am surviving my ssons. Last year when ss18 lived with us, he and ss15 seemed to have a compatition to see which of them could do the worst acts of grossness and not be the one who did it, "no it wasn't me.....". I thought I was going to lose my mind as two older teen boys peed on my porch, deck and in my planters, smeared poop on walls and floors, left poop in toilets, ate their way through every penny of food and then left all their scraps hidden in places like the wood stove, under sinks in bathrooms, in boxes in the garage, under beds, etc. making my place reak like rotten food. In the meanwhile the dogs were running amuck and peeing everywhere as well, disrespect and treating me horrible. I finally kicked ss18 out of the house, got rid of the problem dog, and threatened to send ss15 back to bm permanently. Things settled down and DH and I got married last month. Nearly once a month before getting married I was ready to walk out the door but dh would always tell me things I wanted to hear (like baseballgirly mentioned) and I would settle down and scrub endlessly. I realized one day that I was totally making things so cushy for everyone, scrubbing, cleaning, cooking, working and paying bills, oh they had it so good in my wonderful hotel. When that realization hit me, their wonderful vacation ended!
I'm reading a lot about
I'm reading a lot about disengaging here, but I think they just need a good kick in the pants and some structure. Instead of BM working the system by stifling their growth so she can work the system. I told my bf that if push came to shove I would take the three in, yeah it would be really hard, worse then now for the first few months but I think that with structure and a stern hand they could be really ok. First thing would be to get them all out of pull ups at night and the 11 year old would not be allowed to watch South Park anymore. Seriously, your 11 year old wears diapers to bed and you allow him to watch South Park?? Thats "Mother of the Year" material right there.
I had a very long talk with my bf last night and told him I feel stuck. I don't want to leave him. He is an amazing person and aside from his kids he makes me very happy. The fact that he sees and agrees that there is a problem with the kids is very helpful. I've spoken to BM some as well, but she puts it to that they are mentally immature.