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Skids and bedrooms

newmommy05's picture

After reading someone's blog on bedrooms, I'm just wondering if your skids have their own room at your house? In my house because SS does not visit us often, We usually have visitation at MILs, so SS does not have his own room here. He uses the guest room, and he doesn't seem to mind. DH is the one that always says we should get a house big enough for SS to have his own room when he's here. Since there is no CO the only time he's actually at our house is 2-3 weeks in the summer.

Tranquility's picture

Hmmm- yes, all of our kids have their own rooms (well, they share), but they still like bunking on the couches (which is getting old). If and when you do get a bigger house, you might get more custody time.

Orange County Ca's picture

If you have money to burn go ahead of get a bigger house.

My kids slept on couches and floors.

buterfly_2011's picture

We have a 3 bedroom apartment. Altogether we have six kids. My daughter moved out. His daughter hates me and won't come visit. So my son has a room it was MY house to begin with and SS11 and SS15 share a room with bunkbeds. When SS3 comes he sleeps with skids. That's how we do it.....

WhattaMess's picture

Nope.. they all share a room.

If I have to share a room with that bafoon, they get to share a room also! (LOL)

twopines's picture

Skids slept in the guestroom. This isn't their home.

My stepbrothers slept on a foldout couch in the den, and when my mother bought a larger home, they shared a guest room.

baseballgirly's picture

We have a 2 bedroom house and he has 2 kids that come every second weekend, every single Christmas through New Years and 2 weeks in the summer. They share the second bedroom. I don't want them peeing on my couch if they were to just bunk here. Although I do hate that they take up the second bedroom just to leave it waiting for their return. If it were up to me, they would be in the basement. Our basement isn't finished, but they are messy kids, so it will all match.

byebyebirdie's picture

My sd who is 12 has her own room at my house but shares a room with her 1/2 brother at her mothers house.... I find this a bit disturbing that this pre teen shares a room with a 7 yr old boy if we had her sharing a room with my son at our house I am sure BM would have a fit