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What’s with the “food issues”??

cpreston's picture

Every once in a while, we have “food issues” in my house. They almost always revolve around my 27year old step son doing something which I would consider to be completely disrespectful of everyone else.

Examples: When my biokid graduated from h/s and we had a party, we got a cake with her graduation picture on it. everyone was careful to cut around the picture, we had the thought that we would freeze that portion and break it out for her college graduation or something.

I carefully put the piece aside when we cleaned up that night and the next morning, I found it with a big piece cut out and the eyes poked in! (WTF? Creepy, right?)

For the longest time, whenever I would make lunches for me, my younger biokid or my husband in the fridge, I’d find them half eaten the next morning… I went so far as to write on the containers “biokid’s lunch” and it seemed to get worse, till I threw a REAL snap! Why? With a whole house full of food, would you target other peoples’ lunches?

When I bake treats, like pie or cake, invariably, within a day or two, it’s destroyed in some way…icing of the cake scraped off, the cake pushed down on one side (it was an accident, my ass) banana bread left un-wrapped on the counter all day

He’s 27 years old and it’s STILL going on! I made a strawberry rhubarb pie. There were about two pieces left… I came home last night to find that the crust was completely torn off, and it looked like someone just went at it with a fork, and left a mound of broken up crust and filling in the pie plate… why?

Does anyone else have similar food issues with your skids?

cpreston's picture

Where do I begin? He dropped out of 4 year college after less than one semester because he couldn’t handle being away from home, he went into a culinary arts program, got his associates degree became a ‘trained chef’ all the while still living home.

The rule in our home was “as long as you are in school you can live here w/ no rent” well, he graduated and the excuses started…he doesn’t make much money, we’ll give him some time, then he got laid off, then had to catch up on his bills, then got a new car, then vacation and Christmas and father’s day and you name it came before demanding rent from him, all the while, still living at home

THEN the 18y/o girlfriend (who I forbade from being in our home overnight, but would sneak in the house after we went to bed) got pregnant and SHE moved in with us, because her mother dumped her on our doorstep and basically said “not my problem”
Now SHE’S going to college so we “can’t” ask for rent from them… we have the Son, his girlfriend and the baby living with us
(it’s not a good situation, I struggle with this every day because it goes against every rule that we ever laid out, but there’s a baby now and what am I gonna do?)

cpreston's picture

They have about one more year before she finishes school… then they have three months, they were put on notice, money saved or not, they have three months after she graduates to get out of the house

I really am pulling for them to succeed. I feel like if she has a degree, and can get a decent job, they’ll have a better chance at making it

If she drops out, or flunks out of school, 90 days

The Mister knows I am not tolerating one day more than these parameters, it’s them or me (“them or me” is the scariest thing ever, by the way)