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What do I do about impending summer break?

Goincrazy40's picture

I work at home. And I mean I REALLY work when I am there. In our current home, there is no room for an office with a door, so my desk etc. is in the upstairs living room in our split entry ranch. So, right in the middle of everything.

I live with FDH and his two kids seem to be here ALL THE TIME. Usually FDH travels out of town for work M-TH. But he is between projects right now. As soon as BM and Fskids found that out, there were on this doorstep every single opportunity. I say there is NO REASON for them to be here outside of the normal custody schedule, that BM needs to take care of kids on her custodial time as normal. But, FDH, being your typical Disney-guilty parent, wants them here any chance he can get. So even if it is for five minutes, here they are.

Now, when kids come here off of school bus etc. there is no respect for the fact that I am working. They talk in the same room. Go into kitchen, get snack and turn on the tv in there. blab blab blab. It totally pisses me off. If FDH is home working at the dining room table, you can't breathe too loud or he flips out. But somehow I do not qualify for the same level of respect.

There are only a couple of days of school left and no plans have been made for what Fskids are doing for the summer while BM works. FSS13 and FSD10 are both totally immature and helpless and will likely kill each other if left in BMs home during the day while she is at work. While FDH was traveling and out of town, there was never any thought of them staying here with me during the day, because they know (FDH and BM) that I will refuse to take on that responsibility. I have done them favors in the child care arena before and gotten taken advantage of. So that gravy train has left the station.

However; FDH is currently home and school is ending. I know damn well that those kids are going to end up here every day. I will not be consulted about this. He will be excited about it and my life will be ruined for the foreseeable future. FSS will be on video games all day, screaming his head off, only coming out to eat like a pig and clogging up the toilet. FSD will be a general pain in butt. Asking what I am doing 27,000 times a day. FDH will occupy himself in the yard all the time. If I complain about this set-up, of course I am the bitch who hates his kids.

As always, BM gets away with free childcare, collects her $1300/month CS while we watch and feed her kids all summer. SHe will pick them up late all the time because she knows she can and the FDH will never say a word and won't really care. In the meantime, I will be at my desk tearing my hair out.

Disengagement only works so much when there is nothing you can do about the complete and total annoyance happening in the same room while you are trying to earn a living. What can I do?

TASHA1983's picture

Is there anywhere that you could go to work like a library or a family/friends place or something like that? I dont know how much space etc you need to do your work but I am hoping for the sake of your sanity that there is somewhere you can go to get a little POM! What about your bedroom, can you lock yourself in there and work? Damn, I feel so sorry for you, I truly do! I hate hearing stories like this, it burns my ass so bad...skids, bms, and idiot dhs SUCK!!!!

Goincrazy40's picture

Thank you for your sympathy Tasha!

Maybe I can lock all three of them up in the garage with some duct tape over their mouths from 8-5? }:) JK of course

Goincrazy40's picture

Great idea Snarky - however - YMCA signups have long passed. FSS13 is too old. And FSD10 didn't want to go. And you know we listen to and do what the children want in this household correct? FDH let it happen too because he has to pay for 75% of childcare. He is out so much money every month that we know she does not spend on the kids ... (she is banking it for a house down payment.)

I feel like acting like one of the skids - screaming and stomping and whining until I get my way. Which is a quiet office to do my work in every day.

Goincrazy40's picture

I don't think I should have to work in the bedroom, or leave to go to a coffeehouse! I earn the money to pay for living in this house, I shouldn't be driven out of it!

Sorry. Maybe I wouldn't be so irritated if the Skids and FDH weren't so annoying. Skids do not have to do a damn thing, so more time of them being here just means more work for me. More cleaning up. More grocery shopping. More annoyances overall.

I know I can leave it all for FDH to do. But I don't want the inconvenience of it period. And it bothers me that BM gets to collect her checks and NOT have to feed or take care of her own kids as usual.

Am I being a super brat?'s picture

I also work from home and having my two kids is plenty for me. My office is in the basement and I can hear them stomping around like elephants up there, screaming at each other sometimes. It's a pain. NO WAY would I put up with skids in my house doing that. If Daddy doesn't want to pay for childcare, then Daddy needs to make them show respect. This is pretty typical of dads expecting the sm to put up with everything and then look at her stupidly when she has a problem with it. Maybe you should tie them up and duct tape their mouths shut one day so when he walks in he gets the picture. LOL

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

remember to add fruit flavored mixers or they're ONLY going to taste like vodka!

imjustthemaid's picture

I would make a rule that during the hours that you are home working they have to either stay outside or stay in their rooms!!

Ugh we have two living rooms in our house and when the kids watch tv in the upstairs one I kick them out and make them go downstairs where I can't see them or hear them as loud. They don't like it but too damn bad!!

Thats not fair to you to have them home all day being annoying.

SD15 lives with us and I so dread the summer. She follows me around all day long asking questions, asking everyday for me to take her out to eat or to buy her something. She is like a 5 yr old in a 15 yr olds body!!

igiveup2's picture

maybe you need to express that you have to have some privacy in order to work, after all the money benefits him too. Ask him to make a schedule of visits so you know when you will be able to focus on your work. Should they come unannounced do not hesitate to let them know the bounderies. Afterall you are a part of this family. You deserve a say so.

igiveup2's picture

My skids have half brothers and sisters. They tended to cling to my husband after their mom passed. Now mind you they still had a dad, a very nice man. But he lived in another state. Now my husband retired before i did. My SD would have her sisters over every day while I was at work. My hubby was here also. It was like a hang out spot. I worked in a metal shop in a factory that built autos. By the end of the day my legs could hardly carry me to my car. I would walk into the house and here they all are sitting, drinking coffee, the small ones playing on the recliner rocker like a play toy, dishes in the get the picture. One of them made a halfway attemp to try and straighten up. My SD sat on her rump, very, very lazy. Now because i was trying to fit in this family somehow i thought about how to handel it. Some night they would be here until 8 or 9 and i had to get up at 3 in the morning. Afeter they would leave SD and dad would head to the living room. TV time. I tried talking to him but it did no good so I had to decide how to handel it. One day i came home from work tired as always. The little ones had ice pops and there were sticky stuff every where. one had spilled soda. I sat had coffee, chit chatted for a little while and got up and said" Dear I need to take a shower and i'm extremely tired so i think I'll leave dinner to you. I turned to the girls and said guys i'm not being anti social but i sweated alot so exscuse me for a bit. I then told SD " After everyone leaves ireally need you clean up the kitchen good and mop. There is sticky stuff everywhere." After I came out of he shower I noticed they had gone. I also noticed SD was gone. I said where is she? he said" she is spending the night with her sister" He had fixed dinner i said ty. I began to clean up the mess he said " Leave it I'll get it tomorrow. I said I can't leave soda on the oak chairs she was supposed to do this." i did the next day however tell her do not leave me a mess again. This is not a hotel or social club and I am not your maid. She went upstairs and started slamming doors. He just sat there. I was in shock. finally I said do you want me to take care of it? He went up.After all the money and time we put into this house i was not going to let it go to u know what.

Goincrazy40's picture

Here is the thing with FDH - even though he is not on a project right now, he still gets paid his base salary. He just does not get his bonuses. Nice to be him, huh?

Orange County Ca's picture

Get a set of ear plugs to shove in your ears AND a set of noise blocking ear covers. Between the two you should have complete silence.

Or - which I recommend - leave.

LRP75's picture

Move one of their bedrooms into the middle of that living room, then you take their room as an office. When they complain about the lack of privacy - laugh at them.

imthewife's picture

My question was who's house is it? But I see that you earn the money for it so........

That means that FDH and skids can suck it.

You need to sit them down and let them know that this is YOUR house, too and your business provides for it.

Draw up a contract. If they cannot stick by it...then maybe you need to consider some other housing situation.

Your job should not take a back seat to bad child behavior.

lilsadone's picture

I also work from home (internet marketing) and I got myself a desk for the bedroom and when the bedroom door is closed that means don't knock or try to ask me anything because I am busy. Only if the door is open am I allowed to be bothered.

But then again, this house is small so it was for my own privacy and sanity to be in the bedroom even though i would have prefered a dedicated official work space

Goincrazy40's picture

So, I finally got FDH to address this last night. He claims that he is going to make SS do yard work daily. And SD needs to stay in her room (not a punishment, she has it ALL in there!)

He said they will have reprieve days when I work outside the home.

I don't see this working but time will tell because they ARE coming as of Monday.

Invisible Woman's picture

I'm having a similar problem with SS(almost 12). He's with us full time and I have to figure out what to do with his for the summer. I work part time and my sister helps taking care of my kids (3.5 and 10mos) but after all the problems with SS, we have to make alternative arrangements for him.

He had been in a Boys & Girls Club afterschool program and they have a summer camp program we were planning on putting him in. But he was asked to leave the afterschool program because they don't have the staff to deal with his emotional problems. So we're scrambling to find some place else.

Goincrazy40's picture

Well, this has turned into the biggest disaster/fight of our relationship. Sad

FDH DID as I suspected he would, agree to the kids coming over everyday while BM works. He did not discuss it with me, the one who works in the house all day everyday. Now, he is going to be home. The other thing he did not tell me is that his project (that he would normally be out of town for during the week) is on hold until the end of August. So FDH and FSkids get to have a happy summer vacation together while I TRY to work.

I am beyond upset. This was the final straw of FDH not communicating to me. It felt like a slap in the face.

He claimed that he would keep the kids quiet. It has only been two days and they have already thundered through the house, making random noises and blaring the Disney channel. He does not understand why this bothers me. He just lives in his LA-LA Land where he is happy that his "family" is all under the same roof.

So I have been leaving the house, working wherever I can find a Wi-Fi Signal. He yelled at me about this yesterday, saying that I was being ridiculous.

I am so upset. I just feel so disrespected. I cannot look at him, do not want to talk to him. I do not want to be in that house. EVER. I just don't know what to do. I am not doing the greatest work right now either because I cannot concentrate. Sad

CSA's picture

umm... question..

You chose the situation, and choese to live with it daily, so why bitch about it?

Tell him that they cannot be in house 8-4 or whatever time you work, and that if not you will leave..

Auberry2's picture

Does he want to take his darlings with him when he goes to work on his project? Probably not. I work from home too, not every day but that may soon change. My son is used to this and stays out of the way, but SS5 feels this means I should be worshipping at the soul draining alter of Child Worship. I will admit, I turn into the wicked stepmom/wicked biomom when I am working from home. If a kid can't be quiet, then they can go sit in the middle of their stripped bed with nothing but the clothes on their backs and stare at the wall. Or I can lock them outside with water and grapes and tell them to make the best of it. I raise my voice, I get ugly, and if FDH doesn't like it, well, then he can take the kids somewhere with him and entertain them while I do my job.

Goincrazy40's picture

LOL - maybe I should pose that question to him

"Gee honey. I see that you don't understand why I don't want the skids in the house while I work, even though you claim you will keep them from bothering me. Here is an idea. When you start to travel again, I will drop the kids off to the office where you are working 5 days a week. I will make them promise to be quiet and not bother you. That will be fine, right?"

You know, the sad thing is, he probably would LOVE that! In spite of the fact that he goes to work in professional office environments. I guess he thinks since I work from home a lot of the time, what I do must not be as important as what he does.
