Stepdaughter trying to ban me from family event
Hello everyone. Just found this site yesterday, which is convenient since I have been struggling with a particular issue with my 22-year-old stepdaughter for months. She graduates college next week, and she is demanding of her Dad that he not bring me with him to the ceremony. Her parents have been divorced for 6 years, and her Dad and I have been extremely happily married for almost a year. The graduation site is about a 3-hour drive from our home. SD gets hysterical with her Dad and won't compromise, demanding nothing less than he come alone. Every explanation she has given has been baloney and, when exposed as such, she just shifts to another tactic. SD claims he loves me more than her and I've ruined her life, and he can bring me to family events later, just not this one. I don't believe or trust her at all, based on past performance. It is awful to watch my sweet husband being tortured by his BD. Every time he has tried to talk to her about her feelings, she gets hysterical and cries and just demands he not bring me. He has suggested we meet before the ceremony, to alleviate her initial suggestion that she didn't want her Mom to be uncomfortable at dinner after the ceremony - no response, just continued demand he not bring me. (BTW her Mom said she doesn't care if I'm there.) We are talking about the 5 minute congratulations in the hallways after the ceremony. I came up with the idea that my BS come with us - he is a tolerant sweetie and the princess likes him, as does everyone. Again, she doesn't respond to the suggestion, just repeats her demand hysterically. She has the maturity of a 3-year-old, and I am so tired of it. So glad she was out of the nest before we married, because I've never had a drama queen in the family. SD's sister described her as a drama queen and the first time she did this hysteria thing at a family gathering (we were shocked and stumped), after her Dad took her upstairs so they could talk (for over an hour), I asked my other SD if this had happened before. Her response was "all the time." I couldn't help noticing that the princess got her Dad's attention all to herself in a big way that night. So I know I have an immature princess SD, but I don't play games and have been able to stay clear. Of course my initial response to her demand months ago (she was planning ahead!) was not to go, because who wants to go where they are not wanted? But my husband would like to have me with him, of course, to share in this hugely important event with him. BTW, he completely paid for her college education, not to mention her new car. I am careful not to give my husband parenting advice, but he asked my advice this time. The parent in me knows that giving in to this demand is a terrible parenting move. The human in me can't believe a girl could be this cruel to her Dad. Having been a SD with a truly wicked SM who abused my Dad in his old age, physically attacked me, and locked my husband out of her house during a visit, I have been in the position of not wanting my Dad to bring his wife to family events. But I never asked him to do that, and I never would have asked that. So I can't see this thing at all, and have used up all my patience with this girl. I have told my husband all along that this is his decision and I will do whatever he wants. Of course he feels in the middle, which is such a wrong thing. No matter what he chooses to do, there are now bad feelings all around - the damage is done. By her. She has threatened everything to him, and most recently sent me an email pleading her case, citing how hard the divorce was and she is still highly upset and hasn't been able to talk to anybody about it, etc., and she hopes we will respect her feelings. She knew I would not respond to hysteria, I think. I carefully responded with concern that her problems have gone on this long, pointed out that my not attending would not help the situation at all and in fact only delays healing, tried to direct her attention to her suffering Father, and delicately suggested counseling would enable her to deal with her issues around the divorce. She never responded to that email - her usual pattern, just try another tactic. My husband feels increasingly desperate and is afraid she will cut him out of her life, which she has already done to some extent for years. I think the biggest issue here is really that she is not/never honest with him about her feelings. It's always manipulation and bargaining to get something or get her way about something. How sad. My husband has been stunned at the honest communication between my BS's and myself, so this underscores that he doesn't experience this. My husband is talking to a counselor today about this, and I hope he gets some insight and resolution. While I have many strong feelings - anger at the way she is treating my husband, hurt and angry that she blames me, and impatience and disgust at her behavior, I have been staying in reasonable parental mode as best I can, because it's more constructive and I developed the habit years ago of trying to model the best behavior in a pinch. I think we have tried everything imaginable, but I would welcome any advice that other parents/stepparents might have to offer. And this venting may prove therapeutic, since you folks may understand! Thanks. Lose-lose!
She behaves this way because
She behaves this way because he allows it. The proper thing to do, as her father and your husband, is to tell her, "Sorry, but I will not attend without my wife." No further discussion is needed.
Thanks, I like that. I
Thanks, I like that. I wonder if he can do it?
He can if he WANTS to. Maybe
He can if he WANTS to. Maybe have a talk with him beforehand and explain to him that she WILL try to punish him. She WILL lash out and freak out and act like a little brat but assure him that this is all JUST NOISE. It is "Emotional Blackmail" and it is SICK.
You can even predict what she will do once she sees he is not backing down. The less either of your "buy in" and get mad/sad/guilty, the more she will escalate and begin losing control. It will bug her worse that dad is staying calm and neutral and not "consoling" or "negotiating" with her. Hell, you can even react like you are boggled at her reaction, look at her like she is an alien, act like she is some crazy person that is losing their $hit in front of you and show concern "Are you alright honey? Maybe you need to lay down or something..". }:)
Once he knows to expect this, and then SEES it in action, with you supporting him, maybe he will be able to really see how bad she is actually behaving. After all, no one has ever died form being a raving bit@h, she will get over it, just don't even acknowledge that she has a basis for BEING mad.
Hopefully the counselor will
Hopefully the counselor will help. SD27 has tried repeatedly to make her dad choose between her & I. He won't do it...she'll send text messages that say "Enjoy your new life without your daughter and grandkids", etc. She's escalated lately..the newest plot was to get her sisters involved because I blocked her number from her dad's cell phone. Our counselor said that there's a good chance that DH is going to have to make a choice between the two of us...she's toxic to our marriage, and has too much power and control over her dad, and he cannot for the life of him make boundaries that he won't let her cross. Good luck - just be know how well manipulators turn things around. Keep us posted.
This. ^^ My SD told DH I
My SD told DH I wasn't "allowed" to attend her graduation. DH said ok, then, I won't be coming.
It meant a lot to me that he was willing to stand up for me.
I thanked him, told him he'd regret not being there some day, and to go without me.
So, he finally agreed and attended alone.
Really, I wasn't dying to be there, kwim?
I think all graduations
I think all graduations are... I've skipped mine so far!
Yes, my husband offered to
Yes, my husband offered to not go, but we both know he would regret that for the rest of his life. Her achievements are very important to him, and remember he did pay for her education!
So tell him to go without you
So tell him to go without you and go enjoy a day at the spa or something!
I HAVE bowed out of it and am
I HAVE bowed out of it and am letting DH make his own decision! He wants me to go with him!
Well I suppose that's one way
Well I suppose that's one way of looking at it - her event. And my initial reaction was just not to go. Thinking only of me, of course I would rather not go! But as a parent, stepping back and looking at the big picture, she is trying to ban her Dad's new wife from a family event. I would never allow one of my kids to do that. Also remember that my husband then would have to drive 3 hours to the college, sit alone in the huge arena, go hug his daughter after the ceremony for 5 minutes, then turn around and drive home 3 hours, all on his own, while his daughter goes out to dinner with his ex-wife and her siblings. He actually wants me to go with him and share this moment that means so much to him. If I told him I was not going, he would be very upset. If this was a house party or even a family meal, it might be slightly different, although I still think it would be wrong. Would you really want to teach your kid that it's okay to exclude their stepparent from a family event? It's not just rude, it's also mean. I really don't think that my husband allowing her to control his life with tantrums is "standing tall!" When would it stop?
OUR family. Obviously she
OUR family. Obviously she does not agree with our definition of our family. That is the core of the problem.
Thanks for your input, but I
Thanks for your input, but I respectfully disagree with you. I think our kids learn from us all of their lives, as we all learn from each other throughout our lives. Parents are a huge influence on their kids whatever their age, and we (parents) get to choose whether we will model good or not-so-good behavior every time we make a move. I believe this is our most powerful tool - what we do. What we say, not so much. If we behave childishly, we must expect our kids to do the same, even if they are adults. Have you ever reacted to something and then realized that you said or did just what your Mom or Dad said or did? The power of that parental pull is amazing and it never goes away. I know this because I have fought it for so long, working to use my head and good instincts over my emotions and bad instincts, trying to recognize what the emotion is all about. Tough lifelong job for all of us.
My H is struggling to be a good parent and a good husband, and I'm glad we share our concerns and work through things together. I would not be willing to give that up. I agree that it's not MY problem; I think it's OUR problem (the whole family). I also agree that I "should not have to deal with the consequences," but SHOULD is irrelevant way too often in life, isn't it?!
This is good.
This is good.
Wait, I thought the big
Wait, I thought the big concern was the dinner afterward- that you'd be at the celebratory dinner with her mother and that would be uncomfortable. If he's not even attending the after graduation celebration, then why in hell does she care if you're there or not? Most graduations are so huge you don't see your family in the audience and if it's just a hug and congrats sweetie moment afterward, why couldn't you go because he wants you to and then bow out so she doesn't have to "be in your horrible presence". What a brat. I'm sorry you're going through this. I've thought a lot about what I'm going to do when skids graduate. I've never met BM and I'd rather not. I'll likely not attend graduations if she attends. Fortunately for us, she's a fat, lazy, cheap slob and likely will tell the kids she can't afford to fly up. Here's hoping!
Good luck to you. This is a crappy situation and it sounds like you're holding it together better than I would.
Exactly, thank you very much!
Exactly, thank you very much! Why would she care? Now it looks like she wanted her Dad to come to the dinner afterward and perhaps that's why she wanted him to come without me, so she could get him to come to the dinner. He said he wasn't going to the dinner from the getgo, but she would be able to persuade him in person. But she wouldn't want me at the dinner. That's what it looks like now.
Glad I found this thread
Glad I found this thread because I am in the same boat and posted my problem on a different thread. Step son has said assertively he only wants his mom and dad to attend his grad ceremony. It's the most hurtful thing anyone has said to me in a long while and we are strategizing how his dad will discuss this further with him. I've pretty much decided I would not go under the circumstances as it doesn't seem worth fighting for. He's NOT a drama queen like your step daughter though. In fact it's very out of character for him to say such a thing. It must be important to him or to his mom but of course I'm curious and a bit fearful to know more about his reasons for this. Not sure I will like what I hear and he's not one to explain his motivations so I may never know.
She gets hysterical and
She gets hysterical and changes tactics because your dh is feeding into it by engaging in her nonsense and trying to "calm" her. She sees this as a "negotiation". He needs to say "I am bringing my wife. This discussion is over." As long as she is getting attention for her antics, they'll keep happening. You said yourself that the one time you saw it happen your dh spend AN HOUR with her. AN HOUR of daddy's undivided attention.
You have nailed it, exactly.
You have nailed it, exactly.
Hmm - he is not invited to a
Hmm - he is not invited to a dinner or anything after the graduation ceremony.
As far as overall family interaction, my other SD and my two BS's get along like a house on fire, and we always have a grand time at birthdays, holidays, etc. Princess usually makes a brief appearance if at all, and she is always invited.
When my son graduates HS I
When my son graduates HS I will be at his graduation. With my husband. If my child throws a temper tantrum and refuses to be okay with my husband being there I will take it as a personal attack and I won't be attending. I won't go without my husband. And if my son acted that way it would be several years before I allowed him back into my life. I'm not the mom to be told what I will and won't do by my children.
I don't know when that changed? It seems generally accepted for kids to tell the parents what to do these days.
It's not like that. Our
It's not like that. Our families used to live on the same street, and we have all known each other for 15 years. My older SD used to babysit for my sons. All the sibs get along like a house on fire, and they were delighted to become official siblings when we got married. I've watched my younger SD grow up, and she has had plenty of time to "consider" me, since her Dad and I dated for a long time before getting married. My husband says she always liked me, but I think she sees me as a threat to her Dad's love, because she accused him of loving me more than her. We have always recognized the importance of one-on-one time with our kids, so I have not kept them apart, anymore than he has kept me and my guys apart.
As to liking her, I loved her watching her grow up. The kids in the neighborhood were a delight, and we all had a special bond. Everyone else has adjusted to the changes over time, as we all do. My feelings toward my SD have been moving toward dislike since she has been behaving this way toward her Dad and me. She also came into our house when we were on vacation, slept with her boyfriend in our bed, and lied about it. I found her hair clip in the bed, her Dad asked her about it, and THEN she said she was at the house for a break and got tired and took a nap. Adding her accusations and mean behavior to this, I am not liking her so much anymore, and I don't trust her. I don't think many people would. I hope she matures and gets a handle on life.
My husband and my boys love each other and have an outstanding relationship - they have for years. I honestly don't know what you mean by my husband "forcing his family on me" - ?
Augusta, thank you for your
Augusta, thank you for your kind and gracious apology. Don't give it a thought. You are right that we have so much in common, and "step-hell" is a special challenge of its own. It's also difficult to convey things accurately online. No worries - thank you for sharing your insight and your life. I wish you the best of luck and, most of all, happiness!
I went through this exact
I went through this exact situation last year. SD18 was graduating from high school. DH and I have been dating since she was 5, married since she was 8. I helped support her private school education and DH and I paid ALL of her education expenses to age 15 and then half until age 18 (she went to live with BM at her choice at age 15). So after 10 years of marriage and thousands of dollars of support from me, SD sent her high school graduation announcement/invitation to ONLY DH. My name was not on it. DH called her and it was intentional, she only wanted to invite him. It was not a matter of not having enough space, it was a personal slap at me. But on consideration, SD18 said she would be OK if DH brought our two BDs (her half sisters) along. I bowed out (I wasn't invited anyway) and also did not allow DH to take our two BDs. I know he wasn't happy with that, but hey, SD18 got what she wanted and I didn't have to go deal with drama.
I'm sure the same thing will happen at college graduation, even though we are funding 1/3 and since DH and most of the money used for that is coming from the time when DH and I were together and saving for SD's college. But I'll get left out again. It's not a nice feeling, but I think it reflects more on SD than on me/you. I told Dh that if SD was my child I would be "ashamed" of her. He didn't even have the good sense to BE ashamed of her behavior, if that tells you anything.
Thanks Blue Belle, Could you
Thanks Blue Belle,
Could you tell that to my husband?
BM and DH divorced when SD was 2. Her mom IS involved in her life, but it was 50/50 custody from ages 2 to 11 and DH and I were together since SD was 5, married at 8. So she lived with us at least 50% of the time for 4 years, then went to 65% with us from ages 11 to 15. And about 95% with BM (SD and BM's choice, we went to court over that several times) from ages 15 to 18.
I have made more money than DH except for the first year of our marriage, and we have a joint account. So pretty much everything SD got (and she got a LOT) from age 9 to the present has come from me. DH has even admitted that if we split living expenses down the middle, he couldn't even afford to support himself. So it's pretty bad that SD treats me like Dirt and DH just goes along with it to keep his relationship with her.
I know how angry I feel being
I know how angry I feel being exluded from my SD's grad but I can only imagine how that would feel after all you had invested financially in the ungrateful little wretch! My husband won't stand up for me either against his former family as they have a united front in saying "it's for family only, no step-family."
"I can see both sides. I
"I can see both sides. I didn't want to be where I wasn't wanted. But she gained power with XSO each and every time we cowered to her demands."
This is what I would be concerned about it. Yes, this is her event, but allowing her to completely call the shots and manipulate sets a dangerous precedent.
I like the idea of you making the trip with him and not attending the graduation with him, but being by his side during the weekend, and being his guest for any dinners/ parties, etc.....
Mostly, this is about how one view's family. My family of origin is very open and accepting, and our family culture is that when a family member gets married, we treat the spouse as family, and we would never consider asking someone to come to an event without their spouse, unless it was an event where no one was bringing spouses, like a girls' night out.
But some family systems are more closed, and spouse's are treated as outsiders.
When I look at situations like this, I think in terms of, would this be acceptable in polite company that was not family? If someone who was not related invited one person to a graduation without their spouse, it that acceptable? The only time I thing that is appropriate would be if the graduate had a not relative mentor, and limited "tickets" for the graduation, as is often the case. I attended a graduation of a teen we had fostered for a while, without my spouse, because space was limited. But, if there was not limited space, I wouldn't have considered attending without my spouse.
If it's not acceptable behavior for someone outside family, it shouldn't be acceptable toward you.
Just answering this part of
Just answering this part of your post: "But ... she is trying to ban her Dad's new wife from a family event. I would never allow one of my kids to do that. Also remember that my husband then would have to drive 3 hours to the college, sit alone in the huge arena, go hug his daughter after the ceremony for 5 minutes, then turn around and drive home 3 hours, all on his own, while his daughter goes out to dinner with his ex-wife and her siblings. He actually wants me to go with him and share this moment that means so much to him. If I told him I was not going, he would be very upset. If this was a house party or even a family meal, it might be slightly different, although I still think it would be wrong. Would you really want to teach your kid that it's okay to exclude their stepparent from a family event? It's not just rude, it's also mean. I really don't think that my husband allowing her to control his life with tantrums is "standing tall!" When would it stop?"
My feeling is there are two aspects here. One, his style of parenting, that he allows her to be abusive. Well unfortunately she is a bit old for him to alter his parenting style now though it does happen, but takes time, and you can't really do anything other than counsel him there. Second, your concern that he is going to be abused in the process. I think that paradoxically, it will be beneficial and a learning experience for him to feel this abuse. If he really is going to go along and be bored, ignored, etc etc, then he of all people will see how negative the whole experience is for himself. This of itself will dissuade him from catering to her whims. Much better than you analysing it for him. I'd let him go and experience that crumminess for himself. That gives her enough rope to prove directly to him just how stupid and selfish her attitude is.
The things you say make
The things you say make sense. The benefit sounds constructive, if painful for him. I don't know if he will go along with it now, because he told me a while back that I HAVE to go with him. But we'll talk about it. Thanks.
He can't hold you in front of
He can't hold you in front of him like a human punchbag. It's her gig. If she disinvites you, don't come along on his arm like the bad fairy. He can then blame you if it goes wrong.
I wish! He (we) will be
I wish! He (we) will be buying her something big, you can bet. My poor guy doesn't feel comfortable talking to me about gift options because of his daughter's behavior. More sad for him.
Yes, very well said. And
Yes, very well said. And congratulations on your success in engineering! My son is finishing his junior year in engineering, and all I can say is wow. You are so right about support, and it is incredibly tough.
BTW, I was accepted at a
BTW, I was accepted at a great university and my Dad would told me I could not go to college because I was female, and my brother got to go because he was male. Can you imagine that? That was in 1974. So there is some subconscious burning of my bacon that this little lady is treating her generous Dad so badly!
Ah, perhaps you've hit upon
Ah, perhaps you've hit upon it with your last sentence. The rest of us have gelled as a family, but obviously not this princess. However that won't fly for me because I can't exclude her from our events, even though my inner child wants to. My outer parent is too strong for that! Our families have blended well, except for her.
Okay, educate the newbie!
Okay, educate the newbie! YSD25 means youngest step daughter 25 years old?
I don't agree if this is what
I don't agree if this is what Stepmonster says, that someone who marries the parent of an ADULT is the centre of that adult's family. It's different for childcarers but not so for adult offspring. An example. My father whom I never see, is married to someone I have never met, and I would not dream, in my middle age, of accepting for a moment that he and she are the centre of my family. I and my husband are the centre of my family, surely. And, had my father remarried when I was say 21, he and his new wife even if I had met her would not have been the centre of my family as a young adult -- in my case it would have been my mother and siblings, in other people's cases it would be different for each person. Even at 21, my father was not central -- and to insist he should be in every family just isn't realistic. We can complain as to why fathers are marginalised, but it often is the case emotionally.
As the young person grows into an adult individual, of course they will defer to and respect their parents, if they are normal, but they should not be asked to place the parents at the centre of anything. They are developing into a new centre, in my view, and the parents are satellites really. They have emotional authority but as the years and decades pass, this changes and grows into other forms of guidance and companionship.
Conversely if the parent is asked to be central, eg at an event like this, then the child is a fool to exclude their other half -- not because they owe this person any respect, or because this person should be central, but just because the young person is obviously attempting to control or insult the parent.
Thus whilst if we are given a childcare role as a step-parent this stepmonster idea of being a couple in the skids' eyes is absolutely crucial, that becomes a grey area in a situation like OP's. Which is why I say she should not allow DH to ask HER to make the decision, DH to say he wants her to come though his daughter doesn't, then somehow leave her to resolve the issue. DH has to sort this out alone with OP exerting whatever pressure she wishes to on DH in order to ensure that DH treats HER with respect.
I had the same thing happen
I had the same thing happen to me in my first marriage. My sd was graduating from "alternative" high school and invited my dh to go with the added, but dont' bring hismineandours. At this point he and I had been married for 4 years and her parents split for 6. I was pregnant with our first child and that was her reasoning for not wanting me there. She was worried it would upset her mom to see me pregnant.
So I quite happily told dh to go on his own, I sure didnt mind-and I really didnt. Her mom WAS indeed a crazy loon and I sure as heck didnt feel like I wanted to be in the same room with her. However, dh chose not to go-I gave him teh same arguments-"Oh, you'll regret it later, blah, blah"-but what it all came down to is that he WANTED me there for moral support. He knew her mom was a crazy loon as well-he had no desire to see that woman or have a confrontation with her. He was also afraid that they would waylay him and try to set up a dinner altogether and he wouldve rather stabbed a needle in his eye. He felt that they (meaning sd's family) would keep their distance from him if I was there as well.
He ended up not going. He offered to take her out to dinner at a later date to celebrate her graduation. However, her ceremony was short and in a small building. I had suggested to him that he could arrive a couple minutes late, stand in the back, and break for teh exit immediatly after it was over-but he didnt want to chance it.
An option for you and your dh would be for you to accompany him on this 3 hour drive-you can drop him off at the ceremony, do a little shopping and whatnot, and when it's over return to pick him up and the two of you can have a nice dinner afterwards. That way he doesnt have the long drive by himself, he can show you a video of the ceremony if he wants, you guys can still have some nice couple time, and perhaps if you are lucky, you'll be able to wave at sd as you are picking him up.
Thanks - this is another
Thanks - this is another not-bad idea! Like your husband, I think mine wants me there for support, and because he will miss me if I'm not there.
My DH would not go if I was
My DH would not go if I was not invited, but that is just us. I would never tell him that he couldn't, but he believes that we are a family, and she would have to accept me to have any decent relationship with him.
These idiot SD's only hurt themselves. Where are our DH's at Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years? With US. Instead of sharing these holidays with the SM as civil, adult human beings, they prefer to thrown tantrums over stupid crap. So they get left out, and then they bitch that they are left out. Our husbands eventually get tire of their shenanigans, and we no longer care, so then they can drag around their wounded psyche's for the rest of their lives and take out their daddy issues on their partners.
Show me one SD who is truly happy in her life and her relationships, EVER, who has these issues with her dad and SM. I don't know one, and I have 4 stepsisters that come to mind immediately.
YOur DH needs to stop playing into her drama. She will never stop until he stops.
Excellent point aggravated1.
Excellent point aggravated1. They are not happy in any part of their lives, this is true.
Wow. That is a hard
Wow. That is a hard decision. What would I do? I agree with StepAside my kids would never put me in that position. They love and respect me. but I can see SS16 trying that with DH. What would he do? I would like to think he would refuse to go without me but I doubt it. My thoughts are yes, it is her day but so will her wedding, her first child being born, childs christening and so on and so forth. It will just continue throughout life unless a stop is put to it. Since when do we start rewarding bad behavour? If my DH really wanted to go (and I wasn't mad at him for coddling her) I would drop him off go shopping and meet him out front of the building when it was over with a big smile and kiss and if SD seen it
I would also maybe get a hotel for the night and have a long rewarding weekend or night spent with my DH. Maybe later let SD know how much you enjoyed your trip out of town and time spent with DH. }:) Seriously, I think this will just continue unless a stop is put to it.
Honestly, after all this, why
Honestly, after all this, why would you even WANT to attend this brat's graduation?
Honestly, to share an
Honestly, to share an important moment with my husband (we both want that), and so as not to reward bad behavior, as the previous commenter said. As I tried to explain, I don't WANT to go for fun, but I don't think allowing SD to ban me is a good parenting move on our part. As many have said, her controlling tantrums and attempts to ban me seem likely to continue at family events. It's especially striking because everyone else gets along so well.
We are currently thinking of bringing my oldest son, as I mentioned, because he would love to join us and can that day, and she would not snub him so she is less likely to misbehave. Also we would love to have his company that day too. And again, there will be no social event, simply a congratulations after the ceremony.
I agree with this ^^^^.
I agree with this ^^^^. Before SD's wedding I got so tired of SD's abusive behavior, slamming doors in my face, accusing me of things I did not do, and being just nasty in general that I simply refused to go to the wedding and I let DH's family know why. They even agreed that they had seen how rotten she treated me and said they could not blame me. I am sure it got through to her that it was MY choice not to attend her wedding. I was not invited to her graduation either but I don't even know if we were invited. DH never said anything - he didn't attend. This may be a pivital moment in her life, this might be HER day. But she needs to know it doesn't mean squat to you. Think of a way you can deliver this message to her. You do not have to be the victim here. You do not want to attend because you do not like her and her behavior - period. If your DH attends and other family members are present it will be his responsiblity to explain why you are not there. As Draco wrote, she may THINK she is educated but is in dire need of life lessons. From the way she acts now, you will never be buddies anyway.I would definitely disengage from this 'princess' but be prepared for your DH to replace you as her target. It is really something how DHs change their view of their precious' princesses' when the revenge is turned on them.
I have to agree with echo
I have to agree with echo about going someplace where you're not wanted. If it were me, I wouldn't go within ten miles of that stupid graduation! Can't you share other important moments with your husband? Why are you insisting on this?
Her behavior is certainly
Her behavior is certainly hurtful.
But, for what it's worth, I'd say he should go to the graduation. As for any pre or post graduation events with BM, that would cross the line for me and not be healthy for SD - in terms of indulging a fantasy that her old family unit is intact.
Yes, I suspect this fantasy
Yes, I suspect this fantasy may be what SD is trying to create.
I'd probably just let him go
I'd probably just let him go alone because I wouldn't really want to be there anyway (disengaged). Do you really want to go? I wouldn't.
She's dead wrong and it's obvious to all. If it were me, I wouldn't want to get pulled into the drama one way or the other. Maybe H. should respect that this is a pain for you and just go by himself. Could you and son stay in a hotel and have a fun day at a amusement park or being anywhere other than there? Maybe a mini vacation with the graduation used as an occasion for a date day with your son.
I'm banned from any of my
I'm banned from any of my skids' events - graduations, weddings, birthdays, holidays, whatever. If my Dh wants to go, its without me otherwise he's not invited. It's been like that for nearly 9 years now and I don't know if there's any solution. My Dh went the route of not going if I wasn't invited and ended up completely estranged from his kids. He missed his son's wedding. So he put up with their demands. If he hadn't then he wouldn't have been able to walk his daughter down the isle or see his grandkids. This SD sounds like a nut so who knows how far she can take this. It all depends on how much your DH can stand to miss. If he's fine with being estranged, then he should tell her it's with both of you or without him. If he can't, then tell him to hand his balls over to his daughter since they're hers now.
Sitting in the car and
Sitting in the car and waiting while I am excluded from a family event would break my heart. I'm sorry you had to do that.
My H would also be miserable if we did that - I don't think he would agree to it. Thanks for the apology - I responded to it at the post.
This is a typical
This is a typical attention-seeking drama queen reaction. I have A-S-D-Q too! You are part of DH's life now and little drama queen is still trying to run daddy's life and get his attention. Bottom line - she is jealous of you. No jealous woman wants the competition to be around. It is her day - she wants all the attention and you steal that from DH, in her eyes.
You should call the SD and ask her how she would feel if next 'event', whether it be DH birthday, or Thanksgiving or Christmas (whatever it is), that you don't invite her(SD)- you just don't want her around. And tell her, you are part of DHs life - you are his half-to-your-whole and you my dear must just get used to it. So I will see you at your graduation. (Don't give her a choice). Then when she calls daddy, he can say, "I am bringing my wife and we will both be there, whether you wants "US" or not. You are my daughter. She is my wife."
I'm glad your DH went to a counselor. Hopefully, this will provide the 3rd party answer he needs to help resolve his feelings and make a decision. and Good for him to say he wants you to go with him! He is trying to be supportive, but can't figure out how to make everyone happy. The counselor will help provide this perspective.
It would be hard not going to see a child graduate. But has he said directly to SD, "If wife doesn't got I will not go either, we are married, she is my wife."
You are worth the risk of him loosing his SD in his life and her knowing her dad didn't see her graduate - because it was her selfish decision. Don't worry, she will still come around after she is done being mad at daddy for supporting you - they always do........ Good Luck and let us know how it turns out.
If DH feeds her tantrums and
If DH feeds her tantrums and attention getting tactics they will not stop and get much worse as she gets older. I like the idea of you going with him and waiting outside for him while he runs in for 5 min and congratulates her. Then she will see what her actions caused. Dear daddy will not be there for her drama. Soon she will figure out that if he doesn't play along it is not fun to play alone. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Conclusion? I want to thank
I want to thank everyone for their input, and for letting me vent. A decision has been made, and the event is this weekend.
It appears there are two distinct camps on this issue: 1) don't give in to SD's threats, she needs to behave, and 2) Just stay home.
My H consulted a professional therapist. She advised him NOT to be manipulated by his daughter's tantrums and threats, but to continue to be loving and supportive but firm about this. She pointed out that his daughter is inserting drama where there isn't any. He came away with confidence in his parental decision, which is a joy to see.
He told his D that while she gets to choose many details about her graduation celebration and event, she doesn't get to make him choose between his child and his spouse. He addressed several of the fears she expressed (although I'm not sure any of them were real - who can tell?). He used email to communicate because she gets hysterical on the phone and won't listen.
Her reaction was bizarre to me. First she sent an email that seemed not happy but fine. We were delighted. The next day she sent a short hysterical email with capital letters and multiple exclamation points berating him for "ruining her graduation," swearing at him and telling him to leave me in the car. I found this chilling and wonder if she is Bipolar. She absolutely needs counseling, and I hope she gets some. My H responded to the good email and not the bad email.
We are going and taking my son, and the other SD now supports this decision. SD-graduate has offered to allow her Dad to come to the dinner if he doesn't bring me (!), but he has already decided we will have dinner on our own, then join the big party group briefly before driving home. (a large multiple-graduate party in a party room) We all feel pretty good about the plan; it feels like the right thing. I don't anticipate any drama at all (just in her head), but will let you know if anything unusual happens.
LOL Draco!
LOL Draco!
Thank goodness the therapist
Thank goodness the therapist is supportive, and IMO gave the absolute right advice. With the help of the therapist your DH looks like he came to a reasonable solution. We have a graduation coming up too, and the BM and her "boy"friend will be there. While all four of us were invited, I'm not sure what the afterparty plans are. My SO has already said we won't be going to that, if it happens. I hope yours goes well - no matter what happens maintain your own dignity even if SD throws any kind of tantrum!
I so don't agree with this
I so don't agree with this therapist deciding what a family does. But this is because I have experienced a lot of this cold/hot behaviour years ago from our BM who was indeed bipolar feo, and did indeed have a drink problem, draco. The problem with this sort of personality is that it is usually untrammelled by social convention at moments of stress, so that what you could face on her great day might not be a fun family gathering but an embarrassing group showdown in front of all her colleagues and your children. I would not wish this on my son, myself, my DH or even... my SD (gasp!) on her day. If you and your husband think she will suddenly see sense and knuckle down, fine, but otherwise she is being treated as an unimportant baby on the day of her life when her loved ones supposedly celebrate her glory.
I'm sorry but, dislike my own OSD as I might, I would not do this to her. My SS20 whom I quite like, a couple years ago had a big academic function where some govt dignitaries were to give him and his school a prize. He invited me and DH, and his grandparents on each side. He only did not invite the BM because she was out of the country. The BM discovered what he had done (ie invite me) and told him to disinvite me. He did so through his father, and to my irritation my DH and ILs did not raise a peep to correct him. I gave my DH my views and then quietly waited. Sure enough my SS a couple days later, being the nice chap he is, phoned me to apologise without any prompting from his so-called male mentors DH and GF, who should have been the first to tell him how to behave with honour. No, he figured out at least one bit of it himself. I said no hard feelings, I'm afraid this was predictable, your mother paid for your education and though she won't be there she can obviously still call your shots. Have a great one and don't worry about it. To my DH I simply let him know I thought he was contemptible, not only to still be prepared to go but mainly, not to tell his SS how an honourable man behaves. Anyway, as I say, the SS worked out some of it for himself and the rest, I will tell him as he matures further. But the point of me recounting this anecdote is this. This shindig was part of this young man's initiation into the world of independence and freedom from family shit. Why should I get in his way, even if he was acting as a big baby? Let him learn his lessons on his own at that age. If this were to have got turned for him into yet another family histrionic, he has had so many of them, yes he has created many of them, but really do I want to be a part of that idiocy and mark everyone's lives still further? No, I say step back and let them run into their own sorrow.
Yeah that's what I would
Yeah that's what I would fear, the gang hysteria
So familiar your situation!
So familiar your situation! It was toxic before your arrival. Our vows never include or imply abuse.
I have a nest of snakes over here. BM, SS32 & SD-I-L as well as her rag-tag family. When SS got married both BM and SS said that I could not attend. Thankfully DH said that if his wife could not come then he would not either. At the same time SS and co-conspirator SD-I-L insisting that we give them thousands for the "event of the century." So we went and the BM actually attempted to physically assault me in front of my then 19 yr old BD. I am disabled which is no secret and was still in treatment for a life-threatening health issue. My 19 year old BD literally pushed her out of the way and led me beyond Tank Lady and into the bathroom (where BM was insisting was off limits to me). My SS and his Princess Bride along with her family are so toxic that after 12 years of trying my best that I have had to disengage for the second time. Even more sad is they now have two children. SS is always furious when his attempts to up-manage both DH and myself are unsuccessful that he has been in chronic tantrum mode for all of these 12 years. I am so done with these Dementors.
Choose your battles with a lot of forethought because I do believe you are in for quite a ride.
Please take care of yourself and set your marriage as the only priority. Your SD will not "get over it." She's an adult and her personality is set.
"Yes I'm a lovely bitch, and I'll have two sugars with my tea, thank you." - me
Oh great descriptions NoDysn,
Oh great descriptions NoDysn, love "chronic tantrum mode" and "dementors" -- that is what they are. Good on your BD.
I think if he gives in to her
I think if he gives in to her this time then he just sets the scene for the next time. Yes it may be HER graduation, but, but for dad she wouldn't be having a graduation, and it is a special day for dad too, so if he wants to share that special day with his wife, then who is SD to say NO. She sounds like a spoilt selfish little brat and it is time dad stopped jumping through hoops for her. I would not drag this out too long though she probably enjoys the attention, dad tells her once and once only how this will play out. Either he is coming with wife no further discussion. Or I will not be coming because I will not allow you to dismiss my wife end of discussion. As I said while this bun fight continues she is getting lot of attention.
Excellent idea to bear in
Excellent idea to bear in mind for future scenarios, act quickly and decisively with a done deal. Good one EBU.
Comes from experience Poodle
Comes from experience Poodle
Banned my SD 8 months ago and will NEVER go back into that sitution trust me. But SD was what she was and needs some serious therapy even her boyfriend approached dad about a year and a half ago and asked him to help him get her some therapy. Dad of course said NO, she would get mad. So SD was only a very small part of the problem DH is the foundation on which all her problems are built, and I think this is pretty common, I am not from reading this site the only SM with this issue. Far from it.
Anyway, ultimately I think whenever these situations come up the parent needs to decide what THEY want to do, state it to the child and have no further discussion on the matter. These type of SK enjoy the drama, and get lot of attention from it. Can you imagine how many people this SD has told her sad look at me I am a victim my dad chooses his wife over me story too. How much attention she has gotten from it. Dad is the parent, Far too many parents are scared of their kids, the kids know it, and they use this power for evil not for good.
When you choose the action you choose the consequence - some parents need to remind their kids of that.
Stepkids are great at spin
Stepkids are great at spin and manipulation. My husband missed his son's college graduation. It gave all the skids an opportunity to bitch and whine about how horrible their dad was for having a new family and replacing them. None of the family cared DH was only sent 1 ticket a before the graduation when DH told SS repeated he wanted all of us to go. No, the skids made it all about their dad not showing up instead of their refusal to accept me in the family. It could have been a great family event, instead DH was a no show and it gave the skids a perfect excuse to not to speak to DH for years.
Gosh christag really, how
Gosh christag really, how very unusual.
I have no doubt whatsoever they set things up on purpose to punish/pay back dad, make dad feel guilty etc., How did the grow to be such horrible people.
I woud travel to the city
I woud travel to the city with him. Take your son to a movie or something entertaining and meet up with him afterwards. He can sit there and watch his daughter, have a couple of photos (esp with his own camera) and then tell her "Well done sweetheart I have to run, I have a dinner date with my wife." And he shakes hands with his ex wife and tells her "We did well. She is on her own now in the big wide world!" And he walks away before she can say a word.
She loves the drama and will contact him and tell him how sad she was he didn't hang around. This is when he lays it on the line "I ma remarried you disrespected my wife. She is who I grow old with, not you. We need to get counselling together to move onto and adult relationship"
^^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect even down to the own camera and counseling.
Mini-update: My BS tells me
Mini-update: My BS tells me that SD told him via Facebook that she is excited that he will be there. I guess she doesn't want him to sit in the car with me! (LOL - I'm not sitting in the car!) My H was thinking that perhaps his daughter is worried that there will be "family drama" if we are all together in one place (again, her logic doesn't carry through), and my H has assured her that we will all be cordial - which we will, no problem. We have never been dramatic. Of course SD is the only one who likes drama. And as I watch things play out, I'm suspecting that SD's goal all along was to have her parents at the after ceremony dinner, and not me. Simply just that. My H decided that we will not go to the dinner at all, but come to the after-dinner multiple-student party. When he told his daughter this, she told him she wishes he could come to the dinner - just him without me. Too bad, so sad, that's not going to happen. So we will have fun together tomorrow, and behave cordially, and I don't think SD will do anything dramatic in public. If she decides to have a tantrum in private or public, she will only make herself look bad. I will update after the weekend. BTW I must point out, in answer to folks suggesting that we let the therapist decide what we were going to do, that's not what we did. My husband decided to consult the therapist for advice, and her advice made sense to him so he decided to follow it. I'm glad because I believe she is right. Thanks again, everyone.
I wouldn't start WWIII over
I wouldn't start WWIII over this. Don't go - get a refund on your present.
This is the opportunity you need to back away from this girl and have no contact with her at all. In a few years once she matures and sees you're not pushing back she may - repeat may - come around.
oneoffour-perfect solution!!!
oneoffour-perfect solution!!!
Well Hello All - everyone
Well Hello All - everyone survived her royal highness's graduation!
First we drove 3 hours to pick up my son - yay wonderful - and have lunch with him. Then we drove 4 hours to SD's graduation town, arriving at the large arena and watching the ceremony as part of the huge crowd. After, we found my husband's ex-wife and her extended family, along with SD's boyfriend's parents, and everyone was cordial and polite. Nobody could locate SD in the crowd. When SD was located (intentional delay? I wonder), she hugged everyone. When she hugged my son, it put her face-to-face with me, so she had to give me a polite hug. We both had pasted smiles, and I said "Congratulations" as warmly as I could muster, but I have to tell you there was no warmth whatsoever in my heart. Since we were not invited to join the group for dinner, we got dinner at the after-party site - SD and her friends booked a party room booked at a restaurant. You may recall that my H was invited to the dinner on the condition that he not bring me, which he declined. It was THREE HOURS before they came to the party site. We sat there until 11:30pm, exhausted by then. My son and I did this for my husband, because it was important to him. I hope he is realizing how badly she treats him. My son sees it now, and SD can't be happy about that. She is showing her true colors and not making herself look good.
We had to rise at 5:45am to get back to hometown so I could go to work the next morning - H drove so I could sleep in back seat, which I did. It was crazy, but I feel good that we all supported each other and didn't let the princess ban me. H was disappointed, but I think he learned some things. Hopefully everyone did. The three of us enjoyed each others company, and my favorite moment was when I felt my son's strong hand placed firmly on my back in support after SD's cold hug. That was a wonderful unexpected surprise, and my thoughtful, gentleman son made me so proud.
So we shall see how things go in the future, but I think my H will be a little wiser. Which is actually a great and difficult-to-achieve benefit. I am actually proud of him for the steps that he DID make - it is a good start to emerge from a lifetime of brat bullying.
Thanks again to everyone for their advice! Stepparents Unite!!!
Firstly sd sounds like a
Firstly sd sounds like a petulent 4 yr old, next time there is an event, and sd says to hubby I don't want her there, he should reply with, thats ok she dosn't want to attend anyway tee hee, seriously though, sd has thrown her toys out of the pram and see's you as the evil woman who has stolen daddy, hopefully in time sd will grow up and see that life is not black and white, in the mean time why bother spending time with the silly cow, life is too short.
And how wonderful about your
And how wonderful about your son's perceptiveness.
Reading this story has helped
Reading this story has helped me understand how bad things can get. I'm just at the hurt excluded phase now simply not invited to my step-son's grad but there has been no drama or battle. It's been good to research this before strategizing next steps. I don't want to turn this into a battle ground because I don't have a damaged relationship with my step son going into this issue and I don't want it to become further damaged. This step daughter sounds like she is a nightmare to deal with and it helps me realize how much worse my situation could be so perhaps I'll focus on the positive.