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Take your psychotic ex-wife and your bratty self-entitled daughter and SHOVE IT.

iqrt's picture


That pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. We had my SD5 over for the weekend. Friday night she was good. Saturday morning she was good. Her dad worked Friday night and got home around 9am. I told him that SD5 had been really good and that we should go do something special with her. So we decided to go to the science museum. I asked her dad if he wanted to go or stay home. He said he wanted to go. Her dad hadn't slept since Thursday. He was tired and kind of irritable which put SD5 in a bad mood and she was a TOTAL brat the whole time we were there. She would say she wanted to do something and then throw a tantrum when we would go do it. She pouted and glared if we told her she needed to wait until her sister (17 months) was done playing with something to move on to the next exhibit. She kept running off without telling anyone where she was going. UGH. It sucked. We pretty much did dinner and put the kids to bed at 7pm because we were all so completely done with the day. Normal bed time at our house is 7-8pm for the 17 month old an 8pm for the 5yo.

Sunday SD5 wakes up at 7am and comes in our room without knocking and says "It's morning. You need to get up." Seriously, child?? SERIOUSLY? You did not just tell me to get up.

Anyway, we eventually get up. Or, you know. I get up. Her dad stays in bed. She demands candy for breakfast insisting that she was "Really good yesterday." She continues arguing with me and eventually lands herself in time out. For the next hour she is playing the "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" game. You know the one where she picks up a toy off the floor and says, "LOOK AT THIS TOY I HAVE! ISN'T IT NEAT?! DID YOU KNOW I WAS GOING TO PICK UP THIS TOY?!" This went on constantly for a good hour.

Her dad finally woke up and planted himself on the couch watching TV. We have wood floors and a 4' x6' rug in our living room. I always change the baby on the rug. SD5 had set up her train tracks covering 90% of the rug. At the time she was playing at the opposite side of the train tracks. I sat down at the edge of the rug to change the baby's poopy diaper. SD5 kept saying, "LOOK AT THIS TRAIN!!!" I said, "I need you to play independently for a few minutes while I change your sister's diaper." So SD5 comes over and starts ramming her train into my knee. I said "Please stop." She started arguing with me, "But my train needs to go through here!!!"

I lost it. I took apart a few pieces of her train track that were next to me. I finished changing her sister's diaper and I left the room.

When I finally came out of the bedroom, her dad is snuggling with her on the couch and coddling her, meanwhile SD5 is glaring at me from across the room. I got up and decided to leave. Her dad said I needed to leave the baby at home, I didn't. He said the only reason she's upset is because I haven't apologized to her.

I came back home after she went back to her mom's house, and I started saying that even if he doesn't agree with my method of dealing with things, that he still needs to support me and not allow SD5 to drive a wedge between us while he's snuggling with her and she's being a total brat. He told me that I was basically being abusive to her and he would not allow that to happen and he needed to do "damage control" and that was why he needed to comfort her.

I am SOOOOO close to telling him to take his psychotic ex wife and his bratty daughter and go live someplace else.

I hate this. I love him, but his daughter is the spawn of satan and I cannot deal with her anymore.

WickedStepMom18's picture

Sorry, buddy - WRONG ANSWER. Taking apart her train track is hardly abuse. Tell him to grab a dictionary and educate himself. I effing hate these damn over-protective, coddling fathers. They are doing nothing but RUINING their children. It makes me want to PUKE!

WickedStepMom18's picture

Oh - and apologize to the brat? Tell him to hold his breath while he waits for that apology. A$$.

Poodle's picture

I hate to say it, but the little girl sounds normal to me. What I find abnormal is her father expecting you to do his childcare. If she comes to stay with him, HE looks after her, all the time, END OF, and he does not let her make things difficult for you and your wonderful baby. This is spoiling your precious play and bonding time. Children the two ages they are have very little they can do in common (I should know, I had sons with this age gap) and the only way you can make it bearable is if you adore them equally eg you are BM to both, or aunt to both, or whatever. This will fail if you prefer one to the other (as you are entirely entitled to do). If he can't accommodate his daughter because of work shifts and the BM insists on sending her (which is what happened to me in the olden days) then you ensure she sends her to DH's extended family.

iqrt's picture

I know the problem lies mostly with him for allowing her to behave this way. I hate that she is allowed to behave this way and if I ever try to correct the behavior I am the evil step mom. If I try to tell her no or that she shouldn't treat me that way, I am constantly told "Oh, don't yell at her, you'll hurt her feelings!"

Anon2009's picture

I think it's great to snuggle with your kids- provided they haven't just acted like brats. If they've been acting like brats, a time-out is more appropriate.

Five year olds aren't renowned for their attention spans. The next time you go somewhere like the museum as a family, maybe bring along two really small toys she likes that she can play with while you're all waiting for your daughter to be done with the exhibit. That way she can entertain herself and not get bored.

Are you married to SD's dad?

iqrt's picture

We are not married, and I have no problem when he snuggles with her just because. But when he snuggles with her because he doesn't like the way she was punished, that pisses me off. It's not like he got up off his behind to do any parenting, so don't negate mine.

Anon2009's picture

Would you both be open to relationship counseling, to help you get on the same page regarding SD and any other issues you both may have?

He is really setting SD up for failure in life by not parenting her. By his not parenting her, leaving you to do so, he's really, even if unintentionally, pitting the two of you (you and SD) against each other. You don't like having to parent a kid who isn't yours. She doesn't like it either. If Dad isn't parenting her, she won't see you as an adult authority figure. Dad needs to step up and start parenting SD.

iqrt's picture

We're in relationship counseling. Although we have only had 2 sessions so far and only one session together. The last one he was too busy filing parenting time paperwork that he had waited until the last minute to do..

asheeha's picture

I am SOOOOO close to telling him to take his psychotic ex wife and his bratty daughter and go live someplace else.

do it! telling you to apologize to his daughter is bad bad bad. he's not forming the proper authority structure with you. even if he disagrees with your action he needs to tell you that in private and then you all can work out something he feels is more appropriate together.

he just wants you to cow down before doesn't sound like it will end well for you.

paul_in_utah's picture

Sorry you went through that. I would say, though, that those misbehaviors sound pretty minor, compared to what we usually hear on this site. Your SO is already far down the "Guilty Dad" path, and the only way to pull him back is to disengage IMMEDIATELY. Do not do anything for his kid. Make him step up to the plate and handle the parenting. When he sees what a pain in the ass his kid is, he may have a better understanding of your position.

iqrt's picture

They are interlocking train track pieces. I somewhat angrily picked up 3 of them that were right next to me and set them back down further away from me. I effectively disassembled part of her tracks.

It certainly wasn't my best parenting moment and not what I would have wanted to do if I was feeling calmer, but a hell of a lot better than smacking her across the face. I am just so tired of her being in my face all the time constantly demanding 100% of everybody's attention and getting pissed if I talk to the baby or her dad. I'm tired of the "I don't care what you said, I'm going to do what I want to do" attitude all the time. I'm tired of her laughing at me and shrugging her shoulders whenever I put her in time out. She doesn't care if I put her in time out. I'm tired of constantly being criticized because I don't handle the situations perfectly 100% of the time. I asked my SO if he wanted me to back off and him take on the parenting since I apparently do it wrong. He said no. So I feel stuck doing this parenting gig for a kid that's not mine, and then getting yelled at if it hurts her feelings.

I feel like if I hurt her feelings, maybe I finally got through to her that it wasn't okay to be obnoxious? Maybe she should listen when people ask her to stop? But instead it was totally negated by her dad coddling her and saying he's sorry I was so mean to her.

Her mom tells her that her dad isn't her real dad and that her step dad is her real dad, and I think he's trying to make up for it by trying to be her favorite parent or something. I just want the kid to grow up with a little respect and common sense to make it in the world.

instantfamily's picture

Wow, I'd be livid! I can't believe (well I can) that her mother is trying to make her believe that he stepfather is her real father and her birth dad isn't. No wonder he's being a total coward! He needs to step up and take her to court to enforce a "don't talk about the other parent in a derrogatory way" motion and he needs to get that his daughter is being a brat and used as a pawn. It is hardly abusive to pick up the train tracks while she's jabbing it into your leg. There is a baby on scene, too- she needs to learn to be careful and he needs to learn to be supportive. Sounds like your DH needs a smack upside the head!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

you didn't do anything wrong at all- Brat drives the train in your knee while you are trying to change babys nappy- she should be told off straight away.Removing the track is the consequence for her naughty behaviour.
Her dad is coddling her after that????And expect you to say sorry??Instead of telling SD to apologize to you ?What a wrong world.A world that disrespects adults and treats children like spouses. I am sick of hearing those stories, they make me sad and upset.It is so wrong for the involved children and espcially for the step moms.

iqrt's picture

I never did apologize.

She came over tonight again with her usual "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want, what are you going to do about it?" attitude.

About an hour before it is time to go back to her mom's house I ask her to start picking up the toys.
Me: SD5, it's about time to start picking up the toys, would you do that please?
SD5: UGH! It's too hard! There are too many toys!
Me: You're the one who drug them all out, so you need to pick them up.
SD5: I CAN'T! There's toooooo many! I'm sooooooo tired!
Me: Pick up the toys right now, or you will not be playing with toys the next time you are over.
*I go and continue to fold laundry*
SD5 yelling from across the house: WHERE DOES THIS GO?!?!
Me: Where it belongs, put it away.
(She knows where all of the toys go. We have specific bins for everything..)
Me: Put the toys away.
SD5 starts singing and dancing in the living room.
Me: SD5, you need to start moving or you will not have enough time to put the toys away and you will not have anything to play with the next time you are over.
*I continue to fold laundry.*
SD5 starts singing and picking up one tiny toy at a time and sllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy putting it where it belongs.
SD5: What time is picking up toys over?
Me: Whenever you are done.
SD5: But it's after 5 already!
(SD5 has relatively little concept of time, it was actually 7:40..)
Me: I don't care what time it is, you need to pick up the toys.
SD5: But it is soooooooo haaaaaaaarrrrrd!
Me raising my voice: You need to pick up your toys RIGHT NOW. I'm tired of picking up after you every time you come over, and if I have to pick up your toys you will NOT be playing with any toys the next time you are over, so pick up your toys. Am I understood?
SD5: yes.
*SD5 starts picking up toys*
SO to me: I know you're upset, but you shouldn't yell at her.
Me: Feel free to step in and parent your own child at any time.
And I walked away and started folding laundry again..

LizzieA's picture

First, that exchange is very typical of any parent and 5 year old. You handled it fine. They will push and test etc to see if you will enforce the request.

Second, your SO told you that he wants you to parent but then is criticizing you. I think you should either:
1) disengage and hand it all over to him

2) or get a book on child behavior and discipline and read it together. Show him what is typical brat behavior for that age and how best to socialize her so she doesn't turn into a monster.

I would have more sessions and make this the centerpiece of them. This can go nowhere good and it wouldn't even if you were her BM. Parents need to be on the same page with discipline.

tjlo's picture

Love it! When you get to the end of your rope, disengage and let SO take over for a while. No better way to make them see the light. I've quit cleaning up after SD17- and if she doesn't do it, it becomes hubby's job. Luckily for you (or maybe not- I have 1 more year hopefully), SD is 5 and if your SO gets on board with parenting maybe SD can be straightened out. Good luck to you!

hippiegirl's picture

iqrt...don't you dare apologize to that brat! If I had a nickel for every time I told my DH to take his "first" family and shove it, I'd be a billionaire!

Katillathehun's picture

My SD12 STILL ACTS THIS WAY AND IT'S ONLY GETTING WORSE! Run!!!!! Take the baby and run!!!