Pregnant SM sick with stress!!!
Hello. I'm a stepmother to a 3 1/2 year old girl, and I am currently 19 weeks pregnant with my first. I'm not sure where to begin... My problem with my SD behavior is mostly because of the way people have treated her and continue to treat her...She is a spoiled, whiny brat. I've been around a lot of children my life, and she is one of the worst I've ever been around. I know SOME of her behavioral issues come from how spoiled and babied she's been, but quite frankly, this kid scares me sometimes.
I can't say too much bad about her bio mom. I do think that she does her best, and despite the fact I think she's a raging, jealous idiot (other reasons and drama), she is pretty good to the kid.
This girl is at my house with my husband and I three days a week and two nights. She is at her grandparent's (my husband's father and stepmother) house two days a week, one night. Then, at her mom's on Wednesday night and Saturday and Sunday. She gets bounced around A LOT. Her mother receives nearly $500 a month for her, from my husband's SSDI. Whatever...let her have the money, I don't care.
Here's the problem: Whenever she is here, she is a screaming, whiny, horrible little brat. She cannot EVER play by herself with her toys in her room. She constantly has to have some sort of attention from either myself or my husband. Now my husband...ha. He's a night person, so he will stay up until 6am. The kid usually wakes up around 9 or 10 and coming POUNDING on our bedroom door for him. He'll get up with her for a little bit, then decide he wants to take a FOUR HOUR NAP...He will put SD in her room for a nap, but she's out of the napping stage, so while he's sleeping peacefully (he sleeps like the dead), she is SCREAMING FOR HOURS STRAIGHT. I am not exaggerating one bit. This happens EVERYTIME she's here...he naps for several hours, leaving her in her room, and she just SCREAMS. I can't nap or do anything while this is going on, so I usually just leave and go to my mother's house. I am sick and tired of doing this. I've brought this to my husband's attention multiple times on how it's cruel to her and annoying for everyone else to leave her screaming for hours straight, and all he can say is "She has to learn that she can't always get what she wants" blah blah blah....We also have a roommate who is less than thrilled with her screaming fits. The screaming doesn't stop there...she never wants to eat dinner, so dinner turns into another screaming war. Anytime she doesn't get her way or my husband does not give her his absolute full attention she SCREAMS. I cannot stand it. I was working midnights and actually had to quit my job because I wasn't able to sleep during the day due to this issue.
Here's where she's scary... One day we all went out shopping for a few baby things. I want to try to include her with the new baby, so I asked her what she was gonna do with her new brother or sister when they were born. She replied with "PUNCH HER IN THE FACE!" and then proceeded to punch a picture of a baby on a package of diapers. Uh...WTF? I told my husband how much that disturbed me and how I'm not gonna trust her near the baby, and all he can say is "She's just a kid, you're paranoid". Again, WTF? What kind of THREE YEAR OLD wants to punch a BABY?
She's extremely mean and aggressive with my puppy. My husband recently adopted a 3 month old rescue puppy from a shelter for me. The puppy had a temperament test before we adopted her, and tested out to be good in all homes. Well, this little heathen child likes to kick, hit, and stomp on my puppy's feet. Guess what happens when kids hurt dogs? 1. They bite. 2. They learn to hate kids and be aggressive towards all kids. I don't want my poor little puppy being abused or even biting her (but I do think a little nip would teach her a lesson), so she's no longer allowed to play with the puppy. She can only pet my puppy when someone is holding her. She is like this with all animals, too. There was a stray cat I was feeding for a while, and anytime the cat would come up on the porch, she would kick the poor little thing. She's kicked and stomped on my mother's pomeranian, she's kicked and hit my grandmother's blind dog before. For no reason! The dogs were either excited to see her or just laying there, and she decided to torment them. Again, what type of kid HURTS animals? We've tried telling her/showing her how to play nice with dog's, but she just ignores what we have to say and goes on to beat them.
I've been very sick with this whole pregnacy (I have hyperemesis), and them more stressed out I am, the worse I feel. This kid has absolutely no discipline and it shows in her behavior. My husband even lacks on disciplining her...she stays up until 1130 everynight, doesn't brush her teeth, doesn't put her toys away, and throws a screaming fit if you ask her to do anything. I am sick and tired of all of this. To make matters worse, my husband now wants her here FIVE days a week...I absolutely refused, and I get called selfish and basically got told to hit the highway if I wasn't okay with it...
All I want is peace and quiet...I know that kids act like demons sometimes...But this kid is constantly in spoiled, rotten demon mode...
You got told to hit the
You got told to hit the highway when you refused to have a little monster running around your house rampant even more? I'd have packed my bags and left.
There is no excuse for abusing animals and children, even from a freakin' 3 year old. Sounds like the kid might turn out to be even more of a hellion if this continued.
You need to completely
You need to completely disengage from ALL responsibility for this child.
Your DH sleeps during the day and expects her to nap for hours and hours. Absolutely selfish. Hurting animals and threatening to hurt the baby, regardless of the excuse "she is only 3" does not wash with me and is inexcusable. When she does stuff like this, your DH should be coming down on her like a ton of bricks and disciplining her. The fact he doesnt is a massive red flag and anyone can tell you you think your life is a nightmare now. Well its about to get worse when baby gets here, you will have less patience, less time, more responsibility and will be wanting to protect your vulnerable child from this debacle of a situation.
You need to decide what your priorities are NOW. Personally my advice is to start formulating a plan how to 1)minimise your stress 2) put you and your child first before your DH and sd and 3) put your sanity, health and happiness as number one.
The above may be difficult for you to face up to, as no one sets out to "put themselves first" but your DH is doing this. His daughter is not a priority, if she was he would be parenting her and putting what is healthy for her and his pregnant wife above what he wants. He doesnt. He doesnt want to change and you cant force him to, so my advice is to look at what you CAN control, which is yourself. How you react, what you are doing now, how you are behaving, how you are enabling DH to continue being selfishness (helping him out with sd is actively enabling DH to continue on his selfish path).
Make this man accountable for his child alone. He wants to sleep during the day? How can he is you are out. SD refuses to eat? You dont cook dinner, DH does.
I can tell you something for nothing, if my DH stood by while his child hurt animals, threaten our child and refused to address it by correcting her, explaining to her why she doesnt do x and what she needs to do. Getting her to apologise to you when she is naughty and putting punishment in place (e.g. time out/no treats and a smack on the bum) then I would refuse to have that child in my home. I would not stop my husband from seeing his child but I would put a stop to that situation...your DH has a choice, change or alternatively these are the consequences.
So many stepparents feel like they have no alternative but to let their partners run the show when it comes to when the skids come over, for how long, how arrangements are made and they get no say. This is NOT true. Having a child does NOT give you free reign to disrespect your partner, guilt them into silence, use and abuse them and your home. Its so disrespectful! Tell him NO when it comes to extra time, he cant handle the time he has her now and it sounds like a massive amount of the work is pushed onto you. So stop helping him out, you dont have to you know. You DO have a choice and you can ignore DH's tirades or blackmailling attempts, you dont have to engage with him over that.
As for telling you to leave. Its effectively telling you "its either MY way or hit the highway..." you are in an meant to be in an equal PARTNERSHIP but you arent. Its on you to re-adjust that as your DH will only get worse, they always do. Time to give your DH a taste of his own medicine, your rules or leave. Personally I would be considering something extreme if I was THAT fed up. When you get to the point you dont care thats when you tend to be the most proactive.
Would DH be open to couples counselling?
My advice is to calmly and sweetly disengage. So when he expects you to have sd tell him "no, shes your daughter. You refuse to address her screaming and misbehaving. Thats up to you, but its also up to me whether I want to endure it. I dont and I dont have to as she isnt my daughter..." then walk away. She does something wrong "DH sd messed up x, can you please clean it." she wants attention "go see DH"...make DH accountable for his actions 100% while you go for a nice hot bath or see friends.
Yes, zofran is a GOD SEND. My
Yes, zofran is a GOD SEND. My doctor wants to wean me off of it due to the constipation issues it's causing me, Currently, there is no custody agreement. The BM works full-time, hence why she's with us and the grandparents all week. With the money she gets from my husband's SSDI and her job (she doesn't pay any rent and gets foodstamps, mind you), she could and should enroll the child in daycare.
I made it very clear to my husband that if she starts staying here five days a week, I will be gone. I do not need the stress of a child with behavioral issues that is not my own. I am so sick of hearing "She's just a kid, she has to learn.." Yeah well, sorry, she's not going to learn how to properly treat babies and animals with MY baby and MY puppy. Again, I get called selfish and told I'm "isolating myself from the family." Nah...I'm just looking out for my own.
Gee i certainly understand
Gee i certainly understand your concern. She needs professional help, you ALL do!!! I share your fear about the new baby my goodness dont turn your back for a second, toilet, shower, sleeping, EVERYTHING keep your bub with you and her well away from her. As for your hubby taking on more time with his daughter, he needs to realise that means actually spending time with his daughter. Look i understand tough love and teaching kids to soothe themselves, but my goodness not in the middle of the day and most certainly NOT for hours without some comfort. Maybe if you are left with it all and this is your only option other than leaving your hubby, you could try bringing her up your way, be firm and caring at the same time, not eating? fine bed with an empty tummy, wont clean up over even help pick up her toys? Fine pack most of her toys away, only allow a small amount for her to play with then less for you to pick up, all the while telling her when she starts behaving she will not have an empty tummy and more toys to play with. Yes it will be difficult at first but you might be exactly what she needs, im sorry but your hubby sounds slack, and for the life of me i do not understand why he is wanting more time. Maybe because her own mother and the grandparents are all getting fed up too. Kids can be annoying it's a fact but this one sounds seriously troubled, lost and starving for boundries and guidance, and maybe some medication and a diet change. This should NOT be your responsibility but it has to be someones and if you choose to stay you have to accept this lovely little darling also, so it is all up to you, stay? find a way to make it work for you by taking on the mummy role or leave. Best of luck darlin hope you all get some help.
I plan on taking the puppy
I plan on taking the puppy over to my mom's today, just to get away from this child, and to help socialize the pup with my mom's dog.
I don't watch her. That's his responsibility. If she wants something to eat or drink and asks me for it, I have no problem making sure the kid is fed, but other than that...lazy daddy can attend to her diapers and screaming fits. Oh yeah...they're trying to potty train her (have been for the past month, there's no consistency, so it's not working). The only suggestion that has worked has been MINE, which was to let her run around with no pants/underwear/diaper on. The kid freakin' PISSED on the floor and then tried to blame the damn puppy. The puppy wasn't even in the same room as her...ahhhhh.....
I'd also document and record
I'd also document and record as much of this as possible before you leave. If you get a video of your DH putting your stepdaughter in her room so that he can nap during the day and her screaming for HOURS, I think it will be very difficult for any judge to justify giving him partial custody if you two get a divorce.
Your husband has already shown that he has no interest in disciplining your SD. If he gets partial custody of your baby, the baby will be stuck in a home with a vioent older sister and a father who does not want to do anything about her bad behavior.
Document as much as you can. This is for your child's safety.
Also, I would move in with your mother until your husband decides to change his behavior. It's not fair for you to be living in this situation.
You need to completely
You need to completely disengage from ALL responsibility for this child.
Your DH sleeps during the day and expects her to nap for hours and hours. Absolutely selfish. Hurting animals and threatening to hurt the baby, regardless of the excuse "she is only 3" does not wash with me and is inexcusable. When she does stuff like this, your DH should be coming down on her like a ton of bricks and disciplining her. The fact he doesnt is a massive red flag and anyone can tell you you think your life is a nightmare now. Well its about to get worse when baby gets here, you will have less patience, less time, more responsibility and will be wanting to protect your vulnerable child from this debacle of a situation.
You need to decide what your priorities are NOW. Personally my advice is to start formulating a plan how to 1)minimise your stress 2) put you and your child first before your DH and sd and 3) put your sanity, health and happiness as number one.
The above may be difficult for you to face up to, as no one sets out to "put themselves first" but your DH is doing this. His daughter is not a priority, if she was he would be parenting her and putting what is healthy for her and his pregnant wife above what he wants. He doesnt. He doesnt want to change and you cant force him to, so my advice is to look at what you CAN control, which is yourself. How you react, what you are doing now, how you are behaving, how you are enabling DH to continue being selfishness (helping him out with sd is actively enabling DH to continue on his selfish path).
Make this man accountable for his child alone. He wants to sleep during the day? How can he is you are out. SD refuses to eat? You dont cook dinner, DH does.
I can tell you something for nothing, if my DH stood by while his child hurt animals, threaten our child and refused to address it by correcting her, explaining to her why she doesnt do x and what she needs to do. Getting her to apologise to you when she is naughty and putting punishment in place (e.g. time out/no treats and a smack on the bum) then I would refuse to have that child in my home. I would not stop my husband from seeing his child but I would put a stop to that situation...your DH has a choice, change or alternatively these are the consequences.
So many stepparents feel like they have no alternative but to let their partners run the show when it comes to when the skids come over, for how long, how arrangements are made and they get no say. This is NOT true. Having a child does NOT give you free reign to disrespect your partner, guilt them into silence, use and abuse them and your home. Its so disrespectful! Tell him NO when it comes to extra time, he cant handle the time he has her now and it sounds like a massive amount of the work is pushed onto you. So stop helping him out, you dont have to you know. You DO have a choice and you can ignore DH's tirades or blackmailling attempts, you dont have to engage with him over that.
As for telling you to leave. Its effectively telling you "its either MY way or hit the highway..." you are in an meant to be in an equal PARTNERSHIP but you arent. Its on you to re-adjust that as your DH will only get worse, they always do. Time to give your DH a taste of his own medicine, your rules or leave. Personally I would be considering something extreme if I was THAT fed up. When you get to the point you dont care thats when you tend to be the most proactive.
Would DH be open to couples counselling?
My advice is to calmly and sweetly disengage. So when he expects you to have sd tell him "no, shes your daughter. You refuse to address her screaming and misbehaving. Thats up to you, but its also up to me whether I want to endure it. I dont and I dont have to as she isnt my daughter..." then walk away. She does something wrong "DH sd messed up x, can you please clean it." she wants attention "go see DH"...make DH accountable for his actions 100% while you go for a nice hot bath or see friends.
p.s. I would go far as to say I would refuse to be around her. So no family time. NOT until DH changes and things improve dramatically!
Darlin just another thought
Darlin just another thought comes to mind, watching how your hubby is with his daughter are you not concerned about what sort of support he will be to you once your baby is here? Maybe this is a review. Gee i feel for you this sounds like an awful situation that is bound to only get worse, you will be accused of being unfair treating the children different, my goodness it all sounds very messy. Best of luck i think you are going to need it
Why bother staying with a man
Why bother staying with a man who has pretty much said you can go along with what I decide or get out?
Who cares how he raises his daughter? Pack your stuff and leave his ass with his screaming kid.
You're right. A bratty 3 year
You're right.
A bratty 3 year old
An idiot husband
A Cute puppy
LMAO
I've never posted on this
I've never posted on this forum or any forum concerning all this stuff. Hence why my replying to all the messages is all screwed up. I really have to learn how to use this board, ha.
Maybe some step kids or ex
Maybe some step kids or ex bitchy wives have decided to sign up and torment us here as well and that is why all the lol's and none helpful comments. I am so sorry Calicokat that some useless comments have been posted on your post. i wish you all the best <3
Delilah great advice!!!!!
Delilah great advice!!!!!
Oh yes, I am very concerned
Oh yes, I am very concerned for my own baby's well-being with the father. I've been in talks with my mother about moving back in when the baby comes if things don't get better. This whole situation is unfair for EVERYONE involved. Unfair for me, unfair for the girl, unfair for our new baby. When I first started dating my husband, he was VERY good with his daughter. Granted, she was only two at the time, and he only had her during the day, two days a week, but he never napped for hours on end, always played with her, disciplined her correctly when she was doing wrong. Then we got married, I wanted to help out, and now he's just a lazy dad. He tells me to discipline her as I see fit. Uhm, no because if MY child was acting like that, a spanking and a taking away of the toys would be in order, and I am NOT going to spank or a lay a finger on someone else's kid. And I'd be damned to hell if someone other than myself or my husband spanked my child. And Delilah, you do have excellent advice. I have been disengaging. Right now for example, he's sleeping in her room, and having My Little Pony on Netflix babysit her. Me and the puppy are holding up in my room. She tried following me into the shower, so I just yelled for him and shut and lock the door. I HATE being so cold towards a child, even one that annoys me, but I can't take this shit anymore. He tried guilt-tripping me by saying "She's your daughter too, even if it's not blood, and you act like you don't give a shit about her...I have to do what's BEST for my daughter (he thinks having her here five days a week will fix the behavioral problems, ha!)" blah blah blah. More BS and more stress...
Your dh sounds like an
Your dh sounds like an asshole. Sorry that's blunt but its totally how he comes across. Im 12 weeks pregnant myself and if I had to put up with crap like that, without a doubt I would leave. Think of your unborn baby, document everything incase it ever does come to divorce. You dh needs a boot up the ass.
Oh and another thing that
Oh and another thing that springs to mind is that sociopaths start out abusing animals. Maybe not relevant but who know's in 20 years time what she's gonna be like.
I think she is desperate for
I think she is desperate for attention because she isn't getting any. Christ, if someone locked me in a room for hours and hours and ignored my cries, I might be just a tiny bit attention starved at dinner time, too. Three year olds are tough. That isn't an excuse for her behavior, but she isn't the problem here, your dh is. He is selfish and his kid is paying the price. Its ok to be annoyed with her, but the anger should be directed fully at him. He is the reason she is screaming. There is no reason for him to be up late and sleep during the day. Ok, he is a nightowl. Guess what? When you have children you have to stop being a night owl. Life changes things. He needs to start taking care of his kid. He should set aside time everyday to play with her, then maybe she wouldn't need attention all the time.
I agree with you fully, smdh.
I agree with you fully, smdh. I do believe a lot of her issues stem from being overly-coddled at her grandparent's house, and the lack of discipline and attention she receives from my husband. She was a doll to be around before we got married and before he became so lazy. I used to look forward to seeing her. Now I dread Monday mornings.
I had the same problem. My dh
I had the same problem. My dh and the ILs spoiled his kid rotten for nearly a year after the divorce. Everyone felt soooooo sorry for her, doted on her, literally the kid had someone up her ass for an entire year. (She was 3 at the time, too). Finally, I had to tell dh to knock it the fuck off. He did listen to me, but honestly, it took at least 2 solid years to finally make her realize the earth didn't revolve around her and even now (6 years later) she has trouble with independence and responsibility. She plays the damsel in distress constantly. The difference is that my dh stepped up and didn't just ignore her. I don't do anything for her (except stuff that I am already doing like cook). He is her father. I'm here to support him and her, if necessary, but I am not here to give him freedom while I take care of his kid.
Calickat may i ask what on
Calickat may i ask what on earth is your hubby doing in the middle of the night? I cant talk as it's 5am here now and im up but i dont have a child to take care of or lock away so i can sleep. It sounds as if things all changed because he decided that you are his wife now meaning (in his mind) her mum too maybe this is why his ex got rid of him, too bloody lazy and up to no good while everyone else sleeps. ????? Just a thought. I am so pleased you have your mum waiting to take you and your baby in when things get worse, im sorry i dont mean to sound like there is no hope cos there is always hope, but if he doesnt change very soon i fear it will get worse for you all. Glad you have somewhere to go.
Tell your husband that having
Tell your husband that having kids necessitates getting on a different schedule: getting up early, being around in the morning. He should be there for his daughter. Period.
Yep, fully real. Puppy is a
Yep, fully real. Puppy is a German Shepard mix. What does crewed mean?
Oh no. Definitely real.
Oh no. Definitely real. That's really twisted someone would make up a story like that. Did she actually take the money people offered her???
Besides, we live in the bottom portion of a duplex, so no steps in our house, except to basement, and that door is always double locked. The only person that could fall down the steps is myself, because I'm clumsy as hell.
Gee i apologise for my
Gee i apologise for my comments about step kids and bitchy ex wives - i realise now why you were all saying what you did. Thanks for explaining and again i apologise.
lol i am having a rough few
lol i am having a rough few days but as i've been told comes with the "step issues" however i really felt and still do feel for this woman and then suddenly saw uncaring comments, i questioned them and then tried to reassure the poster that i cared, i didnt know of the liies you were all told b4 im new and i am really sorry. It is very difficult to know who is for real and who isnt i guess i just never even considered that until the "uncaring lol's" but i understand now. Again i apologise i hope if the poster is for real that she too understands.
I can understand that. You
I can understand that. You guys can add me on facebook if you like!
Trust me, I WISH I was making this shit up and was just really bored.
My husband builds guitar
My husband builds guitar amplifiers/works on guitars for a living, so he spends the nights down in his work-space area in the basement.
I do truly want to make this work, hence why I stick around. We've only been married since October. I always do hope for the best, but I know things don't always turn out that way. It'll be one hell of a year if we get divorced...Got married, got pregnant, had a baby, got divorced all within a year. Sounds like some type of Hollywood thing.
i think some people are being
i think some people are being childish but im not sure, it could well be a bunch of kids probably step kids trying to drive us mad even in here or a bunch of ex wives being bitches lol i dont know. Either way they are not helpful so ignore them.
Gee i apologise for my
Gee i apologise for my comments about step kids and bitchy ex wives - i realise now why you were all saying what you did. Thanks for explaining and again i apologise.
Sorry for all the confusion!
Sorry for all the confusion! I can fully assure you that I am NOT the aforementioned pyscho-bitch who's fake story is eerily similar to my actual life. I'd really like to stay on this board, and do appreciate the insight and advice from those of you who have been there and done that.
I can echo that Crew was one
I can echo that Crew was one piece of work and to make those stories up is twisted in the head. I dont know *why* anyone would want to post about things like that if they werent true, its a living nightmare when you are caught in a psychostepstory :O
Sounds to me like you may have stepped up too much and as a result your DH has become complacent, lazy, permissive, guilty and selfish to both you and sd. I know I did this and I resented the hell out of having to play mammy to ss, and no matter how many times my DH denied the fact he wanted a mother replacement for his spectacular failure of choice for his first born he was in denial. Sounds like your DH may be feeding into the same fantasy.
I have a theory. Some or most Stepparents (usually in my experience females) tend to have to work through accepting that they may not share some "firsts" with their partners/husbands. Such as being the 1st wife, having their partners 1st born/son/daughter...they have to grieve for the lose of the happily ever after fairy tale because they effectively have to share their husbands with a demented harpie ex and insecure, bratty children (in some cases). On the other side of the fence is the partner, who grieves the loss of bringing up their children in a normal nuclear family, not being able to be with them 24/7 and having a mother for their child(ren). There can be difficult on both sides in accepting reality VS the fantasy, and often the individual can be in denial.
The fact your DH states sd is "your daughter too" indicates he may now be thinking his new wife is a new mother for his child. However, as you are not the bio parent you cannot parent as you see fit without any interference from DH, nor would you wish to administer physical punishment as it rightly is not your place as SM.
I also think your sd may be acting out due to sheer boredom, frustration as who in their right minds puts down a toddler for a 4 hour nap just because the parent insists on staying up all night. HE can fix his routine, his daughter cannot.
Seems to me you arent ignoring or punishing sd, so please dont feel guilty for distancing yourself from the situation. I know its hard as she is only a innocent kid who doesnt get it, but daddy needs to change how he is behaving. He needs to be more hands on and active with her, as what the hell is he going to be like when baby arrives?!! Remember so long as you treat sd with kindness and gentleness you have nothing to be guilty of, you are trying to remedy her father's poor parenting for HER and your child's sake.
The only way to do this is to make him accountable for his actions and poor choices.
Can you go to couples counselling?
The "firsts" thing does
The "firsts" thing does indeed suck. I am his first wife, but pregnant with his second kid. He really seems to lack excitement or anything for my pregnancy or the new baby. He said something before to the extend of "I've been through it before, that's why I don't seem excited." Boy, that sure makes me feel really damn special, thanks. On a lighter note, I do get to find out what gender the baby is tomorrow, yay.
Before we got married, I made it clear I had no intentions of ever being SD's mother, or a mother-figure. He knows I don't even like the label of "stepmom". He does make it seem like he wants me to mother his child...which I can't and quite frankly, don't want to.
Highly doubt he would go to couple's counselling. Because, you know, any problems I have with him are all in my head, and I'm a paranoid, over-assertive bitch...he can NEVER do no wrong. Duh.
Tried Meclizine, didn't help
Tried Meclizine, didn't help me at all. I am on Zofran (4mgs) now for the hyperemesis, and sans the constipation it causes, it's absolutely wonderful. I'd rather not than drop a deuce for a few days than violently vomit all day, every day.
Bloody hell. I think shes
Bloody hell. I think shes being sarcastic, as no one can be serious about that.
Anyway Cal. I had to keep reiterating to DH "I am not ss's mother. I appreciate that you feel I am a better role model for your son but I will never replace BM, nor do I want to. This is something you *must* accept, it will take time to do this but even though I entered into this marriage knowing you had a child. YOU entered into the same marriage knowing I was childless and had my own interests, my own mind, so you have to compromise too. Having a child doesnt mean you get to dictate the terms of our marriage, how I think or what I do."
Yes, again I went through the same thing with DH placing the onus of responsibility for everything onto me. I was the one with the problem, I was the one who had issues.
I got into a place whereby I HAD to put ME first because even though I went into my marriage actually putting DH's and ss's happiness before me, it wasnt working. I was miserable, DH was being super selfish and was alienating me (I was fast losing respect for him as a result which is painful) and I thought if I was going to be pummeled for being moral and self sacrificing, then WTH was I doing to ME? Time to mix up the control. So I started going out more with my friends when DH had ss, detached from his issues with ss, refused to talk about his demented controlling ex, stood up for myself more (if that was possible lol) and put my actress smile on and did all the above without giving DH a clue as to my real motivation behind it = self preservation.
I did then get to the point where I issued DH with an ultimatum, which I was prepared to carry through on. Get couples counselling with me or I am leaving. Your choice.