Anyones SKIDS very small for their age
Just curious how many others here have VERY tiny SKIDS. My SD8 is only 40 lbs and thats pushing it! She is average height, just SUPER skinny. I dread shopping for clothes for her because I can never find anything in her size. She can still easily wear a 4-5T shorts with no problem but pants have to be 6-7 because of the lenght and they fall right off of her. Because she is so small, she can never do anything for herself and tries to pull the "I cant do it" card which drives me crazy. She wont even try and if she does, she half-asses it and then demands I help or do it for her. I still have a hard time believing that she is 8 and can STILL wear 4-5T shorts! Who else here has tiny SKIDS?
Yep, we have that here as
Yep, we have that here as well. She will whine and pout, especially at bedtime when she is over-tired and beg to be carried to bed. I hate to say this but most of the time he do it just to avoid the arguement. I remember one time not too long ago that she came home from BM's in a onesie under her clothes! actual baby onesie that was a 4T!
Can't help you there. At age
Can't help you there. At age 8, SD was 105 pounds and wearing a women's XL. We couldn't find pants to fit her because to be big enough around in the waist they were really long. She could JUST get an 18 plus to fit around the waist but she was only about a size 8 in length, so... Dh actually used to try to blame it on her legs being too short. Whatever!
On the other hand, my BD8 is pretty small. She is about 55 pounds but tall for her age. We have the same problem with pants, as she can still wear a 5 in waist but needs an 8 or 10 for length. I just get her size 8 slim or size 10 slim and that mostly solves the problem. Then add a belt. But no athletic pants for her, as you can't use a belt with them.
And my sister has a tiny daughter. She's 6.5 and weighs less than 50 pounds and is also short for her age. Compare her to my BD5 and my BD looks like an amazon. My sister's daughter gets treated like a much younger child a lot. She doesn't ask to be carried but people always treat her "special" because she's so tiny, like it's a physical disability or something.
My SS18 up until SS16 was
My SS18 up until SS16 was asked if he wanted the childrens menu - he is very slight for his age - DH is very tall but then again we are not sure if DH is the daddy - if it is who we think it is then SS18 will never get tall like DH!!!!

My ss will be 14 next month.
My ss will be 14 next month. He is small for his age. In fact, he was wearing a pair of 4/5 size shorts last summer when he came for a visit!! He currently wears a size 10 (in boys) jeans. He typcially wears a pair of athletic shorts underneath his pants. Even if he wears khaki shorts he will wear a pair of basketball shorts underneath-I'm not really sure why-but my guess is that they help his pants fit better and stay on. He also wears boxers underneath the athletic shorts. He typically wears my ds's handmedowns. DS is a little over a year younger than him but several sizes bigger than ss (and he too is somewhat small for his age)-so ss is noticeably small and sticks out when with a group of his peers.
My BD is 7.5 years old and is
My BD is 7.5 years old and is the same weight, +/- 40 lbs. I have the same trouble when it comes to finding clothes for her because she is a bean pole. I call her my zero-body-fat kid. Having said that, we are an active family and have good eating habits. My daughter rides her pony EVERY day, is capable of lifting saddles and bridling herself and can even scale up the side of the pony to get on. Capability is a state of MIND, not BODY.
She has "OK" eating habits
She has "OK" eating habits (other then being extremly messy). She has a high metabolism and burns off everything she eats. We have to give her pediasure but she doesnt always drink it when we give it to her. She is typically a tomboy and climbs on everything she can, runs around, name it. Just like a boy. I am still having to shop in the toddler dept AND the girl dept for the SAME child!
I used to have problems
I used to have problems finding pants for my SD12, but since she "started" last year, her hips have spread and it is a bit easier. She has no hope for being big as BM is less than 5' and her dad is only 5'4".
My bios are really tiny. BS 21 mos is in the 3rd percentile for weight! He only weighs about 22 lbs. BD4 is a string bean and her 3T pants fall off of her (but smaller pants are too short). She only weighs 29 lbs! I am 5'2"...doc says they will both outgrow me and BS will outgrow his dad, too! YAY! My kids are very healthy, they eat some junk on occasion but they love their fruits and veggies...just have small genes!
I'm dealing with the other
I'm dealing with the other side of this.
SD7 is 130 pounds and wears a kid size 16. We're taking the girls SD4 and 7 to WDW this July.
I'm having the hardest time finding cute things for the 7 year old to wear while on vacation. I want to get them princess dresses and Minnie Mouse outfits for our character meals but I'm not having any luck.
I feel bad because I've found a ton of cute stuff the 4 year old but nothing for the other one. I don't want her to feel left out.
IDK ABOUT OTHER WDW'S but the one in orlando has a awesome shop in downtown disney that sells all the dresses you could imagine and if you do one of the princess make overs depending on the package you get costumes are included
I want to take them to BBB
I want to take them to BBB but I'm not sure if they have her dress size.
I checked the Disney store here in Times Square and came up empty. Plenty of fun stuff for SD4 but nothing for the 7 year old.
they should have it in stock
they should have it in stock at the park they had sizes that looked like they would fit me when i took my DD, they would have been a little short being as im 5'10. yous should be fine in park i cant imagine disney skimmping on sizes i mean big girls spend daddys money too.
Opposite problem here. SD17
Opposite problem here.
SD17 is about 5'9", and weighs over 200 pounds. She wears a lot of men's clothing. Still growing.
SS20 is done growing in height, but not in girth. 300 + pounds and still getting heavier.
Not my problem anymore, unless SD17 starts "belly-dancing" again, like she did the last time she was over to visit. The image of her gut fopping around is seared on the back of my retina.
My SD8 can actually still
My SD8 can actually still wear onesies! She too also gets mistaken for a younger child, not just because of her size but the way she acts. Does he fend for himself when its time to eat or does BM provide him with those foods? What happens if he is given something he doesnt want to eat? If he isnt told to eat, will he eat on his own or can he?
What does her pedi say about
What does her pedi say about her size?
If she won't drink pediasure, have you tried Boost Plus? That's what my SS drinks, and he loves it. The chocolate flavor tastes just like yoohoo. Maybe dump it into an empty chocolate milk bottle so she thinks its just regular yoohoo?
Her pedi isnt too concerned.
Her pedi isnt too concerned. She is the one that advised us about her high metabolism...and that her being a tomboy doesnt help either! lol She also recommended the pediasure which at first I thought was baby formula having never been around babies! LOL I will look into the Boost Plus thanks!
We have issues with clothes
We have issues with clothes fitting too. SS is average height but really thin, so to get pants long enough they fall right off his butt. Now that hes a bit older (10) its easier to find slim pants. When he was smaller, it was impossible to dress him without having to sew and alter his pants. SD has the opposite problem. She's also average height, but much "thicker", to put it nicely, than average. So to fit her waist, the pants are too long. By the time she's growing into the length, she's busting out of the waist. When she was 3 (before I got her and slimmed her down) she was wearing a size 5/6 pant and having to have the bottom 6 inches of the pant leg hemmed up.
BS is tall and lean too..... Not nearly as bad as SS though. We just make sure to get him the pants with the adjustable elastic waist and he's fine.
Oh I forgot that you
Oh I forgot that you mentioned that BM still feeds him! I am hoping its not like baby food! I know here on nights where its spaghetti or something messy, I make her wear a towel or a bib because she will get food everywhere!
A high chair?? Katie
A high chair??
Can't help you there. I was
Can't help you there. I was always small for my age as a child. My bios were "average" sized.
The Behemoth on the other hand is an AMAZON and all three of her kids are extremely large and look much, much older than they really are. Prince Hygiene was almost my height before he turned 7. (I'm 5' 3")
SD11 is very small...short
SD11 is very small...short and very skinny. I truly believe it is because she eats so terribly. Her friends are so much bigger than her..she looks and acts like a much younger child...she still rides in the grocery cart and lays completely on top of or in the chair next to her dad demanding sometimes he rock her like an infant.
My ss14, despite being so
My ss14, despite being so small wants to eat constantly. He is almost obsessed with food it seems. However, I've really noticed in the few weeks we've had him full time is that he wants to graze. Put an awesome meal in front of him and he'll say, "My medication makes me not want to eat"-but if we allow him to he will graze all day-every 30 minutes or so he will want a snack-his snacks are relatively healthy as we dont have tons of junk here-but I really do think it is almost obsessive in nature. We can have dinner and literally 15 minutes later he will ask for a snack. One of my other kids will say, "SS you just ate!" and he will say, "Oh, I forgot".
Oh my yes...SD11 is obsessed
Oh my yes...SD11 is obsessed with food too. She too doesn't eat regular meals ever unless it is fast food or something from the freezer and then she only eats a couple bites...30 minutes later she is eating a couple bites of some other kind of junk. I agree it is almost OCD with her and food. She will not even be at home and text or call her father to ask what "we" (her included when she isn't even there)are having for's an everyday thing several times in a day.
My BD is almost 8. We hv the
My BD is almost 8. We hv the same probs, as she is short & thin. Very active child!!
I found a clothes (pant, shorts, skirts, etc) solution!!! I buy her clothes from Justice for Girls. They have adjustble pants (inside the waist bands). So now I buy them to fit length & adjust the waiste. Ive also found them from Kholes & Old Navy. What a lifesaver!!
My daughter is prob going to be alot like me, petite. I think Childrens Place has the pants too. Just thought Id pass this info to you all. Hopefully it will help someone else out.
SD10 can wear the same
SD10 can wear the same clothes as DD6. SD10 is taller but extremely small for her age.
I've never shopped for clothes for SD but my MIL has said SD gets most of her clothes at a few shops that cater to asian community. The sizes run a lot smaller.
My 4 year old is bigger then
My 4 year old is bigger then SS8! Even his (almost) 7 year old sister is bigger then he is. He wears like a size 5, SO makes fun of him though because his head is completely misproportioned with his body, he says he has a bobble head. lol