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doingmybest's picture

I'm new and kinda confused by the lingo. What is DH and SS? And what does O mean? Sm and Bm and such are pretty easy, and the term skids is very amusing! I someone can clue me in, I'd be thankful.

melis070179's picture

DH is darling or dear husband...SS is stepson, SD is stepdaughter...never saw O before...on the left hand side of your screen under FAQ I think the terms are still listed in there.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

doingmybest's picture

Thanks! Right after I posted I found a simimar post and got my answers. Always read before you ask questions!

luckykell's picture

I'm sure you've seen it by now, but that was like figuring out a puzzle! Haha, O = other (SO is significant other) Smile I was just proud of figuring that out! haha

bella-anima's picture

I've read the F.A.Q list, and am still lost on some abbre. FDH? FSD? I know DH is Darling Husband and SD is Step Daughter...but what is the F?