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I took back my place!

momagainfor4's picture

My bf's daughter (12) came to stay with us during the holiday break. We picked her up and went to my bf's bro's house for Christmas day. My bf rushed us out of the house so fast we didn't even have time to open our gifts before we left. He was in a frenzy.
I just blew it off bc I knew he was just anxious to get on the road and see his family.
The day started off with the sd creating drama about all the gifts she got including her new designer purse and the newest cell phone. She couldn't stay off the phone.
I was apalled that they felt that the kid needed a new phone when the one she had was fine. New bike, new skates, new clothes. She had a pretty decent haul before my bf even presented his gifts.
His family gave her money and some gifts. Plus bf's dad gave her 2 pairs of shoes and money. She was bragging about all the money on the way home.
At some point she made my bf mad bc she was in the bathroom texting her mom. He has said that this has to stop bc it interferes with his parenting time which is short.

I finally asked in the car on the way home if something was wrong bc I really thought I'd done someone since he was being so grouchy. He confided later that it was not me.

The big thing I had a problem with this time during the visit was the sd's rudeness, interrupting us all the time and her hanging all over my bf when we all sit down to watch a movie.

The first night, I sat in my usual spot on the sofa with my bf, he sat down with me and we proceeded to watch a movie. About halfway through, the sd inserted herself into the tiny space between him and his end of the sofa.
I ended up having to move down and you know how that goes. Finally, after a bathroom break, I came back into the room to see that now there was really not a lot of space for me on the sofa. So I stupidly sat on the loveseat.

I will admit this was a dumb move for me. I should have horned my way back in where I belonged.

I sat there for a few mins watching the movie that I had seen a 100 times but that I really liked. Finally, when it was over, I exited to the room, I was ill from watching the sd fill my spot on the sofa with her dad.

I guess what irked me the most was that I had been sitting there with him, he had thrown my legs over his. Well, later when I ventured a look..she was sitting there in the exact same position. Not his doing but her's.
It annoys me that she sits down in the exact same position with her legs about 2 inches from his balls. I mean.. really??

I went to my room and went to bed.

Moving on to the next night.. pretty much the same thing happened. She was all over him when it came time for movie night. We did go to a friend's dinner party and the sd acted as she normally she's 6 -8 instead of 12.

I had to actually call my bf on the phone toward the end of the party bc he had disappeared for over an hour.

Oh.... they were outside talking. A heart to heart he called it. Apparently, the sd finally decided to just unload on him about all this stuff. How she was upset that "he made her mom upset". Whatever. BS.

I point out to him that no one cares if he is upset and my listening to the bs he is not doing her any favors. He's only giving credence to their manipulation and bs.

Like I said.. same crap that evening. I stayed in the bedroom and watched tv all evening. At one point, the doorbell rings, my dog jumps up to bark.
As this happens, the sd yells my name out at my door. I'm thinking that there is someone at the door for me.. so I sit up in the bed. At this exact same time I'm trying to watch the last 40 seconds of my tv show, it was pretty intense!!

The sd barges in my room.... says.. hey, what's going on? And starts looking around the room at stuff. As if she's looking for something. I say.. I'm watching my show. What is it? She says... oh nothing. I then realized that the doorbell was her and her dad playing around. And that she's only in there to bother me. So I responded... ok then in a very snappy tone. Still trying to see the ending of my show.

She looks at me then turns and walks out. As she goes into the other room, I hear her talking about me not wanting to be bothered and bring snappy to her.
No feedback from the bf. I think he knew I was at my limit.
He didn't come to bed until almost 1am. I don't even know what time he sent her to bed.

The next day, I decided that I was taking back my space. I'll be damned if I let some 12 year old scooch me out of my place with my bf.

So that whole day I made it my job to be a pain in her ass. I corrected her every time she screwed up or did something stupid. If she interrupted me I walked out of the room. Finally, that evening I was informed that the princess wanted to watch a movie. And he had promised. I then stated to him that it would be nice if he would include me in the decision making process instead of just assuming that I'm a small child and have to follow or do what I'm told.
I think at that moment he realized....oops.. this is not good. So we watched a different movie. Not one that she wanted.
And I sat by my bf. Sd sat on the loveseat pretty much the entire movie until she "got scared". Whatever. I just hate pretenders.

Regardless, things went much better at that point. My bf was kinda irritated at one point and said he thought that I might be being too overly negative. This was after I almost yelled at the kid for stepping on the hose that went from the propane tank to the fire where a huge pot of oil was heating.
I just blew that off and said.. you're trip the er, not mine.

He's improved somewhat. Seems that the disengaging doesn't work as well for me. When I do that then they totally ignore me.
I talked to my bf. Told him that I don't like to be negative but that his daughter doesn't seem to get any correction or discipline from anyone. I explained to him that she does what she wants and when she doesn't get it she throws a huge hissy.
I asked him if that was ok for me to do too?? Because I was tired of feeling like the maid while she was there. She never does any sort of chores whatsoever.

While I think that I probably made the kid really mad bc this means she doesn't own the place. She still did some stuff that really pissed me off too.
She is a spoiled brat. My bf sees that but he still makes excuses. I'm really not worried bc I realize that it won't be long before the crap really hits the fan with little miss brat when she hits the teen years for realz.

Anyways, thank you to several of you who've really supported me and answered my questions. I'm sorry this was so long but I wanted to just get it off my chest and out of my mind. My way of moving past the irritation from her visit. The good thing... I won't have to spend anymore extended time with her until next Christmas!!

Anon2009's picture

Has anyone ever told BF that if he doesn't start parenting SD, that she will suffer as a teen and as an adult? Nobody wants to be associated with someone who has an entitled attitude and no manners.

He is also pitting you two (SD and yourself) against each other by not parenting her. He might think he's choosing SD by letting her get away with her bad behaviors, but in reality, he's choosing the easy way out for himself. Parents can choose both their SOs AND their kids by teaching their kids how to be respectful human beings with manners, and calling said kids out on their bad behaviors. Hopefully SO will realize this.

If he does realize this, and starts parenting her, there are a few possibilities that will happen: 1) SD will eventually not have a relationship with him because she'll be on a huge high from drinking BM's pas koolaid, 2) She'll not want a relationship with SO for some time, but when she does come back, she'll know that civilized behavior is expected of her and will act accordingly towards SO and yourself, or 3) she will start realizing at her young age that if she wants to have a good relationship with Dad, and for things to be better for her in life, she needs to start changing some of her behaviors and attitudes, and apologize to you.

If he doesn't come to that realization, his daughter's attitude and feelings of entitlement will definitely increase tenfold.

momagainfor4's picture

I completely agree with you. We've had several discussions about his "parenting" skills. I think it all stems from him being afraid that if he does parent.. which we all know is not always easy and you can't always wear the white hat...he will lose her affection or that her mom will somehow poison the water against him even more.

He and the mom were never married. She has jerked him around pretty much the whole 12 years and he's taken scraps.

He is making baby steps and I'm proud of him for that. He does realize that something does need to change.

Being the mom of a 22, 21 & 19 year old, I know how quickly things can get out of hand with a teen.

Esp girls... there is just something about that age that they start backtalking and being catty. You gotta be right on it or it's a lost cause. I don't put up with that kinda crap from my kids. And I'm not putting up with it from his.

I did tell him that by listening to her incessant rambling like it's the most profound conversation in the world is only making her think that stupid crap is interesting. The rest of the world is going to be telling her how stupid and shallow she is. Teach her that when you have something to say say it. But not to just ramble to hear yourself yak. Which she does, constantly. I guess that is what annoys me the most is the never ending talking she does about ridiculous stuff. And he acts like it's the solution to world peace.

Plus, when she keeps don't answer her back. Her dumb questions are meant to derail the conversation. So that she can then control it.

As a parent, I am known as the queen of the last word. Don't do it. My daughter even told her one day..oh, just do yourself a favor and don't go there with my mom.

I'm not saying things are going to be great. But I am going to do my part to make him see that she will be a blabbering idiot and tramp if he doesn't step up to the plate!!!

EyesOfaStranger's picture

It's pretty grose her mocking your behavior the way she throws her legs in his lap... Why does this not set off alarms for him?! She is NOT his girlfriend/ wife.. She's his daughter. She has a place and it's not snuggled in daddy's lap anymore. She's not 3. And HE needs to be the one to tell her that's not appropriate. HE needs to teach her boundaries and also respect for other people's "personal space". A hug is fine. Sitting next to him on the couch is fine, not all up on him!! Yuck!!! Ask him how he would feel if the neighbor man, or a male friend of his came over and she was all over him like that?!? One job of a parent is to teach their children appropriate behavior!! You need to confront him about this and he needs to put a stop to it!!! Hope you can make him understand! If not I would be confronting her myself! How bout this.... "hey SD that is very inappropriate of you to be hanging all over a grown man like that... He's your father not your lover. Someday when you are married you can hang all over your man. This man is mine. It's ok for u to sit next to dad and to hug him, but you are in his personal space and THAT'S NOT OK!"
I feel for you! That would piss me off too but I would NOT just sit back and let that happen!! If Daddy didn't do something I would!!!

momagainfor4's picture

one thing I did mean to add is that she seems to be behind in her social skills which is why I think she hangs all over her dad. I mean, she has very little social skills. We have to tell her how to eat and how to hold her fork and knife. She's 12!!

I blame her mom for this. And the whole food thing is a fiasco. We spend the whole time she's here arguing with her about food.
The other day my bf took the time to prepare some food with her, marinating some meat and seasoning. Cutting up veggies and such. Well, the next day when I cooked the meat and we ate it, it was so salty I could barely eat it, but she acted like it was the best thing she's ever had. She ate a helping plus some. Ok, so the 2nd helping was just for show and she wasted a half of cup of rice with the meat. At least she ate!
Still, not every freaking meal is a effing production!!!
I can't stand that we can't have a conversation where she doesn't pipe in with what her mom does, what her grandma does.. what her stepdad does. So & so has tons of those. She loves those blah blah blah!!
I know I'm preaching to the choir on this one, but why? It just proves how socially defunct she is... she just switched from a private catholic school to a public school and I'm surprised someone hasn't made fun of her for being such a baby.

She won't even eat a sandwich..... they don't have sandwiches.. they have leftovers. Well, if you don't eat that sandwich then you'll be eating the leftover sandwich tomorrow miss priss!!

unsure99's picture

We are living the same life!! It's crazy!! My BF has a daughter that is 13 and I swear she sounds just like your FSD. She clings to her daddy, I mean she is his shadow, she has to sit by him on the couch all the time, she hangs all over him. It is disgusting. I just get up and leave the room or move to another chair. I refuse to sit with them. I don't want to be a part of their threesome!! And that is exactly what it feels like. I know when I was 13 I did not do my dad the way she does. I stayed in my room, watching TV, listening to music, on the phone and guess what I was in a broken home too!! My BF fixes her whatever she wants to eat, cuts up her meat, fixes her drink. He is her personal maid. I refuse to do any of it. My 4 year old granddaughter is way more independent than the 13 year old!!