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The Second Wife's Bill of Rights

notthebradybunch6's picture

1.) When you asked me to marry you, you asked me to share your life with you. I will not share you with your ex-wife or mother. You are my husband. My happiness will always be your priority just like your happiness is my priority.

2.) All the children in our home are equally important. Yours, mine, ours. Their health, well being and happiness is a priority for both of us. Equally important is the development of these children into well adjusted adults. This development requires rules, structure and respect. If you can’t show me respect, how do expect the children to?

3.) What goes on inside our house comes from decisions made by you, my husband, and myself, your wife. NO ONE else gets to make rules for how things run in our house.

4.) As your wife I deserve honesty. The same honesty I give to you freely. If you lie to me about decisions you have made with your ex-wife or mother you are showing me that you do not value me as your team mate, do not value me as your wife.

5.) Making me feel important and special is your job. Making you feel important and special is my job.

6.) We have a right to a shared future, a future that we plan TOGETHER.

7.) Our financial health is the responsibility of both of us. Decisions about our finances are decisions we make together.

8.) No one individual will dictate the nutritional diet in our home. The nutritional diet will be based on the well being of those residing in the home.

9.) Chores in the house will be shared. If one person cooks the other person does the dishes. All children in the home age 8 and older will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining sanitary conditions in the house.

10.) Scheduling of holidays and vacations are an effort of the husband and wife team.

Ommy's picture

11) any breaking of these rights gives you the right to sleep on the couch....

I just had to create a punishment

notthebradybunch6's picture

I agree with you, but you have to admit the status of the second wife deserve's a bill of rights, I found as a first wife it was not nearly as hard to get my first husband to treat me as a wife.

notthebradybunch6's picture

I completely agree with you, but my hope is if we can get these 10 "passed" respect will be the by product.