Is she crazy or just trying to get attention?
So SD13 lives at home for troubled youth and has lots of visits home. Her latest thing is she is provoking roommate in the middle of the night and threatening to hurt her. When other girl told on her, my SD13 says she was "pretending to be possessed", but she says she really does her voices (imaginary friend even has a name) that tell her to hurt herself and others. She said back in May and June that she heard voices also, went to treatment, ended up at place she is at now. Her shrink and staff are saying don't buy into it, she just wants attention, etc. I agree that is most likely the case, but... I have 2 small children here. I feel really torn about how to react. Do I just keep my mouth shut and let DH and them talk to her about it and not make a big deal about it, or do I need ot protect my bios in case she is really capable of hurting someone? We haven't been leaving her alone in the room with me or kids for a few months because of her ridiculous lies, but now I feel even more scared. What should I do? She is coming home for 3 days and then 2 full weeks this month!
Absolutely protect your
Absolutely protect your children! regardless if she is attention seeking or truly disturbed. Either way she is a loose cannon and that is scary ndangerous when you have little ones that cannot protect themselves. Is she on medication? Perhaps she should be...mental illness untreated can be very dangerous. God bless you honey, she would not be alone with my children under any circumstances. God bless, I will say a prayer for you all. This is not easy to deal with....
How old are your little ones,
How old are your little ones, and will SD have her own room when she visits?
18 months and 4yrs and yes,
18 months and 4yrs and yes, she has her own room
I'd stick to making sure that
I'd stick to making sure that they aren't left alone together, like you've been doing. But now I'd be concerned with her overnight behavior, as well. Can you imagine her getting up in the middle of the night to harass the little ones? I'd make sure she has a set bedtime for her visit. Lights out and door closed at whatever time, and she may not leave her room until morning when you fetch her for breakfast. She won't like it, but tell her you have no choice since she's started this crap with her roommate.
What about if she has to
What about if she has to pee??? She is actually in the basement and there is a door to come upstairs. Maybe Dh should put a lock on that door so she can't come up here until he lets her. That gives her access to the bathroom. Our bedroom and the little ones are up here.
Wanting to get attention or
Wanting to get attention or not, I wouldn't have her overnight. It seems like in these situations (trust me I'm not judging just going on knowledge)that people wait until someone actually gets hurt, then go through the tortuous "what ifs". Your kids are too young to fight her off, and anyway wouldn't be able to if she suprised them when they were sleeping.