O/T What's On Your Christmas List?
Just for fun, I'm curious as to what is on your fantasy Christmas wishlist (other than for our BM's to disappear or for our skids to be shipped to boarding school, of course). }:) I have a fancy camera on my wish list. Hopefully I can leave enough hints for DH around the house.
I really don't have a thing
I really don't have a thing on my list, and it's making my SO mad. I don't want to waste money on gifts, when there are so many things I want done on our new house. Think I can convince him to get me new carpet or granite countertops for Christmas??
I totally agree! How about a
I totally agree! How about a new shower-head? You can wrap one of those. I want one of those rainfall ones. Mmmm....
I really wanted one of those
I really wanted one of those rainfall shower heads a couple years ago so I bought it for a white elephant gift exchange and then made sure I ended up with it! That's probably cheating but I have no regrets.
I cheat all the time at white
I cheat all the time at white elephant and my mom, dad and I always team up to get what we want, now I have FDH, and two SD's to use for my plan!!!
I just got a new couch and tv
I just got a new couch and tv so I'm pretty happy. Thinking I might like one of those kindle fire's or nook's.
Wow, I am moved reading about
Wow, I am moved reading about your dad. He sounds like an amazing person. Thanks for posting this.
I love this. Thank you. God
I love this. Thank you. God bless you, your father and your family.
Oh now you've done it. Gone
Oh now you've done it. Gone and made me cry. Blessings to you and your family. You are right - you already have everything in life worth having if you have a loving family. Thanks for reminding us.
Fantasy List: A trip home to
Fantasy List:
A trip home to see my parents. My Mum has breathing problrms and just got out of hospital. 2 years ago we nearly lost my Dad. They are 71 and 78 and only getting older. I miss them every day.
Reality List:
A years subscription to Nutrasystem.
An Amazon giftcard for more books for my Kindle
And the topper is... DH paid the last payment on CS this month! The very last final never to be paid another cent payment. And to celebrate, DH is getting a new vehicle. This time and SUV!
My Christmas list : For ALL
My Christmas list :
For ALL the BM/stepkids in ALL of our lives to give us no drama, no hassles, no well nothing for the week of Christmas to News Years! To finish up this year and to start the new one free of drama.
I also don't care much about
I also don't care much about actual Christmas gifts...I asked DH if we really had to spend so much money on each other and he said yes. Why??
What I REALLY would love would be for DH to be in a good mood, and it to last for a while. Sure our home needs to be remodeled and his job is unstable, and it sucks to shell out so much money to BM, but we have each other, we have our beautiful baby boy, we have another on the way, and we'll be ok whatever happens. Why can't we spend the day(s) appreciating that?
I wouldn't mind some granite counters either!
My DH and I are not planning
My DH and I are not planning on exchanging gifts. We were thinking about going away for Christmas Eve/Day, just the 2 of us. But we really have everything we want and need in each other.
(But I did ask my mom for a Kindle Fire . . . )
I'd like the book Stepmonster
I'd like the book Stepmonster that I keep hearing about.
I would love a fancy camera, but that won't happen-which I'm fine with. I really just want this year to be over!! I lost my mom to cancer this year, and it has been a tough one. So, I'm looking forward to 2012 being a better year.
Thank you so much. I'm also
Thank you so much. I'm also sorry for your loss. I loss my Grandma the same year as you, about a month before. The holidays are the hardest...by far.
A baby of my own, to keep.
A baby of my own, to keep. To be a mom again, to get all the "normal" stuff with a healthy child and watch them grow up. In a normal, peaceful, loving household, with a man who understands and cherishes family. To have everything BM just takes for granted. And to stop being so jealous of women who get to be moms but who are crappy moms.