You Might Be A Stepmom with a PASinator BM and Hateful Skids IF. . .
Your FB account has a longer BLOCK list than a FRIENDS list.
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Your FB account has a longer BLOCK list than a FRIENDS list.
haha.. and some of them are
haha.. and some of them are inlaws
^^^ I blocked my cousin
^^^ I blocked my cousin ^^^
We had babies a month apart, so we were always doing play dates for the kids, but when she moved she kinda lost interest in her daughter and only had interest in her dog...
after 5 years of photos of "pookie" the puppy and none EVER of her daughter, I finally lost it and blocked her when she put the heading "daughter" and POOKIE" and the photo of Pookie but only her daughters feet...
You Might Be A Stepmom with a
You Might Be A Stepmom with a PASinator BM IF. . .
Your skids regularly get texts from BM manipulating them to "pick a favorite parent"
OH NO :jawdrop:
Yep, last year I read
Yep, last year I read it...
"what I'm not your favorite" on SS phone...broke my heat to see it...and SS asked DH to put his phone in the truck for the rest of the night because he doesn't want to see it and wants to just tell mom when she yells at him for not answering that he forgot it in the truck...
You Might Be A Stepmom with a
You Might Be A Stepmom with a PASinator BM and Hateful Skids IF. . .
BM is constantly asking for pics of SK's posing cute or of family events so she can try to pass it off as an experience she shared with them.
ETA: because BM tells everyone else that we never allow her to see SK's.
LOL sounds like my BM. She
LOL sounds like my BM. She also has a "Wall of Fame" with all the kids awards. Awards for work WE did with them. She hasn't done one bit of homework in 5yrs with them or one project. BF says he wants to steal them and bring them to our house.
Hell my BM's cover photo on
Hell my BM's cover photo on FB is a pic of the kids like 2 yrs ago that I took at my house and she stole it off FB. But she has no good current ones, so she's recycling the good ones she stole from me yrs ago. LOL
If the ONE time BM wheels out
If the ONE time BM wheels out money for a pair of glasses for the kid, or a haircut, or medicine, it's only so she can tell the kid, "See? I'M the better parent. Your faaaaaaaather wouldn't pay for this. He MADE me cuz he's spending all HIS money on his neeeeeew family."
ok, one more... You Might Be
ok, one more...
You Might Be A Stepmom with a PASinator BM IF. .
BM forgets to take her kid to a doctors appointment, so she texts her kid and tells them:
"I asked SM to take you but she never replied so its her fault you missed your appointment, not mine for forgetting you"
I never replied because BM is blocked on my phone...and why is it my responsibility to drop everything and take your kids to the doctor?