BM is a loser!!!!
I married a wonderful man 3 years ago, together for 6 years at this point. He had custody of his then 9 year old daughter and has had her solely since she was about 3. When we first met he talked to BM every day and one day I asked how often she talked to her daughter. He said she probably hadn't talked to her in 9 months. What?! U talk to her everyday but she hasn't talked to her own child in 9 months?!!! Doesn't that sound crazy to you? (She lived 1600 miles away and wasn't a threat to me but still that's a little much) Well the daily conversations were totally shut off. She was advised to call when she wanted to talk to her child. When my SD was about 12 she got her own cell so very little convo was needed by my husband and BM. Onto the vent for today...just wanted to give a little background of her mentality.
My 15 yr old SD had a diving accident in school last Tuesday. She dove into shallow water and hit the top of her head on the bottom of the pool. When we picked her up from school she was walking but had some pain in her neck, back and shoulders. We took her immediately to the family doctor. After viweing xrays he opted to have her transported via ambulance to the best med ctr in town. Okay so we are scared. Bottom line at that point: she would be in a neck brace for at least 3 months. She was in the hospital for about 36 hours when I asked her and DH if anyone had called her mom. She said she hadn't, he said he called BM's grandmother and aunt who he figured would get a hold of her. I told him that if this happened to one of my kids I would want to be told. He texted BM immediately. No response. oops, forgot to mention that we now live about 200 miles away from BM now). After we get SD home, he tells me that BM was contacted by his neice the DAY OF THE ACCIDENT and did not call to check on her child. Am I wrong for thinking that this woman is the ultimate loser???!!!
My SD is unfortunately or rather fortunately going to have surgery as the bones in her neck continue to shift even with the brace. I asked if she contacted her mom and she said no so I am not forcing the issue. Am I wrong for that? Please prayer for a successful surgery and her recovery. And Please do advise what you think of BM....I am greatful to an extent that she is not the wench that so many of you have to deal with but really, your kid is in the hospital, you know and don't make the effort to visit her or at the very least call??!! She sickens me but she is STILL her mom.
I believe that BM Nasty is
I believe that BM Nasty is related to your BM...maybe they are cousins. I had the same issue when I met my SO as far as constant calls between him & Nasty but no contact with the SKids...this type of communication has stopped now...THANK GOD! I don't think I would have stuck around if he had insisted on the constant communication with the woman who abandoned his children.
You did the right thing by telling your DH that he needed to contact BM after the accident. Other than that, your SD is now old enough to call her when she wants to talk so there's no need to remind her or ask her about it...unless of course you want to be nosey & see just how crappy she's being (not that you are in the dark...I suppose if you wanted to be reminded?).
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with asking your SKids if they have spoken to their mom but it is probably a sore point for her, since BM obviously doesn't take an interest in her life, health & well-being. I'd personally not ask about it but instead, have her in counseling to deal with any abandonment issues they may be dealing with.
I'm sorry that your SD has such a crappy BM. My SKids are in a similar boat & it's hard, as SM to know how to handle these situations without going OTT. I take solace in knowing that one day, these women will get their butts kicked by karma. I'm happy that your SD has you in her life to support her the way her BM SHOULD.
Prayers for your SD for a smooth surgery & speedy recovery.
Thanks Anywho. We have had
Thanks Anywho. We have had her in counseling before and frankly she didn't get much out of it because she didnt put much into it. The counselor said she didn't talk a lot which is her nature with adults she is unfamiliar with. I guess I just try to make sure that I mention her BM to her so one day she KNOWS that her mommas behavior is not MY fault. She knows her mom is an addict and pretty much has been all of her life. She does though have some issue at times re: why her mom let her be raised by her dad and has kept 2 or 3 other siblings. I have tried to explain to her that she loved her enuff to try and give her a better chance and that its also likely she had no one else to take and raise the younger siblings. BM is just a mess. I have only seen her twice and I promise u she fits about every stereo type you see on tv re: aging druggies. She wanted SD to visit her this Xmas and DH and I had some concerns but I was talking DH into allowing SD to spend some time with BM because good, bad or ugly that is her mom, which I will never be imply because of DNA. After she was home a few days I explained to SD that this wasn't going to be a good time for her to travel and spend time with BM and she was so ok with that. She's a pretty smart kid and can see things pretty clearly for her age.
I'm glad you understand but I'm sorry that you have to go thru similiar scenarios to get that understanding. I would never abandon my boys (24 and 16 now so not babies) so te concept of that is foreign to me.
Thanks for the support!
Still a mom- -- I think your
Still a mom- -- I think your BM and ours are.related too know such awful.people existed but I never thought I would.personally know one, then raise her kids. BM also has 2 other kids that live her and her boyfriend - happy family. Meanwhile my.SO has been raising his boys without her help (parental or financial )for 8 years because BM took off when SS14 was 5 and SS9 was a baby. I feel.for your SD it can't be easy to have your own mother not care about you. As a biomom now I could.never abandon my child. I miss my. Son when I go to work for 8 hours. I couldn't imagine not seeing him for.months.or years. YourSD is. Better off with you anyways. We both big loser BMs in out situations. It makes our job harder at least your SD has you in her life and doesn't put her mom on a pedistal like my skids. I've realize that
some.people are.just shitty. No explanation and
nothing will change it. I also believe in karma!!!!
The surgery went went well
The surgery went went well and thankfully all seems to be well. The BM has texted my SD (funny she NEVER calls only texts her) and she hasn't shown up at my front door either so YEA!! I was wondering what I would do if she did. I figure I would stay true to myself in that situation and let her take SD somewhere for lunch dinner etc. Sorry she is not welcome here. Am I petty??